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Resolve "add horn sat algorithm"

Merged aalbert requested to merge 5-add-horn-sat-algorithm into main
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@@ -125,22 +125,24 @@ let get_result trace (model : bool option array) (l : (bool * S.t) list) =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> List.fold_left (fun acc (x, (b,c_x)) ->
acc && (
let count = S.cardinal (S.filter (fun x -> model.(x) = Some(true)) c_x) in
let value = b <> ((count mod 2) = 1) in
match model.(x) with
| Some(v) when v = value -> false
| None -> model.(x) <- Some(not value); true
| _ -> true
) true !constraints
| [] ->
trace := ("checking constraints "^(print_list (fun (x,(b,s)) -> (string_of_int x)^"<>"^(stmt_to_string [(b,s)])) !constraints))::!trace;
List.fold_left (fun acc (x, (b,c_x)) ->
acc && (
let count = S.cardinal (S.filter (fun x -> model.(x) = Some(true)) c_x) in
let value = b <> ((count mod 2) = 1) in
match model.(x) with
| Some(v) when v = value -> false
| None -> model.(x) <- Some(not value); true
| _ -> true
) true !constraints
| (false, s)::_ when S.cardinal s = 0 -> false
| (true, s)::l when S.cardinal s = 0 -> aux l
| [cl] -> resolve trace model cl
| [cl] -> resolve trace model cl && aux []
| (false, s)::l when S.cardinal s = 1 ->
let x = S.choose s in
@@ -167,16 +169,15 @@ let get_result trace (model : bool option array) (l : (bool * S.t) list) =
aux ( (fun (b2, s2) ->
let b2 =
if contain x s2
then b = b2
else b2 in
let s3 = S.remove x s2 in
let s4 = S.inter s_x s3 in
let s5 = S.union (S.diff s3 s4) (S.diff s_x s4) in
(b2, s5)
if contain x s2
let b3 = (b = b2) in
let s3 = S.remove x s2 in
let s4 = S.inter s_x s3 in
let s5 = S.union (S.diff s3 s4) (S.diff s_x s4) in
(b3, s5)
(b2, s2)
) l)
| None -> resolve trace model (b, s) && aux l