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Resolve "add horn sat algorithm"

Merged aalbert requested to merge 5-add-horn-sat-algorithm into main
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@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let parse_file = fun x -> snd (M.parse_file x)
let string_of_set f s =
let res = ref "" in
S.iter (fun x -> res := !res ^f x) s;
S.iter (fun x -> res := !res ^ " " ^ f x) s;
let stmt_to_string =
@@ -80,13 +80,18 @@ let to_model arr =
(* and add or remove 1 to the clause. *)
let positify (b, s) =
let b2 = ref b in
let s2 = (
fun x ->
if x<0 then b2 := not !b2;
abs x
) s
(!b2, s2)
let occ = Hashtbl.create (S.cardinal s) in
S.iter (
fun x ->
if x<0 then b2 := not !b2;
let x = abs x in
if Hashtbl.mem occ x
then Hashtbl.remove occ x
else Hashtbl.add occ (abs x) ();
) s;
let s2 = ref S.empty in
Hashtbl.iter (fun x _ -> s2 := S.add x !s2) occ;
(!b2, !s2)
(* We do as such:
- add all singleton variables in the model represented as an array
@@ -98,7 +103,8 @@ let positify (b, s) =
let intersect s =
List.find_map (fun (_, s2) -> S.choose_opt (S.inter s s2))
let resolve model (b, s) =
let resolve trace model (b, s) =
trace := ("resolving "^(stmt_to_string [(b,s)]))::!trace;
let b2 = ref b in
let s2 = S.filter (fun x -> if model.(x) then (b2 := not !b2; false) else true) s in
if !b2 then true
@@ -117,7 +123,7 @@ let get_result trace model (l : (bool * S.t) list) =
| (true, s)::l when S.cardinal s = 0 -> aux l
| [cl] -> resolve model cl
| [cl] -> resolve trace model cl
| (false, s)::l when S.cardinal s = 1 ->
let x = S.choose s in
@@ -125,7 +131,7 @@ let get_result trace model (l : (bool * S.t) list) =
model.(x) <- true;
aux l
| (false, s)::l when S.cardinal s = 1 ->
| (true, s)::l when S.cardinal s = 1 ->
let x = S.choose s in
trace := ("propagating "^(string_of_int x)^" to false in "^(stmt_to_string l))::!trace;
aux ( (fun (b, s2) -> (b, S.remove x s2)) l)
@@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ let get_result trace model (l : (bool * S.t) list) =
") in "^(stmt_to_string l))::!trace;
aux ( (fun (b2, s2) -> positify (b <> b2, S.union s_x (S.remove x s2))) l)
| None -> resolve model (b, s) && aux l
| None -> resolve trace model (b, s) && aux l
in aux l
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ let process = function
"\nPositified formula:\n"^(stmt_to_string s)) :: !trace;
if get_result trace model s
then Ok(model |> to_model, !trace)
else Error(!trace)
then Ok(model |> to_model, List.rev !trace)
else Error(List.rev !trace)
| _ -> failwith "cannot happen"