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Resolve "add horn sat algorithm"

Merged aalbert requested to merge 5-add-horn-sat-algorithm into main
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@@ -91,17 +91,18 @@ let stmt_to_string = print_list (fun (b,l) -> "("^(string_of_bool b)^","^print_l
let flatten nb_var trace (l : (bool * int list) list) =
let _ = nb_var in
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| [] -> []
| (n,[])::l -> (n,[])::(aux l)
| [l] -> [l]
| [l] -> [l]
| (b,[x])::l ->
(*if x is a negative literal, then it's equivalent to -x xor 1, so we can substitute x for 0 in all instances of the rest of the xnf,
(*if x is a negative literal, then it's equivalent to x xor 1, so we can substitute x for 0 in all instances of the rest of the xnf,
which is equivalent to removing x*)
if b then (b,[x])::(aux l) else
if not b then (b,[x])::(aux l) else (
trace := ("propagating "^(string_of_int x))::!trace;
(fun (b,l) -> (b, List.filter (fun y -> x <> y) l))
(aux l))
| (b,h::not_t)::l -> (
let foo = aux
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ let flatten nb_var trace (l : (bool * int list) list) =
positify nb_var (n, List.flatten ( (fun x -> if x = h then (bb := b <> !bb; not_t) else [x]) x))
l) in
trace := ("substituting "^(string_of_int h)^" with "^"~("^(string_of_bool b)^","^print_list string_of_int not_t^") in "^(stmt_to_string l)^":\n"^(stmt_to_string foo))::!trace;
trace := ("substituting "^(string_of_int h)^" with "^"~("^(string_of_bool b)^","^print_list string_of_int not_t^") in "^(stmt_to_string l))::!trace;
) in
aux l
@@ -148,44 +149,22 @@ let process (statements: M.statement list) =
- if there's none, it's sat iff the bool is set to 1*)
let model = Array.make (nb_var+1) false in
let rec aux = function
| [] -> (true,[])
| [b,t] ->
let fb = ref b in
let t = (List.filter
(fun x ->
if x<0 then
failwith "wtf"
if model.(abs x) then begin
fb := not !fb;
end else true
) t) in
| (false,[])::_ ->
trace := "Empty clause found"::!trace;
failwith "unsat"
| (true,[])::l ->
aux l
| (false,[x])::l ->
if x<0 then
failwith "something bad happened"
model.(x) <- true;
aux l
| (_,_::_)::_ ->
failwith "something bad happened"
let rec get_result = function
| [] -> true
| [(b,l)] ->
let bb = ref b in
let l = List.filter (fun x -> if model.(x) then (bb := not !bb; false) else true) l in
if !bb then true
else begin match l with
| [] -> false
| x::_ -> model.(x) <- true; true
| (false, [x])::l -> model.(x) <- true; get_result l
| (true, _)::l -> get_result l
| (false, [])::_ -> print_endline "haa"; false
| (_,h)::_ -> print_endline (print_list string_of_int h); failwith "cannot happen"
match aux l2 with
| (true,[]) -> Ok(model |> to_model ,List.rev !trace)
| (false,[]) -> Error(List.rev !trace)
| (true,_::_) -> Ok(model |> to_model,List.rev !trace)
| (false,h::_) ->
model.(h) <- true;
Ok(model |> to_model, !trace)
_ -> Error (!trace)
if get_result l2
then Ok(model |> to_model, !trace)
else Error(!trace)