From 5f082742d60df73e1a3f3e4fb7441a05cc8e6e1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dsac <>
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2022 18:55:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Instantiation and setup for the user (1 admit remains)

 aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/gst.v       |  11 ++
 aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/lst.v       |   8 +
 .../crdt/statelib/proof/internal_specs.v      |  55 +++++++
 aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/spec.v    |  56 ++++---
 .../crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof.v         |  71 +-------
 .../crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof_setup.v   | 152 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../crdt/statelib/resources/resources_inv.v   |  11 +-
 .../statelib/resources/resources_update.v     |   2 +-
 .../crdt/statelib/user_model/params.v         |   4 +-
 9 files changed, 267 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof_setup.v

diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/gst.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/gst.v
index 08a840d..f5821ce 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/gst.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/gst.v
@@ -122,4 +122,15 @@ Section Gst_helper.
     by apply gst_valid_inclusion with f.
+  Lemma gst_init_valid:
+    Gst_Validity ((∅, vreplicate (length CRDT_Addresses) ∅): Gst Op).
+  Proof.
+    split; [ | | apply lst_init_valid | ].
+    - intros x. split; first by intros?.
+      intros[??].
+      by rewrite vlookup_replicate in H0.
+    - intros x. by intros?.
+    - intros ?; rewrite vlookup_replicate. apply lst_init_valid.
+  Qed.
 End Gst_helper.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/lst.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/lst.v
index 01398fc..3fbde7d 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/lst.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/STS/lst.v
@@ -74,4 +74,12 @@ Section Lst_helper.
   Lemma Lst_Validity_implies_same_orig_comparable (s: Lst Op):
     Lst_Validity s → event_set_same_orig_comparable s.
   Proof. by intros []. Qed.
+  Lemma lst_init_valid:
+    Lst_Validity (∅: Lst Op).
+  Proof.
+    split; try done.
+    intros??. by left.
+  Qed.
 End Lst_helper.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/internal_specs.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/internal_specs.v
index 1a406d6..1302788 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/internal_specs.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/internal_specs.v
@@ -29,6 +29,35 @@ From aneris.examples.crdt.statelib.proof
 Instance timeinst : Log_Time := timestamp_time.
+Section SpecsPremiminary.
+  Context `{LogOp: Type, LogSt : Type,
+            !anerisG Mdl Σ, !EqDecision LogOp, !Countable LogOp,
+            !CRDT_Params, !Lattice LogSt, !StLib_Params LogOp LogSt,
+            !Internal_StLibG LogOp Σ, !StLib_GhostNames,
+            st_deser: val, stser: serialization}.
+  Notation princ_ev := (@principal (gset (Event LogOp)) cc_subseteq).
+  Definition locstate_tok i : iProp Σ :=
+    own (γ_loc_own !!! i) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree ∅) ∗
+    own (γ_loc_sub !!! i) ((2/3)%Qp, to_agree ∅) ∗
+    own (γ_loc_cc  !!! i) (◯ (princ_ev ∅)).
+  Definition lockinv_tok i : iProp Σ :=
+    own (γ_loc_own !!! i) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree ∅) ∗
+    own (γ_loc_for !!! i) ((1/2)%Qp, to_agree ∅).
+  Definition stlib_init_token `{!StLib_GhostNames} i : iProp Σ :=
+    locstate_tok i ∗
+    lockinv_tok i.
+End SpecsPremiminary.
 Section StateLib_InternalSpecs.
   Context `{LogOp: Type, LogSt : Type,
@@ -90,5 +119,31 @@ Section StateLib_InternalSpecs.
     {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Definition internal_init_spec : iProp Σ :=
+    ∀ (repId : fRepId) addr fixed_addrs addrs_val crdt_val,
+    {{{ ⌜is_list CRDT_Addresses addrs_val⌝ ∗
+         ⌜CRDT_Addresses !! (fin_to_nat repId) = Some addr⌝ ∗
+         ⌜addr ∈ fixed_addrs⌝ ∗
+         fixed fixed_addrs ∗
+         ([∗ list] z ∈ CRDT_Addresses, z ⤇ socket_proto) ∗
+         addr ⤳ (∅, ∅) ∗
+         free_ports (ip_of_address addr) {[port_of_address addr]} ∗
+         (*locstate_tok repId ∗
+         lockinv_tok repId ∗*)
+         stlib_init_token repId ∗
+         crdt_fun_spec crdt_val
+    }}}
+      statelib_init StLib_StSerialization.(s_serializer).(s_ser)
+                    StLib_StSerialization.(s_serializer).(s_deser)
+                    addrs_val
+                    #repId
+                    crdt_val @[ip_of_address addr]
+    {{{ gs_val upd_val, RET (gs_val, upd_val);
+        StLib_OwnLocalState repId ∅ ∅ ∗
+        internal_get_state_spec gs_val repId addr ∗
+        internal_update_spec upd_val repId addr
+    }}}.
 End StateLib_InternalSpecs.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/spec.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/spec.v
index f7dbf8c..ddbf9cd 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/spec.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/spec.v
@@ -118,44 +118,46 @@ Section Specification.
         crdt_fun #() @[ip_of_address addr]
       {{{ v, RET v; crdt_triplet_spec v }}}.
-  Definition init_spec_for_specific_crdt (init : val)  : iProp Σ :=
-    ∀ (repId : nat) (addr : socket_address) (fixedAddrs : gset socket_address)
-      (addrs_val : val),
-        {{{ ⌜is_list CRDT_Addresses addrs_val⌝ ∗
-            ⌜CRDT_Addresses !! repId = Some addr⌝ ∗
-            ⌜addr ∈ fixedAddrs⌝ ∗
-            fixed fixedAddrs ∗
-            ([∗ list] i ↦ z ∈ CRDT_Addresses, z ⤇ StLib_SocketProto i) ∗
-            addr ⤳ (∅, ∅) ∗
-            free_ports (ip_of_address addr) {[port_of_address addr]} ∗
-            StLib_InitToken repId
-        }}}
-          init addrs_val #repId @[ip_of_address addr]
-        {{{ get_state_val mutator_val, RET (get_state_val, mutator_val);
-            LocState repId ∅ ∅ ∗
-            get_state_spec get_state_val repId addr (*∗
-            ** TODO: mutator_spec mutator_val addr*)
-        }}}.
+    (** TODO: discuss the differences. 
     Definition init_spec (init : val) : iProp Σ :=
     ∀ (repId : nat) (addr : socket_address) (fixedAddrs : gset socket_address)
-      (addrs_val crdt_val : val),
+      (addrs_val crdt_val : val) (f: (repId < length CRDT_Addresses)%nat),
         {{{ ⌜is_list CRDT_Addresses addrs_val⌝ ∗
             ⌜CRDT_Addresses !! repId = Some addr⌝ ∗
             ⌜addr ∈ fixedAddrs⌝ ∗
             fixed fixedAddrs ∗
-            ([∗ list] i ↦ z ∈ CRDT_Addresses, z ⤇ StLib_SocketProto i) ∗
+            ([∗ list] i ↦ z ∈ CRDT_Addresses, z ⤇ StLib_SocketProto) ∗
             addr ⤳ (∅, ∅) ∗
             free_ports (ip_of_address addr) {[port_of_address addr]} ∗
-            StLib_InitToken repId ∗
+            StLib_InitToken (nat_to_fin f) ∗
             crdt_fun_spec crdt_val
           init addrs_val #repId crdt_val @[ip_of_address addr]
         {{{ get_state_val mutator_val, RET (get_state_val, mutator_val);
             LocState repId ∅ ∅ ∗
-            get_state_spec get_state_val repId addr (*∗
-            TODO: mutator_spec mutator_val repId addr*)
-        }}}.
+            get_state_spec get_state_val repId addr ∗
+            update_spec mutator_val repId addr
+        }}}. *)
+  Definition init_spec (init: val) : iProp Σ :=
+    ∀ (repId : (fin(length CRDT_Addresses))) (addr : socket_address)
+      (fixedAddrs : gset socket_address) (addrs_val crdt_val : val),
+    {{{ ⌜is_list CRDT_Addresses addrs_val⌝ ∗
+        ⌜CRDT_Addresses !! (fin_to_nat repId) = Some addr⌝ ∗
+        ⌜addr ∈ fixedAddrs⌝ ∗
+        fixed fixedAddrs ∗
+        ([∗ list] z ∈ CRDT_Addresses, z ⤇ StLib_SocketProto) ∗
+        addr ⤳ (∅, ∅) ∗
+        free_ports (ip_of_address addr) {[port_of_address addr]} ∗
+        StLib_InitToken repId ∗
+        crdt_fun_spec crdt_val
+    }}}
+      init #repId crdt_val @[ip_of_address addr]
+    {{{ gs_val upd_val, RET (gs_val, upd_val);
+        LocState repId ∅ ∅ ∗
+        get_state_spec gs_val repId addr ∗
+        update_spec upd_val repId addr
+    }}}.
 End Specification.
@@ -173,7 +175,9 @@ Section StLibSetup.
       True ⊢ |={E}=> ∃ (Res : StLib_Res LogOp),
         GlobInv ∗
         GlobState ∅ ∗
-        ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ CRDT_Addresses, StLib_InitToken i) ∗
+        (∃ (S: gset (fin (length CRDT_Addresses))),
+          (∀ i, ⌜i ∈ S⌝) ∗
+          [∗ set] i ∈ S, StLib_InitToken i) ∗
         init_spec init.
 End StLibSetup.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof.v
index 113152c..77ed04c 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof.v
@@ -755,45 +755,12 @@ Section StateLib_Proof.
   (**       +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+
             | Speficication of [statelib_init] |
             +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+              **)
-  Definition locstate_tok i : iProp Σ :=
-    own (γ_loc_own !!! i) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree ∅) ∗
-    own (γ_loc_sub !!! i) ((2/3)%Qp, to_agree ∅) ∗
-    own (γ_loc_cc  !!! i) (◯ (princ_ev ∅)).
-  Definition lockinv_tok i : iProp Σ :=
-    own (γ_loc_own !!! i) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree ∅) ∗
-    own (γ_loc_for !!! i) ((1/2)%Qp, to_agree ∅).
-  Definition internal_init_spec : iProp Σ :=
-    ∀ (repId : fRepId) addr fixed_addrs addrs_val crdt_val,
-    {{{ ⌜is_list CRDT_Addresses addrs_val⌝ ∗
-         ⌜CRDT_Addresses !! (fin_to_nat repId) = Some addr⌝ ∗
-         ⌜addr ∈ fixed_addrs⌝ ∗
-         fixed fixed_addrs ∗
-         ([∗ list] z ∈ CRDT_Addresses, z ⤇ socket_proto) ∗
-         addr ⤳ (∅, ∅) ∗
-         free_ports (ip_of_address addr) {[port_of_address addr]} ∗
-         locstate_tok repId ∗
-         lockinv_tok repId ∗
-         crdt_fun_spec crdt_val
-    }}}
-      statelib_init StLib_StSerialization.(s_serializer).(s_ser)
-                    StLib_StSerialization.(s_serializer).(s_deser)
-                    addrs_val
-                    #repId
-                    crdt_val @[ip_of_address addr]
-    {{{ gs_val upd_val, RET (gs_val, upd_val);
-        StLib_OwnLocalState repId ∅ ∅ ∗
-        internal_get_state_spec gs_val repId addr ∗
-        internal_update_spec upd_val repId addr
-    }}}.
   Lemma internal_init_spec_holds :
     StLib_GlobalInv -∗ internal_init_spec.
     iIntros "#Hinv" (i addr fixed_addr addrs_val crdt_val).
-    iIntros (φ) "(%Hislist&%Haddr&%Haddr_fixed&#Hfixed&#Hprotos&Hsoup&Hfree&Huser_tok&Hlock_tok&#Hcrdt_spec)Hφ".
+    iIntros (φ) "(%Hislist&%Haddr&%Haddr_fixed&#Hfixed&#Hprotos&Hsoup&Hfree&[Huser_tok Hlock_tok]&#Hcrdt_spec)Hφ".
     wp_lam. wp_pures.
     wp_apply "Hcrdt_spec"; first trivial.
     iIntros (v) "(%init_st_fn & %mutator_fn & %merge_fn & -> &
@@ -861,39 +828,3 @@ Section StateLib_Proof.
 End StateLib_Proof.
-Section StLibSetup.
-(** TODO: setup the library for aient to use:
-  * From true, derive the existence of initial resources (using the above
-  * section)
-  * + init spec. *)
-End StLibSetup.
-Section Instantiation.
-  (**TODO: adapt.
-  Context {LogOp LogSt : Type}.
-  Context `{!anerisG Mdl Σ, !EqDecision LogOp, !Countable LogOp,
-            !CRDT_Params, !StLib_Params LogOp LogSt, !Internal_StLibG LogOp Σ,
-            !RCBG Σ}.
-  Global Instance init_fun_instance : StLib_Init_Function := { init := oplib_init ser_fun deser_fun }.
-  Global Instance oplib_res_instance `{!RCB_resources Mdl Σ, !StLib_InvGhostNames} : StLib_Res LogOp := {
-      StLib_InitToken := oplib_init_token;
-      StLib_SocketProto := RCB_socket_proto;
-  }.
-  Program Global Instance oplib_setup_instance : StLibSetup.
-  Next Obligation.
-    iIntros (E) "_".
-    iMod (oplib_setup with "[//]") as (res names) "(#Hinv & Hglob & Htoks & #Hinit)".
-    iModIntro.
-    iExists oplib_res_instance.
-    simpl.
-    iFrame "Hinv Hglob Htoks Hinit".
-  Qed. *)
-End Instantiation.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof_setup.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof_setup.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08421ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/proof/stlib_proof_setup.v
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+From stdpp Require Import gmap.
+From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants bi.
+From iris.algebra Require Import agree auth excl gmap.
+From aneris.algebra Require Import monotone.
+From aneris.aneris_lang
+  Require Import lang network tactics proofmode lifting resources.
+From aneris.aneris_lang.lib
+  Require Import list_proof lock_proof vector_clock_proof serialization_proof
+    map_proof lock_proof network_util_proof inject.
+From aneris.aneris_lang.lib.serialization Require Import serialization_proof.
+From aneris.aneris_lang.lib.vector_clock Require Import vector_clock_proof.
+From aneris.aneris_lang.program_logic Require Import lightweight_atomic.
+From aneris.prelude Require Import misc time.
+From aneris.examples.crdt.spec
+  Require Import crdt_events crdt_resources crdt_denot crdt_time crdt_base.
+From aneris.examples.crdt.statelib.resources
+  Require Import resources_update resources utils resources_utils
+    resources_inv resources_local resources_global resources_lock
+    resources_allocation.
+From aneris.examples.crdt.statelib Require Import statelib_code.
+From aneris.examples.crdt.statelib.user_model
+  Require Import params model semi_join_lattices.
+From aneris.examples.crdt.statelib.time Require Import time.
+From aneris.examples.crdt.statelib.STS
+  Require Import utils gst lst mutation merge.
+From aneris.examples.crdt.statelib.proof
+  Require Import spec events utils
+    stlib_proof_utils internal_specs stlib_proof.
+Instance timeinst : Log_Time := timestamp_time.
+Section StLibSetup.
+  Context `{LogOp: Type, LogSt : Type,
+            !anerisG Mdl Σ, !EqDecision LogOp, !Countable LogOp,
+            !CRDT_Params, !Lattice LogSt, !StLib_Params LogOp LogSt,
+            !Internal_StLibG LogOp Σ}.
+  Notation princ_ev := (@principal (gset (Event LogOp)) cc_subseteq).
+  (* TODO: cleanup *)
+  Ltac rewrite_lookup := repeat (
+    match goal with
+    | [ H1 : _ !! ?i = Some ?v1, H2 : _ !! ?i = Some ?v2 |- _ ] =>
+          rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2
+    end); subst.
+  (* The following lemma is inspired by the OpLib corresponding lemma *)
+  Lemma stlib_setup E :
+    True ⊢ |={E}=> ∃ (GNames : StLib_GhostNames),
+      StLib_GlobalInv ∗
+      StLib_OwnGlobalState ∅ ∗
+      (∃ (S: gset (fin (length CRDT_Addresses))),
+        (∀ i, ⌜i ∈ S⌝)
+        ∗ [∗ set] f ∈ S, stlib_init_token f) ∗
+      internal_init_spec.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (_).
+    iMod (alloc_loc_own with "[//]") as (γ_own) "(%S & %HS_def & HS_own0 & HS_own1 & HS_own2)".
+    iMod (alloc_loc_for with "[//]") as (γ_for) "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS_for0 & HS_for1)".
+      assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
+    iMod (alloc_loc_sub with "[//]") as (γ_sub) "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS_sub0 & HS_sub1)".
+      assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
+    iMod (alloc_loc_cc  with "[//]") as (γ_cc)  "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS_cc_auth & #HS_cc_frag)".
+      assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
+    iMod (alloc_loc_cc' with "[//]") as (γ_cc') "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS_cc'_auth & #HS_cc'_frag)".
+      assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
+    iMod (alloc_global  with "[//]") as (γ_global) "[Hglobal Hglobal']".
+    iMod (alloc_global_snap  with "[//]") as (γ_global_snap) "[Hglobal_snap_auth #Hglobal_snap_snap]".
+    set HNames := (Build_StLib_GhostNames γ_global γ_global_snap γ_own γ_for γ_sub γ_cc γ_cc').
+    iExists HNames.
+    iMod (inv_alloc CRDT_InvName _ (StLib_GlobalInv_prop)
+      with "[HS_own1 HS_for1 HS_sub1 HS_cc_auth HS_cc'_auth Hglobal' Hglobal_snap_auth]")
+      as "#Hinv".
+    { iNext. iExists (∅, vreplicate (length CRDT_Addresses) ∅).
+      iFrame.
+      iSplit; first (iPureIntro; apply gst_init_valid).
+      iExists S; first iFrame"%".
+      rewrite /StLib_GlibInv_local_part.
+      iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_own1 HS_for1") as "HS".
+      iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_sub1 HS") as "HS".
+      iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_cc_auth HS") as "HS".
+      iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_cc'_auth HS") as "HS".
+      iApply (big_sepS_mono with "HS").
+      iIntros (x Hx_in) "(H0 & H1 & H2 & H3 & H4)".
+      repeat iExists ∅. rewrite union_empty_R. iFrame.
+      iPureIntro.
+      by split; first by rewrite vlookup_replicate. }
+    iModIntro.
+    iFrame "Hinv".
+    iDestruct (internal_init_spec_holds with "Hinv") as "#Hinit".
+    iFrame "#". iFrame "Hglobal".
+    iExists S. iFrame "%".
+    rewrite/stlib_init_token/locstate_tok/lockinv_tok.
+    iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_own0 HS_for0") as "HS".
+    iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_own2 HS") as "HS".
+    iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_sub0 HS") as "HS".
+    iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_cc_frag HS") as "HS".
+    (*iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "HS_cc'_frag HS") as "HS".*)
+    iApply (big_sepS_mono with "HS").
+    iIntros (x Hx_in) "(H0 & H1 & H2 & H3 & H4)".
+    iFrame.
+  Qed.
+End StLibSetup.
+(** TODO: setup the library for aient to use:
+  * From true, derive the existence of initial resources (using the above
+  * section)
+  * + init spec. *)
+Section Instantiation.
+  Context {LogOp LogSt : Type}.
+  Context `{!anerisG Mdl Σ, !EqDecision LogOp, !Countable LogOp,
+            !CRDT_Params, !Lattice LogSt, !StLib_Params LogOp LogSt,
+            !Internal_StLibG LogOp Σ}.
+  Global Instance init_fun_instance : StLib_Init_Function := {
+    init := statelib_init
+      StLib_StSerialization.(s_serializer).(s_ser)
+      StLib_StSerialization.(s_serializer).(s_deser) }.
+  Global Instance stlib_res_instance `{!StLib_GhostNames}
+    : StLib_Res LogOp := {
+      StLib_InitToken := stlib_init_token;
+      StLib_SocketProto := socket_proto;
+  }.
+  (** TODO: ask Abel whether I should:
+    * - replace this by a proof obligation
+    * - Qed instead of defined
+    *)
+  Global Instance stlib_setup_instance : StLibSetup.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (E) "_".
+    iMod (stlib_setup with "[//]") as (names) "(#Hinv & Hglob & Htoks & #Hinit)".
+    iModIntro.
+    iExists stlib_res_instance.
+    simpl.
+    iFrame "Hinv Hglob Htoks".
+  Admitted.
+End Instantiation.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_inv.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_inv.v
index 54f8f80..fd1871e 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_inv.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_inv.v
@@ -34,15 +34,18 @@ Section AboutGlobalInvariant.
       own (γ_loc_cc !!! f) (● princ_ev (h__local ∪ h__sub)) ∗
       own (γ_loc_cc' !!! f) (● princ_ev (h__local ∪ h__foreign)).
-  Definition StLib_GlobalInv : iProp Σ :=
-    inv CRDT_InvName
-      (∃ (g: Gst CRDT_Op), own γ_global ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree g.1)
+  Definition StLib_GlobalInv_prop : iProp Σ :=
+    ∃ (g: Gst CRDT_Op), own γ_global ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree g.1)
       ∗ own γ_global_snap (● g.1)
       ∗ ⌜ Gst_Validity g ⌝
       ∗ ∃ (S: gset (fRepId)),
         (∀ (f: fRepId), ⌜f ∈ S⌝)
         ∗ [∗ set] k ∈ S,
-          StLib_GlibInv_local_part k g).
+          StLib_GlibInv_local_part k g.
+  Definition StLib_GlobalInv : iProp Σ :=
+    inv CRDT_InvName
+      StLib_GlobalInv_prop.
   Global Instance StLib_GlobalInv_persistent : Persistent StLib_GlobalInv := _.
 End AboutGlobalInvariant.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_update.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_update.v
index 5a75e47..a73f18e 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_update.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/resources/resources_update.v
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ Section Resources_updates.
       repeat split; try done.
       by rewrite vlookup_insert Hst_proj. }
     iExists f. by iFrame.
-  Admitted.
+  Qed.
 End Resources_updates.
diff --git a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/user_model/params.v b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/user_model/params.v
index af8b0e7..e89b7e9 100644
--- a/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/user_model/params.v
+++ b/aneris/examples/crdt/statelib/user_model/params.v
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Section Params.
   Class StLib_Res `{!CRDT_Params} := {
     StLib_CRDT_Res :> CRDT_Res_Mixin Mdl Σ LogOp;
-    StLib_InitToken : nat -> iProp Σ;
-    StLib_SocketProto : nat -> socket_interp Σ;
+    StLib_InitToken : (fin (length CRDT_Addresses)) -> iProp Σ;
+    StLib_SocketProto : socket_interp Σ;
 End Params.