diff --git a/include/prereq-build.mk b/include/prereq-build.mk
index 926a06f8ba4130f5dcafc6bc0166368bff04dc6c..3f8f9870b3114def3ff0817492471350d8ee30ee 100644
--- a/include/prereq-build.mk
+++ b/include/prereq-build.mk
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ $(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,gcc, \
 	gcc49 --version | grep gcc, \
 	gcc48 --version | grep gcc, \
 	gcc47 --version | grep gcc, \
-	gcc46 --version | grep gcc))
+	gcc46 --version | grep gcc, \
+	gcc --version | grep Apple.LLVM ))
 $(eval $(call TestHostCommand,working-gcc, \
 	Please reinstall the GNU C Compiler - it appears to be broken, \
@@ -45,7 +46,8 @@ $(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,g++, \
 	g++49 --version | grep g++, \
 	g++48 --version | grep g++, \
 	g++47 --version | grep g++, \
-	g++46 --version | grep g++))
+	g++46 --version | grep g++, \
+	g++ --version | grep Apple.LLVM ))
 $(eval $(call TestHostCommand,working-g++, \
 	Please reinstall the GNU C++ Compiler - it appears to be broken, \
diff --git a/include/prereq.mk b/include/prereq.mk
index 9bc5e0dee232ba1242562866953d9ece7403c229..71ca96e8a78476010922929f06e02c2219fe5a54 100644
--- a/include/prereq.mk
+++ b/include/prereq.mk
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ define SetupHostCommand
   define Require/$(1)
 	for cmd in $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(3)) $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(4)) \
 	           $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(5)) $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(6)) \
-	           $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(7)) $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(8)); do \
+	           $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(7)) $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(8)) \
+			   $(call QuoteHostCommand,$(9)); do \
 		if [ -n "$$$$$$$$cmd" ]; then \
 			bin="$$$$$$$$(PATH="$(subst $(space),:,$(filter-out $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/%,$(subst :,$(space),$(PATH))))" \
 				which "$$$$$$$${cmd%% *}")"; \