diff --git a/kernel/src/lib.rs b/kernel/src/lib.rs
index a02efb26c40765345c6c865ff87c57e5904faa30..76a6013ff0a68bdeedc77311ce9fa3bb60ecb7e8 100644
--- a/kernel/src/lib.rs
+++ b/kernel/src/lib.rs
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 mod command;
 mod term;
+mod type_checker;
 pub use command::Command;
-pub use term::Term;
 pub use derive_more;
 pub use num_bigint;
+pub use term::Term;
diff --git a/kernel/src/term.rs b/kernel/src/term.rs
index 35665ed8173afca06e6b764f4e1bf55fab186331..bb437fa8cebc25ac4a7bd9bbbbf2b87aebfe1097 100644
--- a/kernel/src/term.rs
+++ b/kernel/src/term.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-use derive_more::{Add, Display, From, Sub};
+use derive_more::{Add, Display, From, Into, Sub};
 use num_bigint::BigUint;
-#[derive(Add, Clone, Debug, Display, Eq, From, Sub, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+    Add, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Display, Eq, Into, From, Sub, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord,
 pub struct DeBruijnIndex(usize);
 #[derive(Add, Clone, Debug, Display, Eq, From, Sub, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ impl Term {
-    fn substitute(self, rhs: Term, depth: usize) -> Term {
+    pub(crate) fn substitute(self, rhs: Term, depth: usize) -> Term {
         match self {
             Var(i) if i == depth.into() => rhs.shift(depth - 1, 0),
             Var(i) if i > depth.into() => Var(i - 1.into()),
@@ -65,12 +67,34 @@ impl Term {
             _ => self,
+    /// Returns the normal form of a term in a given environment.
+    ///
+    /// This function is computationally expensive and should only be used for Reduce/Eval commands, not when type-checking.
+    pub fn normal_form(self) -> Term {
+        let mut res = self.clone().beta_reduction();
+        let mut temp = self;
+        while res != temp {
+            temp = res.clone();
+            res = res.beta_reduction()
+        }
+        res
+    }
+    /// Returns the weak-head normal form of a term in a given environment.
+    pub fn whnf(self) -> Term {
+        match self.clone() {
+            App(box t, t2) => match t.whnf() {
+                whnf @ Abs(_, _) => App(box whnf, t2).beta_reduction().whnf(),
+                _ => self,
+            },
+            _ => self,
+        }
+    }
 mod tests {
-    // TODO: Correctly types lambda terms (#9)
+    // /!\ most of these tests are on ill-typed terms and should not be used for further testings
     use super::Term::*;
diff --git a/kernel/src/type_checker.rs b/kernel/src/type_checker.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8fc05b038ccd6f2a1491fdefec6e0ad475aef97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/src/type_checker.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+use crate::term::*;
+use num_bigint::BigUint;
+use std::cmp::max;
+use std::ops::Index;
+use Term::*;
+impl Index<DeBruijnIndex> for Vec<Term> {
+    type Output = Term;
+    fn index(&self, i: DeBruijnIndex) -> &Self::Output {
+        &self[usize::from(i)]
+    }
+/// Type representing kernel errors, is used by the toplevel to pretty-print errors.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum TypeCheckingError {
+    /// t is not a universe
+    NotUniverse(Term),
+    /// t is not a type
+    NotType(Term),
+    /// t1 and t2 are not definitionally equal
+    NotDefEq(Term, Term),
+    /// f of type t1 can't take argument x of type t2
+    WrongArgumentType(Term, Term, Term, Term),
+    /// t1 is of type ty is not a function, and thus cannot be applied to t2
+    NotAFunction(Term, Term, Term),
+    /// Expected ty1, found ty2
+    TypeMismatch(Term, Term),
+use TypeCheckingError::*;
+// The context, which is supposed to contain other definitions in the environment, is not implemented for now.
+// TODO use context for type-checking (#17)
+// Type of lists of tuples representing the respective types of each variables
+type Types = Vec<Term>;
+/// Structure containing a context used for typechecking. It serves to store the types of variables in the following way :
+/// in a given context {types,lvl}, the type of `Var(i)` is in `types[lvl-i]`.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+struct Context {
+    types: Types,
+    lvl: DeBruijnIndex,
+impl Context {
+    fn new() -> Self {
+        Default::default()
+    }
+    /// Extend Context with a bound variable of type ty.
+    fn bind(self, ty: Term) -> Context {
+        let mut new_types = self.types;
+        new_types.push(ty);
+        Context {
+            types: new_types,
+            lvl: self.lvl + 1.into(),
+        }
+    }
+impl Term {
+    /// Conversion function, checks whether two values are definitionally equal.
+    ///
+    /// The conversion is untyped, meaning that it should **only** be called during type-checking when the two `Term`s are already known to be of the same type and in the same context.
+    pub fn conversion(self, rhs: Term, l: DeBruijnIndex) -> bool {
+        match (self.whnf(), rhs.whnf()) {
+            (Type(i), Type(j)) => i == j,
+            (Prop, Prop) => true,
+            (Var(i), Var(j)) => i == j,
+            (Prod(a1, b1), Prod(box a2, b2)) => {
+                a1.conversion(a2, l)
+                    && b1
+                        .substitute(Var(l), l.into())
+                        .conversion(b2.substitute(Var(l), l.into()), l + 1.into())
+            }
+            // Since we assume that both vals already have the same type,
+            // checking conversion over the argument type is useless.
+            // However, this doesn't mean we can simply remove the arg type
+            // from the type constructor in the enum, it is needed to quote back to terms.
+            (Abs(_, t), Abs(_, u)) => t
+                .substitute(Var(l), l.into())
+                .conversion(u.substitute(Var(l), l.into()), l + 1.into()),
+            (App(box t1, box u1), App(box t2, box u2)) => {
+                t1.conversion(t2, l) && u1.conversion(u2, l)
+            }
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Checks whether two terms are definitionally equal.
+    pub fn is_def_eq(self, rhs: Term) -> Result<(), TypeCheckingError> {
+        if !self.clone().conversion(rhs.clone(), 1.into()) {
+            Err(NotDefEq(self, rhs))
+        } else {
+            Ok(())
+        }
+    }
+    fn is_universe(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(*self, Prop | Type(_))
+    }
+    /// Computes universe the universe in which `(x : A) -> B` lives when `A : u1` and `B : u2`.
+    fn imax(self, u2: Term) -> Result<Term, TypeCheckingError> {
+        match u2 {
+            // Because Prop is impredicative, if B : Prop, then (x : A) -> b : Prop
+            Prop => Ok(Prop),
+            Type(ref i) => match self {
+                Prop => Ok(Type(i.clone())),
+                // else if u1 = Type(i) and u2 = Type(j), then (x : A) -> B : Type(max(i,j))
+                Type(j) => Ok(Type(max(i.clone(), j))),
+                _ => Err(NotUniverse(u2.clone())),
+            },
+            _ => Err(NotUniverse(self)),
+        }
+    }
+    fn _infer(self, ctx: &Context) -> Result<Term, TypeCheckingError> {
+        match self {
+            Prop => Ok(Type(BigUint::from(0_u64).into())),
+            Type(i) => Ok(Type(i + BigUint::from(1_u64).into())),
+            Var(i) => Ok(ctx.types[ctx.lvl - i].clone()),
+            Prod(box a, c) => {
+                let ua = a.clone()._infer(ctx)?;
+                if !ua.is_universe() {
+                    Err(NotType(ua))
+                } else {
+                    let ctx2 = ctx.clone().bind(a);
+                    let ub = c._infer(&ctx2)?;
+                    if !ub.is_universe() {
+                        Err(NotType(ub))
+                    } else {
+                        ua.imax(ub)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            Abs(box t1, c) => {
+                let ctx2 = ctx.clone().bind(t1.clone());
+                Ok(Prod(box t1, box (*c)._infer(&ctx2)?))
+            }
+            App(box a, box b) => {
+                let type_a = a.clone()._infer(ctx)?;
+                if let Prod(box t1, cls) = type_a {
+                    let t1_ = b.clone()._infer(ctx)?;
+                    if !t1.clone().conversion(t1_.clone(), ctx.types.len().into()) {
+                        return Err(WrongArgumentType(a, t1, b, t1_));
+                    };
+                    Ok(*cls)
+                } else {
+                    Err(NotAFunction(a, type_a, b))
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Infers the type of a `Term` in a given context.
+    pub fn infer(self) -> Result<Term, TypeCheckingError> {
+        self._infer(&Context::new())
+    }
+    fn _check(self, ctx: &Context, ty: Term) -> Result<(), TypeCheckingError> {
+        let tty = self._infer(ctx)?;
+        if !tty.clone().conversion(ty.clone(), ctx.types.len().into()) {
+            return Err(TypeMismatch(ty, tty));
+        };
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Checks whether a given term is of type `ty` in a given context.
+    pub fn check(self, ty: Term) -> Result<(), TypeCheckingError> {
+        self._check(&Context::new(), ty)
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use crate::type_checker::*;
+    fn id(l: usize) -> Box<Term> {
+        box Abs(box Prop, box Var(l.into()))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn var_subst_1() {
+        // (λ P. λP. 1) (λP.1)
+        let t = App(
+            box Abs(box Prop, box Abs(box Prop, box Var(1.into()))),
+            id(1),
+        );
+        let nf = Abs(box Prop, box Var(1.into()));
+        assert_eq!(t.normal_form(), nf)
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn var_subst_2() {
+        let t = App(
+            box Abs(box Prop, box Abs(box Prop, box Var(2.into()))),
+            id(1),
+        );
+        let nf = Abs(box Prop, id(1));
+        assert_eq!(t.normal_form(), nf)
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn simple() {
+        let t1 = App(
+            box Abs(box Type(BigUint::from(0_u64).into()), box Var(1.into())),
+            box Prop,
+        );
+        let t2 = Prop;
+        assert!(t1.clone().conversion(t2, 0.into()));
+        let ty = t1._infer(&Context::new());
+        assert_eq!(ty, Ok(Type(BigUint::from(0_u64).into())));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn simple_substitute() -> Result<(), TypeCheckingError> {
+        // λ (x : P -> P).(λ (y :P).x y) x
+        //λ P -> P.(λ P.2 1) 1
+        let term = Abs(
+            box Prod(box Prop, box Prop),
+            box App(
+                box Abs(box Prop, box App(box Var(2.into()), box Var(1.into()))),
+                box Var(1.into()),
+            ),
+        );
+        // λx.x x
+        let reduced = Abs(box Prop, box App(box Var(1.into()), box Var(1.into())));
+        assert_eq!(term.clone().is_def_eq(reduced), Ok(()));
+        let _ty = term.infer();
+        assert!(matches!(_ty, Err(WrongArgumentType(_, _, _, _))));
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn complex_conv() {
+        // (λa.λb.λc.a (λd.λe.e (d b)) (λ_.c) (λd.d)) (λa.λb.a b)
+        let term = App(
+            box Abs(
+                // a : ((P → P) → (P → P) → P) → ((P → P) → ((P → P) → P))
+                box Prod(
+                    // (P → P) → ((P → P) → P)
+                    box Prod(
+                        // P -> P
+                        box Prod(box Prop, box Prop),
+                        // (P -> P) -> P
+                        box Prod(box Prod(box Prop, box Prop), box Prop),
+                    ),
+                    // (P → P) → ((P → P) → P)
+                    box Prod(
+                        // P -> P
+                        box Prod(box Prop, box Prop),
+                        // (P -> P) -> P
+                        box Prod(box Prod(box Prop, box Prop), box Prop),
+                    ),
+                ),
+                box Abs(
+                    // b : P
+                    box Prop,
+                    box Abs(
+                        // c : P
+                        box Prop,
+                        box App(
+                            box App(
+                                box App(
+                                    box Var(3.into()),
+                                    box Abs(
+                                        // d : P -> P
+                                        box Prod(box Prop, box Prop),
+                                        box Abs(
+                                            // e : P -> P
+                                            box Prod(box Prop, box Prop),
+                                            box App(
+                                                box Var(1.into()),
+                                                box App(box Var(2.into()), box Var(4.into())),
+                                            ),
+                                        ),
+                                    ),
+                                ),
+                                // _ : P
+                                box Abs(box Prop, box Var(2.into())),
+                            ),
+                            //d : P
+                            box Abs(box Prop, box Var(1.into())),
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ),
+            ),
+            box Abs(
+                //a : (P -> P) -> (P -> P) -> P
+                box Prod(
+                    box Prod(box Prop, box Prop),
+                    box Prod(box Prod(box Prop, box Prop), box Prop),
+                ),
+                box Abs(
+                    //b : P -> P
+                    box Prod(box Prop, box Prop),
+                    box App(box Var(2.into()), box Var(1.into())),
+                ),
+            ),
+        );
+        // λa : P.λb : P .b
+        let reduced = Abs(box Prop, box Abs(box Prop, box Var(1.into())));
+        assert_eq!(term.clone().is_def_eq(reduced), Ok(()));
+        assert!(matches!(term.infer(), Ok(_)))
+    }
+    //(λ ℙ → λ ℙ → λ ℙ → (0 (λ ℙ → λ ℙ → ((4 1) 3) λ ℙ → 3)) (λ ℙ → λ ℙ → (0 1) (λ ℙ → 0 λ ℙ → 0)))
+    #[test]
+    fn nf_test() {
+        //λa.a (λx.x) (λx.x)
+        let reduced = Abs(box Prop, box App(box App(box Var(2.into()), id(1)), id(1)));
+        let nff = reduced.clone().normal_form();
+        assert_eq!(reduced, nff);
+        assert_eq!(reduced.is_def_eq(nff), Ok(()));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn polymorphism() {
+        let id = Abs(
+            box Type(BigUint::from(0_u64).into()),
+            box Abs(box Var(1.into()), box Var(1.into())),
+        );
+        assert!(matches!(id.infer(), Ok(_)))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn type_type() {
+        assert!(matches!(
+            Type(BigUint::from(0_u64).into()).check(Type(BigUint::from(1_u64).into())),
+            Ok(_)
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn not_function() {
+        let t = App(box Prop, box Prop);
+        assert!(matches!(t.infer(), Err(NotAFunction(..))))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn not_type_prod() {
+        let t1 = Prod(box Abs(box Prop, box Var(1.into())), box Prop);
+        assert!(matches!(t1.infer(), Err(NotType(..))));
+        let t2 = Prod(box Prop, box Abs(box Prop, box Prop));
+        assert!(matches!(t2.infer(), Err(NotType(..))));
+        let wf_prod1 = Prod(box Prop, box Prop);
+        assert!(matches!(
+            wf_prod1.check(Type(BigUint::from(0_u64).into())),
+            Ok(())
+        ));
+        let wf_prod2 = Prod(box Prop, box Var(1.into()));
+        assert!(matches!(wf_prod2.check(Prop), Ok(())));
+        // Type0 -> (A : Prop) ->
+        let wf_prod3 = Prod(box Prop, box Prop);
+        assert!(matches!(
+            wf_prod3.check(Type(BigUint::from(0_u64).into())),
+            Ok(())
+        ));
+    }