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Resolve "add horn sat algorithm"

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@@ -18,23 +18,38 @@ module Term : Dolmen_dimacs.Term
let positify (b,l) =
let one = ref b in
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| h::l ->
if h<0 then begin
one := not !one;
(-h)::(aux l)
end else
h::(aux l)
let l = aux l in
module Statement(Term : Dolmen_dimacs.Term with type t = int) : Dolmen_dimacs.Statement
with type location = Std.Loc.t
and type term = Term.t
and type t = int list
and type t = bool * (int list)
= struct
type location = Std.Loc.t
type term = int
type t = int list
type t = bool * (int list)
let p_cnf ?loc _ _ =
let _ = loc in
let clause ?loc l =
let _ = loc in
positify (false,l)
@@ -44,19 +59,20 @@ module S = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
let parse_file = fun x -> snd (M.parse_file x)
let stmt_to_string = print_list (print_list string_of_int)
let stmt_to_string = print_list (fun (b,l) -> "("^(string_of_bool b)^print_list string_of_int l^")")
let flatten (l: int list list) =
let rec aux : int list list -> int list list = function
let flatten (l : (bool * int list) list) =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| []::l -> []::(aux l)
| (n,[])::l -> (n,[])::(aux l)
| [l] -> [l]
| [x]::l -> [x]::(aux l)
| (h::t)::l -> (
let not_t = (fun x -> -x) t in
aux (
(fun x -> List.flatten ( (fun x -> if x = h then not_t else [x]) x))
| ((_,[_]) as clause)::l -> (positify clause)::(aux l)
| ((_,_::_) as clause)::l -> (
let (b,not_t) = positify clause in
let foo = aux (
(fun (n,x) -> positify (n <> b,List.flatten ( (fun x -> if x = h then not_t else [x]) x)))
l) in
) in
aux l
@@ -72,19 +88,22 @@ let add_unsat_duplicate (trace : string list ref) (x : int) =
let buffer = Buffer.create 100 in
Buffer.add_string buffer "UNSAT\n Found duplicate variable :";
Buffer.add_string buffer (string_of_int x);
trace := Buffer.contents buffer::!trace
trace := (Buffer.contents buffer)::!trace
let process (statements: M.statement list) =
let trace : string list ref = ref [stmt_to_string statements] in
let statements = statements in
let trace : string list ref = ref ["Formula to test :"] in
trace := (stmt_to_string statements)::!trace;
let l = flatten statements in
trace := (stmt_to_string l)::!trace;
trace := "Flattened formula :"::!trace;
trace :=(stmt_to_string l)::!trace;
(*TODO fix*)
let rec aux seen (l : M.statement list): int list =
add_state trace seen l;
match l with
| [] -> List.of_seq (S.to_seq seen)
| [ll] ->
| [(b,ll)] ->
List.fold_left (fun seen x ->
if S.mem x seen then (
add_unsat_duplicate trace x; failwith "unsat"
@@ -94,13 +113,16 @@ let process (statements: M.statement list) =
|> S.to_seq
|> List.of_seq
| []::_ -> trace := "Empty clause found, UNSAT"::!trace; failwith "unsat"
| [x]::t -> aux (S.add x seen) t
| (_::_)::_ -> failwith "the list is not flattened"
| (b,[])::l ->
if b then begin
trace := "Empty clause found, UNSAT"::!trace; failwith "unsat"
end else aux seen l
| (b,[x])::t -> aux (S.add x seen) t
| (_,_::_)::_ -> failwith "the list is not flattened"
let model = aux S.empty l in
Ok(model,List.rev !trace)
_ -> Error !trace
_ -> Error (List.rev !trace)