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Resolve "add horn sat algorithm"

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let process clauses = Ok ([List.length clauses]) (*TODO*)
open Printf
open Dolmen
open Lib
(** A data structure to store horn clauses efficiently: *)
(* Clauses are modeled by the number of disjoint false hypothesis and the conlusion *)
(* and for every variable p, the list of clause where the variable p appear is maintained *)
(* for example, p1 /\ p2 /\ p2 => p3 is modeled by the clause (2,p3) and the array [| [ref (2,p3)]; [ref (2,p3)]; [] |] *)
(* When the number of false hypothesis of a clause reach zero, the conclusion is propagated: *)
(* if a variable p is propagated, we can iter the corresponding list and decrease the number of false hypothesis for each clause where p appear *)
(* if false is propagated, UNSAT has been reached *)
(* if nothing can be propagated anymore, SAT has been reached *)
module Term : Dolmen_dimacs.Term
with type location = Std.Loc.t
and type t = int
= struct
type location = Std.Loc.t
type t = int
let atom ?loc x = let _ = loc in x
type stat = Clause of int ref * int option | Vars of stat ref list array ref
module Statement(Term : Dolmen_dimacs.Term with type t = int) : Dolmen_dimacs.Statement
with type location = Std.Loc.t
and type term = Term.t
and type t = stat
= struct
type location = Std.Loc.t
type term = int
type t = stat
let vars = ref [||]
let p_cnf ?loc nb_var _ =
let _ = loc in
vars := Array.make (nb_var+1) [];
Vars vars
let clause ?loc l =
let _ = loc
and l = remove_duplicates l
and len = ref 0
and var = ref None in
List.iter (fun t -> if t < 0 then incr len else var := Some t) l;
let clause = Clause (len, !var) in
List.iter (fun t -> if t <0 then (!vars).(-t) <- (ref clause) :: (!vars).(-t)) l;
module M = Dimacs.Make(Std.Loc)(Term)(Statement(Term))
let parse_file = fun x -> snd (M.parse_file x)
let sort_clauses = List.fast_sort (
fun c1 c2 -> match c1,c2 with
| Clause (n1,_), Clause (n2,_) -> compare !n1 !n2
| _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
let to_propagate clauses =
match clauses with
| [] -> false
| Clause (n1,_) :: _ -> !n1 == 0
| _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
let propagate vars assignement p =
if assignement.(p) == false then (
assignement.(p) <- true;
List.iter (
fun c -> match !c with
| Clause (n,_) -> decr n
| _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
) vars.(p)
let get_model assignement =
let n = Array.length assignement in
let model = ref [] in
for i = 1 to n - 1 do
let p = n - i in
if assignement.(p)
then model := p :: !model
else model := (- p) :: !model
(* used for debugging *)
let print_clauses = List.iter (
| Clause (n, Some p) -> printf "(nb: %d, var: %d) " !n p
| Clause (n, None) -> printf "(nb: %d, no var)" !n
| _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
let process statements = match statements with
| Vars vars :: clauses ->
let vars = !vars
and clauses = ref clauses
and assignement = Array.make (Array.length !vars) false
and processing = ref true
and unsat = ref false
and trace = ref [] in
while !processing do
processing := false;
clauses := sort_clauses !clauses;
while to_propagate !clauses && not !unsat do
match !clauses with
| Clause (_, Some p) :: l -> (
processing := true;
clauses := l;
trace := ("propagating " ^ string_of_int p) :: !trace;
propagate vars assignement p
| Clause (_, None) :: _ -> (
trace := "propagating false" :: !trace;
unsat := true
| _ -> failwith "cannot happen"
if !unsat then (
Error(List.rev !trace)
) else (
Ok(get_model assignement, List.rev !trace)
| _ -> failwith "cannot happen"