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Parse les logs du firewall pour effectuer un association mac_ip en ipv6
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Nounous / autoconf-wifi
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
Mastermind utilisant l'affichage lumineux des bornes wifi.
Utilisé en soirée Crans entre autres.
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nounous-archives / Openwrt Chaos Calmer 01_2016
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
This is a centralized passwords manager, using GPG for protection, and allowing shared passwords to groups.
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L3 @ ENS Cachan — Programmation logique — Project, part. 1: a solver for the Reflexion game (course webpage: http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~schwoon/enseignement/projet-logique/2015/)
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This is a centralized passwords manager, using GPG for protection, and allowing shared passwords to groups.
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A fork of https://github.com/ypsu/latex-to-unicode. Adding combinings, fractions, and unicode NFC normalization.
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A fork of https://github.com/ypsu/latex-to-unicode. Adding combinings, fractions, and unicode NFC normalization.
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nounous-archives / Openwrt Chaos Calmer Dev Edition 2015
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterProjet Spécial pour les Uap Pros ainsi que les Pico-old
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