diff --git a/apps/note/api/views.py b/apps/note/api/views.py
index f230a646dd3240c30c8ed60f5b0ec6011093fa25..fc4a0e8f56695fa9c18b5c5af937d79092e46894 100644
--- a/apps/note/api/views.py
+++ b/apps/note/api/views.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from django.db.models import Q
 from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend
 from rest_framework.filters import OrderingFilter, SearchFilter
 from api.viewsets import ReadProtectedModelViewSet, ReadOnlyProtectedModelViewSet
+from rest_framework import viewsets
 from .serializers import NotePolymorphicSerializer, AliasSerializer, TemplateCategorySerializer, \
     TransactionTemplateSerializer, TransactionPolymorphicSerializer
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ class TemplateCategoryViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
     search_fields = ['$name', ]
-class TransactionTemplateViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
+class TransactionTemplateViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
     REST API View set.
     The djangorestframework plugin will get all `TransactionTemplate` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,
@@ -89,8 +90,9 @@ class TransactionTemplateViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
     queryset = TransactionTemplate.objects.all()
     serializer_class = TransactionTemplateSerializer
-    filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
+    filter_backends = [SearchFilter, DjangoFilterBackend]
     filterset_fields = ['name', 'amount', 'display', 'category', ]
+    search_fields = ['$name', ]
 class TransactionViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
diff --git a/apps/note/tables.py b/apps/note/tables.py
index b9dac051f7bc902a232479b7bcef8fbd9c9cbb74..20054d2cf52fbb79a2dfd277b3bab0243dcd0c18 100644
--- a/apps/note/tables.py
+++ b/apps/note/tables.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from django_tables2.utils import A
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
 from .models.notes import Alias
-from .models.transactions import Transaction
+from .models.transactions import Transaction, TransactionTemplate
 from .templatetags.pretty_money import pretty_money
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ class HistoryTable(tables.Table):
         return "✔" if value else "✖"
+# function delete_button(id) provided in template file
+    <button id="{{ record.pk }}" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="delete_button(this.id)"> {{ delete_trans }}</button>
 class AliasTable(tables.Table):
     class Meta:
         attrs = {
@@ -69,9 +75,41 @@ class AliasTable(tables.Table):
     show_header = False
     name = tables.Column(attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-center'}})
+    # delete = tables.TemplateColumn(template_code=delete_template,
+    #                                attrs={'td':{'class': 'col-sm-1'}})
     delete = tables.LinkColumn('member:user_alias_delete',
                                    'td': {'class': 'col-sm-2'},
                                    'a': {'class': 'btn btn-danger'}},
                                text='delete', accessor='pk')
+class ButtonTable(tables.Table):
+    class Meta:
+        attrs = {
+            'class':
+                'table table-bordered condensed table-hover'
+        }
+        row_attrs = {
+            'class': lambda record: 'table-row ' + 'table-success' if record.display else 'table-danger',
+            'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk),
+            'data-href': lambda record: record.pk
+        }
+        model = TransactionTemplate
+    edit = tables.LinkColumn('note:template_update',
+                             args=[A('pk')],
+                             attrs={'td': {'class': 'col-sm-1'},
+                                    'a': {'class': 'btn btn-primary'}},
+                             text=_('edit'),
+                             accessor='pk')
+    delete = tables.TemplateColumn(template_code=DELETE_TEMPLATE,
+                                   extra_context={"delete_trans": _('delete')},
+                                   attrs={'td': {'class': 'col-sm-1'}})
+    def render_amount(self, value):
+        return pretty_money(value)
diff --git a/apps/note/urls.py b/apps/note/urls.py
index fea911f6ac5ebdeaa871240fe56c764d024db675..59316069479d84f980aba8d64ae9fe206db10dbc 100644
--- a/apps/note/urls.py
+++ b/apps/note/urls.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from .models import Note
 app_name = 'note'
 urlpatterns = [
-    path('transfer/', views.TransactionCreate.as_view(), name='transfer'),
+    path('transfer/', views.TransactionCreateView.as_view(), name='transfer'),
     path('buttons/create/', views.TransactionTemplateCreateView.as_view(), name='template_create'),
     path('buttons/update/<int:pk>/', views.TransactionTemplateUpdateView.as_view(), name='template_update'),
     path('buttons/', views.TransactionTemplateListView.as_view(), name='template_list'),
diff --git a/apps/note/views.py b/apps/note/views.py
index 84df2bd7c7e57320c08fb3c80121fcde3489b8a0..ddf5ee6f10e0806b900ae6a415f10a26e501d9f1 100644
--- a/apps/note/views.py
+++ b/apps/note/views.py
@@ -6,22 +6,25 @@ from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
 from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
 from django.db.models import Q
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
-from django.views.generic import CreateView, ListView, UpdateView
+from django.views.generic import CreateView, UpdateView
 from django_tables2 import SingleTableView
+from django.urls import reverse_lazy
 from permission.backends import PermissionBackend
 from .forms import TransactionTemplateForm
 from .models import Transaction, TransactionTemplate, Alias, RecurrentTransaction, NoteSpecial
 from .models.transactions import SpecialTransaction
-from .tables import HistoryTable
+from .tables import HistoryTable, ButtonTable
-class TransactionCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
+class TransactionCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
-    Show transfer page
+    View for the creation of Transaction between two note which are not :models:`transactions.RecurrentTransaction`.
+    e.g. for donation/transfer between people and clubs or for credit/debit with :models:`note.NoteSpecial`
     template_name = "note/transaction_form.html"
+    model = Transaction
     # Transaction history table
     table_class = HistoryTable
     table_pagination = {"per_page": 50}
@@ -46,13 +49,14 @@ class TransactionCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
 class NoteAutocomplete(autocomplete.Select2QuerySetView):
-    Auto complete note by aliases
+    Auto complete note by aliases. Used in every search field for note
+    ex: :view:`ConsoView`, :view:`TransactionCreateView`
     def get_queryset(self):
-        Quand une personne cherche un alias, une requête est envoyée sur l'API dédiée à l'auto-complétion.
-        Cette fonction récupère la requête, et renvoie la liste filtrée des aliases.
+        When someone look for an :models:`note.Alias`, a query is sent to the dedicated API.
+        This function handles the result and return a filtered list of aliases.
         #  Un utilisateur non connecté n'a accès à aucune information
         if not self.request.user.is_authenticated:
@@ -81,6 +85,10 @@ class NoteAutocomplete(autocomplete.Select2QuerySetView):
         return qs
     def get_result_label(self, result):
+        """
+        Show the selected alias and the username associated
+        <Alias> (aka. <Username> )
+        """
         # Gère l'affichage de l'alias dans la recherche
         res = result.name
         note_name = str(result.note)
@@ -89,7 +97,9 @@ class NoteAutocomplete(autocomplete.Select2QuerySetView):
         return res
     def get_result_value(self, result):
-        # Le résultat renvoyé doit être l'identifiant de la note, et non de l'alias
+        """
+        The value used for the transactions will be the id of the Note.
+        """
         return str(result.note.pk)
@@ -99,14 +109,15 @@ class TransactionTemplateCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
     model = TransactionTemplate
     form_class = TransactionTemplateForm
+    success_url = reverse_lazy('note:template_list')
-class TransactionTemplateListView(LoginRequiredMixin, ListView):
+class TransactionTemplateListView(LoginRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
     List TransactionsTemplates
     model = TransactionTemplate
-    form_class = TransactionTemplateForm
+    table_class = ButtonTable
 class TransactionTemplateUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView):
@@ -114,11 +125,13 @@ class TransactionTemplateUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView):
     model = TransactionTemplate
     form_class = TransactionTemplateForm
+    success_url = reverse_lazy('note:template_list')
 class ConsoView(LoginRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
-    Consume
+    The Magic View that make people pay their beer and burgers.
+    (Most of the magic happens in the dark world of Javascript see consos.js)
     template_name = "note/conso_form.html"
diff --git a/apps/permission/fixtures/initial.json b/apps/permission/fixtures/initial.json
index 3ca2b2486f40906e3e3c686b43c7bf750f4c1398..4c7de16d5bf5bb5c046cff28546bb81b477ec9b9 100644
--- a/apps/permission/fixtures/initial.json
+++ b/apps/permission/fixtures/initial.json
@@ -650,4 +650,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/permission/permissions.py b/apps/permission/permissions.py
index d9816a63ad0d3bad0dc13ca3e5af8449fbc32f62..9f6d8cd22c6cc85f60b4c0dd005406d919283bcd 100644
--- a/apps/permission/permissions.py
+++ b/apps/permission/permissions.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 from rest_framework.permissions import DjangoObjectPermissions
+from .backends import PermissionBackend
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ class StrongDjangoObjectPermissions(DjangoObjectPermissions):
         user = request.user
         perms = self.get_required_object_permissions(request.method, model_cls)
-        if not user.has_perms(perms, obj):
+        # if not user.has_perms(perms, obj):
+        if not all(PermissionBackend().has_perm(user, perm, obj) for perm in perms):
             # If the user does not have permissions we need to determine if
             # they have read permissions to see 403, or not, and simply see
             # a 404 response.
diff --git a/apps/scripts b/apps/scripts
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9fdced3c2ce34168b8f0d6004a20a69ca16e0de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/scripts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit b9fdced3c2ce34168b8f0d6004a20a69ca16e0de
diff --git a/note_kfet/settings/base.py b/note_kfet/settings/base.py
index 84bd324914b14a058ddb292d6e4e8da8d6e73482..d49b25424258dc73b5e2ae336b88727c0f50f3b9 100644
--- a/note_kfet/settings/base.py
+++ b/note_kfet/settings/base.py
@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ PASSWORD_HASHERS = [
     'permission.backends.PermissionBackend',  # Custom role-based permission system
-    'cas.backends.CASBackend',  # For CAS connections
diff --git a/templates/base.html b/templates/base.html
index 384535b2acdca1998c3d99faf25d85095d3259e7..62fc9c58c8732a692cfa201cc2145b0eece7940c 100644
--- a/templates/base.html
+++ b/templates/base.html
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
                         <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'note:consos' %}"><i class="fa fa-coffee"></i> {% trans 'Consumptions' %}</a>
                 {% endif %}
+                    <li class="nav-item active">
+                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'note:transfer' %}"><i class="fa fa-exchange"></i>{% trans 'Transfer' %} </a>
+                    </li>
                 {% if "member.club"|not_empty_model_list %}
                     <li class="nav-item active">
                         <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'member:club_list' %}"><i class="fa fa-users"></i> {% trans 'Clubs' %}</a>
@@ -89,14 +92,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
                         <a class="nav-link" href="#"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> {% trans 'Activities' %}</a>
                 {% endif %}
-                {% if "note.transactiontemplate"|not_empty_model_change_list %}
-                    <li class="nav-item active">
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'note:template_list' %}"><i class="fa fa-coffee"></i> {% trans 'Buttons' %}</a>
-                    </li>
-                {% endif %}
-                <li class="nav-item active">
-                    <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'note:transfer' %}"><i class="fa fa-exchange"></i>{% trans 'Transfer' %} </a>
-                </li>
                 {% if "treasury.invoice"|not_empty_model_change_list %}
                     <li class="nav-item active">
                         <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'treasury:invoice_list' %}"><i class="fa fa-money"></i>{% trans 'Treasury' %} </a>
diff --git a/templates/note/transaction_form.html b/templates/note/transaction_form.html
index 347db0564cc7609d9de55b373b4bbe81e161b62d..d2cd85e9e269ea4b1a5e0f7c5fdaa0a5760ce419 100644
--- a/templates/note/transaction_form.html
+++ b/templates/note/transaction_form.html
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
     <div class="row">
+        <div class="col-xl-4" id="note_infos_div">
+            <div class="card border-success shadow mb-4">
+                <img src="/media/pic/default.png"
+                    id="profile_pic" alt="" class="img-fluid rounded mx-auto d-block">
+                <div class="card-body text-center">
+                    <span id="user_note"></span>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </div>
         <div class="col-md-4" id="emitters_div" style="display: none;">
             <div class="card border-success shadow mb-4">
                 <div class="card-header">
@@ -50,16 +60,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-        <div class="col-xl-4" id="note_infos_div">
-            <div class="card border-success shadow mb-4">
-                <img src="/media/pic/default.png"
-                    id="profile_pic" alt="" class="img-fluid rounded mx-auto d-block">
-                <div class="card-body text-center">
-                    <span id="user_note"></span>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
         {% if "note.notespecial"|not_empty_model_list %}
             <div class="col-md-4" id="external_div" style="display: none;">
                 <div class="card border-success shadow mb-4">
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
         $("#type_transfer").click(function() {
-            $("#emitters_div").show();
+            $("#emitters_div").show();
             $("#dests_div").attr('class', 'col-md-4');
             $("#dest_title").text("{% trans "Select receivers" %}");
diff --git a/templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html b/templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html
index 4960023694b30179bc3423c30c4a451fa3642a8b..043a06e990c92b99665e5bf9a025f114f3a07f05 100644
--- a/templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html
+++ b/templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html
@@ -1,23 +1,79 @@
 {% extends "base.html" %}
 {% load pretty_money %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load render_table from django_tables2 %}
 {% block content %}
+<div class="row justify-content-center mb-4">
+    <div class="col-md-10 text-center">
+        <h4>
+            {% trans "search button" %}
+        </h4>
+        <input class="form-control mx-auto w-25" type="text" onkeyup="search_field_moved();return(false);" id="search_field"/>
+        <hr>
+        <a class="btn btn-primary text-center my-4" href="{% url 'note:template_create' %}">Créer un bouton</a>
+    </div>
+<div class="row justify-content-center">   
+    <div class="col-md-10">
+        <div class="card card-border shadow">
+            <div class="card-header text-center">
+                <h5> {% trans "buttons listing "%}</h5>
+            </div>
+            <div class="card-body px-0 py-0" id="buttons_table">
+                {% render_table table %}
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+{% endblock %}
-<table class="table">
-    <td>Destinataire</td>
-    <td>Montant</td>
-    <td>Catégorie</td>
-{% for object in object_list %}
-    <td>{{object.pk}}</td>
-    <td><a href="{{object.get_absolute_url}}">{{ object.name }}</a></td>
-    <td>{{ object.destination }}</td>
-    <td>{{ object.amount | pretty_money }}</td>
-    <td>{{ object.category }}</td>
-{% endfor %}
-<a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'note:template_create' %}">Créer un bouton</a>
+{% block extrajavascript %}
+/* fonction appelée à la fin du timer */
+function getInfo() {
+    var asked = $("#search_field").val();
+    /* on ne fait la requête que si on a au moins un caractère pour chercher */
+    var sel = $(".table-row");
+    if (asked.length >= 1) {
+        $.getJSON("/api/note/transaction/template/?format=json&search="+asked, function(buttons){
+            let selected_id = buttons.results.map((a => "#row-"+a.id));
+            console.log(selected_id.join());
+            $(".table-row,"+selected_id.join()).show();
+            $(".table-row").not(selected_id.join()).hide();
+        });
+    }else{
+        // show everything
+        $('table tr').show();
+    }       
+var timer;
+var timer_on;
+/* Fontion appelée quand le texte change (délenche le timer) */
+function search_field_moved(secondfield) {
+    if (timer_on) { // Si le timer a déjà été lancé, on réinitialise le compteur.
+        clearTimeout(timer);
+        timer = setTimeout("getInfo(" + secondfield + ")", 300);
+    }
+    else { // Sinon, on le lance et on enregistre le fait qu'il tourne.
+        timer = setTimeout("getInfo(" + secondfield + ")", 300);
+        timer_on = true;
+    }
+// on click of button "delete" , call the API 
+ function delete_button(button_id){
+     $.ajax({
+         url:"/api/note/transaction/template/"+button_id+"/",
+         method:"DELETE",
+         headers: {"X-CSRFTOKEN": CSRF_TOKEN}
+     })
+      .done(function(){
+          addMsg('{% trans "button successfully deleted "%}','success');
+          $("#buttons_table").load("{% url 'note:template_list' %} #buttons_table");
+      })
+      .fail(function(){
+          addMsg(' {% trans "Unable to delete button "%} #' + button_id,'danger' )
+      });
+ }
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/registration/login.html b/templates/registration/login.html
index 5a4322d138ea110f8089d6c9a928d579740f476c..175d37e0d1a4260510c858b6693b4059bace23ea 100644
--- a/templates/registration/login.html
+++ b/templates/registration/login.html
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
             {% endblocktrans %}
     {% endif %}
+    {%url 'cas_login'  as cas_url %}
+    {% if cas_url %}
     <div class="alert alert-info">
-        Vous pouvez aussi vous connecter via l'authentification centralisée <a href="{% url 'cas_login' %}">en suivant ce lien.</a>
+        {% trans "You can also register via the central authentification server " %}
+         <a href="{{ cas_url }}"> {% trans "using this link "%}</a>
+    {%endif%}
     <form action="{{ app_path }}" method="post" id="login-form">{% csrf_token %}
         {{ form | crispy }}
         <input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Log in' %}" class="btn btn-primary">