From b6eeb952ae81d3365467fe1f08ebc67482c0117c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?L=C3=A9o=20Stefanesco?= <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2022 17:38:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add graceful shutdown of threads for termination

A thread can be associated to a non-live role, in which case it can take
silent steps until it finishes, but it cannot take observable steps.

This allows to prove the yes-no example using the ``right'' model, that
is, the model we showed in the figure in the paper!
 fairness/examples/yesno.v          | 553 +++++++++----------
 fairness/examples/yesno_adequacy.v | 185 +++----
 fairness/fairness.v                | 241 ++++-----
 fairness/fairness_finiteness.v     |  91 ++--
 fairness/heap_lang/lifting.v       | 239 ++++++---
 fairness/resources.v               | 821 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 trillium/prelude/finitary.v        |  55 ++
 trillium/program_logic/adequacy.v  | 122 +++++
 8 files changed, 1335 insertions(+), 972 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fairness/examples/yesno.v b/fairness/examples/yesno.v
index 7f3f3e3..3cc148d 100644
--- a/fairness/examples/yesno.v
+++ b/fairness/examples/yesno.v
@@ -68,39 +68,39 @@ Qed.
 #[global] Instance YN_inhabited: Inhabited YN.
 Proof. exact (populate Y). Qed.
-Inductive yntrans: nat*bool*bool*bool -> option YN -> nat*bool*bool*bool -> Prop :=
-| yes_trans n: (n > 0)%nat ->yntrans (n, true, true, true) (Some Y) (n, false, true, true) (* < *)
-| yes_fail n: (n > 0)%nat ->yntrans (n, false, true, true) (Some Y) (n, false, true, true) (* ≤ *)
-| no_trans n: yntrans (S n, false, true, true) (Some No) (n, true, true, true) (* < *)
-| no_trans_end yf: yntrans (1, false, yf, true) (Some No) (0, true, yf, true) (* < *)
-| no_fail n: yntrans (n, true, true, true) (Some No) (n, true, true, true) (* ≤ *)
-| yes_finish N B nf: (N ≤ 1) -> yntrans (N, B, true, nf) (Some Y) (N, B, false, nf) (* < *)
-| no_finish B yf: yntrans (0, B, yf, true) (Some No) (0, B, yf, false). (* < *)
+Inductive yntrans: nat*bool -> option YN -> nat*bool -> Prop :=
+| yes_trans n: (n > 0)%nat -> yntrans (n, true) (Some Y) (n, false) (* < *)
+| yes_fail n: (n > 1)%nat -> yntrans (n, false) (Some Y) (n, false) (* ≤ *)
+| no_trans n: yntrans (S n, false) (Some No) (n, true) (* < *)
+| no_fail n: (n > 0)%nat → yntrans (n, true) (Some No) (n, true) (* ≤ *)
+Definition yn_live_roles nb : gset YN :=
+  match nb with
+  | (0, _) => ∅
+  | (1, false) => {[ No ]}
+  | _ => {[ No; Y ]}
+  end.
 Lemma live_spec_holds:
-     forall s ρ s', yntrans s (Some ρ) s' -> ρ ∈ (match s with
-                | (_, _, yf, nf) => (if yf then {[ Y ]} else ∅) ∪ (if nf then {[ No ]} else ∅)
-              end: gset YN).
+     forall s ρ s', yntrans s (Some ρ) s' -> ρ ∈ yn_live_roles s.
-  intros [[[n ?] yf] nf] yn [[[??] ?] ?] Htrans.
-  inversion Htrans; set_solver.
+  intros [n b] yn [n' ?] Htrans. rewrite /yn_live_roles.
+  inversion Htrans; simplify_eq; destruct n'; try set_solver; try lia; destruct n'; try set_solver; lia.
 Definition the_model: FairModel.
-            fmstate := nat * bool * bool * bool;
+            fmstate := nat * bool;
             fmrole := YN;
             fmtrans := yntrans;
-            live_roles nb :=
-              match nb with
-              | (_, _, yf, nf) => (if yf then {[ Y ]} else ∅) ∪ (if nf then {[ No ]} else ∅)
-              end;
-            fuel_limit _ := 45%nat;
+            live_roles nb := yn_live_roles nb;
+            fuel_limit _ := 61%nat;
             fm_live_spec := live_spec_holds;
-  intros ρ' [[[? ?] ?] ?] ρ [[[? ?] ?] ?] Htrans Hin Hneq.
-  inversion Htrans; destruct ρ; try set_solver.
+  intros ρ' [? ?] ρ [n' ?] Htrans Hin Hneq; rewrite /yn_live_roles.
+  inversion Htrans; destruct ρ; simplify_eq; destruct n'; try set_solver; try lia; destruct n'; try set_solver; lia.
@@ -108,8 +108,6 @@ Defined.
 Class yesnoG Σ := YesnoG {
   yes_name: gname;
   no_name: gname;
-  yes_f_name: gname;
-  no_f_name: gname;
   yesno_n_G :> inG Σ (excl_authR natO);
   yesno_f_G :> inG Σ (excl_authR boolO);
@@ -133,12 +131,6 @@ Section proof.
   Definition auth_yes_at (n: nat) := own yes_name (●E n).
   Definition auth_no_at (n: nat) := own no_name (●E n).
-  Definition yes_finished (b: bool) := own yes_f_name (â—¯E b).
-  Definition no_finished (b: bool) := own no_f_name (â—¯E b).
-  Definition auth_yes_finished (b: bool) := own yes_f_name (●E b).
-  Definition auth_no_finished (b: bool) := own no_f_name (●E b).
   Lemma they_agree γ (N M: nat):
     own γ (◯E N) -∗ own γ (●E M) -∗ ⌜ M = N ⌝.
@@ -153,20 +145,6 @@ Section proof.
     no_at N -∗ auth_no_at M -∗ ⌜ M = N ⌝.
   Proof. apply they_agree. Qed.
-  Lemma they_finished_agree γ (N M: bool):
-    own γ (◯E N) -∗ own γ (●E M) -∗ ⌜ M = N ⌝.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "HA HB". iCombine "HB HA" as "H".
-    iDestruct (own_valid with "H") as "%Hval".
-    iPureIntro. by apply excl_auth_agree_L.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma yes_finished_agree N M:
-    yes_finished N -∗ auth_yes_finished M -∗ ⌜ M = N ⌝.
-  Proof. apply they_finished_agree. Qed.
-  Lemma no_finished_agree N M:
-    no_finished N -∗ auth_no_finished M -∗ ⌜ M = N ⌝.
-  Proof. apply they_finished_agree. Qed.
   Lemma they_update γ (N M P: nat):
     own γ (●E N) ∗ own γ (◯E M) ==∗ own γ (●E P) ∗ own γ (◯E P).
@@ -184,63 +162,125 @@ Section proof.
     rewrite -!own_op. iApply own_update. apply excl_auth_update.
-  Lemma yes_finished_update P N M:
-     auth_yes_finished M ∗ yes_finished N ==∗ auth_yes_finished P ∗ yes_finished P.
-  Proof. apply they_finished_update. Qed.
-  Lemma no_finished_update P N M:
-     auth_no_finished M ∗ no_finished N ==∗ auth_no_finished P ∗ no_finished P.
-  Proof. apply they_finished_update. Qed.
   Definition yesno_inv_inner b :=
-    (∃ N B yf nf,
-          ⌜((N > 1 ∨ (N > 0 ∧ B = true)) -> yf = true) ∧ (N > 0 -> nf = true)⌝ ∗
-          auth_yes_finished yf ∗ auth_no_finished nf ∗
-          frag_model_is (N, B, yf, nf) ∗ b ↦ #B ∗
-                           if B
-                           then auth_yes_at N ∗ auth_no_at N
-                           else auth_yes_at (N-1)%nat ∗ auth_no_at N)%I.
+    (∃ N B,
+          frag_free_roles_are ∅ ∗
+          frag_model_is (N, B) ∗ b ↦ #B ∗
+          (if B
+           then auth_yes_at N ∗ auth_no_at N
+           else auth_yes_at (N-1) ∗ auth_no_at N) ∗
+          ⌜(N, B) ≠ (0, false)⌝
+    )%I.
   Definition yesno_inv b := inv Ns (yesno_inv_inner b).
-  Lemma yes_go_spec tid n b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 17):
-    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid Y f ∗ n ↦ #N ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ ∗ yes_at N ∗ yes_finished true }}}
+  Lemma yes_go_spec tid n b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 40):
+    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid Y f ∗ n ↦ #N ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝%nat ∗ yes_at N }}}
       yes_go #n #b @ tid
     {{{ RET #(); tid ↦M ∅ }}}.
     iLöb as "Hg" forall (N f Hf).
-    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & HnN & %HN & Hyes & Hyesf) Hk". unfold yes_go.
+    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & HnN & %HN & Hyes) Hk". unfold yes_go.
     wp_bind (CmpXchg _ _ _).
-    assert (∀ s, Atomic s (CmpXchg #b #true #false)).
-                   { apply _. }
+    assert (∀ s, Atomic s (CmpXchg #b #true #false)) by apply _.
     iApply wp_atomic.
-    iInv Ns as (M B yf nf) "(>[%Htrue %Htrue'] & >Hayesf & >Hanof & >Hmod & >Bb & Hauths)" "Hclose".
-    iDestruct (yes_finished_agree with "Hyesf Hayesf") as %->.
+    iInv Ns as (M B) "(>HFR & >Hmod & >Bb & Hauths & >%Hnever)" "Hclose".
     destruct B; iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Han]".
-    - iDestruct (yes_agree with "Hyes Hay") as "%Heq". rewrite -> Heq in *. clear Heq.
-      rewrite (Htrue' HN).
+    - iDestruct (yes_agree with "Hyes Hay") as "%Heq".
       (* TODO *)
       rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-      iApply (wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole _ tid (Y: fmrole the_model) _ 30%nat
-                                             (N, true, true, true) (N, false, true, true)
+      destruct (decide (M = 0)) as [->|Nneq]; first lia.
+      destruct (decide (M = 1)) as [->|Nneq1].
+      + iApply (wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole_keep_dead _ tid (Y: fmrole the_model) _ 30%nat _
+                                             (1, true) (1, false)
+             with "[$]") =>//.
+        { set_solver. }
+        { lia. }
+        { econstructor. lia. }
+        { set_solver. }
+        iModIntro.
+        iIntros "!> (Hb & Hmod & HFR & Hf)".
+        iMod (yes_update 0 with "[$]") as "[Hay Hyes]".
+        iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han HFR]").
+        { iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. simpl. iFrame. by iPureIntro. }
+        iModIntro.
+        rewrite has_fuel_fuels.
+        wp_pures.
+        wp_load.
+        wp_pures.
+        wp_store.
+        wp_pures.
+        wp_load.
+        wp_pure _.
+        simplify_eq. simpl.
+        iApply wp_atomic.
+        iInv Ns as (M B) "(>HFR & >Hmod & >Hb & Hauths & >%Hbever')" "Hclose".
+        destruct B.
+        * iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_remove_role {[ Y ]} ((0, true): fmstate the_model) _ _ _ _ _ _ {[ Y := _ ]}) =>//.
+          { apply map_non_empty_singleton. }
+          { rewrite dom_singleton. set_solver. }
+          { simpl. set_solver. }
+          repeat iModIntro.
+          iDestruct "Hauths" as "[Hay Han]". iDestruct (yes_agree with "Hyes Hay") as %Heq.
+          assert (M = 0) by lia. simplify_eq. iFrame "Hmod". iSplitL "Hf".
+          { rewrite /has_fuels_S fmap_insert fmap_empty //. }
+          iIntros "Hmod Hf".
+          wp_pures. repeat iModIntro.
+          iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hay Han Hb HFR]").
+          { iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. done. }
+          iModIntro. iApply "Hk".
+          rewrite map_filter_singleton_False; last set_solver. rewrite /has_fuels dom_empty_L.
+          iDestruct "Hf" as "[??]". iFrame.
+        * iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Han]". iDestruct (yes_agree with "Hyes Hay") as %Heq.
+          assert (M = 1) by (destruct M; [done|lia]). simplify_eq.
+          iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_remove_role {[ Y ]} ((1, false): fmstate the_model) _ _ _ _ _ _ {[ Y := _ ]}) =>//.
+          { apply map_non_empty_singleton. }
+          { rewrite dom_singleton. set_solver. }
+          { simpl. set_solver. }
+          repeat iModIntro.
+          iFrame "Hmod". iSplitL "Hf".
+          { rewrite /has_fuels_S fmap_insert fmap_empty //. }
+          iIntros "Hmod Hf".
+          wp_pures. repeat iModIntro.
+          iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hay Han Hb HFR]").
+          { iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. done. }
+          iModIntro. iApply "Hk".
+          rewrite map_filter_singleton_False; last set_solver. rewrite /has_fuels dom_empty_L.
+          iDestruct "Hf" as "[??]". iFrame.
+      +  assert (N = N) by lia. simplify_eq. iApply (wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole _ tid (Y: fmrole the_model) _ 55%nat _
+                                             (M, true) (M, false)
              with "[$]"); eauto.
       { simpl. lia. }
       { econstructor. lia. }
+      { simpl. destruct M; [set_solver | destruct M; set_solver]. }
-      iIntros "!> (Hb & Hmod & Hf)".
-      iMod (yes_update (N-1) with "[$]") as "[Hay Hyes]".
-      iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han Hanof Hayesf]").
-      { iNext. iExists N, false, true, true. iFrame. iPureIntro; intros; lia. }
-      simpl.
-      destruct N as [|N]; first lia. rewrite decide_True; last first.
-      { destruct N; set_solver. }
-      iModIntro.
+      iIntros "!> (Hb & Hmod & HFR & Hf)".
+      iMod (yes_update (M-1) with "[$]") as "[Hay Hyes]".
+      iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hay Han Hb HFR]").
+      { iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. iPureIntro. intro contra. simplify_eq. }
+      iModIntro. rewrite decide_True; last first.
+      { do 2 (destruct M; try done). set_solver. }
       rewrite has_fuel_fuels.
@@ -251,115 +291,57 @@ Section proof.
-      destruct (decide (0 < S N - 1)) as [Heq|Heq].
-      + rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //; last lia.
+      destruct (decide (0 < S M - 1)) as [Heq|Heq].
+      * rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //; last lia.
         wp_pure _.
         rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-        iApply ("Hg" with "[] [Hyes HnN Hf Hyesf] [$]"); last first.
-        { iFrame "∗#". iSplit; last (iPureIntro; lia).
-          replace (#(S N - 1)%nat) with (#(S N - 1)); first done.
-          do 2 f_equal. lia. }
-        iPureIntro; lia.
-      + rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2 //; last lia.
-        have ->: N = 0 by lia. simpl.
+        iApply ("Hg" with "[] [Hyes HnN Hf] [$]"); last first.
+        { iFrame "∗#". iSplit; last by iPureIntro; lia.
+          iClear "Hg Hinv". Set Printing Implicit.
-        clear M. clear Htrue Htrue' nf.
-        iApply wp_atomic.
-        iInv Ns as (M B yf nf) "(>[%Htrue %Htrue'] & >Hayesf & >Hanof & >Hmod & >Hb & Hauths)" "Hclose".
-        destruct B as [|].
-        * iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Hano]".
-          iDestruct (yes_agree with "Hyes Hay") as %->.
-          iDestruct (yes_finished_agree with "Hyesf Hayesf") as %->.
-          iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_singlerole_take_step
-                    ((0, true, true, nf): fmstate the_model) (0, true, false, nf) _ _ _ _ 0
-                 ); eauto.
-          { set_solver. }
-          { lia. }
-          { econstructor. lia. }
-          rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-          iFrame. iModIntro.
-          iMod (yes_finished_update false with "[$]") as "[Hayesf Hyesf]".
-          iModIntro. iNext. iModIntro.
-          iIntros "Hmod".
-          rewrite -wp_value.
-          have Hnotin: Y ∉ live_roles the_model (0, true, false, nf).
-          { destruct nf; simpl; set_solver. }
-          rewrite decide_False //. iIntros "Hccl".
-          iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Hano Hanof Hayesf]").
-          { iNext. iExists 0, true, false, nf. iFrame. iPureIntro; lia. }
-          iModIntro. iApply ("Hk" with "Hccl").
-        * iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Hano]".
-          iDestruct (yes_agree with "Hyes Hay") as %Heq'.
-          iDestruct (yes_finished_agree with "Hyesf Hayesf") as %->.
-          iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_singlerole_take_step
-                    ((M, false, true, nf): fmstate the_model) (M, false, false, nf) _ _ _ _ 0
-                 ); eauto.
-          { set_solver. }
-          { lia. }
-          { econstructor. lia. }
-          rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-          iFrame. iModIntro.
-          iMod (yes_finished_update false with "[$]") as "[Hayesf Hyesf]".
-          iModIntro. iNext. iModIntro.
-          iIntros "Hmod".
-          rewrite -wp_value.
-          have Hnotin: Y ∉ live_roles the_model (0, true, false, nf).
-          { destruct nf; simpl; set_solver. }
-          rewrite decide_False //. iIntros "Hccl".
-          iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Hano Hanof Hayesf]").
-          { iNext. iExists M, false, false, nf. iFrame. iPureIntro; split; intros. { lia. }
-            apply Htrue'. lia. }
-          iModIntro. iApply ("Hk" with "Hccl").
+          assert (∀ l v v', v = v' → l ↦ v ⊣⊢ l ↦ v') as pointsto_proper.
+          { intros ??? ->. done. }
+          iApply (pointsto_proper with "HnN"). do 2 f_equiv. destruct M; [done|]. lia. }
+        iPureIntro; lia.
+      * rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2 //; last lia.
+        have ->: M = 0 by lia. simpl. lia.
     - iDestruct (yes_agree with "Hyes Hay") as "%Heq". rewrite -> Heq in *.
       have HM: M > 0 by lia.
-      rewrite (Htrue' HM).
       rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-      iApply (wp_cmpxchg_fail_step_singlerole _ tid (Y: fmrole the_model) _ 30%nat
-                                             (M, false, true, true) (M, false, true, true)
+      iApply (wp_cmpxchg_fail_step_singlerole _ tid (Y: fmrole the_model) _ 50%nat _
+                                             (M, false) (M, false)
              with "[$]"); eauto.
       { simpl. lia. }
       { econstructor. lia. }
-      iIntros "!>!> (Hb & Hmod & Hf)".
+      iIntros "!>!> (Hb & Hmod & HFR & Hf)".
       (* iMod (yes_update (N-1) with "[$]") as "[Hay Hyes]". *)
-      iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han Hanof Hayesf]").
-      { iNext. iExists M, false, true, true. rewrite Heq. iFrame. iPureIntro; intros; lia. }
-      simpl.
+      iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han HFR]").
+      { iNext. simplify_eq. iExists _, _. iFrame. iSplit; [iFrame|done]. }
-      destruct N as [|N]; first lia. rewrite decide_True; last first.
-      { destruct N; set_solver. }
+      rewrite decide_True; last first.
+      { destruct M; [done|destruct M; [lia|set_solver]]. }
-      rewrite has_fuel_fuels.
-      do 2 wp_pure _.
+      wp_pure _. rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; last lia.
+      wp_pure _.
       rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-      iApply ("Hg" with "[] [Hyes HnN Hf Hyesf] [$]"); last first.
+      iApply ("Hg" with "[] [Hyes HnN Hf] [$]"); last first.
       { iFrame "∗#". iPureIntro; lia. }
       iPureIntro; lia.
-  Lemma yes_spec tid b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 25):
-    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid Y f ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ ∗ yes_at N ∗ yes_finished true }}}
+  Lemma yes_spec tid b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 50):
+    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid Y f ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ ∗ yes_at N }}}
       yes #N #b @ tid
     {{{ RET #(); tid ↦M ∅ }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & %HN & Hyes & Hyesf) Hk". unfold yes.
+    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & %HN & Hyes) Hk". unfold yes.
     wp_bind (Alloc _).
@@ -378,159 +360,155 @@ Section proof.
     iApply (yes_go_spec with "[-Hk]"); try iFrame.
     { lia. }
-    { iFrame "Hinv". done. }
+    { iFrame "Hinv". iPureIntro; lia. }
-  Lemma no_go_spec tid n b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 17):
-    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid No f ∗ n ↦ #N ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ ∗ no_at N ∗ no_finished true }}}
+  Lemma no_go_spec tid n b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 40):
+    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid No f ∗ n ↦ #N ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ ∗ no_at N }}}
       no_go #n #b @ tid
     {{{ RET #(); tid ↦M ∅ }}}.
     iLöb as "Hg" forall (N f Hf).
-    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & HnN & %HN & Hno & Hnof) Hk". unfold no_go.
+    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & HnN & %HN & Hno) Hk". unfold no_go.
     wp_bind (CmpXchg _ _ _).
-    rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
+    assert (∀ s, Atomic s (CmpXchg #b #true #false)) by apply _.
     iApply wp_atomic.
-    iInv Ns as (M B yf nf) "(>[%Htrue %Htrue'] & >Hayesf & >Hanof & >Hmod & >Bb & Hauths)" "Hclose".
-    iDestruct (no_finished_agree with "Hnof Hanof") as %->.
-    destruct B; iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Han]"; last first.
-    - iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Han") as "%H". rewrite -> H in *. clear H.
-      iApply (wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole _ tid (No: fmrole the_model) _ 30%nat
-                                             (N, false, yf, true) (N-1, true, yf, true)
-             with "[$]"); eauto.
-      { simpl. lia. }
-      { simpl. destruct N as [|N]; first lia. rewrite /= Nat.sub_0_r.
-        destruct yf; first econstructor. destruct N as [|N]; try econstructor.
-        by have ?: false = true by lia. }
-      iModIntro.
-      iIntros "!> (Hb & Hmod & Hf)".
-      iMod (no_update (N-1) with "[$]") as "[Han Hno]".
-      iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han Hanof Hayesf]").
-      { iNext. iExists (N-1), true, yf, true. iFrame. iPureIntro; intros; split; last lia.
-        intros. apply Htrue. lia. }
-      simpl.
-      destruct N as [|N]; first lia. rewrite decide_True; last first.
-      { destruct N; set_solver. }
+    iInv Ns as (M B) "(>HFR & >Hmod & >Bb & Hauths & >%Hnever)" "Hclose".
+    destruct B; iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Han]"; last first.
+    - iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Han") as "%Heq".
-      iModIntro.
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_load.
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_store.
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_load.
-      wp_pures.
+      (* TODO *)
+      rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-      destruct (decide (0 < S N - 1)) as [Heq|Heq].
-      + rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //; last lia.
+      destruct (decide (M = 0)) as [->|Nneq]; first lia.
+      destruct (decide (M = 1)) as [->|Nneq1].
+      + iApply (wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole_keep_dead _ tid (No: fmrole the_model) _ 30%nat _
+                                             (1, false) (0, true)
+             with "[$]") =>//.
+        { lia. }
+        { econstructor. }
+        iModIntro.
+        iIntros "!> (Hb & Hmod & HFR & Hf)".
+        iMod (no_update 0 with "[$]") as "[Han Hno]".
+        iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han HFR]").
+        { iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. simpl. iFrame. by iPureIntro. }
+        iModIntro.
+        rewrite has_fuel_fuels.
+        wp_pures.
+        wp_load.
+        wp_pures.
+        wp_store.
+        wp_pures.
+        wp_load.
         wp_pure _.
-        rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-        iApply ("Hg" with "[] [Hno HnN Hf Hnof] [$]"); last first.
-        { iFrame "∗#". iSplit; last (iPureIntro; lia).
-          replace (#(S N - 1)%nat) with (#(S N - 1)); first done.
-          do 2 f_equal. lia. }
-        iPureIntro; lia.
-      + rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2 //; last lia.
-        have ->: N = 0 by lia. simpl.
-        clear M. clear Htrue Htrue' yf.
+        simplify_eq. simpl.
         iApply wp_atomic.
-        iInv Ns as (M B yf nf) "(>[%Htrue %Htrue'] & >Hayesf & >Hanof & >Hmod & >Hb & Hauths)" "Hclose".
-        destruct B as [|].
-        * iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Han]".
-          iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Han") as %->.
-          iDestruct (no_finished_agree with "Hnof Hanof") as %->.
-          rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-          iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_singlerole_take_step
-                    ((0, true, yf, true): fmstate the_model) (0, true, yf, false) _ _ _ _ 0
-                 ); eauto.
-          { set_solver. }
-          { lia. }
-          { econstructor. }
-          iFrame. iModIntro.
-          iMod (no_finished_update false with "[$]") as "[Hanof Hnof]".
-          iModIntro. iNext. iModIntro.
-          rewrite -wp_value.
-          have Hnotin: No ∉ live_roles the_model (0, true, yf, false).
-          { destruct yf; simpl; set_solver. }
-          rewrite decide_False //. iIntros "Hmod".
-          iMod ("Hclose" with "[- Hk]").
-          { iNext. iExists 0, true, yf, false. iFrame. iPureIntro; lia. }
-          iIntros "Hccl". iModIntro. iApply ("Hk" with "Hccl").
-        * iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Hano]".
-          iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Hano") as %->.
-          iDestruct (no_finished_agree with "Hnof Hanof") as %->.
-          rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-          iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_singlerole_take_step
-                    ((0, false, yf, true): fmstate the_model) (0, false, yf, false) _ _ _ _ 0
-                 ); eauto.
-          { set_solver. }
-          { lia. }
-          { econstructor. }
-          iFrame. iModIntro.
-          iMod (no_finished_update false with "[$]") as "[Hanof Hnof]".
-          iModIntro. iNext. iModIntro. iIntros "Hmod".
-          have Hnotin: No ∉ live_roles the_model (0, false, yf, false).
-          { destruct yf; simpl; set_solver. }
-          rewrite decide_False //. iIntros "Hccl".
-          rewrite -wp_value.
-          iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hk Hccl]").
-          { iNext. iExists 0, false, yf, false. iFrame. iPureIntro; split; intros; lia. }
-          iModIntro. iApply ("Hk" with "Hccl").
-    - iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Han") as "%H". rewrite -> H in *.
+        iInv Ns as (M B) "(>HFR & >Hmod & >Hb & Hauths & >%Hbever')" "Hclose".
+        destruct B.
+        * iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_remove_role {[ No ]} ((0, true): fmstate the_model) _ _ _ _ _ _ {[ No := _ ]}) =>//.
+          { apply map_non_empty_singleton. }
+          { rewrite dom_singleton. set_solver. }
+          { simpl. set_solver. }
+          repeat iModIntro.
+          iDestruct "Hauths" as "[Hay Han]". iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Han") as %Heq.
+          assert (M = 0) by lia. simplify_eq. iFrame "Hmod". iSplitL "Hf".
+          { rewrite /has_fuels_S fmap_insert fmap_empty //. }
+          iIntros "Hmod Hf".
+          wp_pures. repeat iModIntro.
+          iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hay Han Hb HFR]").
+          { iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. done. }
+          iModIntro. iApply "Hk".
+          rewrite map_filter_singleton_False; last set_solver. rewrite /has_fuels dom_empty_L.
+          iDestruct "Hf" as "[??]". iFrame.
+        * iDestruct "Hauths" as "[>Hay >Han]". iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Han") as %Heq.
+          assert (M = 0) by lia. simplify_eq.
+      +  assert (N = N) by lia. simplify_eq.
+         destruct M; first done.
+         iApply (wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole _ tid (No: fmrole the_model) _ 55%nat _
+                                             (S M, false) (M, true)
+             with "[$]"); eauto.
+         { simpl. lia. }
+         { econstructor. }
+         { simpl. destruct M; [set_solver | destruct M; set_solver]. }
+         iModIntro.
+         iIntros "!> (Hb & Hmod & HFR & Hf)".
+         iMod (no_update (M) with "[$]") as "[Han Hno]".
+         iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hay Han Hb HFR]").
+         { iNext. iExists _, _. iFrame. iSplit; last by iPureIntro.
+           iApply (own_proper with "Hay"). f_equiv. apply leibniz_equiv_iff. lia. }
+         iModIntro. rewrite decide_True; last first.
+         { do 2 (destruct M; try done); set_solver. }
+         rewrite has_fuel_fuels.
+         wp_pures.
+         wp_load.
+         wp_pures.
+         wp_store.
+         wp_pures.
+         wp_load.
+         wp_pures.
+         destruct (decide (0 < S M - 1)) as [Heq|Heq].
+         * rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2 //; last lia.
+           wp_pure _.
+           rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
+           iApply ("Hg" with "[] [Hno HnN Hf] [$]"); last first.
+           { iFrame "∗#". assert ((S M - 1)%Z = M)%nat as -> by lia. iFrame. iPureIntro; lia. }
+           iPureIntro; lia.
+         * rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2 //; last lia.
+           have ->: M = 0 by lia. simpl. lia.
+    - iDestruct (no_agree with "Hno Han") as "%Heq". rewrite -> Heq in *.
       have HM: M > 0 by lia.
-      (* rewrite (Htrue' HM). *)
-      iApply (wp_cmpxchg_fail_step_singlerole _ tid (No: fmrole the_model) _ 30%nat
-                                             (N, true, yf, true) (N, true, yf, true)
+      rewrite -has_fuel_fuels. assert (M = N) by lia. simplify_eq.
+      iApply (wp_cmpxchg_fail_step_singlerole _ tid (No: fmrole the_model) _ 50%nat _
+                                             (N, true) (N, true)
              with "[$]"); eauto.
       { simpl. lia. }
-      { rewrite Htrue; last by right; lia. econstructor. }
-      iModIntro. iIntros "!> (Hb & Hmod & Hf)".
-      (* iMod (yes_update (N-1) with "[$]") as "[Hay Hyes]". *)
-      iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han Hanof Hayesf]").
-      { iNext. iExists N, true, yf, true. iFrame. iPureIntro; intros. split=>//. }
-      simpl.
+      { econstructor. lia. }
+      iIntros "!>!> (Hb & Hmod & HFR & Hf)".
+      iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hmod Hb Hay Han HFR]").
+      { iNext. simplify_eq. iExists _, _. iFrame. iSplit; [iFrame|done]. }
-      destruct N as [|N]; first lia. rewrite decide_True; last first.
-      { destruct N; set_solver. }
+      rewrite decide_True; last first.
+      { destruct N; [lia|destruct N; set_solver]. }
-      do 2 wp_pure _.
+      wp_pure _. rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; last lia.
+      wp_pure _.
       rewrite -has_fuel_fuels.
-      iApply ("Hg" with "[] [-Hk] [$]"); last first.
+      iApply ("Hg" with "[] [Hno HnN Hf] [$]"); last first.
       { iFrame "∗#". iPureIntro; lia. }
       iPureIntro; lia.
-  Lemma no_spec tid b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 25):
-    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid No f ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ ∗ no_at N ∗ no_finished true }}}
+  Lemma no_spec tid b (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 50):
+    {{{ yesno_inv b ∗ has_fuel tid No f ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ ∗ no_at N }}}
       no #N #b @ tid
     {{{ RET #(); tid ↦M ∅ }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & %HN & Hyes & Hyesf) Hk". unfold no.
+    iIntros (Φ) "(#Hinv & Hf & %HN & Hyes) Hk". unfold no.
     wp_bind (Alloc _).
@@ -558,13 +536,13 @@ Section proof_start.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ the_model, !yesnoPreG Σ}.
   Let Ns := nroot .@ "yes_no".
-  Lemma start_spec tid (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 40):
-    {{{ frag_model_is (N, true, true, true) ∗
+  Lemma start_spec tid (N: nat) f (Hf: f > 60):
+    {{{ frag_model_is (N, true) ∗ frag_free_roles_are ∅ ∗
         has_fuels tid {[ Y := f; No := f ]} ∗ ⌜N > 0⌝ }}}
       start #N @ tid
     {{{ RET #(); tid ↦M ∅ }}}.
   Proof using All.
-    iIntros (Φ) "[Hst [Hf %HN]] Hkont". unfold start.
+    iIntros (Φ) "[Hst [HFR [Hf %HN]]] Hkont". unfold start.
@@ -579,32 +557,25 @@ Section proof_start.
     (* Allocate the invariant. *)
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E N  ⋅ ◯E N)) as (γ_yes_at) "[Hyes_at_auth Hyes_at]".
-    { apply auth_both_valid_2; eauto. by compute. }
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E N  ⋅ ◯E N)) as (γ_no_at) "[Hno_at_auth Hno_at]".
-    { apply auth_both_valid_2; eauto. by compute. }
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E true  ⋅ ◯E true)) as (γ_yes_fin) "[Hyes_fin_auth Hyes_fin]".
+    iMod (own_alloc (●E N  ⋅ ◯E N))%nat as (γ_yes_at) "[Hyes_at_auth Hyes_at]".
     { apply auth_both_valid_2; eauto. by compute. }
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E true  ⋅ ◯E true)) as (γ_no_fin) "[Hno_fin_auth Hno_fin]".
+    iMod (own_alloc (●E N  ⋅ ◯E N))%nat as (γ_no_at) "[Hno_at_auth Hno_at]".
     { apply auth_both_valid_2; eauto. by compute. }
     pose (the_names := {|
      yes_name := γ_yes_at;
-     yes_f_name := γ_yes_fin;
      no_name := γ_no_at;
-     no_f_name := γ_no_fin;
     iApply fupd_wp.
-    iMod (inv_alloc Ns _ (yesno_inv_inner l) with "[-Hkont Hf Hyes_at Hno_at Hyes_fin Hno_fin]") as "#Hinv".
-    { iNext. unfold yesno_inv_inner. iExists N, true, true, true.
-      iSplit; first done. iFrame. }
+    iMod (inv_alloc Ns _ (yesno_inv_inner l) with "[-Hkont Hf Hyes_at Hno_at]") as "#Hinv".
+    { iNext. unfold yesno_inv_inner. iExists N, true. iFrame. done. }
     wp_bind (Fork _).
     rewrite has_fuels_gt_1; last solve_fuel_positive.
     iApply (wp_fork_nostep _ tid _ _ _ {[ No ]} {[ Y ]} {[Y := _; No := _]}
-             with "[Hyes_at Hyes_fin] [- Hf] [Hf]");
+             with "[Hyes_at] [- Hf] [Hf]");
       [ set_solver | by apply insert_non_empty |  | | | rewrite !fmap_insert fmap_empty // ];
       [set_solver | |].
     { iIntros (tid') "!> Hf". iApply (yes_spec with "[-]"); last first.
@@ -624,7 +595,7 @@ Section proof_start.
     rewrite has_fuels_gt_1; last solve_fuel_positive.
-    iApply (wp_fork_nostep _ tid _ _ _ ∅ {[ No ]} {[No := _]} with "[Hno_at Hno_fin] [Hkont] [Hf]");
+    iApply (wp_fork_nostep _ tid _ _ _ ∅ {[ No ]} {[No := _]} with "[Hno_at] [Hkont] [Hf]");
       [ set_solver | by apply insert_non_empty |  | | | rewrite !fmap_insert fmap_empty // ];
       [set_solver | |].
     { iIntros (tid') "!> Hf". iApply (no_spec with "[-]"); last first.
diff --git a/fairness/examples/yesno_adequacy.v b/fairness/examples/yesno_adequacy.v
index c8533d3..b09f1bd 100644
--- a/fairness/examples/yesno_adequacy.v
+++ b/fairness/examples/yesno_adequacy.v
@@ -83,69 +83,47 @@ Section unstrict_order.
     x = y ∨ lt x y.
 End unstrict_order.
-Definition the_order (s1 s2: the_model): Prop :=
-  match s1, s2 with
-  | (N1, B1, yf1, nf1), (N2, B2, yf2, nf2) =>
-    prod_relation
-      (unstrict (lexprod _ _ (strict Nat.le) (strict bool_le)))
-      (prod_relation bool_le bool_le)
-      (N1, B1, (yf1, nf1))
-      (N2, B2, (yf2, nf2))
-  end.
+Definition the_order := unstrict (lexprod _ _ (strict Nat.le) (strict bool_le)).
 Ltac inv_lexs :=
   repeat match goal with
     [ H: lexprod _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H; simplify_eq
+Lemma lexprod_lexico x y:
+  lexprod _ _ (strict Nat.le) (strict bool_le) x y <-> lexico x y.
+  split.
+  - intros [???? H|x' y' z' H].
+    + left =>/=. compute. compute in H. lia.
+    + right =>/=. compute; split=>//. compute in H. destruct y'; destruct z' =>//; intuition.
+  - destruct x as [x1 x2]. destruct y as [y1 y2]. intros [H|[Heq H]]; simpl in *.
+    + left =>/=. compute. compute in H. lia.
+    + rewrite Heq. right =>/=. destruct x2; destruct y2 =>//; intuition. constructor =>//. eauto.
 #[local] Instance the_order_po: PartialOrder the_order.
   - constructor.
-    + intros x. destruct x as [[[??]?]?]. simpl.
-      unfold prod_relation. simpl. split; last done.
-      by econstructor.
-    + intros [[[??]?]?] [[[??]?]?] [[[??]?]?]. simpl.
-      unfold prod_relation. simpl. intros (Hlex1&?&?) (Hlex2&?&?). split; last first.
-      * split; etransitivity =>//.
-      * inversion Hlex1; inversion Hlex2; simplify_eq;
-          try (econstructor 1; try (etransitivity; done); inv_lexs; f_equal; done);
-          try (econstructor 2; try done).
-        inv_lexs.
-        ** econstructor. by etransitivity.
-        ** econstructor 1 =>//.
-        ** econstructor => //.
-        ** econstructor 2. by etransitivity.
-  -  intros [[[??]?]?] [[[??]?]?]. simpl.
-      unfold prod_relation. simpl. intros (Hlex1&?&?) (Hlex2&?&?).
-      do 3 f_equal; try (by eapply anti_symm =>//).
-     + inversion Hlex1; inversion Hlex2; simplify_eq; try (eapply anti_symm =>//; done);
-         inv_lexs; eauto. exfalso; eapply (strict_anti_symm (R := strict Nat.le)) =>//; eapply _.
-     + inversion Hlex1; inversion Hlex2; simplify_eq; try (eapply anti_symm =>//; done);
-       inv_lexs; eauto; try by eapply anti_symm;
-         exfalso; eapply (strict_anti_symm (R := strict Nat.le)); eauto.
-       exfalso; eapply (strict_anti_symm (R := strict bool_le)); eauto.
-     + eapply anti_symm =>//; apply _.
-     + eapply anti_symm =>//; apply _.
-       Unshelve. all: exact eq.
+    + intros ?. by left.
+    + unfold the_order. intros [x1 x2] [y1 y2] [z1 z2] [|H1] [|H2]; simplify_eq; try (by left); right; eauto.
+      rewrite -> lexprod_lexico in *. etransitivity =>//.
+  - intros [x1 x2] [y1 y2] [|H1] [|H2]; simplify_eq =>//.
+    inversion H1; inversion H2; simplify_eq; try (compute in *; lia).
+    destruct x2; destruct y2; compute in *; intuition.
 Definition the_decreasing_role (s: the_model): YN :=
   match s with
-  | (0%nat, false, true, false) => Y
-  | (0%nat, true, false, true) => No
-  | (1%nat, false, true, false) => Y
-  | (_, true, _, _) => Y
-  | (_, false, _, _) => No
+  | (0%nat, false) => Y
+  | (_, true) => Y
+  | (_, false) => No
 #[local] Instance eq_antisymm A: Antisymmetric A eq eq.
 Proof. by intros ??. Qed.
-Definition same: the_model -> (nat * bool * (bool * bool)) :=
-  λ '(N, B, yf, nf), (N, B, (yf, nf)).
 Lemma strict_unstrict {A} (R: relation A):
   forall x y, strict (unstrict R) x y -> R x y.
@@ -171,95 +149,63 @@ Proof.
   - constructor 2. etransitivity =>//.
-#[local] Instance test1 `{Transitive A R}: Transitive (unstrict R).
-  intros x y z [?|?] [?|?]; simplify_eq; ((left; done) || right; eauto).
-Lemma the_model_almost_wf:
-  wf (strict $
-    prod_relation
-      (unstrict (lexprod _ _ (strict Nat.le) (strict bool_le)))
-      (prod_relation bool_le bool_le)).
-  apply wf_prod_strict.
-  - apply _.
-  - assert (H: wf (lexprod nat bool (strict Nat.le) (strict bool_le))).
-    + apply wf_lexprod; last apply wf_bool_le.
-      eapply (wf_projected _ id); last apply Nat.lt_wf_0.
-      intros ??[??]. simpl. lia.
-    + eapply (wf_projected _ id); last exact H.
-      intros ???. apply strict_unstrict => //.
-  - apply wf_prod_strict; eauto using wf_bool_le.
-    apply _.
 #[local] Program Instance the_model_terminates: FairTerminatingModel the_model :=
   ftm_leq := the_order;
   ftm_decreasing_role := the_decreasing_role;
 Next Obligation.
-  eapply (wf_projected _ same); last exact the_model_almost_wf.
-  intros [[[? ?] ?] ?] [[[? ?] ? ]?] ?. eauto.
+  unfold the_order.
+  assert (H: wf (lexprod nat bool (strict Nat.le) (strict bool_le))).
+  + apply wf_lexprod; last apply wf_bool_le.
+    eapply (wf_projected _ id); last apply Nat.lt_wf_0.
+    intros ??[??]. simpl. lia.
+  + eapply (wf_projected _ id); last exact H.
+    intros ???. apply strict_unstrict => //.
 Next Obligation.
-  intros [[[N B] yf] nf] Hex.
+  intros [N B] Hex.
   destruct B.
   - split.
-    + simpl. destruct yf.
-      * do 2 (destruct N; try set_solver).
+    + simpl. destruct N.
       * destruct Hex as [ρ' [s' Hex]].
-        inversion Hex; subst. set_solver.
-    + intros [[[N' B'] yf'] nf'] Htrans.
-      inversion Htrans; simplify_eq; rewrite strict_spec_alt; (split; [| try done; do 2 (destruct N'; eauto)]);
-       (constructor; [simpl; eauto; unfold unstrict; (try by left) |]).
-      { right. constructor 2. constructor; eauto. constructor. }
-      all: simpl; by constructor.
+        inversion Hex; subst; lia.
+      * destruct N; set_solver.
+    + intros [??] H. inversion H; simplify_eq.
+      * split; [right; right; compute; done| compute; intros [?|contra] =>//].
+        inversion contra; simplify_eq; intuition.
+      * destruct n =>//.
   - split.
-    + simpl. destruct nf.
-      * destruct N; simpl; destruct yf; try set_solver; destruct N; set_solver.
+    + destruct N; simpl.
       * destruct Hex as [ρ' [s' Hex]].
-        inversion Hex; subst. destruct N; try set_solver.
-        destruct N; try set_solver. lia.
-    + intros [[[N' B'] yf'] nf'] Htrans.
-      inversion Htrans; simplify_eq; rewrite strict_spec_alt; (split; [| try done; do 2 (destruct N'; eauto)]);
-       (constructor ; [simpl; eauto; unfold unstrict; (try by left) |]).
-      all: simpl; try by constructor.
-      all: right; constructor 1; split; lia.
+        inversion Hex; subst; lia.
+      * destruct N; set_solver.
+    + intros [[|?] ?] H.
+      * inversion H; simplify_eq; [lia|]. unfold strict, the_order; split.
+        ** right; left. compute. lia.
+        ** intros [|contra] =>//. inversion contra; simplify_eq. compute in *. lia.
+      * inversion H; simplify_eq. split; [right;left; compute; lia|].
+        intros [|contra] =>//; inversion contra; simplify_eq; last lia. compute in *. lia.
 Next Obligation.
-  intros [[[N B] yf] nf]  [[[N' B'] yf'] nf'] ρ Htrans Hnex.
+  intros [N B]  [N' B'] ρ Htrans Hnex.
   inversion Htrans ; simplify_eq; eauto; simpl in *;
     try (destruct N'; eauto); try lia; (try (destruct N'; done)); try done.
-  - destruct yf'; done.
-  - destruct B'; try done. destruct nf'; done.
-  - have ?: N' = 0%nat by lia. subst. destruct B' =>//.
-    destruct nf'=>//.
-  - destruct B' =>//; destruct yf' =>//.
 Next Obligation.
-  intros [[[N B] yf] nf] ρ [[[N' B'] yf'] nf'] Htrans.
+  intros [N B] ρ [N' B'] Htrans.
   destruct ρ; last by inversion Htrans.
-  inversion Htrans; simplify_eq; simpl.
-  all: constructor; [((left; done) || right; (constructor 1; constructor; done) || (try constructor 2)); simpl | simpl; try reflexivity].
-  - constructor. constructor. eauto.
-  - constructor 1; split; lia.
-  - constructor 1; split; lia.
-  - constructor. constructor. eauto. done.
-  - constructor; done.
+  inversion Htrans; simplify_eq; simpl; try reflexivity.
+  - right; constructor 2; by compute.
+  - right; constructor 1; compute. lia.
 (* The model is finitely branching *)
-Definition steppable '(n, w, yf, nf): list ((nat * bool * bool * bool) * option YN) :=
+Definition steppable '(n, w): list ((nat * bool) * option YN) :=
   n' ← [n; (n-1)%nat];
   w' ← [w; negb w];
-  yf' ← [yf; negb yf];
-  nf' ← [nf; negb nf];
   ℓ ← [Some Y; Some No];
-  mret ((n', w', yf', nf'), â„“).
+  mret ((n', w'), â„“).
 #[local] Instance proof_irrel_trans s x:
   ProofIrrel ((let '(s', â„“) := x in yntrans s â„“ s'): Prop).
@@ -270,14 +216,14 @@ Lemma model_finitary s:
   assert (H: forall A (y x: A) xs, (y = x ∨ y ∈ xs) -> y ∈ x::xs) by set_solver.
   eapply (in_list_finite (steppable s)).
-  intros [[[n w] yf] nf] Htrans.
+  intros [n w] Htrans.
   inversion Htrans; try (repeat (rewrite ?Nat.sub_0_r; simpl;
     eapply H; try (by left); right); done).
 Theorem yesno_terminates
         (N : nat)
-        (HN: N > 0)
+        (HN: N > 1)
         (extr : extrace)
         (Hvex : extrace_valid extr)
         (Hexfirst : (trfirst extr).1 = [start #N]):
@@ -285,22 +231,21 @@ Theorem yesno_terminates
   assert (heapGpreS yesnoΣ the_model) as HPreG.
   { apply _. }
-  eapply (simulation_adequacy_terminate_ftm (Mdl := the_model) yesnoΣ NotStuck _ (N, true, true, true)) =>//.
+  eapply (simulation_adequacy_terminate_ftm (Mdl := the_model) yesnoΣ NotStuck _ (N, true) ∅) =>//.
   - eapply valid_state_evolution_finitary_fairness.
     intros ?. simpl. apply (model_finitary s1).
-  - set_solver.
-  - intros ?. iStartProof. iIntros "!> Hm Hf !>". simpl.
-    iApply (start_spec _ _ 45 with "[Hm Hf]"); eauto.
-    + lia.
-    + iSplitL "Hm"; eauto. iSplit; last done.
-      assert ({[Y := 45%nat; No := 45%nat]} = gset_to_gmap 45 {[Y; No]}) as <-; last done.
+  - destruct N; [lia|destruct N; set_solver].
+  - intros ?. iStartProof. iIntros "!> Hm HFR Hf !>". simpl.
+    iApply (start_spec _ _ 61 with "[Hm Hf HFR]"); eauto.
+    + iSplitL "Hm"; eauto. do 2 (destruct N; first lia).
+      assert (∅ ∖ {[ No; Y ]} = ∅) as -> by set_solver. iFrame. iSplit; last (iPureIntro; lia).
+      assert ({[Y := 61%nat; No := 61%nat]} = gset_to_gmap 61 {[No;Y]}) as <-; last done.
       rewrite -leibniz_equiv_iff. intros ρ.
-      destruct (gset_to_gmap 45 {[Y; No]} !! ρ) as [f|] eqn:Heq.
+      destruct (gset_to_gmap 61 {[Y; No]} !! ρ) as [f|] eqn:Heq.
       * apply lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some in Heq as [Heq ->].
         destruct (decide (ρ = Y)) as [-> |].
-        ** rewrite lookup_insert //.
+        ** rewrite lookup_insert //. rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //. set_solver.
         ** rewrite lookup_insert_ne //. assert (ρ = No) as -> by set_solver.
-           rewrite lookup_insert //.
-      * apply lookup_gset_to_gmap_None in Heq.
-        repeat (rewrite lookup_insert_ne //; last set_solver).
+           rewrite lookup_insert // lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //. set_solver.
+      * apply lookup_gset_to_gmap_None in Heq. destruct ρ; set_solver.
diff --git a/fairness/fairness.v b/fairness/fairness.v
index 832985c..c0c4390 100644
--- a/fairness/fairness.v
+++ b/fairness/fairness.v
@@ -27,83 +27,6 @@ Record FairModel : Type := {
 Arguments fuel_limit {_}.
-Section from_locale.
-  Context {Λ: language}.
-  Context `{ EqDecision (locale Λ)}.
-  Fixpoint from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ :=
-    match tp with
-    | [] => None
-    | e::tp' => if decide (locale_of tp0 e = ζ) then Some e else from_locale_from (tp0 ++ [e]) tp' ζ
-    end.
-  Definition from_locale tp ζ := from_locale_from [] tp ζ.
-  (* Other possibility is:
-  Definition from_locale tp ζ := list_find (λ '(tp, e), locale_of tp e = ζ) (prefixes tp).*)
-  Lemma from_locale_from_Some_app tp0 tp tp' ζ e :
-    from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ = Some e ->
-    from_locale_from tp0 (tp ++ tp') ζ = Some e.
-  Proof.
-    revert tp0 tp'. induction tp as [|e' tp IH]; first by list_simplifier.
-    simpl. intros tp0 tp' Hfl.
-    destruct (decide (locale_of tp0 e' = ζ)) =>//.
-    apply IH =>//.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma from_locale_from_is_Some_app tp0 tp tp' ζ :
-    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ) ->
-    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 (tp ++ tp') ζ).
-  Proof.
-    intros [? HS]. eapply from_locale_from_Some_app in HS. eauto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma from_locale_from_equiv tp0 tp0' tp tp' ζ :
-    locales_equiv tp0 tp0' ->
-    locales_equiv_from tp0 tp0' tp tp' ->
-    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ) ->
-    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0' tp' ζ).
-  Proof.
-    revert tp0 tp0' tp'. induction tp as [|e tp IH]; intros tp0 tp0' tp' Heq0 Heq [eζ Heζ];
-      destruct tp' as [|e' tp']; try by apply Forall2_length in Heq.
-    simpl in *.
-    destruct (decide (locale_of tp0 e' = ζ)).
-    - rewrite decide_True //; eauto. erewrite <-locale_equiv =>//.
-    - rewrite decide_False; last by erewrite <-locale_equiv.
-      apply Forall2_cons_1 in Heq as [Hlocs ?].
-      rewrite decide_False // in Heζ; last by erewrite Hlocs, <-locale_equiv =>//.
-      apply (IH (tp0 ++ [e])); eauto.
-      apply locales_equiv_snoc =>//. constructor.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma from_locale_step tp1 tp2 ζ oζ σ1 σ2 :
-    locale_step (tp1, σ1) oζ (tp2, σ2) →
-    is_Some(from_locale tp1 ζ) →
-    is_Some(from_locale tp2 ζ).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hstep. inversion Hstep; simplify_eq=>//.
-    intros HiS. replace (t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs) with ((t1 ++ e2 :: t2) ++ efs);
-                  last by list_simplifier.
-    apply from_locale_from_is_Some_app.
-    eapply from_locale_from_equiv; eauto; [constructor|].
-    apply locales_equiv_from_middle. list_simplifier. by eapply locale_step_preserve.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma from_locale_from_Some tp0 tp1 tp e :
-    (tp, e) ∈ prefixes_from tp0 tp1 →
-    from_locale_from tp0 tp1 (locale_of tp e) = Some e.
-  Proof.
-    revert tp0 tp e; induction tp1 as [| e1 tp1 IH]; intros tp0 tp e Hin; first set_solver.
-    apply elem_of_cons in Hin as [Heq|Hin].
-    { simplify_eq. rewrite /= decide_True //. }
-    rewrite /= decide_False; first by apply IH.
-    fold (prefixes_from (A := expr Λ)) in Hin.
-    by eapply locale_injective.
-  Qed.
-End from_locale.
 #[global] Existing Instance fmrole_eqdec.
 #[global] Existing Instance fmrole_countable.
 #[global] Existing Instance fmrole_inhabited.
@@ -117,17 +40,22 @@ Section fairness.
     ls_under:> M.(fmstate);
     ls_fuel: gmap M.(fmrole) nat;
-    ls_fuel_dom: dom ls_fuel = M.(live_roles) ls_under;
+    ls_fuel_dom: M.(live_roles) ls_under ⊆ dom ls_fuel;
     ls_mapping: gmap M.(fmrole) (locale Λ); (* maps roles to thread id *)
-    ls_mapping_dom: dom ls_mapping = M.(live_roles) ls_under;
+    ls_same_doms: dom ls_mapping = dom ls_fuel;
   Arguments ls_under {_}.
   Arguments ls_fuel {_}.
   Arguments ls_fuel_dom {_}.
   Arguments ls_mapping {_}.
-  Arguments ls_mapping_dom {_}.
+  Arguments ls_same_doms {_}.
+  Lemma ls_mapping_dom M (m: LiveState M):
+    M.(live_roles) m.(ls_under) ⊆ dom m.(ls_mapping).
+  Proof. rewrite ls_same_doms. apply ls_fuel_dom. Qed.
   Inductive FairLabel {Roles} :=
   | Take_step: Roles -> locale Λ -> FairLabel
@@ -147,8 +75,10 @@ Section fairness.
       must_decrease ρ' oρ a b (Some tid)
   | Change_tid otid (Hneqtid: a.(ls_mapping) !! ρ' ≠ b.(ls_mapping) !! ρ')
                (Hissome: is_Some (b.(ls_mapping) !! ρ')):
-      must_decrease ρ' oρ a b otid.
+    must_decrease ρ' oρ a b otid
+  | Zombie otid (Hismainrole: oρ = Some ρ') (Hnotalive: ρ' ∉ live_roles _ b) (Hnotdead: ρ' ∈ dom b.(ls_fuel)):
+    must_decrease ρ' oρ a b otid
+  .
   Definition oleq a b :=
     match a, b with
@@ -168,12 +98,14 @@ Section fairness.
   Definition fuel_decr {M: FairModel} (tid: olocale Λ) (oρ: option M.(fmrole)) (a b: LiveState M) :=
-    forall ρ', ρ' ∈ M.(live_roles) a.(ls_under) ->
+    forall ρ', ρ' ∈ dom a.(ls_fuel) -> ρ' ∈ dom b.(ls_fuel) →
           must_decrease ρ' oρ a b tid
           -> oless (b.(ls_fuel) !! ρ') (a.(ls_fuel) !! ρ').
   Definition fuel_must_not_incr {M: FairModel} oρ (a b: LiveState M) :=
-    ∀ ρ', ρ' ∈ live_roles _ a -> Some ρ' ≠ oρ -> oleq ((ls_fuel b) !! ρ') ((ls_fuel a) !! ρ').
+    ∀ ρ', ρ' ∈ dom a.(ls_fuel) -> Some ρ' ≠ oρ ->
+          (oleq ((ls_fuel b) !! ρ') ((ls_fuel a) !! ρ')
+                ∨ (ρ' ∉ dom b.(ls_fuel) ∧ ρ' ∉ M.(live_roles) a.(ls_under))).
   Definition ls_trans {M} (a: LiveState M) â„“ (b: LiveState M): Prop :=
     match â„“ with
@@ -183,17 +115,20 @@ Section fairness.
       ∧ fuel_decr (Some tid) (Some ρ) a b
       ∧ fuel_must_not_incr (Some ρ) a b
       ∧ (ρ ∈ live_roles _ b -> oleq (b.(ls_fuel) !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit b)))
-      ∧ ∀ ρ, ρ ∈ M.(live_roles) b ∖ M.(live_roles) a -> oleq (b.(ls_fuel) !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit b))
+      ∧ (∀ ρ, ρ ∈ dom b.(ls_fuel) ∖ dom a.(ls_fuel) -> oleq (b.(ls_fuel) !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit b)))
+      ∧ dom b.(ls_fuel) ∖ dom a.(ls_fuel) ⊆ live_roles _ b ∖ live_roles _ a
     | Silent_step tid =>
-      (∃ ρ, a.(ls_mapping) !! ρ = Some tid) ∧
-      fuel_decr (Some tid) None a b
+      (∃ ρ, a.(ls_mapping) !! ρ = Some tid)
+      ∧ fuel_decr (Some tid) None a b
       ∧ fuel_must_not_incr None a b
+      ∧ dom b.(ls_fuel) ⊆ dom a.(ls_fuel)
       ∧ a.(ls_under) = b.(ls_under)
     | Config_step =>
       M.(fmtrans) a None b
       ∧ fuel_decr None None a b
       ∧ fuel_must_not_incr None a b
-      ∧ ∀ ρ, ρ ∈ M.(live_roles) b ∖ M.(live_roles) a -> oleq (b.(ls_fuel) !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit b))
+      ∧ (∀ ρ, ρ ∈ M.(live_roles) b ∖ M.(live_roles) a -> oleq (b.(ls_fuel) !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit b)))
+      ∧ False (* TODO: add support for config steps later! *)
   Definition fair_model M: Model := {|
@@ -210,8 +145,8 @@ Section fairness.
        ls_fuel := gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s0) (M.(live_roles) s0);
        ls_mapping := gset_to_gmap ζ0 (M.(live_roles) s0);
-  Next Obligation. eauto using dom_gset_to_gmap. Qed.
-  Next Obligation. eauto using dom_gset_to_gmap. Qed.
+  Next Obligation. intros ???. apply reflexive_eq. rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap //. Qed.
+  Next Obligation. intros ???. apply reflexive_eq. rewrite !dom_gset_to_gmap //. Qed.
   Definition labels_match {M} (oζ : olocale Λ) (ℓ : @FairLabel (M.(fmrole))) :=
     match oζ, ℓ with
@@ -646,6 +581,11 @@ Section lex_ind.
 End lex_ind.
+Ltac SS :=
+  epose proof ls_fuel_dom;
+  (* epose proof ls_mapping_dom; *)
+  set_solver.
 Section fairness_preserved.
   Context {M: FairModel}.
   Context {Λ: language}.
@@ -705,11 +645,11 @@ Section fairness_preserved.
   Lemma mapping_live_role (δ: LiveState M) ρ:
     ρ ∈ M.(live_roles) δ ->
     is_Some (ls_mapping (Λ := Λ) δ !! ρ).
-  Proof. rewrite -elem_of_dom. rewrite (δ.(ls_mapping_dom)). done. Qed.
+  Proof. rewrite -elem_of_dom ls_same_doms. SS. Qed.
   Lemma fuel_live_role (δ: LiveState M) ρ:
     ρ ∈ M.(live_roles) δ ->
     is_Some (ls_fuel (Λ := Λ) δ !! ρ).
-  Proof. rewrite -elem_of_dom. rewrite (δ.(ls_fuel_dom)). done. Qed.
+  Proof. rewrite -elem_of_dom. SS. Qed.
   Local Hint Resolve mapping_live_role: core.
   Local Hint Resolve fuel_live_role: core.
@@ -760,7 +700,7 @@ Section fairness_preserved.
          strict lt_lex m0 (f, m)
          → ∀ (f m: nat) (ζ: locale Λ) (extr : extrace) (auxtr : auxtrace)
              (δ : LiveState M) (c : cfg Λ), fairness_induction_stmt ρ m0 f m ζ extr auxtr δ c) ->
-    oless (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) (ls_fuel δ !! ρ) ->
+    (ρ ∈ dom (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr')) → oless (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) (ls_fuel δ !! ρ)) ->
     exaux_traces_match extr' auxtr' ->
     infinite_trace extr' ->
     ls_fuel δ !! ρ = Some f ->
@@ -775,21 +715,25 @@ Section fairness_preserved.
       unfold oless in Hdec.
       simpl in *.
       rewrite -> Hsome in *.
-      destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; last done.
-      destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles M (trfirst auxtr'))) as [Hρlive'|]; last first.
-      { exists 1. left. unfold pred_at. simpl. destruct auxtr'; eauto. }
-      have [ζ' Hζ'] : is_Some (ls_mapping (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) by eauto.
-      have Hloc'en: pred_at extr' 0 (λ (c : cfg Λ) (_ : option (olocale Λ)),
-                      locale_enabled ζ' c).
-      { rewrite /pred_at /= pred_first_ex. eauto. }
-      have [p Hp] := (Hfair ζ' 0 Hloc'en).
-      have [P Hind] : ∃ M0 : nat, pred_at auxtr' M0 (λ (δ0 : LiveState M) _, ¬ role_enabled ρ δ0)
-                               ∨ pred_at auxtr' M0 (λ (_ : LiveState M) ℓ, ∃ ζ0, ℓ = Some (Take_step ρ ζ0)).
-      { eapply (IH _ _ _ p _ extr'); eauto.
-        Unshelve. unfold strict, lt_lex. lia. }
-      exists (1+P). rewrite !pred_at_sum. simpl. done.
+      destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq.
+      - destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles M (trfirst auxtr'))) as [Hρlive'|]; last first.
+        { exists 1. left. unfold pred_at. simpl. destruct auxtr'; eauto. }
+        have [ζ' Hζ'] : is_Some (ls_mapping (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) by eauto.
+        have Hloc'en: pred_at extr' 0 (λ (c : cfg Λ) (_ : option (olocale Λ)),
+                          locale_enabled ζ' c).
+        { rewrite /pred_at /= pred_first_ex. eauto. }
+        have [p Hp] := (Hfair ζ' 0 Hloc'en).
+        have [P Hind] : ∃ M0 : nat, pred_at auxtr' M0 (λ (δ0 : LiveState M) _, ¬ role_enabled ρ δ0)
+                                  ∨ pred_at auxtr' M0 (λ (_ : LiveState M) ℓ, ∃ ζ0, ℓ = Some (Take_step ρ ζ0)).
+        { eapply (IH _ _ _ p _ extr'); eauto.
+          Unshelve. unfold strict, lt_lex. specialize (Hdec ltac:(by eapply elem_of_dom_2)). lia. }
+        exists (1+P). rewrite !pred_at_sum. simpl. done.
+      - exists 1. left. rewrite /pred_at /=. rewrite /role_enabled.
+        destruct auxtr' =>/=.
+        + apply not_elem_of_dom in Heq; eapply not_elem_of_weaken; last (by apply ls_fuel_dom); set_solver.
+        + apply not_elem_of_dom in Heq; eapply not_elem_of_weaken; last (by apply ls_fuel_dom); set_solver.
   Lemma fairness_preserved_ind ρ:
@@ -814,8 +758,9 @@ Section fairness_preserved.
         unfold fuel_decr in Hlsdec.
         have Hmustdec: must_decrease ρ None δ (trfirst auxtr') (Some ζ).
         { constructor; eauto. }
-        specialize (Hlsdec ρ Hρlive Hmustdec).
-        eapply case1 =>//; last by eauto using infinite_cons.
+        eapply case1 =>//.
+        * move=> Hinfuel; apply Hlsdec => //; first set_solver.
+        * eapply infinite_cons =>//.
       + (* Three cases:
            (1) ρ' = ρ and we are done
            (2) ρ' ≠ ρ but they share the same ρ -> ρ decreases
@@ -829,8 +774,8 @@ Section fairness_preserved.
         have Hmustdec: must_decrease ρ (Some ρ') δ (trfirst auxtr') (Some ζ).
         { constructor; eauto; congruence. }
         (* Copy and paste begins here *)
-        specialize (Hdec ρ Hρlive Hmustdec).
         eapply case1 =>//; last by eauto using infinite_cons.
+        intros Hinfuels. apply Hdec =>//. SS.
     - (* Another thread is taking a step. *)
       destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles M (trfirst auxtr'))) as [Hρlive'|]; last first.
       { exists 1. left. unfold pred_at. simpl. destruct auxtr'; eauto. }
@@ -841,23 +786,29 @@ Section fairness_preserved.
           - inversion Htm as [|s1 â„“1 r1 s2 â„“2 r2 Hl Hs Hts Hls Hmatchrest]; simplify_eq.
             simpl in *. destruct â„“; try done. destruct Hls as [_ [_ [Hnoninc _]]].
             have HnotNone: Some ρ ≠ None by congruence.
-            specialize (Hnoninc ρ Hρlive HnotNone).
+            specialize (Hnoninc ρ ltac:(SS) HnotNone).
             unfold oleq in Hnoninc. rewrite Hfuel in Hnoninc.
-            destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [by eexists|done].
+            destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [|set_solver].
+            eexists; split =>//. destruct Hnoninc as [Hnoninc|Hnoninc]=>//.
+            apply elem_of_dom_2 in Heq. set_solver.
           - inversion Htm as [|s1 â„“1 r1 s2 â„“2 r2 Hl Hs Hts Hls Hmatchrest]; simplify_eq.
             simpl in *. destruct ℓ as [ρ0 ζ0| ζ0|]; try done.
             + destruct Hls as (?&?&?&Hnoninc&?).
               unfold fuel_must_not_incr in Hnoninc.
               have Hneq: Some ρ ≠ Some ρ0 by congruence.
-              specialize (Hnoninc ρ Hρlive Hneq).
+              specialize (Hnoninc ρ ltac:(SS) Hneq).
               unfold oleq in Hnoninc. rewrite Hfuel in Hnoninc.
-              destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [by eexists|done].
+              destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [|set_solver].
+              eexists; split =>//. destruct Hnoninc as [Hnoninc|Hnoninc]=>//.
+              apply elem_of_dom_2 in Heq. set_solver.
             + destruct Hls as (?&?&Hnoninc&?).
               unfold fuel_must_not_incr in Hnoninc.
               have Hneq: Some ρ ≠ None by congruence.
-              specialize (Hnoninc ρ Hρlive Hneq).
+              specialize (Hnoninc ρ ltac:(SS) Hneq).
               unfold oleq in Hnoninc. rewrite Hfuel in Hnoninc.
-              destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [by eexists|done]. }
+              destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [|set_solver].
+              eexists; split =>//. destruct Hnoninc as [Hnoninc|Hnoninc]=>//.
+              apply elem_of_dom_2 in Heq. set_solver. }
         unfold fair_ex in *.
         have Hζ'en: pred_at extr' 0 (λ (c : cfg Λ) _, locale_enabled ζ c).
@@ -879,23 +830,23 @@ Section fairness_preserved.
             unfold fuel_decr in Hdec.
             have Hmd: must_decrease ρ None δ (trfirst auxtr') None.
             { econstructor. congruence. rewrite Hζ''. eauto. }
-            specialize (Hdec ρ Hρlive Hmd).
+            specialize (Hdec ρ ltac:(SS) ltac:(SS) Hmd).
             unfold oleq in Hdec. rewrite Hfuel in Hdec.
             destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [by eexists|done].
           - inversion Htm as [|s1 â„“1 r1 s2 â„“2 r2 Hl Hs Hts Hls Hmatchrest]; simplify_eq.
-        simpl in *. destruct ℓ as [ρ0 ζ0| ζ0|]; try done.
+            simpl in *. destruct ℓ as [ρ0 ζ0| ζ0|]; try done.
             + destruct Hls as (?&?&Hdec&?&?).
               unfold fuel_decr in Hdec. simplify_eq.
               have Hmd: must_decrease ρ (Some ρ0) δ (trfirst auxtr') (Some ζ0).
               { econstructor 2. congruence. rewrite Hζ''; eauto. }
-              specialize (Hdec ρ Hρlive Hmd).
+              specialize (Hdec ρ ltac:(SS) ltac:(SS) Hmd).
               unfold oleq in Hdec. rewrite Hfuel in Hdec.
               destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [by eexists|done].
             + destruct Hls as (?&Hdec&_).
               unfold fuel_decr in Hdec. simplify_eq.
               have Hmd: must_decrease ρ None δ (trfirst auxtr') (Some ζ0).
               { econstructor 2. congruence. rewrite Hζ''; eauto. }
-              specialize (Hdec ρ Hρlive Hmd).
+              specialize (Hdec ρ ltac:(SS) ltac:(SS) Hmd).
               unfold oleq in Hdec. rewrite Hfuel in Hdec.
               destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heq; [by eexists|done]. }
@@ -1064,7 +1015,7 @@ Section fuel_dec_unless.
   Definition Ψ (δ: LiveState Mdl) :=
-    [^ Nat.add map] ρ ↦ f ∈ δ.(ls_fuel (Λ := Λ)), f.
+    size δ.(ls_fuel) + [^ Nat.add map] ρ ↦ f ∈ δ.(ls_fuel (Λ := Λ)), f.
   Lemma fuel_dec_unless (extr: extrace) (auxtr: auxtrace) :
     (∀ c c', locale_step (Λ := Λ) c None c' -> False) ->
@@ -1083,22 +1034,38 @@ Section fuel_dec_unless.
     inversion Hval as [|c tid extr' ?? ? Hlm Hsteps Hstep Htrans Hmatch]; simplify_eq =>//.
     destruct â„“ as [| tid' |];
       [left; eexists; done| right |destruct tid; by [| exfalso; eapply Hcl]].
-    destruct Htrans as (Hne&Hdec&Hni&Heq). rewrite -> Heq in *. split; last done.
+    destruct Htrans as (Hne&Hdec&Hni&Hincl&Heq). rewrite -> Heq in *. split; last done.
     destruct tid as [tid|]; last done.
-    rewrite <- Hlm in *. destruct Hne as [ρ Hρtid].
-    have Hless: oless (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') !! ρ) (ls_fuel δ !! ρ).
-    { apply Hdec; last by econstructor.
-      rewrite -ls_mapping_dom. by eapply elem_of_dom_2. }
-    unfold oless in Hless.
-    destruct (ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr')!!ρ) as [f2|] eqn:Hf2;
-      destruct (ls_fuel δ!!ρ) as [f1|] eqn:Hf1 =>//.
-    rewrite /Ψ (big_opM_delete (λ _ f, f) (ls_fuel (trfirst _)) ρ) //.
-    rewrite (big_opM_delete (λ _ f, f) (ls_fuel  δ) ρ) //.
-    apply Nat.add_lt_le_mono =>//. apply big_addM_leq_forall => ρ' Hρ'.
-    rewrite dom_delete_L in Hρ'.
-    have Hρneqρ' : ρ ≠ ρ' by set_solver.
-    rewrite !lookup_delete_ne //. apply Hni => //.
-    rewrite Heq. rewrite -ls_fuel_dom. set_solver.
+    rewrite <- Hlm in *.
+    destruct (decide (dom $ ls_fuel δ = dom $ ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr'))) as [Hdomeq|Hdomneq].
+    - destruct Hne as [ρ Hρtid].
+      assert (ρ ∈ dom $ ls_fuel δ) as Hin by rewrite -ls_same_doms elem_of_dom //.
+      pose proof Hin as Hin'. pose proof Hin as Hin''.
+      apply elem_of_dom in Hin as [f Hf].
+      rewrite Hdomeq in Hin'. apply elem_of_dom in Hin' as [f' Hf'].
+      rewrite /Ψ -!size_dom Hdomeq.
+      apply Nat.add_lt_mono_l.
+      rewrite /Ψ (big_opM_delete (λ _ f, f) (ls_fuel (trfirst _)) ρ) //.
+      rewrite (big_opM_delete (λ _ f, f) (ls_fuel  δ) ρ) //.
+      apply Nat.add_lt_le_mono.
+      { rewrite /fuel_decr in Hdec. specialize (Hdec ρ). rewrite Hf Hf' /= in Hdec.
+        apply Hdec; [set_solver | set_solver | by econstructor]. }
+      apply big_addM_leq_forall => ρ' Hρ'.
+      rewrite dom_delete_L in Hρ'.
+      have Hρneqρ' : ρ ≠ ρ' by set_solver.
+      rewrite !lookup_delete_ne //.
+      destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom δ.(ls_fuel))) as [Hin|Hnotin]; last set_solver.
+      rewrite /fuel_must_not_incr in Hni.
+      destruct (Hni ρ' ltac:(done) ltac:(done)); [done|set_solver].
+    - assert (size $ ls_fuel (trfirst auxtr') < size $ ls_fuel δ).
+      { rewrite -!size_dom. apply subset_size. set_solver. }
+      apply Nat.add_lt_le_mono =>//.
+      apply big_addM_leq_forall => ρ' Hρ'.
+      destruct (Hni ρ' ltac:(set_solver) ltac:(done)); [done|set_solver].
 End fuel_dec_unless.
diff --git a/fairness/fairness_finiteness.v b/fairness/fairness_finiteness.v
index e3a8656..3c07fa8 100644
--- a/fairness/fairness_finiteness.v
+++ b/fairness/fairness_finiteness.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-From trillium.fairness Require Import fairness resources.
+From trillium.fairness Require Import fairness.
 From trillium.prelude Require Import finitary quantifiers classical_instances.
 From stdpp Require Import finite.
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ Section finitary.
   Program Definition enumerate_next (δ1: (fair_model (Λ := Λ) M)) (oζ : olocale Λ) (c': cfg Λ):
     list (fair_model M * @mlabel (fair_model (Λ := Λ) M)) :=
     '(s2, ℓ) ← (δ1.(ls_under), None) :: enum_inner δ1.(ls_under);
-    fs ← enum_gmap_bounded' (live_roles _ s2) (max_gmap δ1.(ls_fuel) `max` fuel_limit s2);
-    ms ← enum_gmap_range_bounded' (live_roles _ s2) (locales_of_list c'.1);
+    d ← enumerate_dom_gsets' (dom δ1.(ls_fuel) ∪ live_roles _ s2);
+    fs ← enum_gmap_bounded' (live_roles _ s2 ∪ d) (max_gmap δ1.(ls_fuel) `max` fuel_limit s2);
+    ms ← enum_gmap_range_bounded' (live_roles _ s2 ∪ d) (locales_of_list c'.1);
     let â„“' := match â„“ with
               | None => match oζ with
                          Some ζ => Silent_step ζ
@@ -58,10 +59,13 @@ Section finitary.
              ls_fuel := `fs;
              (* ls_fuel_dom := proj2_sig fs; *) (* TODO: why this does not work?*)
              ls_mapping := `ms ;
-             ls_mapping_dom := proj2_sig ms
           |}, â„“').
   Next Obligation.
-    intros ??????????. destruct fs as [??]. by simpl.
+    intros ??????????. destruct fs as [? Heq]. rewrite /= Heq //. set_solver.
+  Qed.
+  Next Obligation.
+    intros ??????????. destruct fs as [? Heq]. destruct ms as [? Heq'].
+    rewrite /= Heq //.
   Lemma valid_state_evolution_finitary_fairness (φ: execution_trace Λ -> auxiliary_trace (fair_model M) -> Prop) :
@@ -76,43 +80,60 @@ Section finitary.
     split; last first.
     { destruct ℓ as [ρ tid' | |].
       - inversion Htrans as [Htrans']. apply elem_of_cons; right. by apply enum_inner_spec.
-      - apply elem_of_cons; left. f_equal. inversion Htrans as (?&?&?&?); done.
+      - apply elem_of_cons; left. f_equal. inversion Htrans as (?&?&?&?&?); done.
       - apply elem_of_cons; right. inversion Htrans as (?&?). by apply enum_inner_spec. }
-    apply elem_of_list_bind. eexists (δ2.(ls_fuel) ↾ (ls_fuel_dom _)); split; last first.
-    { eapply enum_gmap_bounded'_spec; split; first by apply ls_fuel_dom.
+    apply elem_of_list_bind. eexists (dom $ δ2.(ls_fuel)). split; last first.
+    { apply enumerate_dom_gsets'_spec. destruct ℓ as [ρ tid' | |].
+      - inversion Htrans as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?). intros ρ' Hin. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ2)); first set_solver.
+        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom $ ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))); first set_solver. set_solver.
+      - inversion Htrans as (?&?&?&?&?). set_solver.
+      - inversion Htrans as (?&?&?&?&?). done. }
+    apply elem_of_list_bind.
+    assert (Hfueldom: dom δ2.(ls_fuel) = live_roles M δ2 ∪ dom (ls_fuel δ2)).
+    { rewrite subseteq_union_1_L //. apply ls_fuel_dom. }
+    eexists (δ2.(ls_fuel) ↾ Hfueldom); split; last first.
+    { eapply enum_gmap_bounded'_spec; split =>//.
       intros ρ f Hsome. destruct ℓ as [ρ' tid' | |].
       - destruct (decide (ρ = ρ')) as [-> | Hneq].
-        + inversion Htrans as [? Hbig]. destruct Hbig as (?&?&?&Hlim&?).
-          rewrite Hsome /= in Hlim.
-          assert (Hlive: ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ2).
-          { rewrite -ls_fuel_dom elem_of_dom. eauto. }
-          specialize (Hlim Hlive). lia.
-        + inversion Htrans as [? Hbig]. destruct Hbig as (?&?&Hleq&?&Hnew).
-          destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr))) as [Hin|Hnotin].
+        + inversion Htrans as [? Hbig]. destruct Hbig as (Hmap&Hleq&?&Hlim&?&?).
+          destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ2)).
+          * rewrite Hsome /= in Hlim.
+            assert (Hlive: ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ2) by set_solver.
+            specialize (Hlim Hlive). lia.
+          * unfold fuel_decr in Hleq.
+            apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hmap. rewrite ls_same_doms in Hmap.
+            pose proof Hsome as Hsome'. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hsome'.
+            specialize (Hleq ρ' ltac:(done) ltac:(done)).
+            assert(must_decrease ρ' (Some ρ') (trace_last auxtr) δ2 (Some tid')) as Hmd; first by constructor 3.
+            specialize (Hleq Hmd). rewrite Hsome /= in Hleq.
+            apply elem_of_dom in Hmap as [? Heq]. rewrite Heq in Hleq.
+            pose proof (max_gmap_spec _ _ _ Heq). simpl in *. lia.
+        + inversion Htrans as [? Hbig]. destruct Hbig as (Hmap&?&Hleq'&?&Hnew&?).
+          destruct (decide (ρ ∈ dom $ ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))) as [Hin|Hnotin].
           * assert (Hok: oleq (ls_fuel δ2 !! ρ) (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ)).
-            { apply Hleq =>//. congruence. }
+            { unfold fuel_must_not_incr in *.
+              assert (ρ ∈ dom $ ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) by SS.
+              specialize (Hleq' ρ ltac:(done) ltac:(congruence)) as [Hleq'|Hleq'] =>//. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hsome. set_solver. }
             rewrite Hsome in Hok. destruct (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heqn; last done.
-            rewrite <-ls_fuel_dom, elem_of_dom in Hin.
             pose proof (max_gmap_spec _ _ _ Heqn). simpl in *. lia.
           * assert (Hok: oleq (ls_fuel δ2 !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit δ2))).
-            { apply Hnew. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hsome. rewrite -ls_fuel_dom. set_solver. }
-            rewrite Hsome in Hok. simpl in *. lia.
-      - inversion Htrans as [? [? [Hleq Heq]]]. specialize (Hleq ρ).
-        assert (Hok: oleq (ls_fuel δ2 !! ρ) (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ)).
-        { apply Hleq; last done. rewrite Heq -ls_fuel_dom elem_of_dom Hsome. by eauto. }
-        rewrite Hsome in Hok. destruct (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heqn; last done.
-        pose proof (max_gmap_spec _ _ _ Heqn). simpl in *. lia.
-      - inversion Htrans as [? [? [Hleq Hnew]]]. specialize (Hleq ρ).
-        destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr))).
-        + assert (Hok: oleq (ls_fuel δ2 !! ρ) (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ)).
-          { apply Hleq; done. }
-          rewrite Hsome in Hok. destruct (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heqn; last done.
+            { apply Hnew. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hsome. set_solver. }
+            rewrite Hsome in Hok. simpl in Hok. lia.
+      - inversion Htrans as [? [? [Hleq [Hincl Heq]]]]. specialize (Hleq ρ).
+        assert (ρ ∈ dom $ ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) as Hin.
+        { apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hsome. set_solver. }
+        specialize (Hleq Hin ltac:(done)) as [Hleq|Hleq].
+        + rewrite Hsome in Hleq. destruct (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ) as [f'|] eqn:Heqn; last done.
           pose proof (max_gmap_spec _ _ _ Heqn). simpl in *. lia.
-        + assert (Hok: oleq (ls_fuel δ2 !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit δ2))).
-          { apply Hnew. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hsome. rewrite -ls_fuel_dom. set_solver. }
-          rewrite Hsome in Hok. simpl in *. lia. }
-    apply elem_of_list_bind. exists (δ2.(ls_mapping) ↾ (ls_mapping_dom _)); split; last first.
-    { eapply enum_gmap_range_bounded'_spec; split; first by apply ls_mapping_dom.
+        + apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hsome. set_solver.
+      - inversion Htrans as [? [? [Hleq [Hnew Hfalse]]]]. done. }
+    apply elem_of_list_bind.
+    assert (Hmappingdom: dom δ2.(ls_mapping) = live_roles M δ2 ∪ dom (ls_fuel δ2)).
+    { rewrite -Hfueldom ls_same_doms //. }
+    exists (δ2.(ls_mapping) ↾ Hmappingdom); split; last first.
+    { eapply enum_gmap_range_bounded'_spec; split=>//.
       intros ρ' tid' Hsome. unfold tids_smaller in *.
       apply locales_of_list_from_locale_from. eauto. }
     rewrite elem_of_list_singleton; f_equal.
@@ -121,5 +142,7 @@ Section finitary.
       + intros ??. apply make_decision.
       + intros. apply make_proof_irrel.
+      + done.
+      + done.
 End finitary.
diff --git a/fairness/heap_lang/lifting.v b/fairness/heap_lang/lifting.v
index b87d31a..0121b4a 100644
--- a/fairness/heap_lang/lifting.v
+++ b/fairness/heap_lang/lifting.v
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Definition sim_rel (M : FairModel) (ex : execution_trace heap_lang)
   valid_state_evolution_fairness ex aux ∧ live_rel M ex aux.
-Theorem simulation_adequacy Σ {Mdl: FairModel} `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness) (e1 : expr) σ1 (s1: Mdl):
+Theorem simulation_adequacy Σ {Mdl: FairModel} `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness) (e1 : expr) σ1 (s1: Mdl) (FR: gset _):
   (* The model has finite branching *)
   rel_finitary (sim_rel Mdl) →
   live_roles Mdl s1 ≠ ∅ ->
@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy Σ {Mdl: FairModel} `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckne
   (∀ `{!heapGS Σ Mdl},
       ⊢ |={⊤}=>
         frag_model_is s1 -∗
-         has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
+        frag_free_roles_are (FR ∖ live_roles _ s1) -∗
+        has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
         ={⊤}=∗ WP e1 @ s; 0%nat; ⊤ {{ v, 0%nat ↦M ∅ }}
   ) ->
   (* The coinductive pure coq proposition given by adequacy *)
@@ -148,17 +149,19 @@ Proof.
   iMod (model_state_init s1) as (γmod) "[Hmoda Hmodf]".
   iMod (model_mapping_init s1) as (γmap) "[Hmapa Hmapf]".
   iMod (model_fuel_init s1) as (γfuel) "[Hfuela Hfuelf]".
+  iMod (model_free_roles_init s1 (FR ∖ live_roles _ s1)) as (γfr) "[HFR Hfr]".
   set (distG :=
           heap_fairnessGS := {|
                               fairness_model_name := γmod;
                               fairness_model_mapping_name := γmap;
                               fairness_model_fuel_name := γfuel;
+                              fairness_model_free_roles_name := γfr;
   iMod (H distG) as "Hwp". clear H.
-  iSpecialize ("Hwp" with "Hmodf [Hmapf Hfuelf]").
+  iSpecialize ("Hwp" with "Hmodf Hfr [Hmapf Hfuelf]").
   { rewrite /has_fuels /frag_mapping_is /= map_fmap_singleton. iFrame.
     iAssert ([∗ set] ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s1, ρ ↦F (fuel_limit s1))%I with "[Hfuelf]" as "H".
     - unfold frag_fuel_is. setoid_rewrite map_fmap_singleton.
@@ -172,16 +175,17 @@ Proof.
   { unfold config_wp. iIntros "!>" (???????) "?". done. }
-  iSplitL "Hmapa Hfuela".
-  { iExists {[ 0%nat := (live_roles Mdl s1) ]}. iSplitL "Hfuela".
+  iSplitL "Hmapa Hfuela HFR".
+  { iExists {[ 0%nat := (live_roles Mdl s1) ]}, _.
+    iSplitL "Hfuela"; [|iSplitL "Hmapa"; repeat iSplit; try iPureIntro].
     - rewrite /auth_fuel_is /= fmap_gset_to_gmap //.
     - rewrite /auth_mapping_is /ls_mapping /= map_fmap_singleton. iFrame; iPureIntro.
-      split.
-      + intros ρ tid. rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some.
-        setoid_rewrite lookup_singleton_Some.
-        split; naive_solver.
-      + intros tid Hlocs. rewrite lookup_singleton_ne //.
-        unfold locales_of_list in Hlocs. simpl in Hlocs. set_solver. }
+    - rewrite /auth_free_roles_are. iFrame.
+    - intros ρ tid. rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some.
+      setoid_rewrite lookup_singleton_Some. split; naive_solver.
+    - intros tid Hlocs. rewrite lookup_singleton_ne //.
+      unfold locales_of_list in Hlocs. simpl in Hlocs. set_solver.
+    - rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap. set_solver. }
   iIntros (ex atr c3 Hval Hexst Hauxst Hexend Hbig).
   iIntros (Hns) "[%Hvalid Hsi] Hposts".
@@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ Proof.
       iAssert (0%nat ↦M ∅) with "[Hposts]" as "Hem".
       { rewrite /= Heq /fmap /=. by iDestruct "Hposts" as "[??]". }
       iDestruct "Hsi" as "(_&Hsi)".
-      iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%M&Hfuela&Hmapa&%Hinvmap&%Hsmall&Hmodel)".
+      iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%M&%FR'&Hfuela&Hmapa&HFR&%Hinvmap&%Hsmall&Hmodel&HfrFR)".
       iDestruct (frag_mapping_same 0%nat M with "[Hmapa] Hem") as "%H"; first done.
       iPureIntro. by eapply no_locale_empty.
     + iSplit; iPureIntro.
@@ -238,12 +242,12 @@ Proof.
       { destruct (to_val e') as [?|] eqn:Heq; last done.
         iApply posts_of_empty_mapping => //.
         apply from_locale_lookup =>//. }
-      iDestruct "Hsi" as "(_&Hsi)". iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%M&Hfuela&Hmapa&%Hinvmap&%Hsmall&Hmodel)".
+      iDestruct "Hsi" as "(_&Hsi)". iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%M&%&Hfuela&Hmapa&?&%Hinvmap&%Hsmall&Hmodel&?)".
       iDestruct (frag_mapping_same tid' M with "Hmapa H") as "%Hlk".
       { rewrite /auth_mapping_is. iPureIntro. by eapply no_locale_empty. }
-Theorem simulation_adequacy_inftraces Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness)
+Theorem simulation_adequacy_inftraces Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness) FR
         e1 σ1 (s1: Mdl)
         (iex : inf_execution_trace heap_lang)
         (Hvex : valid_inf_exec (trace_singleton ([e1], σ1)) iex)
@@ -253,7 +257,8 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy_inftraces Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl}
   live_roles Mdl s1 ≠ ∅ ->
   (∀ `{!heapGS Σ Mdl},
       ⊢ |={⊤}=>
-        frag_model_is s1 -∗
+     frag_model_is s1 -∗
+         frag_free_roles_are (FR ∖ live_roles _ s1) -∗
          has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
         ={⊤}=∗ WP e1 @ s; 0%nat; ⊤ {{ v, 0%nat ↦M ∅ }}
   ) ->
@@ -274,7 +279,7 @@ Proof.
   eapply produced_inf_aux_trace_valid_inf.
   - econstructor.
-  - apply (simulation_adequacy Σ s) => //.
+  - apply (simulation_adequacy Σ s _ _ _ FR) => //.
   - done.
@@ -290,7 +295,7 @@ Notation exaux_traces_match Mdl :=
-Theorem simulation_adequacy_traces Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness)
+Theorem simulation_adequacy_traces Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness) FR
         e1 (s1: Mdl)
         (extr : extrace)
         (Hvex : extrace_valid extr)
@@ -302,6 +307,7 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy_traces Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s:
   (∀ `{!heapGS Σ Mdl},
       ⊢ |={⊤}=>
         frag_model_is s1 -∗
+         frag_free_roles_are (FR ∖ live_roles _ s1) -∗
          has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
         ={⊤}=∗ WP e1 @ s; 0%nat; ⊤ {{ v, 0%nat ↦M ∅ }}
   ) ->
@@ -320,7 +326,7 @@ Proof.
         (trace_singleton (initial_ls s1 0%nat))
         (from_trace extr)
-  { apply (simulation_adequacy_inftraces Σ Mdl s); eauto.
+  { apply (simulation_adequacy_inftraces Σ Mdl s FR); eauto.
     eapply from_trace_preserves_validity; eauto; first econstructor.
     simpl. destruct (trfirst extr) eqn:Heq.
     simpl in Hexfirst. rewrite -Hexfirst Heq //. }
@@ -333,7 +339,7 @@ Proof.
   - apply to_trace_spec.
-Theorem simulation_adequacy_model_trace Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness)
+Theorem simulation_adequacy_model_trace Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness) FR
         e1 (s1: Mdl)
         (extr : extrace)
         (Hvex : extrace_valid extr)
@@ -345,6 +351,7 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy_model_trace Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl
   (∀ `{!heapGS Σ Mdl},
       ⊢ |={⊤}=>
         frag_model_is s1 -∗
+         frag_free_roles_are (FR ∖ live_roles _ s1) -∗
          has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
         ={⊤}=∗ WP e1 @ s; 0%nat; ⊤ {{ v, 0%nat ↦M ∅ }}
   ) ->
@@ -354,14 +361,14 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy_model_trace Σ (Mdl : FairModel) `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl
   intros Hfb Hlr Hwp.
   destruct (simulation_adequacy_traces
-              Σ Mdl _ e1 s1 extr Hvex Hexfirst Hfb Hlr Hwp) as [auxtr Hmatch].
+              Σ Mdl _ FR e1 s1 extr Hvex Hexfirst Hfb Hlr Hwp) as [auxtr Hmatch].
   destruct (can_destutter_auxtr extr auxtr) as [mtr Hupto] =>//.
   { intros ?? contra. inversion contra. done. }
 Theorem simulation_adequacy_terminate Σ Mdl `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness)
-        e1 (s1: Mdl)
+        e1 (s1: Mdl) FR
         (extr : extrace)
         (Hvex : extrace_valid extr)
         (Hexfirst : (trfirst extr).1 = [e1])
@@ -373,6 +380,7 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy_terminate Σ Mdl `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness)
   (∀ `{!heapGS Σ Mdl},
       ⊢ |={⊤}=>
         frag_model_is s1 -∗
+         frag_free_roles_are (FR ∖ live_roles _ s1) -∗
          has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
         ={⊤}=∗ WP e1 @ s; 0%nat; ⊤ {{ v, 0%nat ↦M ∅ }}
   ) ->
@@ -381,7 +389,7 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy_terminate Σ Mdl `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness)
   intros Hterm Hfb Hlr Hwp Hfair.
   destruct (simulation_adequacy_model_trace
-              Σ Mdl _ e1 s1 extr Hvex Hexfirst Hfb Hlr Hwp) as (auxtr&mtr&Hmatch&Hupto).
+              Σ Mdl _ FR e1 s1 extr Hvex Hexfirst Hfb Hlr Hwp) as (auxtr&mtr&Hmatch&Hupto).
   destruct (infinite_or_finite extr) as [Hinf|] =>//.
   have Hfairaux := fairness_preserved extr auxtr Hinf Hmatch Hfair.
   have Hvalaux := exaux_preserves_validity extr auxtr Hmatch.
@@ -393,7 +401,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem simulation_adequacy_terminate_ftm Σ `{FairTerminatingModel Mdl} `{!heapGpreS Σ Mdl} (s: stuckness)
-        e1 (s1: Mdl)
+        e1 (s1: Mdl) FR
         (extr : extrace)
         (Hvex : extrace_valid extr)
         (Hexfirst : (trfirst extr).1 = [e1])
@@ -404,7 +412,8 @@ Theorem simulation_adequacy_terminate_ftm Σ `{FairTerminatingModel Mdl} `{!heap
   (∀ `{!heapGS Σ Mdl},
       ⊢ |={⊤}=>
         frag_model_is s1 -∗
-         has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
+        frag_free_roles_are (FR ∖ live_roles _ s1) -∗
+        has_fuels (Σ := Σ) 0%nat (gset_to_gmap (fuel_limit s1) (Mdl.(live_roles) s1))
         ={⊤}=∗ WP e1 @ s; 0%nat; ⊤ {{ v, 0%nat ↦M ∅ }}
   ) ->
   (* The coinductive pure coq proposition given by adequacy *)
@@ -625,9 +634,10 @@ Proof.
   simplify_eq. iMod "Hclose" as "_". iMod "H" as "[Hfuels Hkont]".
   rewrite !app_nil_r.
   iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%&Hgh&Hmi)".
-  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel with "Hfuels Hmi") as "H"; eauto.
-  { by intros X%dom_empty_inv_L. }
-  { econstructor =>//. by apply fill_step. }
+  (* iDestruct "Hmi" as (??) "(?&?&?&?&?&?&%)". *)
+  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel _ _ ∅ with "Hfuels Hmi") as "H"; eauto;
+    [by intros X%dom_empty_inv_L | set_solver | set_solver | econstructor =>//; by apply fill_step |].
   iDestruct ("H") as (δ2 ℓ [Hlabels Hvse]) "[Hfuels Hmi]".
   iExists δ2, ℓ.
@@ -637,7 +647,47 @@ Proof.
   - iPureIntro. destruct â„“ =>//.
   - iPureIntro. destruct Hvse as (?&?&? )=>//.
   - iPureIntro. destruct Hvse as (?&?&? )=>//.
-  - by iApply "Hkont".
+  - iApply "Hkont". iApply (has_fuels_proper with "Hfuels") =>//.
+    rewrite map_filter_id //. intros ?? ?%elem_of_dom_2; set_solver.
+Lemma wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_remove_role rem s tid E E' Φ e1 e2 fs ϕ:
+  fs ≠ ∅ ->
+  rem ⊆ dom fs →
+  rem ∩ live_roles _ s = ∅ →
+  PureExec Ï• 1 e1 e2 ->
+  Ï• ->
+  (|={E}[E']▷=> frag_model_is s ∗ has_fuels_S tid fs ∗
+                 (frag_model_is s -∗ (has_fuels tid (fs ⇂ (dom fs ∖ rem))) -∗ WP e2 @ tid; E {{ Φ }}))
+  ⊢ WP e1 @ tid; E {{ Φ }}.
+  intros NnO Hincl Hdisj Hpe HÏ•.
+  have Hps: pure_step e1 e2.
+  { specialize (Hpe HÏ•). by apply nsteps_once_inv in Hpe. }
+  iIntros "H". iApply wp_lift_step; eauto.
+  { destruct Hps as [Hred _]. specialize (Hred inhabitant). eapply reducible_not_val; eauto. }
+  iIntros (extr auxtr K tp1 tp2 σ1 Hvalex Hexend Hloc) "Hsi".
+  iMod "H". iMod fupd_mask_subseteq as "Hclose"; last iModIntro; first by set_solver.
+  iSplit; first by destruct Hps as [Hred _].
+  iNext. iIntros (e2' σ2 efs Hpstep).
+  destruct Hps as [? Hdet]. specialize (Hdet _ _ _ _ Hpstep) as (?&?&?).
+  simplify_eq. iMod "Hclose" as "_". iMod "H" as "(Hmod & Hfuels & Hkont)".
+  rewrite !app_nil_r.
+  iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%&Hgh&Hmi)".
+  iDestruct (model_agree' with "Hmi Hmod") as %Heq.
+  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel _ _ rem with "Hfuels Hmi") as "H"; eauto;
+    [by intros X%dom_empty_inv_L | set_solver | econstructor =>//; by apply fill_step |].
+  iModIntro.
+  iDestruct ("H") as (δ2 ℓ [Hlabels Hvse]) "[Hfuels Hmi]".
+  iExists δ2, ℓ.
+  rewrite /state_interp /=.
+  rewrite Hexend /=. list_simplifier. iFrame "Hgh Hmi".
+  repeat iSplit; last done.
+  - iPureIntro. destruct â„“ =>//.
+  - iPureIntro. destruct Hvse as (?&?&? )=>//.
+  - iPureIntro. destruct Hvse as (?&?&? )=>//.
+  - iApply ("Hkont" with "Hmod"). iApply (has_fuels_proper with "Hfuels") =>//.
 (* Lemma wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_2 tid E E' Φ e1 e2 (fs: gmap (fmrole Mdl) nat) R ϕ: *)
@@ -668,15 +718,17 @@ Proof.
   rewrite has_fuel_fuels //. apply map_non_empty_singleton.
-Lemma wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_take_step s1 s2 tid E E' fs1 fs2 Φ e1 e2 ρ φ:
+Lemma wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_take_step s1 s2 tid E E' fs1 fs2 fr1 Φ e1 e2 ρ φ:
   PureExec φ 1 e1 e2 -> φ ->
   valid_new_fuelmap fs1 fs2 s1 s2 ρ ->
+  live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl s1 ⊆ fr1 →
   Mdl.(fmtrans) s1 (Some ρ) s2 ->
-  (|={E}[E']▷=> frag_model_is s1 ∗ has_fuels tid fs1 ∗
-    (frag_model_is s2 -∗ (has_fuels tid fs2 -∗ WP e2 @ tid; E {{ Φ }})))
+  (|={E}[E']▷=> frag_model_is s1 ∗ has_fuels tid fs1 ∗ frag_free_roles_are fr1 ∗
+                 (frag_model_is s2 -∗ frag_free_roles_are (fr1 ∖ (live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl s1))
+                  -∗ (has_fuels tid fs2 -∗ WP e2 @ tid; E {{ Φ }})))
   ⊢ WP e1 @ tid; E {{ Φ }}.
-  iIntros (Hpe Hφ Hval Htrans).
+  iIntros (Hpe Hφ Hval Hfr Htrans).
   have Hps: pure_step e1 e2.
   { specialize (Hpe Hφ). by apply nsteps_once_inv in Hpe. }
   iIntros "Hkont".
@@ -688,52 +740,56 @@ Proof.
   iSplit; first by destruct Hps as [Hred _].
   iNext. iIntros (e2' σ2 efs Hpstep).
   destruct Hps as [? Hdet]. specialize (Hdet _ _ _ _ Hpstep) as (?&?&?).
-  simplify_eq. iMod "Hclose" as "_". iMod "Hkont" as "(Hmod&Hfuels&Hkont)".
+  simplify_eq. iMod "Hclose" as "_". iMod "Hkont" as "(Hmod&Hfuels&Hfr&Hkont)".
   rewrite !app_nil_r.
   iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%&Hgh&Hmi)". simpl.
   iDestruct (model_agree' with "Hmi Hmod") as %Hmeq.
-  iMod (update_step_still_alive _ _ _ _ σ1 σ1 with "Hfuels Hmod Hmi") as "H"; eauto.
+  iMod (update_step_still_alive _ _ _ _ σ1 σ1 with "Hfuels Hmod Hmi Hfr") as "H"; eauto.
   { rewrite Hexend. eauto. }
   { econstructor =>//.
     - rewrite Hexend //=.
     - by apply fill_step. }
   { rewrite Hmeq. apply Hval. }
-  iModIntro. iDestruct "H" as (δ2 ℓ [Hlabels Hvse]) "(Hfuels&Hmod&Hmi)".
+  iModIntro. iDestruct "H" as (δ2 ℓ [Hlabels Hvse]) "(Hfuels&Hmod&Hmi&Hfr)".
   iExists δ2, ℓ.
   rewrite Hexend /=. list_simplifier. iFrame "Hgh Hmi".
   repeat iSplit; last done.
   - iPureIntro. destruct â„“ =>//.
   - iPureIntro. destruct Hvse as (?&?&? )=>//.
   - iPureIntro. destruct Hvse as (?&?&? )=>//.
-  - by iSpecialize ("Hkont" with "Hmod Hfuels").
+  - by iSpecialize ("Hkont" with "Hmod Hfr Hfuels").
-Lemma wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_singlerole_take_step s1 s2 tid E E' (f1 f2: nat) Φ e1 e2 ρ φ:
+Lemma wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_singlerole_take_step s1 s2 tid E E' (f1 f2: nat) fr Φ e1 e2 ρ φ:
   PureExec φ 1 e1 e2 -> φ ->
   live_roles _ s2 ⊆ live_roles _ s1 ->
   (f2 ≤ fuel_limit s2)%nat -> Mdl.(fmtrans) s1 (Some ρ) s2 ->
-  ( |={E}[E']▷=> frag_model_is s1 ∗ has_fuel tid ρ f1 ∗
-    (frag_model_is s2 -∗ (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then has_fuel tid ρ f2 else tid ↦M ∅) -∗
-                                WP e2 @ tid; E {{ Φ }}))
+  (|={E}[E']▷=> frag_model_is s1 ∗ frag_free_roles_are fr ∗ has_fuel tid ρ f1 ∗
+   (frag_model_is s2 -∗ frag_free_roles_are fr -∗ (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then has_fuel tid ρ f2 else tid ↦M ∅) -∗
+                               WP e2 @ tid; E {{ Φ }}))
   ⊢ WP e1 @ tid; E {{ Φ }}.
   iIntros (Hpe Hφ Hroles Hfl Hmdl).
   rewrite has_fuel_fuels.
   iIntros "H".
   iApply (wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_take_step _ _ _ _ _ {[ρ := f1]}
-         (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then {[ρ := f2]} else ∅)  with "[H]"); eauto.
+         (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then {[ρ := f2]} else ∅) fr  with "[H]"); eauto.
   - repeat split.
     + intros ?. rewrite decide_True //. rewrite lookup_singleton //=.
+    + destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles _ s2)); set_solver.
     + set_solver.
     + intros ρ' Hdom. destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)); set_solver.
     + intros ρ' Hneq Hin. destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)); set_solver.
     + destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)); set_solver.
-  - iMod "H". do 2 iModIntro. iMod "H" as "(Hmod&Hfuels&Hkont)". iModIntro.
-    iFrame "Hmod Hfuels". iIntros "Hmod Hfuels". iApply ("Hkont" with "Hmod [Hfuels]").
-    destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)).
-    + rewrite -has_fuel_fuels //.
-    + iDestruct "Hfuels" as "[Hf _]". rewrite dom_empty_L //.
+    + destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)); set_solver.
+  - set_solver.
+  - iMod "H". do 2 iModIntro. iMod "H" as "(Hmod&Hfr&Hfuels&Hkont)". iModIntro.
+    iFrame "Hmod Hfr Hfuels". iIntros "Hmod Hfr Hfuels". iApply ("Hkont" with "Hmod [Hfr] [Hfuels]").
+    + replace (fr ∖ (live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl s1)) with fr; [done|set_solver].
+    + destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)).
+      * rewrite -has_fuel_fuels //.
+      * iDestruct "Hfuels" as "[Hf _]". rewrite dom_empty_L //.
 Lemma wp_lift_pure_step_no_fork_singlerole' tid E E' Φ e1 e2 ρ f:
@@ -825,13 +881,17 @@ Proof.
     as "(Hsi & Hl & Hm)".
   { apply heap_array_map_disjoint.
     rewrite replicate_length ?Hexend; auto with lia. }
-  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel _ _ with "HfuelS Hmi") as (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlabel %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hmi)" =>//.
+  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel _ _ ∅ with "HfuelS Hmi") as (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlabel %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hmi)" =>//.
   { by intros ?%dom_empty_inv_L. }
+  { set_solver. }
   { rewrite Hexend. apply head_locale_step. by econstructor. }
   iModIntro; iExists δ2, ℓ.
   rewrite Hexend //=. iFrame "Hmi Hsi".
   repeat iSplit =>//.
-  iApply "HΦ". iFrame "Hfuel". iApply big_sepL_sep. iSplitL "Hl".
+  iApply "HΦ". iSplitL "Hfuel".
+  { iApply (has_fuels_proper with "Hfuel") =>//.
+    rewrite map_filter_id //. intros ???%elem_of_dom_2; set_solver. }
+  iApply big_sepL_sep. iSplitL "Hl".
   + by iApply heap_array_to_seq_mapsto.
   + iApply (heap_array_to_seq_meta with "Hm"). by rewrite replicate_length.
@@ -853,13 +913,15 @@ Proof.
   iDestruct (@gen_heap_valid with "Hsi Hl") as %Hheap.
   iSplit; first by rewrite Hexend // in Hheap;  eauto. iIntros "!>" (e2 σ2 efs Hstep).
   rewrite Hexend in Hheap. inv_head_step.
-  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel with "HfuelS Hmi") as (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlabels %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hmod)" =>//.
+  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel _ _ ∅ with "HfuelS Hmi") as (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlabels %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hmod)" =>//.
   { by intros ?%dom_empty_inv_L. }
+  { set_solver. }
   { rewrite Hexend. apply head_locale_step. by econstructor. }
   iModIntro; iExists _,_.
   rewrite Hexend //=. iFrame "Hsi Hmod".
   do 2 (iSplit=>//).
-  iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+  iApply "HΦ". iFrame. iApply (has_fuels_proper with "Hfuel") =>//.
+  rewrite map_filter_id //. intros ???%elem_of_dom_2; set_solver.
 Lemma wp_store_nostep s tid E l v' v fs:
@@ -874,23 +936,25 @@ Proof.
   iSplit; first by rewrite Hexend // in Hheap;  eauto. iIntros "!>" (e2 σ2 efs Hstep).
   rewrite Hexend in Hheap. inv_head_step.
   iMod (@gen_heap_update with "Hsi Hl") as "[Hsi Hl]".
-  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel with "HfuelS Hmi") as (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlabels %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hmod)" =>//.
+  iMod (update_no_step_enough_fuel _ _ ∅ with "HfuelS Hmi") as (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlabels %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hmod)" =>//.
   { by intros ?%dom_empty_inv_L. }
+  { set_solver. }
   { rewrite Hexend. apply head_locale_step. by econstructor. }
   iModIntro; iExists _,_.
   rewrite Hexend //=. iFrame "Hsi Hmod".
   do 2 (iSplit=>//).
-  iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+  iApply "HΦ". iFrame. iApply (has_fuels_proper with "Hfuel") =>//.
+  rewrite map_filter_id //. intros ???%elem_of_dom_2; set_solver.
-Lemma wp_cmpxchg_fail_step_singlerole s tid ρ (f1 f2: nat) s1 s2 E l q v' v1 v2:
+Lemma wp_cmpxchg_fail_step_singlerole s tid ρ (f1 f2: nat) fr s1 s2 E l q v' v1 v2:
   v' ≠ v1 → vals_compare_safe v' v1 → f2 ≤ fuel_limit s2 -> Mdl.(fmtrans) s1 (Some ρ) s2 ->
   live_roles _ s2 ⊆ live_roles _ s1 ->
-  {{{ ▷ l ↦{q} v' ∗ ▷ frag_model_is s1 ∗ ▷ has_fuel tid ρ f1 }}} CmpXchg (Val $ LitV $ LitLoc l) (Val v1) (Val v2) @ s; tid; E
-  {{{ RET PairV v' (LitV $ LitBool false); l ↦{q} v' ∗ frag_model_is s2 ∗
+  {{{ ▷ l ↦{q} v' ∗ ▷ frag_model_is s1 ∗ ▷ has_fuel tid ρ f1 ∗ ▷ frag_free_roles_are fr }}} CmpXchg (Val $ LitV $ LitLoc l) (Val v1) (Val v2) @ s; tid; E
+  {{{ RET PairV v' (LitV $ LitBool false); l ↦{q} v' ∗ frag_model_is s2 ∗ frag_free_roles_are fr ∗
       (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then has_fuel tid ρ f2 else tid ↦M ∅ ) }}}.
-  iIntros (?? Hfl Htrans ? Φ) "(>Hl & >Hst & >Hfuel1) HΦ". iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
+  iIntros (?? Hfl Htrans ? Φ) "(>Hl & >Hst & >Hfuel1 & > Hfr) HΦ". iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
   iIntros (extr atr K tp1 tp2 σ1 Hval Hexend Hloc) "(% & Hsi & Hmi) !>".
   iDestruct (@gen_heap_valid with "Hsi Hl") as %Hheap.
   iSplit; first by rewrite Hexend // in Hheap;  eauto. iIntros "!>" (e2 σ2 efs Hstep).
@@ -900,34 +964,72 @@ Proof.
   rewrite has_fuel_fuels Hexend.
   iMod (update_step_still_alive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
             (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then {[ ρ := f2 ]} else ∅)
-            with "Hfuel1 Hst Hmi") as
-        (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlab %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hst & Hmod)"; eauto.
+            with "Hfuel1 Hst Hmi Hfr") as
+        (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlab %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hst & Hfr & Hmod)"; eauto.
+  - set_solver.
   - destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)); apply head_locale_step; econstructor =>//.
   - destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)).
     + split; first by intros _; rewrite lookup_singleton /=; lia.
       split; first set_solver.
-      split.
-      { intros ρ' Hin. exfalso. rewrite dom_singleton_L  Hmeq in Hin. set_solver. }
+      split; first set_solver.
+      split; first (intros ρ' Hin; set_solver).
       split; set_solver.
     + repeat (split; set_solver).
   - rewrite -> bool_decide_eq_false_2 in *; eauto.
     iModIntro; iExists δ2, ℓ. iSplit.
     { iPureIntro. simpl in *. split =>//. }
     iFrame. iSplit; first done. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+    replace (fr ∖ (live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl s1)) with fr; [iFrame|set_solver].
     destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)).
     + rewrite has_fuel_fuels //.
     + iDestruct "Hfuel" as "[?_]". rewrite dom_empty_L //.
-Lemma wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole  s tid ρ (f1 f2: nat) s1 s2 E l v' v1 v2:
+Lemma wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole_keep_dead  s tid ρ (f1 f2: nat) fr s1 s2 E l v' v1 v2:
+  ρ ∉ live_roles _ s2 →
+  v' = v1 → vals_compare_safe v' v1 → f2 < f1 -> Mdl.(fmtrans) s1 (Some ρ) s2 ->
+  live_roles _ s2 ⊆ live_roles _ s1 ->
+  {{{ ▷ l ↦ v' ∗ ▷ frag_model_is s1 ∗ ▷ has_fuel tid ρ f1 ∗ ▷ frag_free_roles_are fr }}}
+    CmpXchg (Val $ LitV $ LitLoc l) (Val v1) (Val v2) @ s; tid; E
+  {{{ RET PairV v' (LitV $ LitBool true); l ↦ v2 ∗ frag_model_is s2 ∗ frag_free_roles_are fr ∗
+      has_fuel tid ρ f2 }}}.
+  iIntros (??? Hfl Htrans ? Φ) "(>Hl & >Hst & >Hfuel1 & >Hfr) HΦ".
+  iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
+  iIntros (extr atr K tp1 tp2 σ1 Hval Hexend Hloc) "(% & Hsi & Hmi) !>".
+  iDestruct (@gen_heap_valid with "Hsi Hl") as %Hheap.
+  iSplit; first by rewrite Hexend // in Hheap;  eauto. iIntros "!>" (e2 σ2 efs Hstep).
+  rewrite Hexend in Hheap. inv_head_step.
+  iDestruct (model_agree' with "Hmi Hst") as %Hmeq.
+  rewrite bool_decide_true //.
+  iMod (@gen_heap_update with "Hsi Hl") as "[Hsi Hl]".
+  rewrite has_fuel_fuels Hexend.
+  iMod (update_step_still_alive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {[ ρ := f2 ]} with "Hfuel1 Hst Hmi Hfr") as
+        (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlab %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hst & Hfr & Hmod)"; eauto.
+  - set_solver.
+  - apply head_locale_step; econstructor =>//.
+  - repeat (split; try done); [|set_solver|set_solver|set_solver| set_solver |].
+    + intros ??. rewrite !lookup_singleton /=. lia.
+    + rewrite dom_singleton singleton_subseteq_l. simplify_eq.
+      destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles _ (trace_last atr))); set_solver.
+  - rewrite -> bool_decide_eq_true_2 in *; eauto.
+    iModIntro; iExists δ2, ℓ. iSplit.
+    { iPureIntro. simpl in *. split =>//. }
+    iFrame. iSplit; first done. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+    replace (fr ∖ (live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl s1)) with fr; [iFrame|set_solver].
+    by rewrite has_fuel_fuels.
+Lemma wp_cmpxchg_suc_step_singlerole s tid ρ (f1 f2: nat) fr s1 s2 E l v' v1 v2:
   v' = v1 → vals_compare_safe v' v1 → f2 ≤ fuel_limit s2 -> Mdl.(fmtrans) s1 (Some ρ) s2 ->
   live_roles _ s2 ⊆ live_roles _ s1 ->
-  {{{ ▷ l ↦ v' ∗ ▷ frag_model_is s1 ∗ ▷ has_fuel tid ρ f1 }}}
+  {{{ ▷ l ↦ v' ∗ ▷ frag_model_is s1 ∗ ▷ has_fuel tid ρ f1 ∗ ▷ frag_free_roles_are fr }}}
     CmpXchg (Val $ LitV $ LitLoc l) (Val v1) (Val v2) @ s; tid; E
-  {{{ RET PairV v' (LitV $ LitBool true); l ↦ v2 ∗ frag_model_is s2 ∗
+  {{{ RET PairV v' (LitV $ LitBool true); l ↦ v2 ∗ frag_model_is s2 ∗ frag_free_roles_are fr ∗
       (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then has_fuel tid ρ f2 else tid ↦M ∅ ) }}}.
-  iIntros (?? Hfl Htrans ? Φ) "(>Hl & >Hst & >Hfuel1) HΦ". iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
+  iIntros (?? Hfl Htrans ? Φ) "(>Hl & >Hst & >Hfuel1 & >Hfr) HΦ".
+  iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
   iIntros (extr atr K tp1 tp2 σ1 Hval Hexend Hloc) "(% & Hsi & Hmi) !>".
   iDestruct (@gen_heap_valid with "Hsi Hl") as %Hheap.
   iSplit; first by rewrite Hexend // in Hheap;  eauto. iIntros "!>" (e2 σ2 efs Hstep).
@@ -938,20 +1040,21 @@ Proof.
   rewrite has_fuel_fuels Hexend.
   iMod (update_step_still_alive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
             (if decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2) then {[ ρ := f2 ]} else ∅)
-            with "Hfuel1 Hst Hmi") as
-        (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlab %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hst & Hmod)"; eauto.
+            with "Hfuel1 Hst Hmi Hfr") as
+        (δ2 ℓ) "([%Hlab %Hvse] & Hfuel & Hst & Hfr & Hmod)"; eauto.
+  - set_solver.
   - destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)); apply head_locale_step; econstructor =>//.
   - destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)).
     + split; first by intros _; rewrite lookup_singleton /=; lia.
       split; first set_solver.
-      split.
-      { intros ρ' Hin. exfalso. rewrite dom_singleton_L  Hmeq in Hin. set_solver. }
+      split; first set_solver.
       split; set_solver.
     + repeat (split; set_solver).
   - rewrite -> bool_decide_eq_true_2 in *; eauto.
     iModIntro; iExists δ2, ℓ. iSplit.
     { iPureIntro. simpl in *. split =>//. }
     iFrame. iSplit; first done. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+    replace (fr ∖ (live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl s1)) with fr; [iFrame|set_solver].
     destruct (decide (ρ ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)).
     + rewrite has_fuel_fuels //.
     + iDestruct "Hfuel" as "[?_]". rewrite dom_empty_L //.
diff --git a/fairness/resources.v b/fairness/resources.v
index 58a4d79..e088b73 100644
--- a/fairness/resources.v
+++ b/fairness/resources.v
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Class fairnessGpreS (Mdl : FairModel) Λ Σ `{Countable (locale Λ)} := {
   fairnessGpreS_model :> inG Σ (authUR (optionUR (exclR (ModelO Mdl))));
   fairnessGpreS_model_mapping :> inG Σ (authUR (gmapUR (localeO Λ) (exclR (gsetR (RoleO Mdl)))));
   fairnessGpreS_model_fuel :> inG Σ (authUR (gmapUR (RoleO Mdl) (exclR natO)));
+  fairnessGpreS_model_free_roles :> inG Σ (authUR (gset_disjUR (RoleO Mdl)));
 Class fairnessGS (Mdl: FairModel) Λ Σ `{Countable (locale Λ)} := FairnessGS {
@@ -21,17 +22,21 @@ Class fairnessGS (Mdl: FairModel) Λ Σ `{Countable (locale Λ)} := FairnessGS {
   fairness_model_mapping_name : gname;
   (** Mapping of roles to fuel *)
   fairness_model_fuel_name : gname;
+  (** Set of free/availble roles *)
+  fairness_model_free_roles_name : gname;
 Global Arguments FairnessGS Mdl Λ  Σ {_ _ _} _ _ _.
 Global Arguments fairness_model_name {Mdl Λ Σ _ _} _.
 Global Arguments fairness_model_mapping_name {Mdl Λ Σ _ _} _ : assert.
 Global Arguments fairness_model_fuel_name {Mdl Λ Σ _ _} _ : assert.
+Global Arguments fairness_model_free_roles_name {Mdl Λ Σ _ _} _ : assert.
 Definition fairnessΣ (Mdl: FairModel) Λ `{Countable (locale Λ)} : gFunctors := #[
    GFunctor (authUR (optionUR (exclR (ModelO Mdl))));
    GFunctor (authUR (gmapUR (localeO Λ) (exclR (gsetR (RoleO Mdl)))));
-   GFunctor (authUR (gmapUR (RoleO Mdl) (exclR natO)))
+   GFunctor (authUR (gmapUR (RoleO Mdl) (exclR natO)));
+   GFunctor (authUR (gset_disjUR (RoleO Mdl)))
 Global Instance subG_fairnessGpreS {Σ Λ Mdl} `{Countable (locale Λ)} :
@@ -159,50 +164,6 @@ Section map_imap.
 End map_imap.
-Section locales_utils.
-  Context {Λ: language}.
-  Definition locales_of_list_from tp0 (tp: list $ expr Λ): list $ locale Λ :=
-    (λ '(t, e), locale_of t e) <$> (prefixes_from tp0 tp).
-  Notation locales_of_list tp := (locales_of_list_from [] tp).
-  Lemma locales_of_list_equiv tp0 tp0' tp1 tp2:
-    locales_equiv_from tp0 tp0' tp1 tp2 →
-    locales_of_list_from tp0 tp1 = locales_of_list_from tp0' tp2.
-  Proof.
-    revert tp0 tp0' tp1. induction tp2; intros tp0 tp0' tp1 H;
-    destruct tp1 as [|e1 tp1]; try by apply Forall2_length in H.
-    unfold locales_of_list_from. simpl.
-    simpl in H. apply Forall2_cons_1 in H as [??]. f_equal =>//.
-    apply IHtp2 =>//.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma locales_of_list_step_incl σ1 σ2 oζ tp1 tp2 :
-      locale_step (tp1, σ1) oζ (tp2, σ2) ->
-      locales_of_list tp1 ⊆ locales_of_list tp2.
-  Proof.
-    intros H. inversion H; simplify_eq=>//.
-    replace (t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs) with ((t1 ++ e2 :: t2) ++ efs); last by list_simplifier.
-    rewrite /locales_of_list_from. rewrite [in X in _ ⊆ X]prefixes_from_app /= fmap_app.
-    assert ((λ '(t, e), locale_of t e) <$> prefixes (t1 ++ e1 :: t2) = (λ '(t, e), locale_of t e) <$> prefixes (t1 ++ e2 :: t2))
-      as ->; last set_solver.
-    apply locales_of_list_equiv, locales_equiv_middle. by eapply locale_step_preserve.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma locales_of_list_from_locale_from `{EqDecision (locale Λ)} tp0 tp1 ζ:
-    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 tp1 ζ) ->
-    ζ ∈ locales_of_list_from tp0 tp1.
-  Proof.
-    revert tp0; induction tp1 as [|e1 tp1 IH]; intros tp0.
-    { simpl. intros H. inversion H. congruence. }
-    simpl. intros [e Hsome]. rewrite /locales_of_list_from /=.
-    destruct (decide (locale_of tp0 e1 = ζ)); simplify_eq; first set_solver.
-    apply elem_of_cons; right. apply IH. eauto.
-  Qed.
-End locales_utils.
-Notation locales_of_list tp := (locales_of_list_from [] tp).
 Section model_state_interp.
   Context {Mdl: FairModel}.
   Context `{fG: fairnessGS Mdl Λ Σ}.
@@ -235,16 +196,22 @@ Section model_state_interp.
   Definition frag_model_is (M: Mdl): iProp Σ :=
     own (fairness_model_name fG) (â—¯ Excl' M).
+  Definition auth_free_roles_are (FR: gset Role): iProp Σ :=
+    own (fairness_model_free_roles_name fG) (● (GSet FR)).
+  Definition frag_free_roles_are (FR: gset Role): iProp Σ :=
+    own (fairness_model_free_roles_name fG) (â—¯ (GSet FR)).
   Definition model_state_interp (tp: list $ expr Λ) (δ: LiveState Mdl): iProp Σ :=
-    ∃ M, auth_fuel_is δ.(ls_fuel) ∗
-      auth_mapping_is M ∗ ⌜maps_inverse_match δ.(ls_mapping) M⌝ ∗
+    ∃ M FR, auth_fuel_is δ.(ls_fuel) ∗ auth_mapping_is M ∗ auth_free_roles_are FR ∗
+      ⌜maps_inverse_match δ.(ls_mapping) M⌝ ∗
       ⌜ ∀ ζ, ζ ∉ locales_of_list tp → M !! ζ = None ⌝ ∗
-      auth_model_is δ.
+      auth_model_is δ ∗ ⌜ FR ∩ dom δ.(ls_fuel) = ∅ ⌝.
   Lemma model_state_interp_tids_smaller δ tp :
     model_state_interp tp δ -∗ ⌜ tids_smaller tp δ ⌝.
-    iIntros "(%M&_&_&%Hminv&%Hbig&_)". iPureIntro.
+    iIntros "(%M&%FR&_&_&_&%Hminv&%Hbig&_)". iPureIntro.
     intros ρ ζ Hin.
     assert (¬ (ζ ∉ locales_of_list tp)).
     - intros contra.
@@ -397,6 +364,14 @@ Section adequacy.
     iExists _. by iSplitL "H1".
+  Lemma model_free_roles_init `{fairnessGpreS Mdl Λ Σ} (s0: Mdl) (FR: gset _):
+    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ,
+        own (A := authUR (gset_disjUR (RoleO Mdl))) γ (● GSet FR  ⋅ ◯ GSet FR).
+  Proof.
+    iMod (own_alloc (● GSet FR  ⋅ ◯ GSet FR)) as (γ) "[H1 H2]".
+    { apply auth_both_valid_2 =>//. }
+    iExists _. by iSplitL "H1".
+  Qed.
 End adequacy.
 Section model_state_lemmas.
@@ -413,6 +388,43 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
     - iModIntro. iFrame.
+  Lemma free_roles_inclusion FR fr:
+    auth_free_roles_are FR -∗
+    frag_free_roles_are fr -∗
+    ⌜fr ⊆ FR⌝.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "HFR Hfr".
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "HFR Hfr") as %Hval. iPureIntro.
+    apply auth_both_valid_discrete in Hval as [??].
+    by apply gset_disj_included.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma update_free_roles rem FR fr1:
+    rem ⊆ fr1 ->
+    auth_free_roles_are FR -∗
+    frag_free_roles_are fr1 ==∗
+    auth_free_roles_are (FR ∖ rem) ∗
+    frag_free_roles_are (fr1 ∖ rem).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (?) "HFR Hfr1".
+    iDestruct (free_roles_inclusion with "HFR Hfr1") as %Hincl.
+    replace FR with ((FR ∖ rem) ∪ rem); last first.
+    { rewrite difference_union_L. set_solver. }
+    replace fr1 with ((fr1 ∖ rem) ∪ rem); last first.
+    { rewrite difference_union_L. set_solver. }
+    iAssert (frag_free_roles_are (fr1 ∖ rem) ∗ frag_free_roles_are rem)%I with "[Hfr1]" as "[Hfr2 Hrem]".
+    { rewrite /frag_free_roles_are -own_op -auth_frag_op gset_disj_union //. set_solver. }
+    iCombine "HFR Hrem" as "H".
+    iMod (own_update with "H") as "[??]" ; eauto.
+    - apply auth_update, gset_disj_dealloc_local_update.
+    - iModIntro. iFrame. iApply (own_proper with "Hfr2").
+      do 2 f_equiv. set_solver.
+  Qed.
   Lemma model_agree s1 s2:
     auth_model_is s1 -∗ frag_model_is s2 -∗ ⌜ s1 = s2 ⌝.
@@ -424,7 +436,7 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
   Lemma model_agree' δ1 s2 n:
     model_state_interp n δ1 -∗ frag_model_is s2 -∗ ⌜ ls_under δ1 = s2 ⌝.
-    iIntros "Hsi Hs2". iDestruct "Hsi" as (?) "(_&_&_&_&Hs1)".
+    iIntros "Hsi Hs2". iDestruct "Hsi" as (??) "(_&_&_&_&_&Hs1&_)".
     iApply (model_agree with "Hs1 Hs2").
@@ -450,9 +462,9 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
        | right _ => F !! ρ
        end) (gset_to_gmap (0%nat) LR).
-  Definition update_fuel_resource (δ1: LiveState Mdl) (fs2: gmap (fmrole Mdl) nat) (s2: Mdl):
+  Definition update_fuel_resource (δ1: LiveState Mdl) (fs1 fs2: gmap (fmrole Mdl) nat) (s2: Mdl):
     gmap (fmrole Mdl) nat :=
-    fuel_apply fs2 (δ1.(ls_fuel (Λ := Λ))) (live_roles _ s2).
+    fuel_apply fs2 (δ1.(ls_fuel (Λ := Λ))) (((dom $ ls_fuel δ1) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2)).
   Lemma elem_of_frame_excl_map
         (fs F: gmap (fmrole Mdl) nat)
@@ -664,6 +676,24 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
   Lemma update_has_fuels_no_step ζ fs fs' F M:
+    let LR := (dom F ∪ dom fs') ∖ (dom fs ∖ dom fs') in
+    (fs ≠ ∅) ->
+    (dom fs' ⊆ dom fs) ->
+    has_fuels ζ fs -∗
+    auth_fuel_is F -∗
+    auth_mapping_is M ==∗
+      auth_fuel_is (fuel_apply fs' F LR) ∗
+      has_fuels ζ fs' ∗
+      auth_mapping_is (<[ ζ := dom fs' ]> M).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (LR Hfs Hdom) "Hfuels Hafuels Hamapping".
+    rewrite !has_fuels_equiv. iDestruct "Hfuels" as "[Hmapping Hfuels]".
+    iMod (update_fuel fs fs' with "Hafuels Hfuels") as "[Hafuels Hfuels]"; [done|set_solver|].
+    iMod (update_mapping with "Hamapping Hmapping") as "[Hamapping Hmapping]".
+    iModIntro. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma update_has_fuels_no_step_no_change ζ fs fs' F M:
     let LR := (dom F ∪ dom fs') ∖ (dom fs ∖ dom fs') in
     (fs ≠ ∅) ->
     (dom fs' = dom fs) ->
@@ -686,7 +716,7 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
     has_fuels ζ fs -∗ model_state_interp n δ -∗ ⌜ ∀ ρ, ls_mapping δ !! ρ = Some ζ <-> ρ ∈ dom fs ⌝.
     unfold model_state_interp, has_fuels, auth_mapping_is, frag_mapping_is.
-    iIntros "[Hζ Hfuels] (%M&Hafuel&Hamapping&%Hmapinv&Hamod) %ρ".
+    iIntros "[Hζ Hfuels] (%M&%FR&Hafuel&Hamapping &HFR&%Hmapinv&Hamod&Hfr) %ρ".
     iCombine "Hamapping Hζ" as "H".
     iDestruct (own_valid with "H") as %Hval. iPureIntro.
     apply auth_both_valid_discrete in Hval as [Hval ?].
@@ -703,7 +733,7 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
     has_fuels ζ fs -∗ model_state_interp n δ -∗  ⌜ ∀ ρ, ρ ∈ dom fs -> ls_fuel δ !! ρ = fs !! ρ ⌝.
     unfold has_fuels, model_state_interp, auth_fuel_is.
-    iIntros "[Hζ Hfuels] (%M&Hafuel&Hamapping&%Hmapinv&Hamod)" (ρ Hρ).
+    iIntros "[Hζ Hfuels] (%M&%FR&Hafuel&Hamapping&HFR&%Hmapinv&Hamod)" (ρ Hρ).
     iDestruct (big_sepS_delete _ _ ρ with "Hfuels") as "[(%f&%Hfs&Hfuel) _]" =>//.
     iCombine "Hafuel Hfuel" as "H".
     iDestruct (own_valid with "H") as %Hval. iPureIntro.
@@ -715,93 +745,159 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
     rewrite Hfuelρ Hfs //.
-  Lemma update_no_step_enough_fuel extr (auxtr : auxiliary_trace (fair_model Mdl)) c2 fs ζ:
+  Lemma update_no_step_enough_fuel extr (auxtr : auxiliary_trace (fair_model Mdl)) rem c2 fs ζ:
     (dom fs ≠ ∅) ->
+    (live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr)) ∩ rem = ∅ →
+    rem ⊆ dom fs →
     locale_step (trace_last extr) (Some ζ) c2 ->
     has_fuels_S ζ fs -∗ model_state_interp (trace_last extr).1 (trace_last auxtr)
     ==∗ ∃ δ2 (ℓ : mlabel $ fair_model Mdl),
         ⌜labels_match (Some ζ) ℓ
         ∧ valid_state_evolution_fairness (extr :tr[Some ζ]: c2) (auxtr :tr[ℓ]: δ2)⌝
-                                ∗ has_fuels ζ fs ∗ model_state_interp c2.1 δ2.
+                                ∗ has_fuels ζ (fs ⇂ (dom fs ∖ rem)) ∗ model_state_interp c2.1 δ2.
-    iIntros "%HnotO %Hstep Hf Hmod".
+    iIntros "%HnotO %Holdroles %Hincl %Hstep Hf Hmod".
     destruct c2 as [tp2 σ2].
     destruct (set_choose_L _ HnotO) as [??].
     iDestruct (has_fuel_in with "Hf Hmod") as %Hxdom; eauto.
     iDestruct (has_fuel_fuel with "Hf Hmod") as "%Hfuel"; eauto.
     iDestruct (model_state_interp_tids_smaller with "Hmod") as %Hζs.
-    iDestruct "Hmod" as "(%M & Hfuel & Hamapping & %Hminv & %Hlocssmall & Hmodel)".
+    iDestruct "Hmod" as "(%M & %FR & Hfuel & Hamapping & HFR & %Hminv & %Hlocssmall & Hmodel & %HFR)".
     unfold has_fuels_S.
     simpl in *.
-    iMod (update_has_fuels_no_step ζ (S <$> fs) fs with "[Hf] [Hfuel] [Hamapping]") as "(Hafuels&Hfuels&Hamapping)" =>//.
-    { rewrite -dom_empty_iff_L. set_solver. }
-    { set_solver. }
-    iModIntro.
-    assert (Hfueldom: dom (fuel_apply fs (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))
-                                      ((dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs) ∖ (dom fs ∖ dom fs))) =
-                      live_roles Mdl (trace_last auxtr)).
-    { unfold fuel_apply.
-      assert (dom fs ⊆ live_roles Mdl (trace_last auxtr)).
-      { intros ρ Hin. rewrite -ls_fuel_dom elem_of_dom Hfuel; last set_solver.
+    set new_dom := ((dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs) ∖ rem).
+    set new_mapping := ls_mapping (trace_last auxtr) ⇂ new_dom.
+    assert (dom (fuel_apply (filter (λ '(k, _), k ∈ dom fs ∖ rem) fs) (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))
+                   ((dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs) ∖ rem)) = new_dom) as Hnewdom.
+    { rewrite /fuel_apply map_imap_dom_eq ?dom_gset_to_gmap //.
+      intros ρ0 _ Hindom.
+      destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom (filter (λ '(k, _), k ∈ dom fs ∖ rem) fs))) as [Hinf|Hninf];
+        first by apply elem_of_dom.
+      apply elem_of_difference in Hindom as [Hin1 ?].
+      apply elem_of_union in Hin1 as [?|Hin2]; first by apply elem_of_dom.
+      exfalso. apply Hninf. apply elem_of_dom in Hin2 as [f ?].
+      eapply elem_of_dom_2. rewrite map_filter_lookup_Some. split =>//.
+      apply elem_of_difference; split =>//. by eapply elem_of_dom_2. }
+    assert (Hsamedoms: dom new_mapping =
+                       dom (fuel_apply (fs ⇂ (dom fs ∖ rem))
+                                       (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))
+                                       ((dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs) ∖ rem))).
+    { rewrite /new_mapping /new_dom. unfold fuel_apply.
+      assert (dom fs ⊆ dom (trace_last auxtr).(ls_fuel)).
+      { intros ρ Hin. rewrite elem_of_dom Hfuel; last set_solver.
         apply elem_of_dom in Hin as [? Hin]. rewrite lookup_fmap Hin //=. }
-      rewrite (ls_fuel_dom (trace_last auxtr)) map_imap_dom_eq.
-      + rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap. set_solver.
-      + intros ρ _ Hin. rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap in Hin.
-        destruct (decide (ρ ∈ dom fs)) as [Hin'|_].
+      rewrite map_imap_dom_eq; last first.
+      { intros ρ _ Hin. rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap in Hin.
+        destruct (decide (ρ ∈ dom $ fs ⇂ (dom fs ∖ rem))) as [Hin'|_].
         * by apply elem_of_dom.
-        * apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_fuel_dom. set_solver. }
-    assert (Hmappingdom: dom (ls_mapping (trace_last auxtr)) = live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr)).
-    { apply ls_mapping_dom. }
+        * apply elem_of_dom. set_solver. }
+      rewrite dom_domain_restrict ?dom_gset_to_gmap ?ls_same_doms //. set_solver. }
+    assert (Hfueldom: live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr) ⊆
+     dom (fuel_apply (fs ⇂ (dom fs ∖ rem))
+                     (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))
+                     ((dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs) ∖ rem))).
+    { rewrite /fuel_apply Hnewdom.
+      intros ρ Hin. apply elem_of_difference; split;
+        [apply ls_fuel_dom in Hin; set_solver | set_solver]. }
+    iMod (update_has_fuels_no_step ζ (S <$> fs) (fs ⇂ (dom fs ∖ rem)) with "[Hf] [Hfuel] [Hamapping]") as "(Hafuels&Hfuels&Hamapping)" =>//.
+    { rewrite -dom_empty_iff_L. set_solver. }
+    { rewrite dom_domain_restrict; set_solver. }
+    iModIntro.
     iExists {|
       ls_under := (trace_last auxtr).(ls_under);
       ls_fuel := _;
       ls_fuel_dom := Hfueldom;
-      ls_mapping := (trace_last auxtr).(ls_mapping);
-      ls_mapping_dom := Hmappingdom;
+      ls_same_doms := Hsamedoms;
     iExists (Silent_step ζ). simpl.
     iSplit; last first.
-    { rewrite (dom_fmap_L _ fs). iFrame "Hfuels". iExists M. rewrite /maps_inverse_match //=. iFrame.
-      iPureIntro. split; first set_solver.
-      unfold tids_smaller; simpl. intros ζ0 Hin.
-      unfold tids_smaller in Hζs.
-      apply Hlocssmall.
-      destruct (trace_last extr).
-      have ? := locales_of_list_step_incl _ _ _ _ _ Hstep. simpl.
-      clear Hfueldom Hmappingdom. set_solver. }
-    iSplit =>//. iSplit; first done. iSplit; last first.
-    { iPureIntro.
-      unfold tids_smaller; simpl. intros ρ ζ0 Hsome.
-      specialize (Hζs _ _ Hsome).
-      destruct (trace_last extr); eapply from_locale_step =>//. }
-    iSplit.
-    { iPureIntro. eexists. apply Hxdom. by rewrite dom_fmap. }
-    iSplit.
-    { unfold fuel_decr. simpl.
-      iIntros "!%" (ρ' Hρ'live Hmustdec).
+    { rewrite (dom_fmap_L _ fs). iFrame "Hfuels". iExists _, FR. rewrite /maps_inverse_match //=. iFrame.
+      assert (dom fs ⊆ dom (ls_fuel $ trace_last auxtr)).
+      { intros ρ Hin. setoid_rewrite dom_fmap in Hxdom.
+        specialize (Hxdom ρ). rewrite -ls_same_doms. apply elem_of_dom. exists ζ.
+        by apply Hxdom. }
+      iSplit.
+      { iApply (auth_fuel_is_proper with "Hafuels"). f_equiv.
+        rewrite dom_domain_restrict; last set_solver.
+        replace (dom fs ∖ (dom fs ∖ rem)) with rem; [set_solver|].
+        rewrite -leibniz_equiv_iff. intros ρ. split; [set_solver|].
+        intros [? [?|?]%not_elem_of_difference]%elem_of_difference =>//. }
+      iPureIntro. split; last split.
+      - intros ρ ζ'. rewrite /new_mapping dom_domain_restrict; last set_solver. split.
+        + intros [Hlk Hin]%map_filter_lookup_Some. destruct (decide (ζ' = ζ)) as [->|Hneq].
+          * rewrite lookup_insert. eexists; split=>//. set_solver.
+          * rewrite lookup_insert_ne //. by apply Hminv.
+        + intros Hin. destruct (decide (ζ' = ζ)) as [->|Hneq].
+          * rewrite lookup_insert in Hin. apply map_filter_lookup_Some.
+            destruct Hin as (?&?&?). simplify_eq. split; last set_solver.
+            apply Hxdom. rewrite dom_fmap. set_solver.
+          * rewrite lookup_insert_ne // -Hminv in Hin. apply map_filter_lookup_Some; split=>//.
+            rewrite /new_dom. apply elem_of_difference; split.
+            ** apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hin. rewrite ls_same_doms in Hin. set_solver.
+            ** assert (ρ ∉ dom fs); last set_solver. rewrite dom_fmap_L in Hxdom.
+               intros contra%Hxdom. congruence.
+      - intros ζ0 Hnotin. apply lookup_insert_None; split.
+        + apply Hlocssmall.
+          destruct (trace_last extr).
+          have ? := locales_of_list_step_incl _ _ _ _ _ Hstep. simpl.
+          clear Hfueldom Hsamedoms. set_solver.
+        + intros <-.
+          destruct (trace_last extr).
+          have ? := locales_of_list_step_incl _ _ _ _ _ Hstep. simpl.
+          clear Hfueldom Hsamedoms. inversion Hstep. simplify_eq.
+          assert (locale_of t1 e1 ∈ locales_of_list (t1 ++ e1 :: t2)); last set_solver.
+          apply locales_of_list_from_locale_from.
+          rewrite from_locale_from_Some // prefixes_from_spec. eexists _,_. by list_simplifier.
+      - rewrite Hnewdom /new_dom. apply elem_of_equiv_empty_L. intros ρ [Hin1 Hin2]%elem_of_intersection.
+        assert (ρ ∈ dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))) by set_solver. set_solver. }
+    iPureIntro.
+    do 2 split; first done. split; [split; [|split; [|split; [|split]]]|] =>//.
+    - eexists. apply Hxdom. by rewrite dom_fmap.
+    - unfold fuel_decr. simpl.
+      intros ρ' Hin Hin' Hmustdec.
+      rewrite Hnewdom in Hin'.
       inversion Hmustdec; simplify_eq.
-      have Hin: ρ' ∈ dom (S <$> fs) by set_solver.
-      rewrite map_lookup_imap Hfuel // lookup_fmap.
-      destruct (S <$> fs !! ρ') as [f|] eqn:Heq; simpl.
-      + rewrite decide_True //; last by set_solver.
-        destruct (fs!!ρ') as [f'|]=> //=.
-        simpl in Heq. injection Heq=>Heq'. rewrite -Heq'.
-        rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True /=; last by set_solver. lia.
-      + have: ρ' ∉ dom (S <$> fs).
-        { apply not_elem_of_dom. rewrite lookup_fmap //. }
-        set_solver. }
-    iPureIntro. split=>//. intros ρ' Hin _.
-    rewrite map_lookup_imap. rewrite -ls_fuel_dom in Hin.
-    apply elem_of_dom in Hin as [f Hf]. rewrite Hf /=.
-    destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs)).
-    + rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True /=; last by set_solver.
-      rewrite -Hf Hfuel; last set_solver. rewrite lookup_fmap.
-      destruct (fs!!ρ') as [f'|] eqn:Heq'; first (simpl; lia).
-      rewrite Hfuel in Hf; last set_solver. rewrite lookup_fmap Heq' // in Hf.
-    + assert (ρ' ∈ dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr))).
-      { apply elem_of_dom. eexists _; done. }
-      rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True /=; [lia | set_solver].
+      + have Hinfs: ρ' ∈ dom (S <$> fs) by set_solver.
+        rewrite map_lookup_imap Hfuel // lookup_fmap. rewrite dom_fmap in Hinfs.
+        rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
+        pose proof Hinfs as Hinfs'. apply elem_of_dom in Hinfs' as [f Heqf].
+        assert (filter (λ '(k, _), k ∈ dom fs ∖ rem) fs !! ρ' = Some f) as Heqfilter.
+        { rewrite map_filter_lookup Heqf /= option_guard_True //. set_solver. }
+        rewrite decide_True // ?Heqfilter ?lookup_fmap ?Heqf /=; last by eapply elem_of_dom_2. lia.
+      + rewrite /= /new_mapping map_filter_lookup in Hneqtid.
+        pose proof Hin as Hin2. rewrite -ls_same_doms in Hin2. apply elem_of_dom in Hin2 as [f Hf].
+        rewrite Hf /= option_guard_True // in Hneqtid.
+    - intros ρ' Hin _. simpl. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ rem)) as [Hin'|Hnin'].
+      + right; split; last set_solver. rewrite /fuel_apply map_imap_dom_eq ?dom_gset_to_gmap; first set_solver.
+        intros ρ0 _ Hin0. destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom (filter (λ '(k, _), k ∈ dom fs ∖ rem) fs))) as [?|Hnin];
+          first by apply elem_of_dom.
+        apply elem_of_difference in Hin0 as [Hin1 ?].
+        apply elem_of_union in Hin1 as [?|Hin2]; first by apply elem_of_dom.
+        exfalso. apply Hnin. apply elem_of_dom in Hin2 as [f ?].
+        eapply elem_of_dom_2. rewrite map_filter_lookup_Some. split =>//.
+        apply elem_of_difference; split =>//. by eapply elem_of_dom_2.
+      + left. rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=; last set_solver.
+        apply elem_of_dom in Hin as [f Hf].
+        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom (filter (λ '(k, _), k ∈ dom fs ∖ rem) fs))) as [Hin|?];
+          last by rewrite !Hf //=.
+        apply elem_of_dom in Hin as [f' Hf']. rewrite Hf'.
+        apply map_filter_lookup_Some in Hf' as [Hfs Hf'].
+        rewrite Hfuel ?lookup_fmap ?Hfs /=; [lia |]. rewrite dom_fmap; set_solver.
+    - rewrite Hnewdom. assert (dom fs ⊆ dom $ ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)); last set_solver.
+        intros ρ Hin. apply elem_of_dom. rewrite Hfuel ?dom_fmap // -elem_of_dom dom_fmap //.
+    - unfold tids_smaller; simpl. intros ρ ζ0 Hin.
+      destruct (trace_last extr); destruct (trace_last extr).
+      eapply from_locale_step =>//.
+      rewrite /tids_smaller /= in Hζs. eapply Hζs.
+      rewrite /new_mapping map_filter_lookup_Some in Hin.
+      by destruct Hin.
   Lemma update_fork_split R1 R2 tp1 tp2 fs (extr : execution_trace Λ)
@@ -822,11 +918,11 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
     iDestruct (has_fuel_fuel with "Hf Hmod") as %Hfuels.
     iDestruct (model_state_interp_tids_smaller with "Hmod") as %Hts.
-    iDestruct "Hmod" as (M) "(Haf&Ham&%Hminv&%Hsmall&Hamod)".
+    iDestruct "Hmod" as (M FR) "(Haf&Ham&HFR&%Hminv&%Hsmall&Hamod&%HFR)".
     pose Hlocincl := locales_of_list_step_incl _ _ _ _ _ Hstep.
-    iMod (update_has_fuels_no_step ζ (S <$> fs) fs with "Hf Haf Ham") as "(Haf&Hf&Ham)".
+    iMod (update_has_fuels_no_step_no_change ζ (S <$> fs) fs with "Hf Haf Ham") as "(Haf&Hf&Ham)".
     { intros contra. apply fmap_empty_inv in contra. set_solver. }
     { rewrite dom_fmap_L //. }
@@ -846,29 +942,33 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
       apply prefixes_from_spec.
       exists t0, []. split =>//. by list_simplifier. }
-    iMod (update_mapping_new_locale ζ _ _ R1 R2 with "Ham Hf") as "(Ham&HR1&HR2)"; eauto.
+    iMod (update_mapping_new_locale ζ (locale_of tp1 efork) _ R1 R2 with "Ham Hf") as "(Ham&HR1&HR2)"; eauto.
     pose δ1 := trace_last auxtr.
-    assert (Hfueldom: dom (map_imap
-                             (λ ρ o,
-                              if decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2) then Some (o - 1)%nat else Some o)
-                             (ls_fuel δ1)) = live_roles Mdl δ1).
-    { rewrite map_imap_dom_eq; first rewrite ls_fuel_dom //.
-      intros ρ f Hin. destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2)); eauto. }
-    assert (Hmappingdom: dom (map_imap
+    assert (Hsamedoms: dom (map_imap
                                 (λ ρ o,
                                  if decide (ρ ∈ R2) then Some $ locale_of tp1 efork else Some o)
-                                (ls_mapping δ1)) = live_roles Mdl δ1).
-    { rewrite map_imap_dom_eq; first rewrite ls_mapping_dom //.
-      intros ρ f Hin. destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R2)); eauto. }
+                                (ls_mapping δ1)) =
+                         dom (map_imap
+                             (λ ρ o,
+                              if decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2) then Some (o - 1)%nat else Some o)
+                             (ls_fuel δ1))
+           ).
+    { rewrite !map_imap_dom_eq; first by rewrite ls_same_doms.
+      - by intros ρ??; destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2)).
+      - by intros ρ??; destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R2)). }
+    assert (Hfueldom: live_roles _ δ1 ⊆ dom (map_imap
+                             (λ ρ o,
+                              if decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2) then Some (o - 1)%nat else Some o)
+                             (ls_fuel δ1))).
+    { rewrite map_imap_dom_eq; first by apply ls_fuel_dom.
+      - by intros ρ??; destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2)). }
     iExists {|
       ls_under := δ1.(ls_under);
-      ls_fuel :=
-        map_imap (λ ρ o, if (decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2)) then Some (o-1)%nat else Some o) (ls_fuel δ1);
+      ls_fuel := _;
       ls_fuel_dom := Hfueldom;
-      ls_mapping :=
-        map_imap (λ ρ o, if (decide (ρ ∈ R2)) then Some $ locale_of tp1 efork else Some o) (ls_mapping δ1);
-      ls_mapping_dom := Hmappingdom;
+      ls_mapping := _;
+      ls_same_doms := Hsamedoms;
     assert (Hdomincl: dom fs ⊆ dom (ls_fuel δ1)).
@@ -884,8 +984,8 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
     { unfold has_fuels. rewrite dom_domain_restrict; [|set_solver]. iFrame.
       iApply (big_sepS_impl with "Hf1"). iIntros "!#" (x Hin) "(%f&%&?)".
       iExists _; iFrame. iPureIntro. rewrite map_filter_lookup_Some //. }
-    iSplitL "Ham Haf Hamod".
-    { iExists _; simpl. iFrame "Ham Hamod".
+    iSplitL "Ham Haf Hamod HFR".
+    { iExists _, FR; simpl. iFrame "Ham Hamod HFR".
       - iApply (auth_fuel_is_proper with "Haf"). unfold fuel_apply.
         rewrite -leibniz_equiv_iff. intros ρ. rewrite !map_lookup_imap.
@@ -907,10 +1007,10 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
         + rewrite option_guard_False //=.
           rewrite -> not_elem_of_union in Hin. destruct Hin as [Hin ?].
           rewrite -> not_elem_of_dom in Hin. rewrite Hin //.
-      - iPureIntro. split; last first.
+      - iPureIntro. split; first last; [split|].
         { intros ζ' Hζ'. rewrite lookup_insert_ne; last first.
           { pose proof (locales_of_list_step_incl _ _ _ _ _ Hstep).
-            clear Hfueldom Hmappingdom.
+            clear Hfueldom Hsamedoms.
             assert (ζ' ∉ locales_of_list tp1); first by set_solver.
             intros contra. simplify_eq.
             destruct Htlen as [tp1' [-> Hlen]].
@@ -930,7 +1030,7 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
           rewrite lookup_insert_ne; last first.
           { intros <-. rewrite Hsmall in Hmapping; [congruence | set_solver]. }
           apply Hsmall; set_solver.  }
+        { rewrite map_imap_dom_eq // => ρ f Hin. by destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2)). }
         intros ρ ζ'. rewrite map_lookup_imap.
         destruct (decide (ρ ∈ dom (ls_mapping δ1))) as [Hin|Hin].
         + apply elem_of_dom in Hin as [ζ'' Hρ]. rewrite Hρ. simpl.
@@ -971,7 +1071,7 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
                { eapply Hminv. eexists _. split; eauto. }
         + apply not_elem_of_dom in Hin. rewrite Hin /=. split; first done.
-          intros (?&Hin'&?). rewrite ls_fuel_dom -ls_mapping_dom in Hdomincl.
+          intros (?&Hin'&?). rewrite -ls_same_doms in Hdomincl.
           apply not_elem_of_dom in Hin.
           destruct (decide (ζ' = locale_of tp1 efork)).
           { simplify_eq. rewrite lookup_insert in Hin'. simplify_eq. set_solver. }
@@ -983,14 +1083,39 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
           { eapply Hminv. eauto. }
           apply not_elem_of_dom in Hin. congruence. }
     iSplit; first done.
-    iSplit; [iSplit|].
+    iSplit; last first.
+    { iPureIntro. intros ρ ζ'. simpl. rewrite map_lookup_imap.
+      destruct (ls_mapping δ1 !!ρ) eqn:Heq; last done. simpl.
+      destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R2)); first  (intros ?; simplify_eq).
+      - destruct Htlen as [tp1' [-> Hlen]].
+        inversion Hstep as [? ? e1 ? e2 ? efs t1 t2 Hf1 YY Hprimstep |]. simplify_eq.
+        assert (efs = [efork]) as ->.
+        { symmetry. assert (length tp1' = length (t1 ++ e2 :: t2)).
+          rewrite app_length //=; rewrite app_length //= in Hlen.
+          clear Hlen. eapply app_inj_1 =>//. by list_simplifier. }
+        assert (is_Some (from_locale (t1 ++ e1 :: t2 ++ [efork]) (locale_of (t1 ++ e1 :: t2) efork))).
+        + unfold from_locale. erewrite from_locale_from_Some; eauto.
+          apply prefixes_from_spec. list_simplifier. eexists _, []. split=>//.
+          by list_simplifier.
+        + eapply from_locale_from_equiv =>//; [constructor |]. rewrite H1.
+          replace (t1 ++ e1 :: t2 ++ [efork]) with ((t1 ++ e1 :: t2) ++ [efork]);
+            last by list_simplifier.
+          replace (t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ [efork]) with ((t1 ++ e2 :: t2) ++ [efork]);
+            last by list_simplifier.
+          assert (locales_equiv (t1 ++ e1 :: t2) (t1 ++ e2 :: t2)).
+          { apply locales_equiv_middle. eapply locale_step_preserve =>//. }
+          apply locales_equiv_from_app =>//. by eapply locales_from_equiv_refl.
+      - intros ?; simplify_eq.
+        assert (is_Some (from_locale tp1 ζ')) by eauto.
+        eapply from_locale_step =>//. }
+    iSplit.
     { iPureIntro. destruct (map_choose _ Hnemp) as [ρ[??]]. exists ρ.
       apply Hminv. eexists _. split; eauto. apply elem_of_dom. eauto. }
-    { iPureIntro. intros ρ Hlive Hmd. simpl. inversion Hmd; simplify_eq.
+    { iPureIntro. intros ρ Hlive Hlive' Hmd. simpl. inversion Hmd; simplify_eq.
       - rewrite map_lookup_imap.
         assert (Hin: ρ ∈ dom (ls_fuel δ1)).
-        { rewrite ls_fuel_dom -ls_mapping_dom elem_of_dom. eauto. }
+        { rewrite -ls_same_doms elem_of_dom. eauto. }
         apply elem_of_dom in Hin. destruct Hin as [f' Hin'].
         rewrite Hin' /=.
         destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2)) as [Hin''|Hin''].
@@ -1008,257 +1133,309 @@ Section model_state_lemmas.
         rewrite Hfuels; last set_solver. rewrite lookup_fmap.
         assert (Hindom: ρ ∈ dom fs); first by set_solver.
         apply elem_of_dom in Hindom as [f Hindom]. rewrite Hindom /= decide_True /=; [lia|set_solver]. }
-    iSplit; last done.
-    { iPureIntro. intros ρ' Hρ' _. simpl.
-      rewrite map_lookup_imap. rewrite <-ls_fuel_dom, elem_of_dom in Hρ'.
+    iSplit.
+    { iPureIntro. intros ρ' Hρ' _. simpl. left.
+      rewrite map_lookup_imap. rewrite elem_of_dom in Hρ'.
       destruct Hρ' as [f Hf]. rewrite Hf /=. destruct (decide ((ρ' ∈ R1 ∪ R2))); simpl; lia. }
-    iPureIntro. intros ρ ζ'. simpl. rewrite map_lookup_imap.
-    destruct (ls_mapping δ1 !!ρ) eqn:Heq; last done. simpl.
-    destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R2)); first  (intros ?; simplify_eq).
-    - destruct Htlen as [tp1' [-> Hlen]].
-      inversion Hstep as [? ? e1 ? e2 ? efs t1 t2 Hf1 YY Hprimstep |]. simplify_eq.
-      assert (efs = [efork]) as ->.
-      { symmetry. assert (length tp1' = length (t1 ++ e2 :: t2)).
-        rewrite app_length //=; rewrite app_length //= in Hlen.
-        clear Hlen. eapply app_inj_1 =>//. by list_simplifier. }
-      assert (is_Some (from_locale (t1 ++ e1 :: t2 ++ [efork]) (locale_of (t1 ++ e1 :: t2) efork))).
-      + unfold from_locale. erewrite from_locale_from_Some; eauto.
-        apply prefixes_from_spec. list_simplifier. eexists _, []. split=>//.
-        by list_simplifier.
-      + eapply from_locale_from_equiv =>//; [constructor |]. rewrite H1.
-        replace (t1 ++ e1 :: t2 ++ [efork]) with ((t1 ++ e1 :: t2) ++ [efork]);
-          last by list_simplifier.
-        replace (t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ [efork]) with ((t1 ++ e2 :: t2) ++ [efork]);
-          last by list_simplifier.
-        assert (locales_equiv (t1 ++ e1 :: t2) (t1 ++ e2 :: t2)).
-        { apply locales_equiv_middle. eapply locale_step_preserve =>//. }
-        apply locales_equiv_from_app =>//. by eapply locales_from_equiv_refl.
-    - intros ?; simplify_eq.
-      assert (is_Some (from_locale tp1 ζ')) by eauto.
-      eapply from_locale_step =>//.
+    iSplit; [simpl| done]. rewrite map_imap_dom_eq //.
+    by intros ρ??; destruct (decide (ρ ∈ R1 ∪ R2)).
   Definition valid_new_fuelmap (fs1 fs2: gmap (fmrole Mdl) nat) (s1 s2: Mdl) (ρ: fmrole Mdl) :=
     (ρ ∈ live_roles _ s2 -> oleq (fs2 !! ρ) (Some (fuel_limit s2))) ∧
+    (ρ ∉ live_roles _ s2 -> ρ ∈ dom fs1 ∩ dom fs2 -> oless (fs2 !! ρ) (fs1 !! ρ)) ∧
     ρ ∈ dom fs1 ∧
-    (forall ρ', ρ' ∈ dom fs2 ∖ live_roles _ s1 -> oleq (fs2 !! ρ') (Some $ fuel_limit s2)) ∧
+    (forall ρ', ρ' ∈ dom fs2 ∖ dom fs1 -> oleq (fs2 !! ρ') (Some $ fuel_limit s2)) ∧
     (forall ρ', ρ ≠ ρ' -> ρ' ∈ dom fs1 ∩ dom fs2 -> oless (fs2 !! ρ') (fs1 !! ρ')) ∧
-    dom fs2 = (dom fs1 ∩ live_roles _ s2) ∪ (live_roles _ s2 ∖ live_roles _ s1).
+    (dom fs1 ∖ {[ ρ ]}) ∪ (live_roles _ s2 ∖ live_roles _ s1) ⊆ dom fs2 ∧
+    dom fs2 ⊆
+      (* new roles *) (live_roles _ s2 ∖ live_roles _ s1) ∪
+      (* surviving roles *) (live_roles _ s2 ∩ live_roles _ s1 ∩ dom fs1) ∪
+      (* already dead *) (dom fs1 ∖ live_roles _ s1) ∪
+      (* new deads *) ((live_roles _ s1 ∖ live_roles _ s2) ∩ dom fs1).
+  Ltac by_contradiction :=
+    match goal with
+    | |- ?goal => destruct_decide (decide (goal)); first done; exfalso
+    end.
   Lemma update_step_still_alive
         (extr : execution_trace Λ)
         (auxtr: auxiliary_trace (fair_model Mdl))
-        tp1 tp2 σ1 σ2 s1 s2 fs1 fs2 ρ (δ1 : fair_model Mdl) ζ:
+        tp1 tp2 σ1 σ2 s1 s2 fs1 fs2 ρ (δ1 : fair_model Mdl) ζ fr1:
+    (live_roles _ s2 ∖ live_roles _ s1) ⊆ fr1 ->
     trace_last extr = (tp1, σ1) →
     trace_last auxtr = δ1 ->
     locale_step (tp1, σ1) (Some ζ) (tp2, σ2) ->
     fmtrans _ s1 (Some ρ) s2 -> valid_new_fuelmap fs1 fs2 δ1 s2 ρ ->
-    has_fuels ζ fs1 -∗ frag_model_is s1 -∗ model_state_interp tp1 δ1
+    has_fuels ζ fs1 -∗ frag_model_is s1 -∗ model_state_interp tp1 δ1 -∗
+    frag_free_roles_are fr1
     ==∗ ∃ (δ2: fair_model Mdl) ℓ,
         ⌜labels_match (Some ζ) ℓ
         ∧ valid_state_evolution_fairness (extr :tr[Some ζ]: (tp2, σ2)) (auxtr :tr[ℓ]: δ2)⌝
-        ∗ has_fuels ζ fs2 ∗ frag_model_is s2 ∗ model_state_interp tp2 δ2.
+        ∗ has_fuels ζ fs2 ∗ frag_model_is s2 ∗ model_state_interp tp2 δ2 ∗
+        frag_free_roles_are (fr1 ∖ (live_roles _ s2 ∖ live_roles _ s1)).
-    iIntros (Htrlast Hauxtrlast Hstep Htrans Hfuelsval) "Hfuel Hmod Hsi".
+    iIntros (Hfr_new Htrlast Hauxtrlast Hstep Htrans Hfuelsval) "Hfuel Hmod Hsi Hfr1".
     assert (Hfsne: fs1 ≠ ∅).
-    { destruct Hfuelsval as (_&?&_). intros ->. set_solver. }
+    { destruct Hfuelsval as (_&_&?&_). intros ->. set_solver. }
     iDestruct (has_fuel_in with "Hfuel Hsi") as "%Hxdom"; eauto.
     iDestruct (has_fuel_fuel with "Hfuel Hsi") as %Hfuel; eauto.
     iDestruct (model_state_interp_tids_smaller with "Hsi") as %Hless.
-    iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%M&Hafuel&Hamapping&%Hinv&%Hsmall&Hamod)".
+    iDestruct "Hsi" as "(%M&%FR&Hafuel&Hamapping&HFR&%Hinv&%Hsmall&Hamod&%HFR)".
     iDestruct (model_agree with "Hamod Hmod") as "%Heq".
-    assert (Hfueldom: dom (update_fuel_resource δ1 fs2 s2) = live_roles Mdl s2).
+    iDestruct (free_roles_inclusion with "HFR Hfr1") as %HfrFR.
+    assert (Hsamedoms:
+             dom (map_imap
+                    (λ ρ' _, if decide (ρ' ∈ dom $ ls_fuel δ1) then ls_mapping δ1 !! ρ' else Some ζ)
+                    (gset_to_gmap 333 ((dom (ls_fuel δ1) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2)))) =
+               dom (update_fuel_resource δ1 fs1 fs2 s2)).
     { unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply. rewrite -leibniz_equiv_iff.
       intros ρ'; split.
-      - intros [f Hin]%elem_of_dom. rewrite map_lookup_imap in Hin.
-        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ s2)); first done.
-        rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_False // in Hin.
       - intros Hin. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs2)) as [[f Hin1]%elem_of_dom|Hin1].
         + apply elem_of_dom. eexists f. rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
           rewrite decide_True //. apply elem_of_dom. rewrite Hin1; eauto.
-        + apply elem_of_dom. rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
-          rewrite decide_False //. apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_fuel_dom.
-          destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&Hdomeq). rewrite Hdomeq in Hin1. set_solver. }
-    assert (Hmappingdom: dom (map_imap
-                                  (λ ρ' _, if decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles Mdl δ1) then ls_mapping δ1 !! ρ' else Some ζ)
-                                  (gset_to_gmap 333 (live_roles Mdl s2))) = live_roles Mdl s2).
-    { rewrite -leibniz_equiv_iff. intros ρ'; split.
+          rewrite map_imap_dom_eq dom_gset_to_gmap in Hin; first set_solver.
+          intros ρ0??. destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom $ ls_fuel δ1)); [|done].
+          apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_same_doms. SS.
+        + rewrite map_imap_dom_eq dom_gset_to_gmap; last first.
+          { intros ρ0 ? Hin0. destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom fs2)) as [|Hnotin]; apply elem_of_dom; first done.
+            unfold valid_new_fuelmap in Hfuelsval.
+            destruct Hfuelsval as (_&_&_&_& Hdomfs2). set_solver. }
+          rewrite map_imap_dom_eq dom_gset_to_gmap in Hin; first set_solver.
+          intros ρ0??. destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom $ ls_fuel δ1)); [|done].
+          apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_same_doms. SS.
       - intros [f Hin]%elem_of_dom. rewrite map_lookup_imap in Hin.
-        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ s2)); first done.
-        rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_False // in Hin.
-      - intros Hin. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ1)) as [Hin1|Hin1].
-        + apply elem_of_dom. rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
-          rewrite decide_True //. apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_mapping_dom //.
-        + apply elem_of_dom. rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
-          rewrite decide_False //. }
+        rewrite map_imap_dom_eq dom_gset_to_gmap.
+        + by_contradiction. rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_False // in Hin.
+        + intros ρ0??. destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom $ ls_fuel δ1)); [|done].
+          apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_same_doms. SS. }
+    assert (Hnewdom: dom (update_fuel_resource δ1 fs1 fs2 s2) =
+                       (dom (ls_fuel δ1) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2)).
+    { unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply. rewrite map_imap_dom_eq ?dom_gset_to_gmap //.
+      intros ρ' _ Hin. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs2)); apply elem_of_dom =>//. set_solver. }
+    assert (Hfueldom: live_roles _ s2 ⊆ dom $ update_fuel_resource δ1 fs1 fs2 s2).
+    { rewrite -Hsamedoms map_imap_dom_eq dom_gset_to_gmap //.
+      { epose proof ls_fuel_dom. intros ρ' Hin.
+        destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&?&?).
+        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ1)).
+        - apply elem_of_difference; split; [set_solver|].
+          intros [? Habs]%elem_of_difference.
+          destruct (decide (ρ' = ρ)).
+          + simplify_eq. apply not_elem_of_dom in Habs.
+            rewrite -> Habs in *. simpl in *. eauto.
+          + apply Habs. assert (ρ' ∈ dom fs1 ∖ {[ρ]}); set_solver.
+        - apply elem_of_difference; split; [apply elem_of_union; right; set_solver|set_solver]. }
+      intros ρ0??. destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom $ ls_fuel δ1)); [|done].
+      apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_same_doms. SS. }
     iExists {|
       ls_under := s2;
-      ls_fuel := update_fuel_resource δ1 fs2 s2;
+      ls_fuel :=  _;
       ls_fuel_dom := Hfueldom;
-      ls_mapping := map_imap
-                      (λ ρ' fold, if decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ1)
-                                  then δ1.(ls_mapping) !! ρ'
-                                  else Some ζ)
-                      (gset_to_gmap 333 (live_roles _ s2));
-      ls_mapping_dom := Hmappingdom;
+      ls_mapping := _;
+      ls_same_doms := Hsamedoms;
     |}, (Take_step ρ ζ).
     iMod (update_has_fuels _ fs1 fs2 with "Hfuel Hafuel Hamapping") as "(Hafuel & Hfuel & Hmapping)".
     { set_solver. }
     { unfold valid_new_fuelmap in Hfuelsval.
-      destruct Hfuelsval as (_&_&?&?&->). rewrite !Heq.
-      rewrite ls_fuel_dom. set_solver. }
+      destruct Hfuelsval as (_&_&?&?& Hfs2_inf&Hfs2_sup).
+      apply elem_of_equiv_empty_L => ρ0 Hin.
+      apply elem_of_intersection in Hin as [Hin1 Hin2].
+      apply elem_of_difference in Hin1 as [Hin11 Hin12].
+      assert (ρ0 ∈ live_roles _ s2 ∖ live_roles _ s1) by set_solver.
+      assert (ρ0 ∈ fr1) by set_solver.
+      assert (ρ0 ∈ FR) by set_solver.
+      assert (ρ0 ∉ dom (ls_fuel δ1)) by set_solver.
+      done. }
     iMod (update_model s2 with "Hamod Hmod") as "[Hamod Hmod]".
+    iMod (update_free_roles (live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl s1)
+           with "HFR Hfr1") as "[HFR Hfr2]"; [set_solver|].
     iModIntro. iSplit.
     { iSplit; first done. iPureIntro.
-      destruct Hfuelsval as (Hlim&Hinfs1m&Hnewlim&Hdec&Hdomeq).
+      destruct Hfuelsval as (Hlim&Hzombie&Hinfs1m&Hnewlim&Hdec&Hinf&Hsup).
       constructor =>//; split.
       - constructor; simpl; first by rewrite Hauxtrlast Heq //.
         split; first by rewrite Hauxtrlast; apply Hxdom; set_solver.
-        { intros ?? Hmd. inversion Hmd; clear Hmd; simplify_eq.
+        { intros ??? Hmd. inversion Hmd; clear Hmd; simplify_eq.
           + symmetry in Hsametid. rewrite -> Hxdom in Hsametid. simpl.
             unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply.
             rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap.
-            destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)) as [Hin|Hin].
+            destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles Mdl s2 ∪ dom fs2)) as [Hin|Hin].
             * rewrite option_guard_True //=.
               { destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs2)) as [Hin2|Hin2].
                 ** rewrite Hfuel; last set_solver. apply Hdec; [congruence|set_solver].
                 ** exfalso. set_solver. }
+              apply elem_of_difference; split; [set_solver|].
+              apply not_elem_of_difference; right.
+              apply elem_of_union in Hin as [|]; [|done].
+              destruct (decide (ρ' = ρ)); simplify_eq.
+              apply Hinf; set_solver.
             * rewrite option_guard_False //=.
-              eapply Hin, fm_live_preserved; [done| | congruence].
-              rewrite <-Hxdom in Hsametid. rewrite -ls_mapping_dom elem_of_dom. by eauto.
+              ** assert (ρ' ∈ dom fs2); set_solver.
+              ** apply not_elem_of_difference; right; set_solver.
           + simpl in *. unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply.
             rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap.
-            destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles Mdl s2)) as [Hin|Hin].
-            * rewrite option_guard_True //=.
-              { destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs2)) as [Hin2|Hin2].
-                ** rewrite Hfuel; last set_solver.
-                   rewrite Hdomeq in Hin2. exfalso.
-                   assert (Hin3: ρ' ∈ dom fs1).
-                   { set_solver. }
-                   rewrite map_lookup_imap in Hneqtid.
-                   rewrite <-Hxdom in Hin3.
-                   rewrite Hin3 /= in Hneqtid.
-                   rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //= in Hneqtid.
-                   rewrite decide_True // in Hneqtid.
-                ** rewrite map_lookup_imap in Hneqtid.
-                   assert (is_Some (ls_mapping (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ')) as [ζ' Hζ'].
-                   { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_mapping_dom //. }
-                   rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //= in Hneqtid.
-                   rewrite Hζ' /= decide_True // in Hneqtid. }
-            * rewrite option_guard_False //=.
-              rewrite map_lookup_imap in Hissome.
-              assert (is_Some (ls_mapping (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ')) as [ζ' Hζ'].
-              { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite ls_mapping_dom //. }
-              rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_False //= in Hissome.
-                by inversion Hissome. }
+            destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ (dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2))) as [Hin|Hin].
+            * rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //= decide_True //= in Hneqtid.
+            * apply not_elem_of_difference in Hin as [?|Hin]; [set_solver|].
+              apply elem_of_difference in Hin as [??].
+              rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap /= option_guard_False /= in Hissome;
+                [inversion Hissome; congruence|set_solver].
+          + simpl in *. rewrite Hfuel; last set_solver. unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply.
+            rewrite Hnewdom in Hnotdead. rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
+            assert (ρ' ∈ dom fs2) by set_solver.
+            rewrite decide_True; [apply Hzombie =>//; set_solver | done]. }
         + intros ? Hin ?. simplify_eq; simpl.
           unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply.
           rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap.
-          destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ s2)) as [Hlive|Hlive].
+          destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ (dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2))) as [Hlive|Hlive].
           * rewrite option_guard_True //=.
+            apply elem_of_difference in Hlive as [Hin1 Hnin].
+            apply not_elem_of_difference in Hnin.
             destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs2)) as [Hin2|Hin2].
-            ** rewrite Hfuel; last set_solver. apply oleq_oless, Hdec; [congruence|set_solver].
-            ** rewrite <-ls_fuel_dom, elem_of_dom in Hin. destruct Hin as [? ->]. simpl;lia.
-          * rewrite option_guard_False //=.
-            eapply Hlive, fm_live_preserved =>//. congruence.
+            ** destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr)));left.
+               *** destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs1)).
+                   { rewrite Hfuel //. apply oleq_oless, Hdec; [congruence|set_solver]. }
+                   { exfalso. set_solver. }
+               *** assert (ρ' ∉ live_roles _ s2).
+                   { by_contradiction. assert (ρ' ∈ fr1); [eapply elem_of_subseteq; eauto; set_solver|].
+                     assert (ρ' ∈ FR); [eapply elem_of_subseteq; eauto; set_solver|set_solver]. }
+                   assert (ρ' ∈ dom fs1). set_solver.
+                   rewrite Hfuel //. apply oleq_oless, Hdec; [congruence|set_solver].
+            ** left. rewrite elem_of_dom in Hin. destruct Hin as [? ->]. simpl;lia.
+          * right; split.
+            ** eapply not_elem_of_weaken; [|by apply map_imap_dom_inclusion; rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap].
+               rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap //.
+            ** apply not_elem_of_difference in Hlive as [?|Hlive]; [set_solver|].
+               apply elem_of_difference in Hlive as [? Habs].
+               exfalso. apply Habs. set_solver.
         + split.
           { intros Hlive. unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply.
-            rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
-            rewrite decide_True; [by apply Hlim | set_solver]. }
-          intros ??. unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply.
-          rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=; last set_solver.
-          rewrite decide_True; first apply Hnewlim; set_solver.
+          destruct (decide (ρ ∈ (dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2))) as [Hin|Hnin].
+          - rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=; last set_solver.
+            rewrite decide_True; [by apply Hlim |set_solver].
+          - exfalso; apply not_elem_of_difference in Hnin as [Hnin|Hnin].
+            + assert (ρ ∉ live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr)).
+              eapply not_elem_of_weaken => //.
+              { epose proof ls_fuel_dom. set_solver. }
+              assert (ρ ∈ dom fs2) by set_solver. set_solver.
+            + apply elem_of_difference in Hnin as [? Hnin].
+              apply not_elem_of_dom in Hnin. rewrite Hnin /= in Hlim.
+              by apply Hlim. }
+          split.
+          { intros ρ'. unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply => Hin.
+            rewrite map_imap_dom_eq in Hin; last first.
+            { intros ρ0 _ Hin'. destruct (decide (ρ0 ∈ dom fs2)); [by apply elem_of_dom|].
+              rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap elem_of_difference in Hin'.
+              destruct Hin' as [Hin' ?]. apply elem_of_union in Hin' as [?|?]; [by apply elem_of_dom|done]. }
+            rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap in Hin. rewrite map_lookup_imap lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True /=; last set_solver.
+            assert (ρ' ∈ dom fs2) by set_solver. rewrite decide_True //. apply Hnewlim. apply elem_of_difference; split =>//.
+            intros contra%Hxdom%elem_of_dom_2. rewrite ls_same_doms in contra. simplify_eq. set_solver. }
+          intros ρ0 Hin.
+          assert (ρ0 ∉ live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr)).
+          { eapply not_elem_of_weaken; last apply ls_fuel_dom. set_solver. }
+          apply elem_of_difference in Hin as [Hin1 Hnin].
+          assert (ρ0 ∈ live_roles _ s2).
+          { by_contradiction.
+            assert (ρ0 ∈ dom fs2).
+            { unfold update_fuel_resource, fuel_apply in Hin1.
+              eapply elem_of_subseteq in Hin1; last apply map_imap_dom_inclusion.
+              rewrite dom_gset_to_gmap in Hin1. set_solver. }
+            exfalso. assert (Hinabs: ρ0 ∈ dom fs1) by set_solver.
+            apply not_elem_of_dom in Hnin. rewrite Hauxtrlast Hfuel // in Hnin.
+            apply elem_of_dom in Hinabs. rewrite Hnin in Hinabs. simpl in Hinabs.
+            by inversion Hinabs. }
+          set_solver.
       - simplify_eq. unfold tids_smaller; simpl.
         intros ρ' ? Hmim.
-        rewrite map_lookup_imap in Hmim.
-        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ s2)).
-        + rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //= in Hmim.
-          destruct (ls_mapping (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ') eqn:Heq.
-          * simpl in H. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr))) as [|Hnotin].
-            ** rewrite decide_True // in Hmim.
-               inversion Hstep; simplify_eq.
-               eapply from_locale_step =>//. by eapply Hless.
-            ** rewrite <- ls_mapping_dom in Hnotin. apply not_elem_of_dom in Hnotin. congruence.
-          * simpl in H. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ (trace_last auxtr))) as [|Hnotin].
-            ** rewrite decide_True // in Hmim.
-               inversion Hstep; simplify_eq. eapply from_locale_step =>//.
-               by eapply Hless.
-            ** rewrite decide_False // in Hmim. simplify_eq.
-               inversion Hstep; simplify_eq. eapply from_locale_step =>//.
-               eapply Hless. eapply Hxdom. set_solver.
-        + rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_False //= in Hmim. }
-    iFrame "Hfuel Hmod". iExists _. iFrame.
-    iSplitL "Hafuel".
-    { simpl. unfold update_fuel_resource.
-      destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&Hdomeq).
-      iApply (own_proper with "Hafuel"). do 3 f_equiv.
-      rewrite !ls_fuel_dom !Hdomeq !Heq.
-      assert (live_roles _ s1 ∖ dom fs1 = live_roles _ s2 ∖ dom fs2).
-      { rewrite Hdomeq -leibniz_equiv_iff.
-        eapply set_subseteq_antisymm.
-        - intros ρ' [Hin Hnotin]%elem_of_difference.
-          apply elem_of_difference. split; last set_solver.
-          eapply fm_live_preserved; eauto. set_solver.
-        - intros ρ' [Hin Hnotin]%elem_of_difference. apply elem_of_difference.
-          split; [set_solver | set_solver]. }
-      rewrite -leibniz_equiv_iff.
-      eapply set_subseteq_antisymm; first set_solver.
-      intros ρ' Hin. apply elem_of_difference; split; [| set_solver].
-      apply elem_of_union.
-      destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ s1)); set_solver. }
-    iPureIntro. split; last first.
-    { intros ζ' ?. pose proof (locales_of_list_step_incl _ _ _ _ _ Hstep).
+        rewrite map_lookup_imap in Hmim. rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap in Hmim.
+        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ (dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2)));
+          last by rewrite option_guard_False in Hmim.
+        rewrite option_guard_True //= in Hmim.
+        destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom (ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)))).
+        + rewrite decide_True // in Hmim.
+          inversion Hstep; simplify_eq.
+          eapply from_locale_step =>//. by eapply Hless.
+        + rewrite decide_False // in Hmim. simplify_eq.
+          inversion Hstep; simplify_eq.
+          eapply from_locale_step =>//. unfold from_locale. rewrite from_locale_from_Some //.
+          apply prefixes_from_spec. exists t1, t2. by list_simplifier. }
+    iFrame "Hfuel Hmod Hfr2". iExists _, _. iFrame. all: eauto. (* TODO: find source... *)
+    iPureIntro; split.
+    { intros ρ' ζ'. simpl. rewrite map_lookup_imap.
+      rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap //=.
+      destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ (dom (ls_fuel δ1) ∪ dom fs2) ∖ (dom fs1 ∖ dom fs2))) as [Hin|Hnotin].
+      - rewrite option_guard_True //=. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom (ls_fuel δ1))).
+        + destruct (decide (ζ' = ζ)) as [->|Hneq].
+          * rewrite lookup_insert. split.
+            { eexists; split =>//. apply elem_of_difference in Hin as [? Hin].
+              apply not_elem_of_difference in Hin as [?|?]; [|done].
+              set_solver. }
+            { intros (?&?&?). simplify_eq. apply Hxdom.
+              destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&?). by_contradiction.
+              assert (ρ' ∈ live_roles Mdl s2 ∖ live_roles Mdl (trace_last auxtr)) by set_solver.
+              assert (ρ' ∈ fr1) by set_solver.
+              assert (ρ' ∈ FR) by set_solver.
+              assert (ρ' ∉ dom $ ls_fuel (trace_last auxtr)) by set_solver.
+              done. }
+          * rewrite lookup_insert_ne //.
+        + split.
+          * intros Htid. simplify_eq. rewrite lookup_insert. eexists; split=>//.
+            set_solver.
+          * assert (ρ' ∈ dom fs2) by set_solver. intros Hm. by_contradiction.
+            rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Hm; last congruence.
+            rewrite -Hinv in Hm. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hm. rewrite ls_same_doms // in Hm.
+      - destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&Hinf&?). rewrite option_guard_False //=. split; first done.
+        destruct (decide (ζ' = ζ)) as [->|Hneq].
+        { rewrite lookup_insert //. intros (?&?&?). simplify_eq. set_solver. }
+        rewrite lookup_insert_ne //.
+        rewrite -Hinv. intros Habs.
+        apply not_elem_of_difference in Hnotin as [Hnin|Hin].
+        + apply elem_of_dom_2 in Habs. rewrite ls_same_doms in Habs. set_solver.
+        + apply elem_of_difference in Hin as [Hin Hnin].
+          apply Hxdom in Hin. congruence. }
+    split.
+    { intros ζ' ?. pose proof (locales_of_list_step_incl _ _ _ _ _ Hstep). simpl.
       rewrite lookup_insert_ne; first by apply Hsmall; set_solver.
-      intros <-. destruct Hfuelsval as (_&Hfs1&_).
+      intros <-. destruct Hfuelsval as (_&_&Hfs1&_).
       rewrite <-Hxdom in Hfs1. apply Hinv in Hfs1 as (?&HM&?).
       rewrite Hsmall // in HM. set_solver. }
-    intros ρ' ζ'. simpl. rewrite map_lookup_imap.
-    destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ s2)) as [Hin|Hnotin].
-    - rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_True //=.
-      destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ live_roles _ δ1)) as [Hlive|Hlive].
-      + destruct (decide (ζ = ζ')) as [<-|Hneq]; last by rewrite lookup_insert_ne //.
-        rewrite lookup_insert. split.
-        * rewrite Hinv. intros (ks&HM&Hks). eexists. split; first done.
-          destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&->). apply elem_of_union.
-          left. apply elem_of_intersection. split; last done. apply Hxdom.
-          apply Hinv. eexists; split; done.
-        * intros (ks&HM&Hks). simplify_eq. apply Hxdom.
-          destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&Hdomeq). rewrite Hdomeq in Hks.
-          set_solver.
-      + split.
-        * intros ?. simplify_eq. rewrite lookup_insert. eexists; split; first done.
-          destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&->). set_solver.
-        * intros (ks&HM&Hks). simplify_eq.
-          destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&Hdomeq).
-          assert (ζ = ζ'); last congruence.
-          destruct (decide (ζ = ζ')) as [|Hneq]; first done. exfalso.
-          rewrite lookup_insert_ne // in HM. unfold maps_inverse_match in Hinv.
-          assert (ls_mapping (trace_last auxtr) !! ρ' = Some ζ').
-          { apply Hinv. eexists; done. }
-          rewrite -ls_mapping_dom in Hlive. apply not_elem_of_dom in Hlive. set_solver.
-    - rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap option_guard_False //=. split; first done.
-      intros (ks & HM & Hks). exfalso.
-      destruct (decide (ζ = ζ')) as [Heq'|Heq'].
-      + subst ζ'. rewrite lookup_insert in HM. simplify_eq.
-        destruct Hfuelsval as (_&_&_&_&Hdomeq). rewrite Hdomeq in Hks.
-        set_solver.
-      + rewrite lookup_insert_ne // in HM. unfold maps_inverse_match in Hinv.
-        assert (ls_mapping δ1 !! ρ' = Some ζ').
-        { apply Hinv. eexists _; eauto. }
-        eapply Hnotin, fm_live_preserved; eauto.
-        * rewrite -Heq -ls_mapping_dom. apply elem_of_dom. eauto.
-        * intros <-. destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&_). set_solver.
-  Qed.
+    { simpl. rewrite /update_fuel_resource /fuel_apply.
+      rewrite map_imap_dom_eq ?dom_gset_to_gmap.
+      + apply elem_of_equiv_empty_L. intros ρ' [Hin1 Hin2]%elem_of_intersection.
+        apply elem_of_difference in Hin1 as [Hin11 Hin12].
+        apply not_elem_of_difference in Hin12.
+        apply elem_of_difference in Hin2 as [Hin21 Hin22].
+        apply not_elem_of_difference in Hin22.
+        assert (ρ' ∉ dom $ ls_fuel δ1) by set_solver.
+        assert (ρ' ∈ dom fs2) by set_solver.
+        destruct Hin12 as [Hin12|Hin12]; last by (epose proof ls_fuel_dom; set_solver).
+        destruct Hfuelsval as (?&?&?&?&?&?).
+        assert (ρ' ∉ dom fs1); last set_solver.
+        intros contra. pose proof (Hfuel _ contra) as Habs. apply elem_of_dom in contra as [? contra].
+        rewrite contra in Habs. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Habs. done.
+    + intros ρ' _ Hin. destruct (decide (ρ' ∈ dom fs2)) as [Hin'|].
+      * apply elem_of_dom in Hin' as [? ->]. done.
+      * assert (ρ' ∈ dom (ls_fuel δ1)) as Hin' by set_solver. apply elem_of_dom in Hin' as [? ->]. done. }
 End model_state_lemmas.
diff --git a/trillium/prelude/finitary.v b/trillium/prelude/finitary.v
index 47696da..76196ae 100644
--- a/trillium/prelude/finitary.v
+++ b/trillium/prelude/finitary.v
@@ -573,3 +573,58 @@ Section finite_range_gmap.
 End finite_range_gmap.
+Section enumerate_gsets.
+  Context {A : Type}.
+  Context `{!EqDecision A, !Countable A}.
+  Fixpoint enumerate_dom_gsets (D: list A) : list (gset A) :=
+    match D with
+    | [] => [ ∅ ]
+    | k::ks =>
+        s_wo ← enumerate_dom_gsets ks;
+        b ← [ true; false];
+        if (b : bool) then mret s_wo else mret $ {[ k ]} ∪ s_wo
+  end.
+  Definition enumerate_dom_gsets' (D: gset A) : list (gset A) :=
+    enumerate_dom_gsets (elements D).
+  Local Instance all_the_range_instances' B (P: B -> Prop) : ∀ x, Decision (P x).
+  Proof. intros ?; apply make_decision. Qed.
+  Lemma enumerate_gsets_spec D l m :
+    elements D ≡ₚ l ∧ m ⊆ D → m ∈ enumerate_dom_gsets l.
+  Proof.
+    revert l D m.
+    induction l; intros D m.
+    { simpl. intros (Hel&Hl). eapply list.Permutation_nil_r in Hel. apply elements_empty_inv in Hel.
+      rewrite leibniz_equiv_iff in Hel. rewrite Hel in *. assert (m = ∅); set_solver. }
+    simpl. intros (Hel & Hl).
+    assert (Hdecomp: ∃ m1 m2, m = m1 ∪ m2 ∧ m1 ⊆ {[a]} ∧ m2 ⊆ list_to_set l).
+    { assert (list_to_set (elements D) = (list_to_set (a :: l): gset _)).
+      { by rewrite Hel. }
+      rewrite list_to_set_elements_L in H. simpl in H. exists (m ∩ {[a]}), (m ∩ list_to_set l).
+      split; last split; [set_solver|set_solver|set_solver]. }
+    destruct Hdecomp as (m1&m2&Hunion&Hdom1&Hdom2). rewrite Hunion in *.
+    assert (Hanotin: a ∉ m2).
+    { intros contra. eapply elem_of_subseteq in contra; eauto. rewrite elem_of_list_to_set in contra.
+      assert (a ∉ l); last done. apply NoDup_cons_1_1. rewrite <-Hel. apply NoDup_elements. }
+    apply elem_of_list_bind. exists m2; split; last first.
+    - apply (IHl (list_to_set l)). split; last set_solver. apply elements_list_to_set.
+      eapply (NoDup_cons_1_2 a). rewrite <-Hel. apply NoDup_elements.
+    - destruct (decide (a ∈ m1)).
+      + assert (m1 = {[a]}) by set_solver. simplify_eq. set_solver.
+      + assert (m1 = ∅) by set_solver. simplify_eq. rewrite union_empty_l_L. set_solver.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma enumerate_dom_gsets'_spec D s:
+    s ⊆ D → s ∈ enumerate_dom_gsets' D.
+  Proof.
+    intros H. unfold enumerate_dom_gsets'. eapply (enumerate_gsets_spec D). split; set_solver.
+  Qed.
+End enumerate_gsets.
diff --git a/trillium/program_logic/adequacy.v b/trillium/program_logic/adequacy.v
index 13f01b6..502493c 100644
--- a/trillium/program_logic/adequacy.v
+++ b/trillium/program_logic/adequacy.v
@@ -291,6 +291,128 @@ Section locales_helpers.
 End locales_helpers.
+Section from_locale.
+  Context {Λ: language}.
+  Context `{ EqDecision (locale Λ)}.
+  Fixpoint from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ :=
+    match tp with
+    | [] => None
+    | e::tp' => if decide (locale_of tp0 e = ζ) then Some e else from_locale_from (tp0 ++ [e]) tp' ζ
+    end.
+  Definition from_locale tp ζ := from_locale_from [] tp ζ.
+  (* Other possibility is:
+  Definition from_locale tp ζ := list_find (λ '(tp, e), locale_of tp e = ζ) (prefixes tp).*)
+  Lemma from_locale_from_Some_app tp0 tp tp' ζ e :
+    from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ = Some e ->
+    from_locale_from tp0 (tp ++ tp') ζ = Some e.
+  Proof.
+    revert tp0 tp'. induction tp as [|e' tp IH]; first by list_simplifier.
+    simpl. intros tp0 tp' Hfl.
+    destruct (decide (locale_of tp0 e' = ζ)) =>//.
+    apply IH =>//.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma from_locale_from_is_Some_app tp0 tp tp' ζ :
+    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ) ->
+    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 (tp ++ tp') ζ).
+  Proof.
+    intros [? HS]. eapply from_locale_from_Some_app in HS. eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma from_locale_from_equiv tp0 tp0' tp tp' ζ :
+    locales_equiv tp0 tp0' ->
+    locales_equiv_from tp0 tp0' tp tp' ->
+    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 tp ζ) ->
+    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0' tp' ζ).
+  Proof.
+    revert tp0 tp0' tp'. induction tp as [|e tp IH]; intros tp0 tp0' tp' Heq0 Heq [eζ Heζ];
+      destruct tp' as [|e' tp']; try by apply Forall2_length in Heq.
+    simpl in *.
+    destruct (decide (locale_of tp0 e' = ζ)).
+    - rewrite decide_True //; eauto. erewrite <-locale_equiv =>//.
+    - rewrite decide_False; last by erewrite <-locale_equiv.
+      apply Forall2_cons_1 in Heq as [Hlocs ?].
+      rewrite decide_False // in Heζ; last by erewrite Hlocs, <-locale_equiv =>//.
+      apply (IH (tp0 ++ [e])); eauto.
+      apply locales_equiv_snoc =>//. constructor.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma from_locale_step tp1 tp2 ζ oζ σ1 σ2 :
+    locale_step (tp1, σ1) oζ (tp2, σ2) →
+    is_Some(from_locale tp1 ζ) →
+    is_Some(from_locale tp2 ζ).
+  Proof.
+    intros Hstep. inversion Hstep; simplify_eq=>//.
+    intros HiS. replace (t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs) with ((t1 ++ e2 :: t2) ++ efs);
+                  last by list_simplifier.
+    apply from_locale_from_is_Some_app.
+    eapply from_locale_from_equiv; eauto; [constructor|].
+    apply locales_equiv_from_middle. list_simplifier. by eapply locale_step_preserve.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma from_locale_from_Some tp0 tp1 tp e :
+    (tp, e) ∈ prefixes_from tp0 tp1 →
+    from_locale_from tp0 tp1 (locale_of tp e) = Some e.
+  Proof.
+    revert tp0 tp e; induction tp1 as [| e1 tp1 IH]; intros tp0 tp e Hin; first set_solver.
+    apply elem_of_cons in Hin as [Heq|Hin].
+    { simplify_eq. rewrite /= decide_True //. }
+    rewrite /= decide_False; first by apply IH.
+    fold (prefixes_from (A := expr Λ)) in Hin.
+    by eapply locale_injective.
+  Qed.
+End from_locale.
+Section locales_utils.
+  Context {Λ: language}.
+  Definition locales_of_list_from tp0 (tp: list $ expr Λ): list $ locale Λ :=
+    (λ '(t, e), locale_of t e) <$> (prefixes_from tp0 tp).
+  Notation locales_of_list tp := (locales_of_list_from [] tp).
+  Lemma locales_of_list_equiv tp0 tp0' tp1 tp2:
+    locales_equiv_from tp0 tp0' tp1 tp2 →
+    locales_of_list_from tp0 tp1 = locales_of_list_from tp0' tp2.
+  Proof.
+    revert tp0 tp0' tp1. induction tp2; intros tp0 tp0' tp1 H;
+    destruct tp1 as [|e1 tp1]; try by apply Forall2_length in H.
+    unfold locales_of_list_from. simpl.
+    simpl in H. apply Forall2_cons_1 in H as [??]. f_equal =>//.
+    apply IHtp2 =>//.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma locales_of_list_step_incl σ1 σ2 oζ tp1 tp2 :
+      locale_step (tp1, σ1) oζ (tp2, σ2) ->
+      locales_of_list tp1 ⊆ locales_of_list tp2.
+  Proof.
+    intros H. inversion H; simplify_eq=>//.
+    replace (t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs) with ((t1 ++ e2 :: t2) ++ efs); last by list_simplifier.
+    rewrite /locales_of_list_from. rewrite [in X in _ ⊆ X]prefixes_from_app /= fmap_app.
+    assert ((λ '(t, e), locale_of t e) <$> prefixes (t1 ++ e1 :: t2) = (λ '(t, e), locale_of t e) <$> prefixes (t1 ++ e2 :: t2))
+      as ->; last set_solver.
+    apply locales_of_list_equiv, locales_equiv_middle. by eapply locale_step_preserve.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma locales_of_list_from_locale_from `{EqDecision (locale Λ)} tp0 tp1 ζ:
+    is_Some (from_locale_from tp0 tp1 ζ) ->
+    ζ ∈ locales_of_list_from tp0 tp1.
+  Proof.
+    revert tp0; induction tp1 as [|e1 tp1 IH]; intros tp0.
+    { simpl. intros H. inversion H. congruence. }
+    simpl. intros [e Hsome]. rewrite /locales_of_list_from /=.
+    destruct (decide (locale_of tp0 e1 = ζ)); simplify_eq; first set_solver.
+    apply elem_of_cons; right. apply IH. eauto.
+  Qed.
+End locales_utils.
+Notation locales_of_list tp := (locales_of_list_from [] tp).
 Section adequacy_helper_lemmas.
   Context `{!irisG Λ M Σ}.