From bf48d9ad159e625b7749aade6bf0a0127f345ad8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hauke <hauke@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 20:56:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] robocfg: remove robocfg

This controls the old Broadcom switch driver which was removed over a
year ago, since then this is useless. Use swconfig instead it works
with more (Broadcom) switches.

Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>

git-svn-id: svn:// 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
 package/utils/robocfg/Makefile      |  39 --
 package/utils/robocfg/src/Makefile  |  11 -
 package/utils/robocfg/src/etc53xx.h | 619 ----------------------------
 package/utils/robocfg/src/robocfg.c | 582 --------------------------
 4 files changed, 1251 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 package/utils/robocfg/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 package/utils/robocfg/src/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 package/utils/robocfg/src/etc53xx.h
 delete mode 100644 package/utils/robocfg/src/robocfg.c

diff --git a/package/utils/robocfg/Makefile b/package/utils/robocfg/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bc72f51db..0000000000
--- a/package/utils/robocfg/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Package/robocfg
-  SECTION:=utils
-  CATEGORY:=Utilities
-  TITLE:=BCM5325E/536x switch configuration utility
-define Package/robocfg/description
- This package contains an utility for configuring the Broadcom BCM5325E/536x 
- based switches.
-define Build/Prepare
-	mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
-	$(CP) ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
-define Package/robocfg/install
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/robocfg $(1)/sbin/
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,robocfg))
diff --git a/package/utils/robocfg/src/Makefile b/package/utils/robocfg/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e11acb020a..0000000000
--- a/package/utils/robocfg/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-all: robocfg
-%.o: %.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $^
-robocfg: robocfg.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $^
-	rm -f *.o robocfg
diff --git a/package/utils/robocfg/src/etc53xx.h b/package/utils/robocfg/src/etc53xx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d5b1310cb6..0000000000
--- a/package/utils/robocfg/src/etc53xx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,619 +0,0 @@
- * Broadcom Home Gateway Reference Design
- * BCM53xx Register definitions
- *
- * Copyright 2004, Broadcom Corporation
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * 
- */
-#ifndef __BCM535M_H_
-#define __BCM535M_H_
-/* ROBO embedded device type */
-#define ROBO_DEV_5380 1
-#define ROBO_DEV_5365 2
-#define ROBO_DEV_5350 3
-#ifndef _CFE_
-#pragma pack(1)
-/* BCM5325m Serial Management Port (SMP) Page offsets */
-#define ROBO_CTRL_PAGE        0x00  /* Control registers */
-#define ROBO_STAT_PAGE        0x01  /* Status register */
-#define ROBO_MGMT_PAGE        0x02  /* Management Mode registers */
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_PAGE      0x03  /* MIB Autocast registers */
-#define ROBO_ARLCTRL_PAGE     0x04  /* ARL Control Registers */
-#define ROBO_ARLIO_PAGE       0x05  /* ARL Access Registers */
-#define ROBO_FRAMEBUF_PAGE    0x06  /* Management frame access registers */
-#define ROBO_MEM_ACCESS_PAGE  0x08  /* Memory access registers */
-/* PHY Registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT0_MII_PAGE    0x10 /* Port 0 MII Registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT1_MII_PAGE    0x11 /* Port 1 MII Registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT2_MII_PAGE    0x12 /* Port 2 MII Registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT3_MII_PAGE    0x13 /* Port 3 MII Registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT4_MII_PAGE    0x14 /* Port 4 MII Registers */
-/* (start) registers only for BCM5380 */
-#define ROBO_PORT5_MII_PAGE    0x15 /* Port 5 MII Registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT6_MII_PAGE    0x16 /* Port 6 MII Registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT7_MII_PAGE    0x17 /* Port 7 MII Registers */
-/* (end) registers only for BCM5380 */
-#define ROBO_IM_PORT_PAGE      0x18 /* Inverse MII Port (to EMAC) */
-#define ROBO_ALL_PORT_PAGE     0x19 /* All ports MII Registers (broadcast)*/
-/* MAC Statistics registers */
-#define ROBO_PORT0_MIB_PAGE       0x20 /* Port 0 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-#define ROBO_PORT1_MIB_PAGE       0x21 /* Port 1 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-#define ROBO_PORT2_MIB_PAGE       0x22 /* Port 2 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-#define ROBO_PORT3_MIB_PAGE       0x23 /* Port 3 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-#define ROBO_PORT4_MIB_PAGE       0x24 /* Port 4 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-/* (start) registers only for BCM5380 */
-#define ROBO_PORT5_MIB_PAGE       0x25 /* Port 5 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-#define ROBO_PORT6_MIB_PAGE       0x26 /* Port 6 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-#define ROBO_PORT7_MIB_PAGE       0x27 /* Port 7 10/100 MIB Statistics */
-/* (end) registers only for BCM5380 */
-#define ROBO_IM_PORT_MIB_PAGE     0x28 /* Inverse MII Port MIB Statistics */
-/* Quality of Service (QoS) Registers */
-#define ROBO_QOS_PAGE             0x30 /* QoS Registers */
-/* VLAN Registers */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PAGE            0x34 /* VLAN Registers */
-/* Note SPI Data/IO Registers not used */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_0_PAGE   0xf0 /* SPI Data I/O 0 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_1_PAGE   0xf1 /* SPI Data I/O 1 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_2_PAGE   0xf2 /* SPI Data I/O 2 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_3_PAGE   0xf3 /* SPI Data I/O 3 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_4_PAGE   0xf4 /* SPI Data I/O 4 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_5_PAGE   0xf5 /* SPI Data I/O 5 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_6_PAGE   0xf6 /* SPI Data I/O 6 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_DATA_IO_7_PAGE   0xf7 /* SPI Data I/O 7 */
-#define ROBO_SPI_STATUS_PAGE      0xfe /* SPI Status Registers */
-#define ROBO_PAGE_PAGE            0xff /* Page Registers */
-/* BCM5325m CONTROL PAGE (0x00) REGISTER MAP : 8bit (byte) registers */
-typedef struct _ROBO_PORT_CTRL_STRUC
-    unsigned char   rx_disable:1;   /* rx disable */
-    unsigned char   tx_disable:1;   /* tx disable */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:3;         /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   stp_state:3;    /* spanning tree state */
-#define ROBO_PORT0_CTRL           0x00 /* 10/100 Port 0 Control */
-#define ROBO_PORT1_CTRL           0x01 /* 10/100 Port 1 Control */
-#define ROBO_PORT2_CTRL           0x02 /* 10/100 Port 2 Control */
-#define ROBO_PORT3_CTRL           0x03 /* 10/100 Port 3 Control */
-#define ROBO_PORT4_CTRL           0x04 /* 10/100 Port 4 Control */
-/* (start) registers only for BCM5380 */
-#define ROBO_PORT5_CTRL           0x05 /* 10/100 Port 5 Control */
-#define ROBO_PORT6_CTRL           0x06 /* 10/100 Port 6 Control */
-#define ROBO_PORT7_CTRL           0x07 /* 10/100 Port 7 Control */
-/* (end) registers only for BCM5380 */
-#define ROBO_IM_PORT_CTRL         0x08 /* 10/100 Port 8 Control */
-#define ROBO_SMP_CTRL             0x0a /* SMP Control register */
-#define ROBO_SWITCH_MODE          0x0b /* Switch Mode Control */
-#define ROBO_PORT_OVERRIDE_CTRL   0x0e /* Port state override */
-#define ROBO_PORT_OVERRIDE_RVMII  (1<<4) /* Bit 4 enables RvMII */
-#define ROBO_PD_MODE_CTRL         0x0f /* Power-down mode control */
-#define ROBO_IP_MULTICAST_CTRL    0x21 /* IP Multicast control */
-/* BCM5325m STATUS PAGE (0x01) REGISTER MAP : 16bit/48bit registers */
-#define ROBO_LINK_STAT_SUMMARY    0x00 /* Link Status Summary: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_LINK_STAT_CHANGE     0x02 /* Link Status Change: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_SPEED_STAT_SUMMARY   0x04 /* Port Speed Summary: 16bit*/
-#define ROBO_DUPLEX_STAT_SUMMARY  0x06 /* Duplex Status Summary: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_PAUSE_STAT_SUMMARY   0x08 /* PAUSE Status Summary: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_SOURCE_ADDR_CHANGE   0x0C /* Source Address Change: 16bit	*/
-#define ROBO_LSA_PORT0            0x10 /* Last Source Addr, Port 0: 48bits*/
-#define ROBO_LSA_PORT1            0x16 /* Last Source Addr, Port 1: 48bits*/
-#define ROBO_LSA_PORT2            0x1c /* Last Source Addr, Port 2: 48bits*/
-#define ROBO_LSA_PORT3            0x22 /* Last Source Addr, Port 3: 48bits*/
-#define ROBO_LSA_PORT4            0x28 /* Last Source Addr, Port 4: 48bits*/
-#define ROBO_LSA_IM_PORT          0x40 /* Last Source Addr, IM Port: 48bits*/
-/* BCM5325m MANAGEMENT MODE REGISTERS (0x02) REGISTER MAP: 8/48 bit regs*/
-    unsigned char   resetMIB:1;         /* reset MIB counters */
-    unsigned char   rxBPDU:1;           /* receive BDPU enable */
-    unsigned char   rsvd1:2;            /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   MIBacHdrCtrl:1;     /* MIB autocast header control */
-    unsigned char   MIBac:1;            /* MIB autocast enable */
-    unsigned char   frameMgmtPort:2;    /* frame management port */
-#define ROBO_GLOBAL_CONFIG        0x00 /* Global Management Config: 8bit*/
-#define ROBO_MGMT_PORT_ID         0x02 /* Management Port ID: 8bit*/
-#define ROBO_RMON_MIB_STEER       0x04 /* RMON Mib Steering: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIB_MODE_SELECT      0x04 /* MIB Mode select: 16bit (BCM5350) */
-#define ROBO_AGE_TIMER_CTRL       0x06 /* Age time control: 32bit */
-#define ROBO_MIRROR_CAP_CTRL      0x10 /* Mirror Capture : 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIRROR_ING_CTRL      0x12 /* Mirror Ingress Control: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIRROR_ING_DIV_CTRL  0x14 /* Mirror Ingress Divider: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIRROR_ING_MAC_ADDR  0x16 /* Ingress Mirror MAC Addr: 48bit*/
-#define ROBO_MIRROR_EGR_CTRL      0x1c /* Mirror Egress Control: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIRROR_EGR_DIV_CTRL  0x1e /* Mirror Egress Divider: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIRROR_EGR_MAC_ADDR  0x20 /* Egress Mirror MAC Addr: 48bit*/
-/* BCM5325m MIB AUTOCAST REGISTERS (0x03) REGISTER MAP: 8/16/48 bit regs */
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_PORT          0x00 /* MIB Autocast Port: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_HDR_PTR       0x02 /* MIB Autocast Header pointer:16bit*/ 
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_HDR_LEN       0x04 /* MIB Autocast Header Len: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_DA            0x06 /* MIB Autocast DA: 48bit */
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_SA            0x0c /* MIB Autocast SA: 48bit */
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_TYPE          0x12 /* MIB Autocast Type: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MIB_AC_RATE          0x14 /* MIB Autocast Rate: 8bit */
-#define ROBO_GET_AC_RATE(secs) ((secs)*10)
-#define ROBO_AC_RATE_MAX          0xff
-#define ROBO_AC_RATE_DEFAULT      0x64  /* 10 secs */
-typedef struct _ROBO_MIB_AC_STRUCT
-    unsigned char   opcode:4;       /* Tx MIB Autocast opcode */
-    unsigned char   portno:4;       /* zero-based port no. */
-    unsigned char   portstate:8;    /* port state */
-    unsigned long long TxOctets;   
-    unsigned int    TxDropPkts;
-    unsigned int    rsvd;
-    unsigned int    TxBroadcastPkts;
-    unsigned int    TxMulticastPkts;
-    unsigned int    TxUnicastPkts;
-    unsigned int    TxCollisions;
-    unsigned int    TxSingleCollision;
-    unsigned int    TxMultiCollision;
-    unsigned int    TxDeferredTransmit;
-    unsigned int    TxLateCollision;
-    unsigned int    TxExcessiveCollision;
-    unsigned int    TxFrameInDiscards;
-    unsigned int    TxPausePkts;
-    unsigned int    rsvd1[2];
-    unsigned long long RxOctets;
-    unsigned int    RxUndersizePkts;
-    unsigned int    RxPausePkts;
-    unsigned int    RxPkts64Octets;
-    unsigned int    RxPkts64to127Octets;
-    unsigned int    RxPkts128to255Octets;
-    unsigned int    RxPkts256to511Octets;
-    unsigned int    RxPkts512to1023Octets;
-    unsigned int    RxPkts1024to1522Octets;
-    unsigned int    RxOversizePkts;
-    unsigned int    RxJabbers;
-    unsigned int    RxAlignmentErrors;
-    unsigned int    RxFCSErrors;
-    unsigned long long RxGoodOctets;
-    unsigned int    RxDropPkts;
-    unsigned int    RxUnicastPkts;
-    unsigned int    RxMulticastPkts;
-    unsigned int    RxBroadcastPkts;
-    unsigned int    RxSAChanges;
-    unsigned int    RxFragments;
-    unsigned int    RxExcessSizeDisc;
-    unsigned int    RxSymbolError;
-/* BCM5325m ARL CONTROL REGISTERS (0x04) REGISTER MAP: 8/16/48/64 bit regs */
-#define ROBO_ARL_CONFIG           0x00 /* ARL Global Configuration: 8bit*/
-#define ROBO_BPDU_MC_ADDR_REG     0x04 /* BPDU Multicast Address Reg:64bit*/
-#define ROBO_MULTIPORT_ADDR_1     0x10 /* Multiport Address 1: 48 bits*/
-#define ROBO_MULTIPORT_VECTOR_1   0x16 /* Multiport Vector 1: 16 bits */
-#define ROBO_MULTIPORT_ADDR_2     0x20 /* Multiport Address 2: 48 bits*/
-#define ROBO_MULTIPORT_VECTOR_2   0x26 /* Multiport Vector 2: 16 bits */
-#define ROBO_SECURE_SRC_PORT_MASK 0x30 /* Secure Source Port Mask: 16 bits*/
-#define ROBO_SECURE_DST_PORT_MASK 0x32 /* Secure Dest Port Mask: 16 bits */
-/* BCM5325m ARL IO REGISTERS (0x05) REGISTER MAP: 8/16/48/64 bit regs */
-#define ARL_TABLE_WRITE 0              /* for read/write state in control reg */
-#define ARL_TABLE_READ  1              /* for read/write state in control reg */
-#ifdef BCM5380
-#define ARL_VID_BYTES   2              /* number of bytes for VID */
-#define ARL_VID_BYTES   1              /* number of bytes for VID */
-typedef struct _ROBO_ARL_RW_CTRL_STRUC
-    unsigned char   ARLrw:1;    /* ARL read/write (1=read) */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:6;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   ARLStart:1; /* ARL start/done (1=start) */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;    /* ARL search result valid */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:6;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   ARLStart:1; /* ARL start/done (1=start) */
-typedef struct _ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_CTRL_STRUC
-    unsigned char   portID:4;   /* port id */
-    unsigned char   chipID:2;   /* chip id */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:5;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   prio:2;     /* priority */
-    unsigned char   age:1;      /* age */
-    unsigned char   staticEn:1; /* static */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;    /* valid */
-    unsigned char   portID:4;   /* port id */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:1;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   vid:8;   	/* vlan id */
-    unsigned char   age:1;      /* age */
-    unsigned char   staticEn:1; /* static */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;    /* valid */
-typedef struct _ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_MAC_STRUC
-    unsigned char   macBytes[6];    /* MAC address */
-typedef struct _ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_STRUC
-    ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_MAC_STRUC    mac;    /* MAC address */
-    ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_CTRL_STRUC   ctrl;   /* control bits */
-    ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_MAC_STRUC    mac;    		/* MAC address */
-    ROBO_ARL_SEARCH_RESULT_CTRL_STRUC   ctrl;   /* control bits */
-/* multicast versions of ARL entry structs */
-    unsigned int    portMask:12;/* multicast port mask */
-    unsigned char   prio:1;     /* priority */
-    unsigned char   gigPort:1;  /* gigabit port 1 mask */
-    unsigned char   staticEn:1; /* static */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;    /* valid */
-    unsigned int    portMask:13;   	/* multicast port mask */
-    unsigned char   age:1;      	/* age */
-    unsigned char   staticEn:1; 	/* static */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;    	/* valid */
-/* BCM5350 extension register */
-    unsigned int    prio:2;         /* priority */
-    unsigned int    portMask:1;     /* MSB (MII) of port mask for multicast */
-    unsigned int    reserved:5;
-    ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_MAC_STRUC        mac;    /* MAC address */
-    ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_MCAST_CTRL_STRUC ctrl;   /* control bits */
-    ROBO_ARL_ENTRY_MAC_STRUC    mac;    				/* MAC address */
-    ROBO_ARL_SEARCH_RESULT_MCAST_CTRL_STRUC   ctrl;   	/* control bits */
-#define ROBO_ARL_RW_CTRL          0x00 /* ARL Read/Write Control :  8bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_MAC_ADDR_IDX     0x02 /* MAC Address Index: 48bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_VID_TABLE_IDX    0x08 /* VID Table Address Index: 8bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_ENTRY0           0x10 /* ARL Entry 0 : 64 bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_ENTRY1           0x18 /* ARL Entry 1 : 64 bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_SEARCH_CTRL      0x20 /* ARL Search Control: 8bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_SEARCH_ADDR      0x22 /* ARL Search Address: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_SEARCH_RESULT    0x24 /* ARL Search Result: 64bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_SEARCH_RESULT_EXT 0x2c /* ARL Search Result Extension (5350): 8bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_VID_ENTRY0       0x30 /* ARL VID Entry 0: 64bit */
-#define ROBO_ARL_VID_ENTRY1       0x32 /* ARL VID Entry 1: 64bit */
-/* BCM5325m MANAGEMENT FRAME REGISTERS (0x6) REGISTER MAP: 8/16 bit regs */
-#define ROBO_MGMT_FRAME_RD_DATA   0x00 /* Management Frame Read Data :8bit*/
-#define ROBO_MGMT_FRAME_WR_DATA   0x01 /* Management Frame Write Data:8bit*/
-#define ROBO_MGMT_FRAME_WR_CTRL   0x02 /* Write Control: 16bit */
-#define ROBO_MGMT_FRAME_RD_STAT   0x04 /* Read Status: 16bit */
-/* BCM5325m MEMORY ACCESS REGISTERS (Page 0x08) REGISTER MAP: 32 bit regs */
-#define MEM_TABLE_READ  1               /* for read/write state in mem access reg */
-#define MEM_TABLE_WRITE 0               /* for read/write state in mem access reg */
-#define MEM_TABLE_ACCESS_START 1        /* for mem access read/write start */
-#define MEM_TABLE_ACCESS_DONE  0        /* for mem access read/write done */
-#define VLAN_TABLE_ADDR 0x3800          /* BCM5380 only */
-#ifdef BCM5380
-#define NUM_ARL_TABLE_ENTRIES 4096      /* number of entries in ARL table */
-#define NUM_VLAN_TABLE_ENTRIES 2048     /* number of entries in VLAN table */
-#define ARL_TABLE_ADDR 0                /* offset of ARL table start */
-#define NUM_ARL_TABLE_ENTRIES 2048      /* number of entries in ARL table */
-#define NUM_VLAN_TABLE_ENTRIES 256      /* number of entries in VLAN table */
-#define ARL_TABLE_ADDR 0x3800           /* offset of ARL table start */
-/* corresponding values for 5350 */
-#define NUM_ARL_TABLE_ENTRIES_5350 1024 /* number of entries in ARL table (5350) */
-#define NUM_VLAN_TABLE_ENTRIES_5350 16  /* number of entries in VLAN table */
-#define ARL_TABLE_ADDR_5350 0x1c00      /* offset of ARL table start (5350) */
-    unsigned int    memAddr:14; /* 64-bit memory address */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:4;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   readEn:1;   /* read enable (0 == write) */
-    unsigned char   startDone:1;/* memory access start/done */
-    unsigned int    rsvd1:12;   /* reserved */
-    unsigned int    memData[2]; /* 64-bit data */
-    unsigned short  rsvd;       /* reserved */
-#ifdef BCM5380
-typedef struct _ROBO_ARL_TABLE_DATA_STRUC
-    unsigned char   MACaddr[6]; /* MAC addr */
-    unsigned int    portID:4;   /* port ID */
-    unsigned int    chipID:2;   /* chip ID */
-    unsigned int    rsvd:6;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned int    highPrio:1; /* high priority address */
-    unsigned int    age:1;      /* entry accessed/learned since ageing process */
-    unsigned int    staticAddr:1;/* entry is static */
-    unsigned int    valid:1;    /* entry is valid */
-    unsigned int    vid:12;     /* vlan id */
-    unsigned int    rsvd2:4;    /* reserved */
-typedef struct _ROBO_ARL_TABLE_DATA_STRUC
-    unsigned char   MACaddr[6]; /* MAC addr */
-    unsigned int    portID:4;   /* port ID */
-    unsigned int    chipID:2;   /* chip ID */
-    unsigned int    rsvd:7;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned int    age:1;      /* entry accessed/learned since ageing process */
-    unsigned int    staticAddr:1;/* entry is static */
-    unsigned int    valid:1;    /* entry is valid */
-/* multicast format*/
-    unsigned char   MACaddr[6]; /* MAC addr */
-    unsigned int    portMask:12;/* multicast port mask */
-    unsigned char   prio:1;     /* priority */
-    unsigned char   gigPort:1;  /* gigabit port 1 mask */
-    unsigned char   staticEn:1; /* static */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;    /* valid */
-    unsigned int    vid:12;     /* vlan id */
-    unsigned int    rsvd2:4;    /* reserved */
-#define ROBO_MEM_ACCESS_CTRL      0x00 /* Memory Read/Write Control :32bit*/
-#define ROBO_MEM_ACCESS_DATA      0x04 /* Memory Read/Write Data:64bit*/
-/* BCM5325m SWITCH PORT (0x10-18) REGISTER MAP: 8/16 bit regs */
-typedef struct _ROBO_MII_CTRL_STRUC
-    unsigned char   rsvd:8;     /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   duplex:1;   /* duplex mode */
-    unsigned char   restartAN:1;/* restart auto-negotiation */
-    unsigned char   rsvd1:1;    /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   powerDown:1;/* power down */
-    unsigned char   ANenable:1; /* auto-negotiation enable */
-    unsigned char   speed:1;    /* forced speed selection */
-    unsigned char   loopback:1; /* loopback */
-    unsigned char   reset:1;    /* reset */
-typedef struct _ROBO_MII_AN_ADVERT_STRUC
-    unsigned char   selector:5;     /* advertise selector field */
-    unsigned char   T10BaseT:1;     /* advertise 10BaseT */
-    unsigned char   T10BaseTFull:1; /* advertise 10BaseT, full duplex */
-    unsigned char   T100BaseX:1;    /* advertise 100BaseX */
-    unsigned char   T100BaseXFull:1;/* advertise 100BaseX full duplex */
-    unsigned char   noT4:1;         /* do not advertise T4 */
-    unsigned char   pause:1;        /* advertise pause for full duplex */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:2;         /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   remoteFault:1;  /* transmit remote fault */
-    unsigned char   rsvd1:1;        /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   nextPage:1;     /* nex page operation supported */
-#define ROBO_MII_CTRL                 0x00 /* Port MII Control */
-#define ROBO_MII_STAT                 0x02 /* Port MII Status  */
-/* Fields of link status register */
-#define ROBO_MII_STAT_JABBER          (1<<1) /* Jabber detected */
-#define ROBO_MII_STAT_LINK            (1<<2) /* Link status */
-#define ROBO_MII_PHYID_HI             0x04 /* Port PHY ID High */
-#define ROBO_MII_PHYID_LO             0x06 /* Port PHY ID Low */
-#define ROBO_MII_ANA_REG              0x08 /* MII Auto-Neg Advertisement */
-#define ROBO_MII_ANP_REG              0x0a /* MII Auto-Neg Partner Ability */
-#define ROBO_MII_AN_EXP_REG           0x0c /* MII Auto-Neg Expansion */
-#define ROBO_MII_AN_NP_REG            0x0e /* MII next page */
-#define ROBO_MII_ANP_NP_REG           0x10 /* MII Partner next page */
-#define ROBO_MII_100BX_AUX_CTRL       0x20 /* 100BASE-X Auxiliary Control */
-#define ROBO_MII_100BX_AUX_STAT       0x22 /* 100BASE-X Auxiliary Status  */
-#define ROBO_MII_100BX_RCV_ERR_CTR    0x24 /* 100BASE-X Receive Error Ctr */
-#define ROBO_MII_100BX_RCV_FS_ERR     0x26 /* 100BASE-X Rcv False Sense Ctr */
-#define ROBO_MII_AUX_CTRL             0x30 /* Auxiliary Control/Status */
-/* Fields of Auxiliary control register */
-#define ROBO_MII_AUX_CTRL_FD         (1<<0) /* Full duplex link detected*/
-#define ROBO_MII_AUX_CTRL_SP100      (1<<1) /* Speed 100 indication */
-#define ROBO_MII_AUX_STATUS           0x32 /* Aux Status Summary */
-#define ROBO_MII_CONN_STATUS          0x34 /* Aux Connection Status */
-#define ROBO_MII_AUX_MODE2            0x36 /* Aux Mode 2 */
-#define ROBO_MII_AUX_ERR_STATUS       0x38 /* Aux Error and General Status */
-#define ROBO_MII_AUX_MULTI_PHY        0x3c /* Aux Multiple PHY Register*/
-#define ROBO_MII_BROADCOM_TEST        0x3e /* Broadcom Test Register */
-/* BCM5325m PORT MIB REGISTERS (Pages 0x20-0x24,0x28) REGISTER MAP: 64/32 */
-/* Tranmit Statistics */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_OCTETS            0x00 /* 64b: TxOctets */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_DROP_PKTS         0x08 /* 32b: TxDropPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_BC_PKTS           0x10 /* 32b: TxBroadcastPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_MC_PKTS           0x14 /* 32b: TxMulticastPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_UC_PKTS           0x18 /* 32b: TxUnicastPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_COLLISIONS        0x1c /* 32b: TxCollisions */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_SINGLE_COLLISIONS 0x20 /* 32b: TxSingleCollision */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_MULTI_COLLISIONS  0x24 /* 32b: TxMultiCollision */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_DEFER_TX          0x28 /* 32b: TxDeferred Transmit */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_LATE_COLLISIONS   0x2c /* 32b: TxLateCollision */
-#define ROBO_MIB_EXCESS_COLLISIONS    0x30 /* 32b: TxExcessiveCollision*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_FRAME_IN_DISCARDS    0x34 /* 32b: TxFrameInDiscards */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_PAUSE_PKTS        0x38 /* 32b: TxPausePkts */
-/* Receive Statistics */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_OCTETS            0x44 /* 64b: RxOctets */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_UNDER_SIZE_PKTS   0x4c /* 32b: RxUndersizePkts(runts)*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_PAUSE_PKTS        0x50 /* 32b: RxPausePkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_PKTS_64           0x54 /* 32b: RxPkts64Octets */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_PKTS_65_TO_127    0x58 /* 32b: RxPkts64to127Octets*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_PKTS_128_TO_255   0x5c /* 32b: RxPkts128to255Octets*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_PKTS_256_TO_511   0x60 /* 32b: RxPkts256to511Octets*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_PKTS_512_TO_1023  0x64 /* 32b: RxPkts512to1023Octets*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_PKTS_1024_TO_1522 0x68 /* 32b: RxPkts1024to1522Octets*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_OVER_SIZE_PKTS    0x6c /* 32b: RxOversizePkts*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_JABBERS           0x70 /* 32b: RxJabbers*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_ALIGNMENT_ERRORS  0x74 /* 32b: RxAlignmentErrors*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_FCS_ERRORS        0x78 /* 32b: RxFCSErrors */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_GOOD_OCTETS       0x7c /* 32b: RxGoodOctets */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_DROP_PKTS         0x84 /* 32b: RxDropPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_UC_PKTS           0x88 /* 32b: RxUnicastPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_MC_PKTS           0x8c /* 32b: RxMulticastPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_BC_PKTS           0x90 /* 32b: RxBroadcastPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_SA_CHANGES        0x94 /* 32b: RxSAChanges */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_FRAGMENTS         0x98 /* 32b: RxFragments */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_EXCESS_SZ_DISC    0x9c /* 32b: RxExcessSizeDisc*/
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_SYMBOL_ERROR      0xa0 /* 32b: RxSymbolError */
-/* BCM5350 MIB Statistics */
-/* Group 0 */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_GOOD_PKTS         0x00 /* 16b: TxGoodPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_UNICAST_PKTS      0x02 /* 16b: TxUnicastPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_GOOD_PKTS         0x04 /* 16b: RxGoodPkts */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_GOOD_UNICAST_PKTS 0x06 /* 16b: RxGoodUnicastPkts */
-/* Group 1 */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_COLLISION         0x00 /* 16b: TxCollision */
-#define ROBO_MIB_TX_OCTETS_5350       0x02 /* 16b: TxOctets */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_FCS_ERRORS_5350   0x04 /* 16b: RxFCSErrors */
-#define ROBO_MIB_RX_GOOD_OCTETS_5350  0x06 /* 16b: RxGoodOctets */
-/* BCM5325m QoS REGISTERS (Page 0x30) REGISTER MAP: 8/16 */
-#define ROBO_QOS_CTRL                 0x00 /* 16b: QoS Control Register */
-#define ROBO_QOS_LOCAL_WEIGHT_CTRL    0x10 /* 8b: Local HQ/LQ Weight Register*/
-#define ROBO_QOS_CPU_WEIGHT_CTRL      0x12 /* 8b: CPU HQ/LQ Weight Register*/
-#define ROBO_QOS_PAUSE_ENA            0x13 /* 16b: Qos Pause Enable Register*/
-#define ROBO_QOS_PRIO_THRESHOLD       0x15 /* 8b: Priority Threshold Register*/
-#define ROBO_QOS_RESERVED             0x16 /* 8b: Qos Reserved Register */
-/* BCM5325m VLAN REGISTERS (Page 0x34) REGISTER MAP: 8/16bit */
-typedef struct _ROBO_VLAN_CTRL0_STRUC
-    unsigned char   frameControlP:2;    /* 802.1P frame control */
-    unsigned char   frameControlQ:2;    /* 802.1Q frame control */
-    unsigned char   dropMissedVID:1;    /* enable drop missed VID packet */
-    unsigned char   vidMacHash:1;       /* VID_MAC hash enable */
-    unsigned char   vidMacCheck:1;      /* VID_MAC check enable */
-    unsigned char   VLANen:1;           /* 802.1Q VLAN enable */
-#define VLAN_TABLE_WRITE 1              /* for read/write state in table access reg */
-#define VLAN_TABLE_READ 0               /* for read/write state in table access reg */
-#define VLAN_ID_HIGH_BITS 0             /* static high bits in table access reg */
-#define VLAN_ID_MAX 255                 /* max VLAN id */
-#define VLAN_ID_MAX5350 15              /* max VLAN id (5350) */
-#define VLAN_ID_MASK VLAN_ID_MAX        /* VLAN id mask */
-#ifdef BCM5380
-#define VLAN_UNTAG_SHIFT 13             /* for postioning untag bits in write reg */
-#define VLAN_VALID 0x4000000             /* valid bit in write reg */
-#define VLAN_UNTAG_SHIFT 7              /* for postioning untag bits in write reg */
-#define VLAN_VALID 0x4000               /* valid bit in write reg */
-/* corresponding values for 5350 */
-#define VLAN_UNTAG_SHIFT_5350 6         /* for postioning untag bits in write reg */
-#define VLAN_VALID_5350 0x00100000      /* valid bit in write reg */
-    unsigned char   VLANid:8;           /* VLAN ID (low 8 bits) */
-    unsigned char   VLANidHi:4;         /* VLAN ID (fixed upper portion) */
-    unsigned char   readWriteState:1;   /* read/write state (write = 1) */
-    volatile unsigned char   readWriteEnable:1;  /* table read/write enable */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:2;             /* reserved */
-#ifdef BCM5380
-    unsigned int    VLANgroup:13;/* VLAN group mask */
-    unsigned int    VLANuntag:13;/* VLAN untag enable mask */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;     /* valid */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:5;      /* reserved */
-    unsigned char   VLANgroup:7;         /* VLAN group mask */
-    unsigned char   VLANuntag:7;         /* VLAN untag enable mask */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;             /* valid */
-    unsigned char   rsvd:1;              /* reserved */
-typedef struct _ROBO_VLAN_READ_WRITE_STRUC_5350
-    unsigned char   VLANgroup:6;         /* VLAN group mask */
-    unsigned char   VLANuntag:6;         /* VLAN untag enable mask */
-    unsigned char   highVID:8;           /* upper bits of vid */
-    unsigned char   valid:1;             /* valid */
-    unsigned int    rsvd:11;             /* reserved */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_CTRL0             0x00 /* 8b: VLAN Control 0 Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_CTRL1             0x01 /* 8b: VLAN Control 1 Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_CTRL2             0x02 /* 8b: VLAN Control 2 Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_CTRL3             0x03 /* 8b: VLAN Control 3 Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_CTRL4             0x04 /* 8b: VLAN Control 4 Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_CTRL5             0x05 /* 8b: VLAN Control 5 Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS      0x08 /* 14b: VLAN Table Access Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS_5350 0x06 /* 14b: VLAN Table Access Register (5350) */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_WRITE             0x0a /* 15b: VLAN Write Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_WRITE_5350        0x08 /* 15b: VLAN Write Register (5350) */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_READ              0x0c /* 15b: VLAN Read Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT0_DEF_TAG     0x10 /* 16b: VLAN Port 0 Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT1_DEF_TAG     0x12 /* 16b: VLAN Port 1 Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT2_DEF_TAG     0x14 /* 16b: VLAN Port 2 Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT3_DEF_TAG     0x16 /* 16b: VLAN Port 3 Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT4_DEF_TAG     0x18 /* 16b: VLAN Port 4 Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORTMII_DEF_TAG   0x1a /* 16b: VLAN Port MII Default Tag Register */
-/* 5380 only */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT5_DEF_TAG     0x1a /* 16b: VLAN Port 5 Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT6_DEF_TAG     0x1c /* 16b: VLAN Port 6 Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT7_DEF_TAG     0x1e /* 16b: VLAN Port 7 Default Tag Register */
-/* obsolete */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT0_CTRL       0x00 /* 16b: Port 0 VLAN  Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT1_CTRL       0x02 /* 16b: Port 1 VLAN  Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT2_CTRL       0x04 /* 16b: Port 2 VLAN  Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT3_CTRL       0x06 /* 16b: Port 3 VLAN  Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORT4_CTRL       0x08 /* 16b: Port 4 VLAN  Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_IM_PORT_CTRL     0x10 /* 16b: Inverse MII Port VLAN Reg */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_SMP_PORT_CTRL    0x12 /* 16b: Serial Port VLAN  Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PORTSPI_DEF_TAG  0x1c /* 16b: VLAN Port SPI Default Tag Register */
-#define ROBO_VLAN_PRIORITY_REMAP   0x20 /* 24b: VLAN Priority Re-Map Register */
-#ifndef _CFE_
-#pragma pack()
-#endif /* !__BCM535M_H_ */
diff --git a/package/utils/robocfg/src/robocfg.c b/package/utils/robocfg/src/robocfg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1be46ea771..0000000000
--- a/package/utils/robocfg/src/robocfg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
- * Broadcom BCM5325E/536x switch configuration utility
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Oleg I. Vdovikin
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
- * 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-/* linux stuff */
-typedef u_int64_t u64;
-typedef u_int32_t u32;
-typedef u_int16_t u16;
-typedef u_int8_t u8;
-#include <linux/if.h>
-#include <linux/sockios.h>
-#include <linux/ethtool.h>
-#include <linux/mii.h>
-#include "etc53xx.h"
-#define ROBO_PHY_ADDR	0x1E	/* robo switch phy address */
-/* MII registers */
-#define REG_MII_PAGE	0x10	/* MII Page register */
-#define REG_MII_ADDR	0x11	/* MII Address register */
-#define REG_MII_DATA0	0x18	/* MII Data register 0 */
-#define REG_MII_ADDR_READ	2
-/* Private et.o ioctls */
-#define SIOCSETCPHYWR           (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 10)
-typedef struct {
-	struct ifreq ifr;
-	int fd;
-	int et;			/* use private ioctls */
-} robo_t;
-static u16 mdio_read(robo_t *robo, u16 phy_id, u8 reg)
-	if (robo->et) {
-		int args[2] = { reg };
-		if (phy_id != ROBO_PHY_ADDR) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"Access to real 'phy' registers unavaliable.\n"
-				"Upgrade kernel driver.\n");
-			return 0xffff;
-		}
-		robo->ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) args;
-		if (ioctl(robo->fd, SIOCGETCPHYRD, (caddr_t)&robo->ifr) < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCGETCPHYRD");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		return args[1];
-	} else {
-		struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&robo->ifr.ifr_data;
-		mii->phy_id = phy_id;
-		mii->reg_num = reg;
-		if (ioctl(robo->fd, SIOCGMIIREG, &robo->ifr) < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCGMIIREG");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		return mii->val_out;
-	}
-static void mdio_write(robo_t *robo, u16 phy_id, u8 reg, u16 val)
-	if (robo->et) {
-		int args[2] = { reg, val };
-		if (phy_id != ROBO_PHY_ADDR) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"Access to real 'phy' registers unavaliable.\n"
-				"Upgrade kernel driver.\n");
-			return;
-		}
-		robo->ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) args;
-		if (ioctl(robo->fd, SIOCSETCPHYWR, (caddr_t)&robo->ifr) < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCGETCPHYWR");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	} else {
-		struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&robo->ifr.ifr_data;
-		mii->phy_id = phy_id;
-		mii->reg_num = reg;
-		mii->val_in = val;
-		if (ioctl(robo->fd, SIOCSMIIREG, &robo->ifr) < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCSMIIREG");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-static int robo_reg(robo_t *robo, u8 page, u8 reg, u8 op)
-	int i = 3;
-	/* set page number */
-	mdio_write(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_PAGE, 
-		(page << 8) | REG_MII_PAGE_ENABLE);
-	/* set register address */
-	mdio_write(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_ADDR, 
-		(reg << 8) | op);
-	/* check if operation completed */
-	while (i--) {
-		if ((mdio_read(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_ADDR) & 3) == 0)
-			return 0;
-	}
-	fprintf(stderr, "robo_reg: timeout\n");
-	exit(1);
-	return 0;
-static void robo_read(robo_t *robo, u8 page, u8 reg, u16 *val, int count)
-	int i;
-	robo_reg(robo, page, reg, REG_MII_ADDR_READ);
-	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-		val[i] = mdio_read(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_DATA0 + i);
-static u16 robo_read16(robo_t *robo, u8 page, u8 reg)
-	robo_reg(robo, page, reg, REG_MII_ADDR_READ);
-	return mdio_read(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_DATA0);
-static u32 robo_read32(robo_t *robo, u8 page, u8 reg)
-	robo_reg(robo, page, reg, REG_MII_ADDR_READ);
-	return mdio_read(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_DATA0) +
-		(mdio_read(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_DATA0 + 1) << 16);
-static void robo_write16(robo_t *robo, u8 page, u8 reg, u16 val16)
-	/* write data */
-	mdio_write(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_DATA0, val16);
-	robo_reg(robo, page, reg, REG_MII_ADDR_WRITE);
-static void robo_write32(robo_t *robo, u8 page, u8 reg, u32 val32)
-	/* write data */
-	mdio_write(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_DATA0, val32 & 65535);
-	mdio_write(robo, ROBO_PHY_ADDR, REG_MII_DATA0 + 1, val32 >> 16);
-	robo_reg(robo, page, reg, REG_MII_ADDR_WRITE);
-/* checks that attached switch is 5325E/5350 */
-static int robo_vlan5350(robo_t *robo)
-	/* set vlan access id to 15 and read it back */
-	u16 val16 = 15;
-	robo_write16(robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS_5350, val16);
-	/* 5365 will refuse this as it does not have this reg */
-	return (robo_read16(robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS_5350) == val16);
-u8 port[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 };
-char ports[6] = { 'W', '4', '3', '2', '1', 'C' };
-char *rxtx[4] = { "enabled", "rx_disabled", "tx_disabled", "disabled" };
-char *stp[8] = { "none", "disable", "block", "listen", "learn", "forward", "6", "7" };
-struct {
-	char *name;
-	u16 bmcr;
-} media[5] = { { "auto", BMCR_ANENABLE | BMCR_ANRESTART }, 
-	{ "10HD", 0 }, { "10FD", BMCR_FULLDPLX },
-	{ "100HD", BMCR_SPEED100 }, { "100FD", BMCR_SPEED100 | BMCR_FULLDPLX } };
-struct {
-	char *name;
-	u16 value;
-} mdix[3] = { { "auto", 0x0000 }, { "on", 0x1800 }, { "off", 0x0800 } };
-void usage()
-	fprintf(stderr, "Broadcom BCM5325E/536x switch configuration utility\n"
-		"Copyright (C) 2005 Oleg I. Vdovikin\n\n"
-		"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
-		"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
-		"GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n");
-	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: robocfg <op> ... <op>\n"
-			"Operations are as below:\n"
-			"\tshow\n"
-			"\tswitch <enable|disable>\n"
-			"\tport <port_number> [state <%s|%s|%s|%s>]\n\t\t[stp %s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s] [tag <vlan_tag>]\n"
-			"\t\t[media %s|%s|%s|%s|%s] [mdi-x %s|%s|%s]\n"
-			"\tvlan <vlan_number> [ports <ports_list>]\n"
-			"\tvlans <enable|disable|reset>\n\n"
-			"\tports_list should be one argument, space separated, quoted if needed,\n"
-			"\tport number could be followed by 't' to leave packet vlan tagged (CPU \n"
-			"\tport default) or by 'u' to untag packet (other ports default) before \n"
-			"\tbringing it to the port, '*' is ignored\n"
-			"\nSamples:\n"
-			"1) ASUS WL-500g Deluxe stock config (eth0 is WAN, eth0.1 is LAN):\n"
-			"robocfg switch disable vlans enable reset vlan 0 ports \"0 5u\" vlan 1 ports \"1 2 3 4 5t\""
-			" port 0 state enabled stp none switch enable\n"
-			"2) WRT54g, WL-500g Deluxe OpenWrt config (vlan0 is LAN, vlan1 is WAN):\n"
-			"robocfg switch disable vlans enable reset vlan 0 ports \"1 2 3 4 5t\" vlan 1 ports \"0 5t\""
-			" port 0 state enabled stp none switch enable\n",
-			rxtx[0], rxtx[1], rxtx[2], rxtx[3], stp[0], stp[1], stp[2], stp[3], stp[4], stp[5],
-			media[0].name, media[1].name, media[2].name, media[3].name, media[4].name,
-			mdix[0].name, mdix[1].name, mdix[2].name);
-static robo_t robo;
-int bcm53xx_probe(const char *dev)
-	struct ethtool_drvinfo info;
-	unsigned int phyid;
-	int ret;
-	fprintf(stderr, "probing %s\n", dev);
-	strcpy(robo.ifr.ifr_name, dev);
-	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
-	info.cmd = ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO;
-	robo.ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t)&info;
-	ret = ioctl(robo.fd, SIOCETHTOOL, (caddr_t)&robo.ifr);
-	if (ret < 0) {
-		perror("SIOCETHTOOL");
-		return ret;
-	}
-	if (	strcmp(info.driver, "et0") &&
-		strcmp(info.driver, "b44") &&
-		strcmp(info.driver, "bcm63xx_enet") ) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "driver not supported %s\n", info.driver);
-			return -ENOSYS;
-	}
-	/* try access using MII ioctls - get phy address */
- = 0;
-	if (ioctl(robo.fd, SIOCGMIIPHY, &robo.ifr) < 0)
- = 1;
-	if ( {
-		unsigned int args[2] = { 2 };
-		robo.ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) args;
-		ret = ioctl(robo.fd, SIOCGETCPHYRD, (caddr_t)&robo.ifr);
-		if (ret < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCGETCPHYRD");
-			return ret;
-		}
-		phyid = args[1] & 0xffff;
-		args[0] = 3;
-		robo.ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) args;
-		ret = ioctl(robo.fd, SIOCGETCPHYRD, (caddr_t)&robo.ifr);
-		if (ret < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCGETCPHYRD");
-			return ret;
-		}
-		phyid |= args[1] << 16;
-	} else {
-		struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *)&robo.ifr.ifr_data;
-		mii->phy_id = ROBO_PHY_ADDR;
-		mii->reg_num = 2;
-		ret = ioctl(robo.fd, SIOCGMIIREG, &robo.ifr);
-		if (ret < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCGMIIREG");
-			return ret;
-		}
-		phyid = mii->val_out & 0xffff;
-		mii->phy_id = ROBO_PHY_ADDR;
-		mii->reg_num = 3;
-		ret = ioctl(robo.fd, SIOCGMIIREG, &robo.ifr);
-		if (ret < 0) {
-			perror("SIOCGMIIREG");
-			return ret;
-		}
-		phyid |= mii->val_out << 16;
-	}
-	if (phyid == 0xffffffff || phyid == 0x55210022) {
-		perror("phyid");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	return 0;
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	u16 val16;
-	u16 mac[3];
-	int i = 0, j;
-	int robo5350 = 0;
-	u32 phyid;
-	if ((robo.fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
-		perror("socket");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (bcm53xx_probe("eth1")) {
-		if (bcm53xx_probe("eth0")) {
-			perror("bcm53xx_probe");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-	robo5350 = robo_vlan5350(&robo);
-	for (i = 1; i < argc;) {
-		if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "port") == 0 && (i + 1) < argc)
-		{
-			int index = atoi(argv[++i]);
-			/* read port specs */
-			while (++i < argc) {
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "state") == 0 && ++i < argc) {
-					for (j = 0; j < 4 && strcasecmp(argv[i], rxtx[j]); j++);
-					if (j < 4) {
-						/* change state */
-						robo_write16(&robo,ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, port[index],
-							(robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, port[index]) & ~(3 << 0)) | (j << 0));
-					} else {
-						fprintf(stderr, "Invalid state '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
-						exit(1);
-					}
-				} else
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "stp") == 0 && ++i < argc) {
-					for (j = 0; j < 8 && strcasecmp(argv[i], stp[j]); j++);
-					if (j < 8) {
-						/* change stp */
-						robo_write16(&robo,ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, port[index],
-							(robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, port[index]) & ~(7 << 5)) | (j << 5));
-					} else {
-						fprintf(stderr, "Invalid stp '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
-						exit(1);
-					}
-				} else
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "media") == 0 && ++i < argc) {
-					for (j = 0; j < 5 && strcasecmp(argv[i], media[j].name); j++);
-					if (j < 5) {
-                                    		mdio_write(&robo, port[index], MII_BMCR, media[j].bmcr);
-					} else {
-						fprintf(stderr, "Invalid media '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
-						exit(1);
-					}
-				} else
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "mdi-x") == 0 && ++i < argc) {
-					for (j = 0; j < 3 && strcasecmp(argv[i], mdix[j].name); j++);
-					if (j < 3) {
-                                    		mdio_write(&robo, port[index], 0x1c, mdix[j].value |
-						    (mdio_read(&robo, port[index], 0x1c) & ~0x1800));
-					} else {
-						fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mdi-x '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
-						exit(1);
-					}
-				} else
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "tag") == 0 && ++i < argc) {
-					j = atoi(argv[i]);
-					/* change vlan tag */
-					robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_PORT0_DEF_TAG + (index << 1), j);
-				} else break;
-			}
-		} else
-		if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "vlan") == 0 && (i + 1) < argc)
-		{
-			int index = atoi(argv[++i]);
-			while (++i < argc) {
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "ports") == 0 && ++i < argc) {
-					char *ports = argv[i];
-					int untag = 0;
-					int member = 0;
-					while (*ports >= '0' && *ports <= '9') {
-						j = *ports++ - '0';
-						member |= 1 << j;
-						/* untag if needed, CPU port requires special handling */
-						if (*ports == 'u' || (j != 5 && (*ports == ' ' || *ports == 0))) 
-						{
-							untag |= 1 << j;
-							if (*ports) ports++;
-							/* change default vlan tag */
-							robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, 
-								ROBO_VLAN_PORT0_DEF_TAG + (j << 1), index);
-						} else 
-						if (*ports == '*' || *ports == 't' || *ports == ' ') ports++;
-						else break;
-						while (*ports == ' ') ports++;
-					}
-					if (*ports) {
-						fprintf(stderr, "Invalid ports '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
-						exit(1);
-					} else {
-						/* write config now */
-						val16 = (index) /* vlan */ | (1 << 12) /* write */ | (1 << 13) /* enable */;
-						if (robo5350) {
-							robo_write32(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_WRITE_5350,
-								(1 << 20) /* valid */ | (untag << 6) | member);
-							robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS_5350, val16);
-						} else {
-							robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_WRITE,
-								(1 << 14)  /* valid */ | (untag << 7) | member);
-							robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS, val16);
-						}
-					}
-				} else break;
-			}
-		} else
-		if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "switch") == 0 && (i + 1) < argc)
-		{
-			/* enable/disable switching */
-			robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, ROBO_SWITCH_MODE,
-				(robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, ROBO_SWITCH_MODE) & ~2) |
-				(*argv[++i] == 'e' ? 2 : 0));
-			i++;
-		} else
-		if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "vlans") == 0 && (i + 1) < argc)
-		{
-			while (++i < argc) {
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "reset") == 0) {
-					/* reset vlan validity bit */
-					for (j = 0; j <= (robo5350 ? VLAN_ID_MAX5350 : VLAN_ID_MAX); j++) 
-					{
-						/* write config now */
-						val16 = (j) /* vlan */ | (1 << 12) /* write */ | (1 << 13) /* enable */;
-						if (robo5350) {
-							robo_write32(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_WRITE_5350, 0);
-							robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS_5350, val16);
-						} else {
-							robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_WRITE, 0);
-							robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS, val16);
-						}
-					}
-				} else 
-				if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "enable") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[i], "disable") == 0) 
-				{
-					int disable = (*argv[i] == 'd') || (*argv[i] == 'D');
-					/* enable/disable vlans */
-					robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_CTRL0, disable ? 0 :
-						(1 << 7) /* 802.1Q VLAN */ | (3 << 5) /* mac check and hash */);
-					robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_CTRL1, disable ? 0 :
-						(1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) /* RSV multicast */);
-					robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_CTRL4, disable ? 0 :
-						(1 << 6) /* drop invalid VID frames */);
-					robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_CTRL5, disable ? 0 :
-						(1 << 3) /* drop miss V table frames */);
-				} else break;
-			}
-		} else
-		if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "show") == 0)
-		{
-			break;
-		} else {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option %s\n", argv[i]);
-			usage();
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-	if (i == argc) {
-		if (argc == 1) usage();
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* show config */
-	printf("Switch: %sabled\n", robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, ROBO_SWITCH_MODE) & 2 ? "en" : "dis");
-	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-		printf(robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_STAT_PAGE, ROBO_LINK_STAT_SUMMARY) & (1 << port[i]) ?
-			"Port %d(%c): %s%s " : "Port %d(%c):  DOWN ", i, ports[i],
-			robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_STAT_PAGE, ROBO_SPEED_STAT_SUMMARY) & (1 << port[i]) ? "100" : " 10",
-			robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_STAT_PAGE, ROBO_DUPLEX_STAT_SUMMARY) & (1 << port[i]) ? "FD" : "HD");
-		val16 = robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_CTRL_PAGE, port[i]);
-		printf("%s stp: %s vlan: %d ", rxtx[val16 & 3], stp[(val16 >> 5) & 7],
-			robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_PORT0_DEF_TAG + (i << 1)));
-		robo_read(&robo, ROBO_STAT_PAGE, ROBO_LSA_PORT0 + port[i] * 6, mac, 3);
-		printf("mac: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
-			mac[2] >> 8, mac[2] & 255, mac[1] >> 8, mac[1] & 255, mac[0] >> 8, mac[0] & 255);
-	}
-	val16 = robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_CTRL0);
-	printf("VLANs: %s %sabled%s%s\n", 
-		robo5350 ? "BCM5325/535x" : "BCM536x",
-		(val16 & (1 << 7)) ? "en" : "dis", 
-		(val16 & (1 << 6)) ? " mac_check" : "", 
-		(val16 & (1 << 5)) ? " mac_hash" : "");
-	/* scan VLANs */
-	for (i = 0; i <= (robo5350 ? VLAN_ID_MAX5350 : VLAN_ID_MAX); i++) {
-		/* issue read */
-		val16 = (i) /* vlan */ | (0 << 12) /* read */ | (1 << 13) /* enable */;
-		if (robo5350) {
-			u32 val32;
-			robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS_5350, val16);
-			/* actual read */
-			val32 = robo_read32(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_READ);
-			if ((val32 & (1 << 20)) /* valid */) {
-				printf("vlan%d:", i);
-				for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
-					if (val32 & (1 << j)) {
-						printf(" %d%s", j, (val32 & (1 << (j + 6))) ? 
-							(j == 5 ? "u" : "") : "t");
-					}
-				}
-				printf("\n");
-			}
-		} else {
-			robo_write16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_TABLE_ACCESS, val16);
-			/* actual read */
-			val16 = robo_read16(&robo, ROBO_VLAN_PAGE, ROBO_VLAN_READ);
-			if ((val16 & (1 << 14)) /* valid */) {
-				printf("vlan%d:", i);
-				for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
-					if (val16 & (1 << j)) {
-						printf(" %d%s", j, (val16 & (1 << (j + 7))) ? 
-							(j == 5 ? "u" : "") : "t");
-					}
-				}
-				printf("\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return (0);