From 0353e6f0d71ce42e018204099c20418f033e7c07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Bouilleaud <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:09:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add all po files

 po/br.po | 1927 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/ca.po | 1948 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/de.po | 1963 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/en.po | 1923 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/es.po | 1958 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/fr.po | 1971 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/hu.po | 1921 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/it.po | 1957 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/nl.po | 1921 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/oc.po | 1950 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 19439 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 po/br.po
 create mode 100755 po/ca.po
 create mode 100755 po/de.po
 create mode 100755 po/en.po
 create mode 100755 po/es.po
 create mode 100755 po/fr.po
 create mode 100755 po/hu.po
 create mode 100755 po/it.po
 create mode 100755 po/nl.po
 create mode 100755 po/oc.po

diff --git a/po/br.po b/po/br.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..83340d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/br.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1927 @@
+# Gwenn M <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:45+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: br\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Krouiñ ur sontadeg"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Despizit an deiziadoù pe an danvezioù da zibab"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Kaozeit ha kemerit ho tiviz"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Fellout a ra deoc'h"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Ur gwazerezh enlinenn evit prientiñ un emgav pe kemer un diviz a-stroll en "
+"un doare eeun hag aes eo Framadate. N'eus marilhadur ebet goulennet."
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Setu penaos ez a en-dro:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Kasit ere ar sontadeg d'ho mignoned pe d'ho kenseurted"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Petra eo?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "gwelet ur skouer?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "CeCILL-B eo"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Dindan al lañvaz"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr "War"
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "Ar meziant"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"eo diazezet Framadate. Ur meziant diorroet gant Skol-Veur Straßburg an hini "
+"eo. Gant ar gevredigezh Framasoft eo diorroet bremañ."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Digreizennit ho stlenneg"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Ma fell deoc'h staliañ ar meziant evit hoc'h arver personel ha gounit "
+"emrenerezh e c'hallit kaout skoazell war:"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+"Evit kemer perzh e diorren ar meziant, kinnig gwellaennoù pe e bellgargañ, "
+"kit war"
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "lec'hienn an diorren"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Gweredeoù"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Pajenn verañ"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Aozer"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Distreiñ d'ar bajenn verañ"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Kemmañ ar sontadeg"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Chomlec'h postel"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Diamzeriñ"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn:"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Mentrezh"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "BR_Installation"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Roll istor"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Treuztiriañ"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Netra"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Pajennoù:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "Naoudi ar sontadeg"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Dilemel ar sontadeg"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Sontadegoù"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Spurjañ"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Spurjañ ar sontadegoù"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Spurjet:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Sellet ar sontadeg"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Tremenet:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Berzh:"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Berzh"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Diverradenn"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Titl"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Mouezhioù"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "sontadeg er stlennvon"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Gwiriañ en-dro"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Aliañ a reomp gweredekaat an askouezh OpenSSL evit ;uioc'h a surentez."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Aliañ a reomp da lakaat date.timezone e php.ini."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"BR_Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or "
+"add « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that "
+"cookies can't be accessed through Javascript."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Kenderc'hel gant ar staliadur"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "BR_Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Gwiriañ ar staliadur"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "Askouezh OpenSSL karget."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "Gweredekaet eo an askouezh PHP Intl."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "Trawalc'h eo an handelv PHP %s (PHP %s goulennet d'an nebeutañ)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"N'haller ket skrivañ e kavlec'h ar restr kefluniañ (%s) ha n'eus ket eus ar "
+"restr kefluniañ (%s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "Gallout a raer skrivañ e kavlec'h ar restr kefluniañ (%s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "Amañ mañ ar restr kefnluniañ."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"BR_The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr "N'haller ket skrivañ e kavlec'h kempunañ ar patromoù (%s)."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "Gallout a raer skrivañ e kavlec'h kempunañ ar patromoù (%s)."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "Ret eo deoc'h gweredekaat an askouezh PHP Intl."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Re gozh eo hoc'h handelv PHP (%s). PHP %s a zo dleet evit an arload-ma d'an "
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "Arventennet eo date.timezone."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ un evezhiadenn d'ar sontadeg"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Hoc'h evezhiadenn"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Evezhiadenn ouzhpennet"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Evezhiadennoù"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Dilemel an evezhiadenn"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Kas an evezhiadenn"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e a viz %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e a viz %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Deiziad dibenn"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Deiziad deraouiñ"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "d/m/Y"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Gallout a rit diuzañ 4 miz d'ar muiañ"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "dd/mm/yyyy"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "devezh / miz / bloaz"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ere embann ar sontadeg \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Setu an ere evidoc'h da embann ho mouezh:"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Ma ne fell ket deoc'h koll hoc'h ere personelaet e c'hallomp kas anezhañ dre "
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Gortozit % eilenn, amzer deomp kas ur postel deoc'h ha klaskit en-dro."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+msgstr "KOUNADUR"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Kas"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "Direizh eo ar chomlec'h postel."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Kaset eo bet ho kounadur gant berzh!"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn war ouzhpennadenn ar vouezh"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "N'haller ket krouiñ ur bann goullo."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "N'haller ket krouiñ ar restr config.php e '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "C'hiwtadenn war an evezhiadenn"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Diweredekaet eo an toupinoù war ho merdeer. Ret eo gweredekaat anezho evit "
+"krouiñ ur sontadeg."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Ret eo deoc'h enankañ un anv"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Enankit un anv hag un evezhiadenn!"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Ret eo enankañ un titl!"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Ret eo enankañ ur chomlec'h postel"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Fazi!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn en ur zilemel an holl evezhiadennoù"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn en ur zilemel an holl vouezhioù"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn war zilemel ar bann"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn en ur zilemel an evezhiadenn"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn en ur zilemel ar sontadeg"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn en ur zilemel ar vouezh!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn en ur enlakaat an evezhiadenn!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn war enrolladenn ar sontadeg"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Difennet!"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "Arveret eo an naoudi endeo"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Diweredekaet eo JavaScript war ho merdeer. Ret eo gweredekaat anezhañ evit "
+"krouiñ ur sontadeg."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Talvoudoù a vank"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "N'eus bet kavet sontadeg ebet"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "Goullo eo ar ger-tremen."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Ne glot ket ar gerioù-tremen."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "Hizivaet eo bet ar sontadeg a-raok ho mouezh"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Un dra bennak a-dreuz a zo..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Un dra bennak a-dreuz a zo gant ar mentrezh"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Didalvoudek eo ar chomlec'h postel enanket. Ret eo lakaat ur chomlec'h "
+"postel talvoudek (skouer: resevout ere ar sontadeg."
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "Ar bann a zo anezhañ endeo"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "Didalvoudek eo an anv."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "An anv bet enanket ganeoc'h a zo dioutañ endeo!"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "Ur gudenn a zo gant ho tibaboù"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "N'eus ket eus ar sontadeg-mañ!"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "N'haller ket kennaskañ ouzh ar stlennvon"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "C'hwitadenn war hizivadenn ar vouezh"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Mouezhzt ho peus endeo"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"N'hallit ket krouiñ ur sontadeg gant respontoù kuzhet gant an dibarzhioù "
+"embann da heul:"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "N'hallit ket diuzañ ouzhpenn %d a zeiziadoù"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Devezh mat deoc'h!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Sed aze roll ho sontadegoù a verit war %s"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Ma n'ho peus ket savet ar goulenn ha ma soñj deoc'h eo un drougimplij eus ar "
+"gwazerezh kit e darempred gant merour %s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Roll ho sontadegoù"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS: kaset eo bet ar postel-mañ deoc'h peogwir ho peus (pe unan bennak all) "
+"goulennet vefe kaset deoc'h roll ar sontadegoù krouet gant ar chomlec'h "
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Kaset eo bet ar sontadegoù"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Kasit din ma sontadegoù"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "Titl ar sontadeg"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(dindan ar stumm"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Kent"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Distreiñ da bajenn degemer"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Nullañ"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Dibab"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Klasel"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Serriñ"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Aozit emgavioù en un doare simpl ha dieub"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Deiziad krouidigezh:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Deiziad"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Devezh"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Deskrivadur"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Modify"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Ur gwazerezh enlinenn evit prientiñ un emgav pe kemer un diviz a-stroll en "
+"un doare eeun hag aes eo Framadate."
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Degemer"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Alc'hwez"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Alc'hwez:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Ere"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Kenderc'hel"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ket"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Pajenn savet e"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Sontadeg"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Dilemel"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Enrollañ"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Klask"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Eur"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Marteze"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Kadarnaat"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ya"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Ho chomlec'h postel"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Hoc'h anv"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "a zevezhioù"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "evit"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "a vizioù"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "eilenn"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "vouezh"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "a vouezhioù"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "gant"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Krouiñ ur sontadeg klasel"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Krouiñ ur sontadeg deiziadoù"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "E pelec'h emañ ma sontadegoù?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Chomlec'h postel an arload"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Anv an arload"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "URL naet"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Yezh dre ziouer"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Hollek"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Staliañ"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Taol dreuztiriañ"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Ger-tremen"
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Rakger"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Chomlec'h postel respont"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Arveriad"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Kemmañ ar yezh"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Dibabit ar yezh"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"« Hir eo an hent, met frank eo ar roudenn… »<br/>Framasoft a vev gant ho "
+"roadoù hepken (didennadus eus an tailhoù).<br/>Trugarez en a-raok evit ho "
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Evit an aozer hepken"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Rebuziñ ur sontadeg: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Da gas d'an dud sontet"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Mouezh nevez: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Kemmet eo bet ho sontadeg. Gallout a rit e adkavout gant an ere-mañ: <a href="
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Dilamet eo bet ho sontadeg \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Trugarez da gemer perzh er sontadeg dre an ere a-us"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Trugarez evit ho fiziañs."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr ""
+"Setu ar gemennadenn a rank bezañ kaset d'an holl dud sontet.<br/>Gallout a "
+"rit bremañ treuzkas ar gemennadenn-mañ d'an holl dud a rank kemer perzh er "
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"ARABAT treuzkas ar gemennadenn-mañ d'an dud sontet. Evit aozer ar sontadeg "
+"eo nemetken.<br/><br/>Gallout a rit kemmañ ar sontadeg gant an ere da heul "
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"a zo o paouez mouezhiañ.<br/>Gallout a rit adkavout ho sontadeg gant an ere "
+"da heul"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr " a zo o paouez krouiñ ur sontadeg anvet "
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"a zo o paouez hizivaat ur vouezh.<br/>Gallout a rit adkavout ho sontadeg "
+"gant an ere da heul"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"a zo o paouez skrivañ un evezhiadenn.<br/>Gallout a rit adkavout ho sontadeg "
+"gant an ere da heul"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Trugarez evit ho komprenezon."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "War drezalc'h"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "emañ an arload evit ar mare."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Mont-tre"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Ger-tremen direizh"
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "Ret eo deoc'h reiñ ur ger-tremen evit kemer perzh er sontadeg."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Ret eo deoc'h reiñ ur ger-tremen evit mont d'ar sontadeg."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Dibab gwellañ"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Dibaboù gwellañ"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Diervad"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Skrammañ diervad an disoc'hoù"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Kemmañ al linenn: %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Dilemel al linenn:"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Enrollañ an dibaboù"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Dibunañ d'an tu kleiz"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Dibunañ d'an tu dehou"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "Evit ar mare, an dibab gant ar muiañ a vouezhioù a zo:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "Evit ar mare, an dibaboù gant ar muiañ a vouezhioù a zo:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Sammad"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Mouezhiañ « ket » evit"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Mouezhiañ « ya » evit"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "mouezhier"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "a vouezhierien"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Ere merañ ar sontadeg"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Nullañ an embann deskrivadur"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Nullañ embann ar chomlec'h postel"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Nullañ embann an deiziad diamzeriñ"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Nullañ embann an anv"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Nullañ embann an aotreoù"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Nullañ embann an titl"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Aozer ar sontadeg"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Embann an anv"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Embann an deskrivadur"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Embann ar chomlec'h postel"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Embann an deiziad diamzeriñ"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Embann aotreoù ar sontadeg"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Kemmañ an titl"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Ezporzhiañ e CSV"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Ger-tremen ebet"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Only votes are protected"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Gwarezet gant ur ger-tremen"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Aotreoù ar sontadeg"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Moullañ"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Ere foran ar sontadeg"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Dilemel an holl evezhiadennoù"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Dilemel an holl vouezhioù"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Dilemel ar ger-tremen"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Dilemel ar sontadeg"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Kuzhet eo an disoc'hoù"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Gwelus eo an disoc'ho"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Embanner pinvidik"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Enrollañ an deskrivadur"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Enrollañ ar chomlec'h postel"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Enrollañ an deiziad diamzeriñ"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Enrollañ an anv nevez"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Enrollañ an aotreoù nevez"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Enrollañ an titl nevez"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Embanner eeun"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Titl ar sontadeg"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Prennet eo ar mouezhioù hag an evezhiadennoù"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Gwarezet eo ar mouezhioù gant ur ger-tremen"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "An holl vouezhierien a c'hall kemmañ an holl vouezhioù"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"Ma lakait un naoudi re simpl e c'hallo tud all dont war bajenn ho sontadeg. "
+"Aliet eo gwareziñ anezhañ gant ur ger-tremen."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Kadarnadur"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Personelaat an ere"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Mont d'ar bazenn 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Bevenniñ an niver a vouezhierien dre zibab"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Titouroù ouzhpenn amañ:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "N'eus nemet krouer ar sontadeg a c'hell gwelet an disoc'hoù"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Arventennoù diret"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Aotreoù"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Krouidigezh ar sontadeg (1 war 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Naoudi"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Titl ar sontadeg"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Degemer ur postel evit pep evezhiadenn nevez"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Degemer ur postel evit pep mouezh nevez"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Trugarez da leuniañ ar maeziennoù ret, merket gant ur *."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Gallout a ra an naoudi enderc'hel lizherennoù, niverennoù ha tiredoù \"-\"."
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "Gwelus d'an holl eo an disc'hoù"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Evit kinklañ an deskrivadur e c'hallit ober gant ar c'hevradur Markdown."
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Lakaat ur ger-tremen evit bevenniñ an haeziñ"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Talvoud uc'hek"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Pep mouezhier a c'hell kemmañ e vouezh"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "N'hall ket ar mouezhioù bezañ kemmet"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Dibabet ho peus krouiñ ur sontadeg nevez."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr ""
+"Gallout a rit gweredekaat pe ziweredekaat an embanner diouzh ho tibab."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Mont d'ar bazenn 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Distreiñ d'ar bazenn 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ un dibab"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ un ere pe ur skeudenn"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Testenn dazeilel"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Gallout a rit enlakaat ereoù pe skeudennoù gant"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "ar c'hevreadur Markdown"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Dibab an danvezioù (2 War 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Dilemel an dibab diwezhañ"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Diret eo ar maeziennoù-mañ. Gallout a rit ouhzpennañ un ere, ur skeudenn pe "
+"an daou."
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr ""
+"Evit krouiñ ur sontadeg klasel eo ret deoc'h kinnig daou zibab disheñvel "
+"d'an nebeutañ."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL ar skeudenn"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "Gallout a rit ouzhpennañ pe zilemel dibaboù ouzhpenn gant an afelloù"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ un devezh"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ un eur"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Dibabit deiziadoù ho sontadeg"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Eilañ eurioù an devezh kentañ war an devezhioù all"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Evit kement devezh diuzet e c'hallit dibab eurioù (da skouer: \"8e\", \"8:"
+"30\", \"8e-10e\", \"diouzh noz\", hag all.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Dibab an deiziadoù (2 war 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Dilemel an devezh diwezhañ"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Dileml an eur diwezhañ"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Dilemel an holl zevezhioù"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Dilemel an holl eurioù"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Dilemel an devezh-mañ"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Evit krouiñ ur sontadeg deiziadoù eo ret deoc'h kinnig daou zibab d'an "
+"nebeutañ (div eur evit an hevelep devezh pe daou zevezh)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Gallout a rit ouzhpennañ pe dilemel devezhioù hag eurioù ouzhpenn gant an "
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Distreiñ d'ar bazenn 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Kadarnait krouidigezh ho sontadeg"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Krouiñ ar sontadeg"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Deiziad diellaouiñ:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Roll ho tibaboù"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Ur wech kadarnaet krouidigezh ar sontadeg e viot adheñchet ent emgefreek "
+"etrezek pajenn verañ ar sontadeg."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Deiziad diamzeriñ ha kadarnadur (3 war 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"War un dro e resevot daou bostel: unan zo ennañ un ere etrezek ho sontadeg "
+"evit e rannañ gant an dud da vezañ sontet hag un eil ennañ un ere etrezek "
+"pajenn verañ ar sontadeg."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Gallout a rit dibab un deiziad diellaouiñ tostoc'h."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Diellaouet e vo ho sontadeg ent emgefreek"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Diellaouet e vo ho sontadeg a-benn %d a zevezhioù ent emgefreek."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "goude devezh diwezhañ ar sontadeg."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ ur bann"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Ouzhpennañ ur bann"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Dilamet eo bet an holl evezhiadennoù"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Dilamet eo bet an holl vouezhioù"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"Dre ma'z oc'h merour e c'hallit kemmañ holl linennoù ar sontadeg gant an "
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Distreiñ d'ar sontadeg"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Dibab ouzhpennet"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Bann dilamet"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Dilamet eo bet an evezhiadenn"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Kadarnaat dilemel holl evezhiadennoù ar sontadeg"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Kadarnaat dilemel holl vouezhioù ar sontadeg"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Kadarnaat dilemel ar bann."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Kadarnaat dilemel ar sontadeg"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Gallout a rit ivez kemmañ an titouroù a-zivout ar sontadeg evel an titl, an "
+"evezhiadennoù pe ho chomlec'h postel."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Mirout an evezhiadennoù"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Mirout an evezhiadennoù"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Mirout ar sontadeg"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Mirout ar mouezhioù"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Mirout ar sontadeg"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Mirout ar mouezhioù"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Sontadeg dilamet betek penn"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Enrollet eo bet ar sontadeg"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Dilemel ar bann"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Dilemel an evezhiadennoù"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Dilemel ar mouezhioù"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Dilamet eo bet ar vouezh"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Gallout a rit ouzhpennañ un deiziad d'ho sontadeg."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Dilamet eo bet ar sontadeg!"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr ""
+"ha m'ho peus disoñjet un dibab e c'hallit ouzhpennañ ur bann en ur glikañ "
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "dilemel ur bann pe ul linenn gant"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Deiziad dilemel:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Evit kemer perzh er sontadeg-mañ, enankit hoc'h anv, grit ho tibab ha "
+"kadarnait gant an afell e dibenn al linenn."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"Prennet eo bet ar sontadeg-mañ gant ar merour. Skornet eo ar mouezhioù hag "
+"an evezhiadennoù, n'hallit ket kemer perzh ken"
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "Diamzeret eo ar sontadeg, dilamet e vo a-benn nebeut."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Kemeret eo bet ho mouezh e kont, met diwallit: n'hallit kemmañ ho mouezh "
+"nemet gant an ere personelaet da-heul : mirit anezhañ gant evezh!"
diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..26e596d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ca.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1948 @@
+# Antoni Serrano <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Antoni Serrano <>, 2019. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:46+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Catalan\n"
+"Language: ca\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Crea una enquesta"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Definir dates o temes per triar"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Discutir i prendre una decisió"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Vols"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate és un servei en línia per planificar una cita o prendre una "
+"decisió de forma ràpida i senzilla. No cal registrar-se."
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Així és com funciona:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Envia l'enllaç de l'enquesta als teus amics o col·legues"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Què és Framadate?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "veure un exemple?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "Llicència CeCILL-B"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Framadate està llicenciat sota la"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr "Framadate incialment es va basar en"
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "El programari"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"programari desenvolupat per la Universitat d'Estrasburg. Actualment "
+"desenvolupat per l'associació Framasoft."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Créixer el teu compte"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si vols instal·lar el programari per al teu propi ús i, per tant, augmentar "
+"la teva independència, et podem ajudar a:"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+"Per participar en el desenvolupament del programari, suggerir millores o "
+"senzillament baixar-lo, si us plau, visita"
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "el lloc del desenvolupament"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Accions"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administració"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Tornar a l'administració"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Canvia l'enquesta"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Executat"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Data de caducitat"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Suspens"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Ha fallat:"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Format de"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Instal·lació"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Registres"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migració"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Res"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Pàgines:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "Enquesta ID"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Enquesta eliminada"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Enquestes"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Purga"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Purga les enquestes"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Purgat:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Veure l'enquesta"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Omesos:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "L'estat"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Amb èxit"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Èxit"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Resum"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Títol"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Vots"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "Esperant"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "enquestes a la base de dades en aquest moment"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Comprova una altra vegada"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Per una major seguretat, considera habilitar l'extensió  OpenSSL de PHP "
+"OpenSSL "
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Considera establir la date.timezone a php.ini."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"Considera establir « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » a l'arxiu php.ini o "
+"afegeix « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » a l'arxiu .htaccess de forma "
+"que les galetes no siguin accessibles des de Javascript"
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Continuar la instal·lació"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "Les galetes només es poden enviar des d'HTTP"
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Comprovació de la instal·lació"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "Extensió OpenSSL carregada."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "L'extensió de PHP Intl està habilitada."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "Versió %s PHP és suficient (almenys necessitava PHP %s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"El directori de fitxers de configuració (%s) no es pot escriure i el fitxer "
+"de configuració (%s) no existeix."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "El directori de fitxers de configuració (%s) es pot escriure."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "Existeix el fitxer de configuració."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"El directori de compilació de plantilles (%s) no existeix al \"%s\". Torna a "
+"intentar el procés d'instal·lació."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr "El directori de compilació de plantilla (%s) no es pot escriure."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "El directori de compilació de la plantilla (%s) es pot escriure."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "Necessites habilitar l'extensió de PHP Intl."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"La teva versió PHP (%s) és massa vella. Aquesta aplicació necessita almenys "
+"PHP %s."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone està establert."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Afegeix un comentari a l'enquesta"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comentari"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "S'ha desat el comentari"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Comentaris"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr "Introdueix el teu nom i el comentari abans d'enviar el formulari"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Elimina el comentari"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Enviar Comentari"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%Y-%m-%d"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Afegir rang"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Data final"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Data d'inici"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "Y-m-d"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Pots seleccionar com a màxim 4 mesos"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "yyyy-mm-dd"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "any-mes-dia"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Edita l'enllaç de l'enquesta \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Aquí tens l'enllaç per editar el vostre vot:"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Si no vols perdre el teu enllaç personalitzat, te'l podem enviar per correu "
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Espera %d segons abans que et puguem enviar un correu electrònic i torna-ho "
+"a provar."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Envia"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "L'adreça de correu electrònic no és correcta."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "El teu recordatori s'ha enviat amb èxit!"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en afegir el vot"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "No es pot crear una columna buida."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "No es pot crear el fitxer config.php a '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Error de comentari"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Les galetes estan desactivades al vostre navegador. Cal que estiguin "
+"activades per a crear una enquesta."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Introdueix un nom"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Introdueix un nom i un comentari."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Introdueix un títol"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Introdueix una adreça de correu electrònic"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+"Error en la limitació de la quantitat de vots: El valor ha de ser un enter "
+"més gran que 0"
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Error!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "No s'han pogut eliminar tots els comentaris"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "No s'han pogut eliminar tots els vots"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut eliminar la columna"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "No s'han pogut eliminar el comentari"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut eliminar l'enquesta"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut eliminar el vot!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut inserí el comentari"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "No ha pogut desar l'enquesta"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Prohibit!"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "Ja s'utilitza l'identificador"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"JavaScript està desactivat al vostre navegador. Cal activar-lo per a crear "
+"una enquesta."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Valors que falten"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "No s'han trobat enquestes"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "La contrasenya està buida."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Les contrasenyes no coincideixen."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "L'enquesta s'ha actualitzat abans de votar"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Alguna cosa no ha anat bé..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Alguna cosa està malament amb el format"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Alguna cosa està malament amb el format: els URL personalitzats només han de "
+"consistir en caràcters alfanumèrics i guions."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Alguna cosa està malament amb el format: el nom no hauria de tenir cap espai "
+"abans o després"
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"L'adreça no és correcta. Has d'introduir una adreça de correu electrònic "
+"vàlida (com ara per rebre l'enllaç a la teva "
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "La columna ja existeix"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "El nom és invàlid."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "El nom que has introduït ja existeix!"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "Hi ha un problema amb les teves eleccions"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr "Aquest identificador no està permès"
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Aquesta enquesta no existeix!"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "No es pot connectar a la base de dades"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en afegir el vot"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Ja has votat..."
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr "No pots crear una enquesta amb resultats ocults amb la següent opció:"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "No pots seleccionar més que %d dates"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"No has omplert la primera secció de la creació de l'enquesta, o la sessió ha "
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"El teu vot no es tindrà en compte, perquè algú ha votat en el mateix moment "
+"i això entra en conflicte amb les teves opcions i les condicions de "
+"l'enquesta. Si us plau, torna a provar."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "adreça"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "S'han creat les enquestes"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Que tinguis un bon dia!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Aquí tens la llista de les enquestes que gestioneu a%s:"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Si no ets l'orígen d'aquesta acció i si creus que aquest és un abús del "
+"servei, notifica-ho a l'administrador a%s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr "La seva adreça"
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Última data d'accés"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Llista de les teves enquestes"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS: aquest correu electrònic s'ha enviat perquè tu, o algú més, heu "
+"sol•licitat tornar les enquestes creades amb la vostra adreça de correu "
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "S'han desat les enquestes dins d'aquest navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Enquestes enviades"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Eliminar totes les meves enquestes de l'índex del aquest navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Elimina l'enquesta de l'índex"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Envia'm les enquestes"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Envia les meves enquestes per correu electrònic"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "La data en què vas crear o vas accedir per darrer cop a l'enquesta"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "El títol de l'enquesta"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "Encara no hi ha enquestes desades al teu navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Per eliminar aquestes dades feu clic a la paperera a la línia corresponent o "
+"feu clic a l'opció «Eliminar els índexs d'enquestes». Això no suprimirà les "
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Per ajudar-te a trobar les teves enquestes anteriors, guardem cada enquesta "
+"que creeu o accediu al teu navegador. Aquestes dades només es guarden dins "
+"d'aquest navegador. Es guardaran les dades següents:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Enquestes visites"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(en format"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Afegeix"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Torna"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Torna a la pàgina d'inici de"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Cancel·lar"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Elecció"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Clàssic"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Tanca"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Crea les teves pròpies enquestes"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Data de creació:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Dia"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripció"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Edita"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate és un servei en línia per planificar una cita o prendre una "
+"decisió de forma ràpida i senzilla."
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Inici"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Informació"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Llegenda:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Enllaç"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Pròxim"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "No"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Pàgina generada a"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Enquesta"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Elimina"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Desa"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cerca"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Temps"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Sota reserva"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Valida"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Sí"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "la teva adreça de correu electrònic"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "El teu nom"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "dies"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "per a"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "mesos"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segons"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "votar"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "vots"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "amb"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Feu una enquesta estàndard"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Programeu un esdeveniment"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "On són les meves enquestes?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Adreça de correu d'administrador"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Nom de l'aplicació"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "Neteja URL"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Controlador de base de dades"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Nom del servidor de base de dades"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Nom de la base de dades"
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Port de base de dades"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Idioma per defecte"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Instal·lar"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Taula de migració"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Contrassenya"
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Prefix"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Respon a l'adreça de correu"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Usuari"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Canviar d'idioma"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Escull l'idioma"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"\"El camí és llarg, però el camí està clar ...\" <br/> Framasoft només viu "
+"de les vostres donacions. <br/> Gràcies per endavant pel vostre suport https:"
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Missatge per a l'autor"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Notificació de l'enquesta: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Enllaç del participant"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Participació en l'enquesta: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Algú ha canviat la teva enquesta al següent enllaç  <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Algú acaba d'eliminar la teva enquesta \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Gràcies per participar a l'enquesta al següent enllaç"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Gràcies per la teva confiança."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr ""
+"Aquest és el missatge que es reenviarà als participants de l'enquesta."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Aquest missatge NO s'haurà d'enviar als participants de l'enquesta. Has de "
+"mantenir-lo privat. <br/> <br/> Pots modificar la teva enquesta al següent "
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "afegit un vot. <br/> Pots visitar la teva enquesta a l'enllaç"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr "acaba de crear una enquesta anomenada"
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha actualitzat una votació. <br/> Pots visitar la teva enquesta a l'enllaç"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha escrit un comentari. <br/> Pots visitar la teva enquesta a l'enllaç"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Gràcies per la teva comprensió."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "L'aplicació"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "actualment està en manteniment"
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Enviar accés"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Contrasenya "
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Has de proporcionar una contrasenya perquè puguis participar a l'enquesta."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Has de proporcionar una contrasenya per accedir a l'enquesta."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "%s opció"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr ""
+"Qualsevol persona podrà veure la teva adreça de correu electrònic després de "
+"que hagis votat"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Millor elecció"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Millors eleccions"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Gràfic"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Mostra el gràfic dels resultats"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Edita la línia: %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Enllaça per editar aquesta línia en particular"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Suprimeix la línia:"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Desa les opcions"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Desplaça't cap a l'esquerra"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Desplaça't cap a la dreta"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "La millor opció actual és:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "Les millors opcions actuals són:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr ""
+"L'enllaç per editar aquesta línia en particular s'ha copiat al porta-retalls."
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Total"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Vota \"no\" per a"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Vota \"sí\" per a"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Vots sota reserva per a"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "usuari enquestat"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "usuaris enquestats"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Enllaç d'administració per a l'enquesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Cancel·la l'edició de la descripció"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Cancel·la l'edició de l'adreça electrònica"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Cancel·la l'edició de la data de venciment"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Cancel·la l'edició del nom"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Cancel·la l'edició de les regles"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Cancel·la  l'edició del títol"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Creador de l'enquesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Edita el nom"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Edita la descripció"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Edita l'adreça de correu electrònic"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Edita la data de caducitat"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Edita les regles d'enquesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Edita el títol"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Exporta a CSV"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Sense contrasenya"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Només els vots estan protegits"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Contrasenya protegida"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Regles d'enquesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Imprimir"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Enllaç públic a l'enquesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Elimina tots els comentaris"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Elimina tots els vots"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Elimina la contrasenya"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Elimina l'enquesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Els resultats estan amagats"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Els resultats són visibles"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Editor enriquit"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Desa la descripció"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Desa l'adreça de correu electrònic"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Desa la nova data de venciment"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Desa el nom nou"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Desa les noves regles"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Desa el títol nou"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Editor simple"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Títol de l'enquesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr "Es recullen les adreces de correu electrònic dels votants"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr ""
+"Les adreces de correu electrònic dels votants es recullen i es requereixen"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+"Les adreces de correu electrònic dels votants es recullen, es requereixen i "
+"es verifiquen"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Les adreces de correu electrònic dels votants no es recullen"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Els vots i els comentaris estan bloquejats"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Vots protegits per contrasenya"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Tots els votants poden modificar qualsevol vot"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"Definint un identificador que podria facilitar l'accés a l'enquesta per a "
+"persones no desitjades. Es recomana protegir-lo amb una contrasenya."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr "Recull les adreces de correu electrònic dels votants"
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmació"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Personalitza l'URL"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr "Les adreces electròniques es recopilen però no es requereixen"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "No s'han recopilat adreces de correu electrònic"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "S'han requerit les adreces de correu electrònic"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "S'han requerit i verificat les adreces de correu electrònic"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Ves al pas 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Limita la quantitat de votants per opció"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Més informació aquí:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Només el creador de l'enquesta pot veure els resultats de l'enquesta"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Paràmetres opcionals"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permisos"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Creació d'enquestes (1 de 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Enllaç d'enquesta"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Títol de l'enquesta"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Reps un correu electrònic per a cada comentari nou"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Reps un correu electrònic per a cada nou vot"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Els camps obligatoris no es poden deixar en blanc."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "L'identificador pot contenir lletres, números i guions \"-\"."
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "Els resultats són públicament visibles"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Per fer que la descripció sigui més atractiva, pots utilitzar el format "
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Utilitzeu una contrasenya per restringir l'accés"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Valor màx"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Els votants poden modificar el seu vot ells mateixos"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Els vots no es poden modificar"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Advertència: Qualsevol pot veure les adreces de correu electrònic dels "
+"usuaris enquestats ja que tots els votants poden modificar qualsevol vot. "
+"Heu de restringir les regles de permís."
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Sou a la secció de creació d'enquestes."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Podeu habilitar o deshabilitar l'editor a voluntat."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "vots per opció"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Vés al pas 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Torna al pas 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Afegir una elecció"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Afegiu un enllaç o una imatge"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Text alternatiu"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Es poden incloure enllaços o imatges utilitzant"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "Sintaxi Markdown"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Opcions de votació (2 de 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Elimina una elecció"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Aquests camps són opcionals. Podeu afegir un enllaç, una imatge o ambdós."
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr ""
+"Per crear una enquesta, heu de proporcionar almenys dues opcions diferents."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL de la imatge"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "Pots afegir o eliminar opcions amb els botons"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Afegeix un dia"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Afegeix un espai horari"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Tria dates per a la teva enquesta"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Copia els temps del primer dia"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Per cada dia seleccionat, pots suggerir temps de trobada (per exemple, "
+"\"8h\", \"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"tarda\", etc.)."
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Dates de l'enquesta (2 de 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Treure un dia"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Treure un espai horari"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Treure tots els dies"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Treure tots els temps"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Treu aquest dia"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Per programar un esdeveniment, hauràs de proporcionar almenys dues opcions "
+"(per exemple, dos espais horaris en un o dos dies)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr "Podeu afegir o treure dies i hores addicionals amb els botons"
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Torna al pas 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirma la creació de la teva enquesta"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Crea l'enquesta"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Data de caducitat:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Llista d'opcions"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Un cop hagis confirmat la creació de la teva enquesta, se't redirigirà "
+"automàticament a la pàgina d'administració de l'enquesta."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Data de supressió i confirmació (3 de 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"A continuació, rebras dos correus electrònics: un que contindrà l'enllaç de "
+"la teva enquesta per enviar-la als participants i l'altre que contindrà "
+"l'enllaç a la pàgina d'administració de l'enquesta."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Pots establir una data de caducitat específica de l'enquesta."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "La teva enquesta s'arxivarà automàticament"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "La teva enquesta s'arxivarà automàticament d'aquí a %d dies."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "després de l'última data de la teva enquesta."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Afegeix una columna"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Afegint una columna"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "S'han suprimit tots els comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Tots els vots suprimits"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"Com a administrador, pots canviar totes les línies d'aquesta enquesta amb "
+"aquest botó"
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Torna a l'enquesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Elecció afegida"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr ""
+"Recopila els correus electrònics dels usuaris enquestats per a l'elecció"
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "S'ha suprimit la columna"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Comentaris eliminats"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Confirma l'eliminació de tots els comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Confirma l'eliminació de tots els vots"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Confirma l'eliminació de la columna."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirma l'eliminació de la vostra enquesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Suprimeix l'enquesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Finalment, pots canviar les propietats d'aquesta enquesta, com ara el títol, "
+"els comentaris o la teva adreça de correu electrònic."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Mantenir comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Conserva els comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Conserva l'enquesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Conserva els vots"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Conserva aquesta enquesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Mantenir vots"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Enquesta eliminada completament"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "S'ha desat la votació"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Elimina la columna"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Elimina els comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Elimina els vots"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "S'ha creat l'enquesta."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr "Vot afegit"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "S'ha suprimit el vot"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr "Vot actualitzat"
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Pots afegir una nova data de programació a la teva enquesta."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "S'ha eliminat la teva enquesta."
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr "i afegeix una columna nova amb"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "treu una columna o una línia amb"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+"Els usuaris que han votat \"Si cal\" per a aquesta opció han deixat aquestes "
+"adreces de correu electrònic:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Els usuaris que han votat \"No\" per a aquesta opció han deixat aquestes "
+"adreces de correu electrònic:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Els usuaris que han votat \"Sí\" per a aquesta opció han deixat aquestes "
+"adreces de correu electrònic:"
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Data de supressió:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vols votar en aquesta enquesta, hauràs de donar el teu nom, fer la teva "
+"elecció i enviar-la seleccionant el botó de desar al final de la línia."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"L'administrador va bloquejar aquesta enquesta. Els vots i els comentaris "
+"estan congelats, ja no és possible participar"
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "L'enquesta ha caducat, aviat se suprimirà."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"El teu vot s'ha desat, però tingues en compte que has de conservar aquest "
+"enllaç personalitzat per poder-lo modificar."
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c7cab2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1963 @@
+# Kersten Lohmeyer <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:47+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: de\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage erstellen"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Zeitpunkte oder andere Optionen zur Auswahl stellen"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Besprechen und Entscheidungen treffen"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Wollen Sie sich"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate ist ein Online-Dienst, der Ihnen bei der Absprache von Terminen "
+"oder der Entscheidungsfindung hilft. Es ist keine Registrierung erforderlich."
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "So funktioniert es:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Link zur Umfrage an Ihre Freunde oder Kollegen schicken"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Was ist Framadate?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "ein Beispiel ansehen?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "CeCILL-B Lizenz"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Sie ist lizenziert unter der"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr "Framadate basierte zunächst auf"
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "Die Software"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+", einer von der Universität von Straßburg entwickelten Software. Heute wird "
+"sie vom Verein Framasoft weiterentwickelt."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Bestellen Sie ihren Garten"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie die Software für die eigene Nutzung installieren und damit Ihre "
+"Unabhängigkeit erhöhen möchten, helfen wir Ihnen auf:"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+"Um an der Entwicklung der Software teilzunehmen, Verbesserungen "
+"vorzuschlagen oder um sie herunterzuladen, rufen sie diese Seite auf: "
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "die Seite der Entwickler"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Aktionen"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Verwaltung"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Zurück zur Verwaltung"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage ändern"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Ausgeführt"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Ablaufdatum"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Fehler"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen:"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Format"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installation"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Logs"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migration"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Nichts"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Seiten:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "Umfrage-ID"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Umfrage gelöscht"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Umfragen"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Säuberung"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Umfragen vollständig löschen"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Entfernt:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage ansehen"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Ãœbersprungene:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Erfolgreich:"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Erfolg"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Zusammenfassung"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Titel"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Stimmen"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "Wartend"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "Umfragen derzeit in der Datenbank"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Erneut prüfen"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Für eine verbesserte Sicherheit sollten Sie in Erwägung ziehen, die OpenSSL-"
+"Erweiterung zu aktivieren."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr ""
+"Ziehen Sie in Erwägung, date.timezone in der php.ini zu konfigurieren."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"Setzen Sie « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » in Ihrer php.ini oder fügen Sie « "
+"php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » Ihrer .htaccess Datei hinzu, so dass "
+"auf Cookies nicht per Javascript zugegriffen werden kann."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Installation fortsetzen"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "Cookies werden nur über HTTP ausgeliefert."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Überprüfung der Installation"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "Die OpenSSL-Erweiterung ist geladen."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "Die PHP-Erweiterung Intl ist aktiviert."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "PHP Version %s ist ausreichend (mindestens PHP %s wird benötigt)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Konfigurationspfad (%s) ist nicht beschreibbar und es existiert keine "
+"Konfigurationsdatei (%s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "Die Konfigurationsdatei (%s) ist beschreibbar."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "Die Konfigurationsdatei existiert."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Vorlagen-Ãœbersetzungspfad (%s) existiert in \"%s\" nicht. Versuchen die "
+"die Installation erneut."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr "Der Vorlagen-Ãœbersetzungspfad (%s) ist nicht beschreibbar."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "Der Vorlagen-Ãœbersetzungspfad (%s) ist beschreibbar."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "Sie müssen die PHP-Erweiterung Intl aktivieren."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Ihre PHP-Version (%s) ist zu alt. Diese Anwendung benötigt mindestens PHP "
+"Version %s."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone ist konfiguriert."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Kommentar zur Abstimmung abgeben"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Ihr Kommentar"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Kommentar hinzugefügt"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Kommentare der Teilnehmer"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr ""
+"Geben Sie Ihren Namen und einen Kommentar ein bevor Sie das Formular "
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Kommentar entfernen"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Kommentar abschicken"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A, den %e. %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%Y-%m-%d"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Datumsbereich hinzufügen"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Enddatum"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Startdatum"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "d-m-Y"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Es können maximal 4 Monate ausgewählt werden"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "dd-mm-yyyy"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "Tag-Monat-Jahr"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Link für die Abstimmung \"%s\" bearbeiten"
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Hier ist der Link zum Ändern ihrer Stimme:"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie Ihren persönlichen Link nicht verlieren möchten, können wir Ihnen "
+"diesen per E-Mail zusenden."
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte warten Sie %d Sekunden bis die E-Mail an Sie gesendet werden kann. "
+"Versuchen Sie es dann erneut."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+msgstr "HINWEIS"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Absenden"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist fehlerhaft."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Ihre Erinnerungsnachricht wurde erfolgreich abgesendet!"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Stimmabgabe fehlgeschlagen"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "Es kann keine leere Spalte angelegt werden."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Die config.php kann nicht in '%s' angelegt werden."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Abgabe des Kommentars gescheitert"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Cookies werden von Ihrem Browser abgelehnt. Um eine Umfrage zu erstellen, "
+"müssen Sie Cookies zulassen."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Geben Sie einen Namen ein"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Geben Sie einen Namen und einen Kommentar ein!"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Titel eingeben"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Geben Sie eine E-Mail Adresse ein"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+"Fehler bei der Beschränkung der Anzahl der Stimmen: Der Wert muss größer als "
+"0 sein"
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Fehler!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "Es konnten nicht alle Kommentare gelöscht werden"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "Es konnten nicht alle Stimmen gelöscht werden"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Löschen der Spalte fehlgeschlagen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "Der Kommentar konnte nicht gelöscht werden"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "Die Umfrage konnte nicht gelöscht werden"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Löschen der Stimme gescheitert!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Speichern des Kommentars gescheitert!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "Speichern der Umfrage fehlgeschlagen"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Verboten!"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "Der Bezeichner ist bereits in Verwendung"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Javascript ist in Ihrem Browser deaktiviert. Um eine Umfrage zu erstellen, "
+"müssen Sie es aktivieren."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Fehlende Werte"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "Keine Umfragen gefunden"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "Das Passwort ist leer."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "Die Abstimmung wurde vor Ihrer Stimmabgabe aktualisiert"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Etwas ging schief ..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Mit dem Format stimmt etwas nicht"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Etwas stimmt mit dem Format nicht: Individuelle URLs dürfen nur aus "
+"alphanumerischen Zeichen und Bindestrichen bestehen."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Etwas ist falsch mit dem Format: Es darf kein Leerzeichen vor oder nach dem "
+"Namen stehen."
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Adresse ist nicht korrekt! Sie sollten eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse "
+"angeben, damit Ihnen der Link zur Umfrage zugeschickt werden kann."
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "Die Spalte existiert bereits"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "Der Name ist ungültig."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "Der von Ihnen eingegebene Name existiert schon in dieser Umfrage!"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "Es gibt ein Problem mit Ihrer Auswahl"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr "Dieser Bezeichner ist nicht erlaubt"
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Diese Umfrage existiert nicht!"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "Datenbankverbindung fehlgeschlagen"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "Aktualisierung der Stimme fehlgeschlagen"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Sie haben bereits abgestimmt"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"Sie können mit den folgenden Optionen keine Umfrage mit versteckten "
+"Ergebnissen erzeugen:"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "Es können nicht mehr als %d Termine ausgewählt werden"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie haben den ersten Teil der Umfrageerstellung nicht ausgefüllt oder Ihre "
+"Session ist abgelaufen."
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"Ihre Stimme wurde nicht gezählt, da jemand in der Zwischenzeit gewählt hat "
+"und dies mit Ihrer Abstimmung und den Umfrage-Bestimmungen in Konflikt stand."
+" Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Adresse"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Erstellte Umfragen"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Einen schönen Tag noch!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Hier ist die Liste der Umfragen, die Sie auf %s verwalten:"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie diesen Vorgang nicht veranlasst haben und glauben, dass dieser "
+"Dienst missbraucht wurde, benachrichtigen Sie bitte den Administrator unter "
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr "Ihre Adresse"
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Letzter Zugriff"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Liste Ihrer Umfragen"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS: Diese E-Mail wurde abgeschickt weil Sie – oder jemand anderes – Zugriff "
+"auf die mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse angelegten Umfragen angefordert hat."
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Umfragen, die in diesem Browser gespeichert sind"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Umfragen abgeschickt"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Alle Umfragen aus dem Index dieses Browsers entfernen"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Umfrage vom Index entfernen"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Senden Sie mir meine Umfragen"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Schicken Sie mir meine Umfragen per E-Mail"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr ""
+"Das Datum, an dem Sie die Umfrage erstellt oder auf sie zugegriffen haben"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "Der Titel der Umfrage"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "In Ihrem Browser wurden bisher noch keine Umfragen gespeichert"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Um diese Daten zu löschen klicken Sie auf den Mülleimer in der "
+"entsprechenden Zeile oder klicken Sie auf « Umfrage vom Index entfernen ». "
+"Ihre Umfragen selbst werden dabei nicht gelöscht."
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Um Ihre bisherigen Umfragen leichter zu finden, speichern wir jede Umfrage, "
+"die Sie erstellt oder die Sie aufgerufen haben, in Ihrem Browser. Die "
+"folgenden Daten werden dabei gespeichert:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Aufgerufene Umfragen"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(Format:"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Hinzufügen"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Zurück"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Zurück zur Startseite von "
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Abbrechen"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Wahl"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Klassiker"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Schließen"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Eigene Umfragen erstellen"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Erstellungsdatum:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Datum"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Beschreibung"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Bearbeiten"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate ist ein Online-Dienst, der Ihnen bei der Absprache von Terminen "
+"oder der Entscheidungsfindung hilft."
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Startseite"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Information"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Legende:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Link"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Weiter"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nein"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Seite generiert in"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Entfernen"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Speichern"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Suche"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Uhrzeit"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Unter Vorbehalt"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Bestätigen"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Ihr Name"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "Tage"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "für"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "Monate"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "Sekunden"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "Stimme"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "Stimmen"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "mit"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Klassische Umfrage"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Termin finden"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "Wo sind meine Umfragen?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse der Anwendung/des Datenbankadministrators"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Name der Anwendung"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "Säubere URLs (boolean)"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Datenbanktreiber"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Datenbank-Hostname"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Datenbankname"
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Datenbank-Port"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Standardsprache"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Allgemeine Konfiguration"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Installieren"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Name der Tabelle, welche den Migrationsstatus speichert"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Passwort"
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Tabellen-Präfix"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr ""
+"E-Mail-Adresse für automatische Antworten (sollte auf \"no-reply\" gesetzt "
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Datenbank-Benutzername"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Sprache wechseln"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Sprache wählen"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"„Die Strecke ist lang, aber der Weg ist frei… \"<br/>Framasoft besteht nur "
+"durch Ihre Spenden (in Frankreich von der Steuer absetzbar).<br/>Herzlichen "
+"Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!"
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Nachricht für den Autor"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Mitteilung bezüglich der Umfrage: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Nachricht für die Teilnehmer"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Beteiligung an der Umfrage: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr "Jemand hat gerade Ihre Umfrage auf <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> geändert."
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Jemand hat gerade Ihre Umfrage \"%s\" gelöscht."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Danke, dass Sie an der Umfrage unter folgendem Link teilnehmen"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Danke für Ihr Vertrauen."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr "Dies ist die Nachricht an die Umfrageteilnehmer."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Meldung sollte NICHT an die befragten Personen gesendet werden. Sie "
+"sollten sie für sich behalten. <br/><br/>Sie können Ihre Umfrage über den "
+"folgenden Link abändern"
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "hat abgestimmt.<br/>Sie finden Ihre Umfrage über den Link"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr " hat gerade eine Umfrage erstellt. Sie trägt den Titel"
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"hat eine Stimme aktualisiert.<br/>Sie finden Ihre Umfrage über den Link"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"hat einen Kommentar geschrieben.<br/>Sie finden Ihre Umfrage über den Link"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Danke für Ihr Verständnis."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "Die Anwendung"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "wird gerade gewartet."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Eingabe bestätigen"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Falsches Passwort"
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "Sie müssen ein Passwort eingeben um an der Abstimmung teilzunehmen."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Sie müssen ein Passwort eingeben um auf die Abstimmung zuzugreifen."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "%s Option"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr ""
+"Jeder wird Ihre E-Mail-Adresse sehen können nachdem Sie abgestimmt haben"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Beste Alternative"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Beste Alternativen"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Grafik"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Ergebnisgrafik anzeigen"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Zeile bearbeiten: %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Link zum Ändern dieser Zeile"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Zeile entfernen:"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Wahl speichern"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Nach links scrollen"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Nach rechts scrollen"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "Die beste Option ist derzeit:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "Die besten Optionen sind derzeit:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr "Der Link zum Ändern dieser Zeile wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert!"
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Insgesamt"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Nein-Stimmen für"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Ja-Stimmen für"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Ja-Stimmen unter Vorbehalt für"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "Stimme"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "Stimmen"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Administrationsseite der Umfrage"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Änderungen der Beschreibung verwerfen"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Abbruch, E-Mail-Adresse nicht ändern"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Abbruch, Ablaufdatum nicht ändern"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Abbruch, Namen nicht ändern"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Abbruch, Regeln nicht ändern"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Abbruch, Titel nicht ändern"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Autor der Umfrage"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Den Namen bearbeiten"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Beschreibung bearbeiten"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse ändern"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Das Ablaufdatum bearbeiten"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Regeln der Umfrage bearbeiten"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Titel bearbeiten"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "CSV-Export"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Kein Passwort"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Nur Abstimmungen sind geschützt"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Passwortgeschützt"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Regeln der Umfrage"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Drucken"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Öffentlicher Link zur Umfrage"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Alle Kommentare löschen"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Alle Stimmen löschen"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Passwort entfernen"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage löschen"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Ergebnisse werden ausgeblendet"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Ergebnisse sind sichtbar"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Rich Text Editor"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Beschreibung speichern"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Die neue E-Mail-Adresse speichern"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Das neue Ablaufdatum speichern"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Den neuen Namen speichern"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Neue Regeln speichern"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Den neuen Titel speichern"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Einfacher Editor"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Titel der Umfrage"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adressen der Wähler werden gesammelt"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adressen der Wähler werden gesammelt und benötigt"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+"Die E-Mail-Adressen der Wähler werden gesammelt, benötigt und überprüft"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adressen der Wähler werden nicht gesammelt"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Abstimmungen und Kommentare sind gesperrt"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Abstimmungen sind passwortgeschützt"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Jeder Teilnehmer kann jede abgegebene Stimme ändern"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"Mit der Verwendung eines Bezeichners können möglicherweise Personen "
+"unerwünscht Zugriff auf die Umfrage erhalten. Es wird empfohlen sie mit "
+"einem Passwort zu schützen."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr "Sammeln der E-Mail-Adressen der Wähler"
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Passwortbestätigung"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Link anpassen"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adressen werden gesammelt aber sind nicht benötigt"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adressen werden nicht gesammelt"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adressen werden benötigt"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adressen werden benötigt und überprüft"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Weiter zum 2. Schritt"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Anzahl der Stimmen pro Option begrenzen"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Weitere Informationen gibt es hier:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Einzig der Autor der Abstimmung kann die Ergebnisse einsehen"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Optionale Einstellungen"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Berechtigungen"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Umfrage erstellen (Schritt 1 von 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Bezeichner"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Titel der Umfrage"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Bei jedem neuen Kommentar eine E-Mail erhalten"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Bei jeder neuen Stimme eine E-Mail erhalten"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Mit * markierte Felder müssen ausgefüllt sein."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Bezeichner kann Buchstaben, Zahlen und Bindestriche \"-\" enthalten."
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "Die Ergebnisse sind öffentlich einsehbar"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie können das Markdown Format nutzen um die Beschreibung attraktiver zu "
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Ein Passwort verwenden um den Zugriff zu beschränken"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Wert Max"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Teilnehmer können ihre Stimmen verändern"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Stimmen können nicht verändert werden"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Achtung: Jeder kann die E-Mail-Adressen der zur Umfrage eingeladenen "
+"Benutzer sehen da jeder Wähler jede Stimme verändern kann. Sie sollten die "
+"Zugriffsrechte beschränken."
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Hier erstellen Sie die Umfrage"
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Sie können den Editor nach Belieben ein- und wieder ausschalten."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "Stimmen pro Option"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Weiter zum 3. Schritt"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Zurück zum 1. Schritt"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Eine Auswahlmöglichkeit hinzufügen"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Link oder Bild hinzufügen"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Alternativer Text"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr ""
+"Sie haben die Möglichkeit Links oder Bilder vorzuschlagen; verwenden Sie "
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "Markdown Syntax"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Umfrageoptionen (2 von 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Eine Auswahlmöglichkeit entfernen"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Felder sind optional. Sie können einen Link, ein Bild oder beides "
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr ""
+"Beim Erstellen einer Umfrage müssen mindestens zwei Alternativen zur Auswahl "
+"gestellt werden."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL des Bildes"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Um Auswahlmöglichkeiten hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen, verwenden Sie die "
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Einen Tag hinzufügen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Eine Uhrzeit hinzufügen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Terminvorschläge für Ihre Umfrage machen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Uhrzeiten des ersten Tags kopieren"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Für jeden ausgewählten Tag können Sie fakultativ Uhrzeiten vorschlagen (z. B."
+": \"8h\", \"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"abends\", usw.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Umfragedaten (2 von 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Einen Tag entfernen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Eine Uhrzeit entfernen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Alle Tage entfernen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Alle Uhrzeiten entfernen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Diesen Tag entfernen"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Um eine Terminabsprache zu konfigurieren, müssen Sie mindestens zwei "
+"alternative Zeitpunkte vorschlagen (zwei Uhrzeiten am gleichen Tag oder "
+"verschiedene Tage)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Sie können weitere Tage und Uhrzeiten über die Buttons hinzufügen oder "
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Zurück zum 2. Schritt"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Bestätigen Sie die Erstellung ihrer Umfrage"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage erstellen"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Tag der Archivierung:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Liste Ihrer Auswahlmöglichkeiten"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie die Erzeugung ihrer Umfrage bestätigt haben, werden sie automatisch "
+"zur Administrationsseite ihrer Umfrage weitergeleitet."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Abstimmungszeitraum und Bestätigung (3 von 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie werden zwei E-Mails erhalten: Die eine enthält den Link zur Umfrage für "
+"die Teilnehmer, die andere den Link zur Administrationsseite für Ihre "
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Sie können das Datum der Archivierung vorverlegen."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Ihre Umfrage wird automatisch archiviert"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Ihre Umfrage wird automatisch in %d Tagen archiviert werden."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "nach dem letzten Termin der Abstimmung archiviert."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Spalte hinzufügen"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Spalte hinzufügen"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Alle Kommentare gelöscht"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Alle Wertungen werden gelöscht"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"Als Administrator der Umfrage können Sie alle Zeilen der Umfrage über diesen "
+"Button ändern"
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Zurück zur Umfrage"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Option hinzugefügt"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr ""
+"Sammeln der E-Mail-Adressen der zur Abstimmung eingeladenen Benutzer für die "
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Spalte entfernt"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Kommentar gelöscht"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Bestätigen Sie die Löschung aller Kommentare aus der Umfrage"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Bestätigen Sie die Entfernung aller Wertungen aus der Umfrage"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Bestätigen Sie die Entfernung der Spalte"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Bestätigen Sie die Löschung ihrer Umfrage"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage löschen"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Abschließend können Sie Informationen wie Titel, Kommentare oder Ihre E-Mail-"
+"Adresse ändern."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Kommentare beibehalten"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Kommentare beibehalten"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Umfrage beibehalten"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Wertungen beibehalten"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Diese Umfrage beibehalten"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Stimmabgaben beibehalten"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Umfrage vollständig gelöscht"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Umfrage gespeichert"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Spalte entfernen"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Kommentare entfernen"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Stimmen entfernen"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "Die Umfrage wurde erstellt."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr "Stimme hinzugefügt"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Stimme gelöscht"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr "Stimme aktualisiert"
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Sie können Ihrer Umfrage ein neues Datum hinzufügen."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Ihre Umfrage wurde gelöscht!"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr "und neue Spalte hinzufügen mit"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "Zeile oder Spalte entfernen mit"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+"Benutzer, die mit \"Unter Vorbehalt\" für diese Option abgestimmt haben, "
+"haben folgende E-Mail-Adressen:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Benutzer, die mit \"Nein\" für diese Option abgestimmt haben, haben folgende "
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Benutzer, die mit \"Ja\" für diese Option abgestimmt haben, haben folgende E-"
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Löschdatum:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie an dieser Umfrage teilnehmen möchten, müssen Sie ihren Namen "
+"angeben, die Auswahl treffen, die Ihnen am ehesten zusagt und mit dem "
+"Speichern-Button am Ende der Zeile bestätigen."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"Die Abstimmung wurde vom Administrator gesperrt. Bewertungen und Kommentare "
+"wurden eingefroren; es ist nicht mehr möglich teilzunehmen"
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Zeitraum für die Umfrage ist überschritten, sie wird bald gelöscht "
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Ihre Stimme wurde gezählt, aber beachten Sie, dass diese Umfrage die "
+"nachträgliche Änderung Ihrer Wertung nur über den nachfolgend genannten, "
+"personalisierten Link erlaubt; verwahren Sie ihn an einem sicheren Ort!"
diff --git a/po/en.po b/po/en.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c2e2e85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/en.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1923 @@
+# Kersten Lohmeyer <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:47+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: en\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Create a poll"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Discuss and make a decision"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Do you want to"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Here is how it works:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "What is Framadate?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "view an example?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "CeCILL-B license"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Framadate is licensed under the"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr "Framadate was initially based on"
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "The software"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Grow your own"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "the development site"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Actions"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administration"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Author"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Back to administration"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Change the poll"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Executed"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Expiry date"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Fail"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Failed:"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Format"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installation"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Logs"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migration"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Nothing"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Pages:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "Poll ID"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Poll deleted"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Polls"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Purge"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Purge the polls"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Purged:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "See the poll"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Skipped:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Succeeded:"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Success"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Summary"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Title"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Votes"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "Waiting"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "polls in the database at this time"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Check again"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Continue the installation"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Installation checking"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "The config file exists."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone is set."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Add a comment to the poll"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comment"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Comment saved"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Comments"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Remove comment"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Submit comment"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%Y-%m-%d"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Add range dates"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "End date"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Start date"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "Y-m-d"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "You can select at most 4 months"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "yyyy-mm-dd"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "year-month-day"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+msgstr "REMINDER"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Send"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "The email address is not correct."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Adding vote failed"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "Can't create an empty column."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Comment failed"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Enter a name"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Enter a name and a comment!"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Enter a title"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Enter an email address"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Error!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "Failed to delete all comments"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "Failed to delete all votes"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Failed to delete column"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "Failed to delete the comment"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "Failed to delete the poll"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Failed to delete the vote!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Failed to insert the comment!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "Failed to save poll"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Forbidden!"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "Identifier is already used"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Missing values"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "No polls found"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "Password is empty."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Passwords do not match."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Something has gone wrong..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Something is wrong with the format"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "The column already exists"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "The name is invalid."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "There is a problem with your choices"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr "This identifier is not allowed"
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "This poll doesn't exist!"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "Unable to connect to database"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "Update vote failed"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "You already voted"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "You can't select more than %d dates"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Address"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Created polls"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Have a good day!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr "Its address"
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Last access date"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "List of your polls"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Polls saved inside this browser"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Polls sent"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Remove poll from index"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Send me my polls"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Send my polls by email"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "The title of the poll"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Visited polls"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(in the format"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Add"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Back"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Back to the homepage of"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Cancel"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Choice"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Classic"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Close"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Create your own polls"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Creation date:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Day"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Description"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Edit"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Home"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Information"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Legend:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Link"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Next"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "No"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Page generated in"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Poll"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Remove"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Save"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Search"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Time"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Under reserve"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Validate"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Yes"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Your email address"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Your name"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "days"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "for"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "months"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "seconds"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "vote"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "votes"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "with"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Make a standard poll"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Schedule an event"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "Where are my polls?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Administrator mail address"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Application name"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "Clean URL"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Database driver"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Database hostname"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Database name"
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Database port"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Default language"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Install"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Migration table"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Password"
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Prefix"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Respond-to mail address"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "User"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Change language"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Select language"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Message for the author"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Notification of poll: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Participant link"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Poll participation: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Thank you for your trust."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr "has just created a poll called"
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Thank you for your understanding."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "The application"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "is currently under maintenance."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Submit access"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Wrong password"
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "%s option"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Best choice"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Best choices"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Chart"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Display the chart of the results"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Edit line: %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Link to edit this particular line"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Remove line:"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Save choices"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Scroll to the left"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Scroll to the right"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "The current best choice is:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "The current best choices are:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Total"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Vote \"no\" for"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Vote \"yes\" for"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Votes under reserve for"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "polled user"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "polled users"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Admin link for the poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Cancel the description edit"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Cancel the email address edit"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Cancel the name edit"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Cancel the rules edit"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Cancel the title edit"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Creator of the poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Edit name"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Edit the description"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Edit the email address"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Edit the expiry date"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Edit the poll rules"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Edit title"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Export to CSV"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "No password"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Only votes are protected"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Password protected"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Poll rules"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Print"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Public link to the poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Remove all comments"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Remove all votes"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Remove password"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Remove the poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Results are hidden"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Results are visible"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Rich editor"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Save the description"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Save the email address"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Save the new expiration date"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Save the new name"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Save the new rules"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Save the new title"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Simple editor"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Title of the poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Votes and comments are locked"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Votes protected by password"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "All voters can modify any vote"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr "Collect voters' email addresses"
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmation"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Customize the URL"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Email addresses are not collected"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "Email addresses are required"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "Email addresses are required and verified"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Go to step 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "More informations here:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Optional parameters"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissions"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Poll link"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Poll title"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Receive an email for each new comment"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Receive an email for each new vote"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "The results are publicly visible"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Use a password to restrict access"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Value Max"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Votes cannot be modified"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "You are in the poll creation section."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "votes per option"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Go to step 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Return to step 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Add a choice"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Add a link or an image"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Alternative text"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Links or images can be included using"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "Markdown syntax"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Remove a choice"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL of the image"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Add a day"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Add a time slot"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Choose dates for your poll"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Copy times from the first day"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Remove a day"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Remove a time slot"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Remove all days"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Remove all times"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Remove this day"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Back to step 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Create the poll"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Expiry date:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "List of options"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "after the last date of your poll."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr "Version %s"
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Add a column"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Adding a column"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "All comments deleted"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "All votes deleted"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Back to the poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Choice added"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Column deleted"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Comment deleted"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Confirm removal of all comments"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Confirm removal of all votes"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Confirm removal of the column."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirm removal of your poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Delete poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Keep comments"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Keep the comments"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Keep the poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Keep the votes"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Keep this poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Keep votes"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Poll fully deleted"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Poll saved"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Remove column"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Remove the comments"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Remove the votes"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "The poll was created."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr "Vote added"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Vote deleted"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr "Vote updated"
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Your poll has been removed!"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr "and add a new column with"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "remove a column or a line with"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Deletion date:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..dd501282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1958 @@
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Sylvain Lesage <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Tehuel <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Titouan Biteau <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+# ana <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:47+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: es\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Crear una encuesta"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Definir las fechas o los temas a elegir"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Discutan y toman una decisión"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "¿Quiere"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate es un servicio en línea que permite planificar un encuentro o "
+"tomar decisiones rapidamente y de manera sencilla. No es necesario "
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Así funciona:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Enviar el enlace de la encuesta a sus amigos o colegas"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "¿Qué es Framasoft?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "¿Ver un ejemplo?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "licencia CeCILL-B"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Se encuentra bajo la"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr ""
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "El software"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"un software desarrollado por la Universidad de Estrasburgo. Ahora, su "
+"desarrollo esta realizado por la asociación Framasoft."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Cultive su jardín"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si quiere instalar este software para su propio uso y de esta manera ganar "
+"en autonomía, nos puede ayudar en:"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "la página de desarrollo"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Acciones"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administración"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Volver a la administración"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Cambiar la encuesta"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Correo electrónico"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Ejecutado"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Fecha de caducidad"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Error"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Failed:Con error"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Formato"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Instalación"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Histórico / bitácoras"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migración"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Nada"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Páginas:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "Identidad de la encuesta"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Encuesta borrada"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Encuestas"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Purga"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Purgar las encuestas"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Purgados:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Ver la encuesta"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Omitidos:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Estado"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Con éxito:"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Éxito"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Resumen"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Título"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Votos"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "Esperando"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "encuestas en la base de datos a la fecha"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Verificar nuevamente"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Considere habilitar la extensión OpenSSL de PHP para incrementar la "
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Considere establecer el valor de « date.timezone » en php.ini"
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"Considere establecer « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » en el archivo php.ini o "
+"agregue « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » al archivo .htaccess para "
+"que los cookies no sean accesibles desde Javascript."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Continuar con la instalación"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "Los cookies son servidos desde HTTP únicamente."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Verificación de instalación"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "extensión OpenSSL cargada."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "extensión PHP Intl cargada."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "La versión %s de PHP es suficiente (Se require al menos PHP %s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"El directorio de configuración (%s) no tiene permisos de escritura y el "
+"archivo (%s) no existe."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "El directorio de configuración (%s) tiene permisos de escritura."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "El archivo de configuración existe."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"El directorio de compilación de plantillas (%s) no existe en \"%s\". Por "
+"favor vuelva a intentar el proceso de instalación."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr ""
+"El directorio de compilación de plantillas (%s) no tiene permisos de "
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr ""
+"El directorio de compilación de plantillas (%s) tiene permisos de escritura."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "Necesitas activar la extensión Intl de PHP."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Su versión de PHP (%s) es demasiado antigua. Esta aplicación necesita al "
+"menos la version %s de PHP."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone está definido."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Añadir un comentario a la encuesta"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Su comentario"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Comentario añadido"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Comentarios de los votantes"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr ""
+"Introduzca su nombre y comentario antes de enviar el formulario rellenado"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Borrar el comentario"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Enviar el comentario"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A, %e de %B de %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B de %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Agregar rango de fechas"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Fecha de Finalización"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Fecha de Inicio"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "d/m/Y"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Puede seleccionar como máximo 4 meses"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "dd/mm/yyyy"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "día / mes / año"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Enlace para edición de encuesta \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Este es el enlace para editar su votación:"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Si no quiere perder su enlace personalizado, se lo podemos enviar por email"
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor espere %d segundos antes de que podamos enviar nuevamente un "
+"correo electrónico, y luego vuelva a intentarlo."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Enviar"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "La dirección de correo electrónico no es correcta."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "¡Su recordatorio ha sido enviado correctamente!"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Error al crear el voto"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "No se puede crear una columna vacía."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Imposible crear el archivo config.php en '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Error al crear el comentario"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Los cookies están desactivados en su navegador. Se requiere activarlos para "
+"crear una encuesta."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Introduzca un nombre"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Introduzca su nombre y un comentario"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Introducza un título"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Introduzca un correo electrónico"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+"Error en el límite de cantidad de votos: El valor debe ser un número entero "
+"mayor que 0"
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "¡Error!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "No se han eliminado todos los comentarios"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "No se han eliminado todos los votos"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Error al eliminar la columna"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "No se ha podido eliminar el comentario"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "No se borró la encuesta"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Error al borrar el voto"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Error al crear el comentario"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "Error al guardar la encuesta"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "¡Prohibido!"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "El identificador ya está en uso."
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Javascript está desactivado en su navegador. Se requiere activarlo para "
+"crear una encuesta."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Valores inexistentes"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "Ninguna encuesta encontrada"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "La contraseña está vacía."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Las contraseñas no coinciden."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "La encuesta fue actualizada antes de su voto"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Algo ha ido mal..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Algo está mal con el formato"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Algo está mal con el formato: Las URLs personalizadas solo pueden estar "
+"compuestas por caracteres alfanuméricos y guiones."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Algo está mal con el formato: El nombre no debe contener espacios al "
+"principio o al final"
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"El correo electrónico es incorrecto. Tiene que introducir una dirección "
+"cálida (por ejemplo para recibir el enlace de su "
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "La columna ya existe"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "Este nombre es invalido."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "El nombre que eligió ya existe en la encuesta"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "Existe un problema con sus opciones"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Esta encuesta no existe"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "No se puede conectar a la base de datos"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "Error al actualizar el voto"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Usted ya votó"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"No puede crear una encuesta con resultados no visibles con los siguientes "
+"opciones de edición"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "No puede seleccionar más de %d fechas"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"No ha llenado la primera sección de la creación de la encuesta, o su sesión "
+"ha caducado."
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"Su voto no fue contado, porque alguien votó mientras tanto y entró en "
+"conflicto con sus elecciones y las condiciones de la encuesta. Por favor, "
+"vuelva a intentarlo."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Dirección"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Encuestas creadas"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "¡Que tenga un buen dia!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Esta es la lista de encuestas que puede manejar en %s:"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Si usted no fue la fuente de esta acción y cree que es un abuso del "
+"servicio, por favor notifique al administrador a %s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr "Su dirección"
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Última fecha de acceso"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Listado de sus encuestas"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"P.D.: Este correo electrónico se envió porque usted - o alguien más - "
+"solicitó recuperar todas las encuestas realizadas con esta dirección de "
+"correo electrónico."
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Encuestas guardadas en este navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Encuestas enviadas"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Eliminar todas mis encuestas del índice de este navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Eliminar del índice de este navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Enviarme mis encuestas"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Enviarme mis encuestas por correo electrónico"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "La fecha en que creó o accedió por última vez a la encuesta"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "El título de la encuesta"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "Aún no hay encuestas guardadas en su navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Para eliminar estos datos, haga clic en la papelera de la línea "
+"correspondiente o haga clic en la opción \"Eliminar mi índice de encuestas\"."
+" Esto no borrará sus encuestas."
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Para ayudarle a encontrar sus encuestas anteriores, guardamos cada encuesta "
+"que usted crea o a la que accede dentro de su navegador. Estos datos se "
+"guardan únicamente en este navegador. Se guardarán los siguientes datos:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Encuestas visitadas"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(en el formato"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Añadir"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Volver"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Retroceder al inicio de"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Cancelar"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Elección"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Clásico"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Cerrar"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Crear sus propias encuestas"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Fecha"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Día"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripción"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Cambio"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate es un servicio en línea para planificar una cita o tomar una "
+"decisión de forma rápida y sencilla"
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Inicio"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Información"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Leyenda:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Enlace"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Seguir"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "No"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Página generada en"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Encuesta"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Borrar"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Guardar"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Búsqueda"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Hora"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "En caso de ser necesario"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Validar"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Si"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Su dirección electrónica "
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Su nombre"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "días"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "para"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "meses"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "voto"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "votos"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "con"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Crear una encuesta clásica"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Planificar un evento"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "¿Dónde están mis encuestas?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Correo electrónico del administrador"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Nombre de la aplicación"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "URL Limpia"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Controlador de base de datos/Database driver"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Nombre de host de la base de datos"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Nombre de la base de datos"
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Puerto de la base de datos"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Lenguaje por defecto"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Instalar"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Tabla de migración"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Prefijo"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Correo electrónico para \"responder a\""
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Usuario"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Cambiar el idioma"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Elegir el idioma"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"\"La carretera es larga, pero el camino está despejado...\"<br/>Framasoft "
+"vive sólo de sus donaciones<br/>Gracias de antemano por su apoyo https://"
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Mensaje para el/la autor/a"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Notificación de la encuesta: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Para difusión a los votantes"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Participación a la encuesta: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Alguien acaba de modificar su encuesta, disponible en el siguiente enlace <a "
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Alguien acaba de borrar su encuesta \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Gracias por participar en la encuesta en el siguiente enlace"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Gracias por su confianza."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr "Este es el mensaje que puede enviar a todos los votantes."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Este mensaje NO debe ser enviado a los participantes de la encuesta. Debería "
+"mantenerlo en privado. <br/><br/>Puede modificar su encuesta en el siguiente "
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "acaba de votar.<br/>Puede acceder a la encuesta siguiendo este enlace"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr "acaba de crear la encuesta llamada "
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"acaba de actualizar su voto.<br/>Puede acceder a la encuesta siguiendo este "
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"acaba de redactar un comentario.<br/>Puede acceder a la encuesta siguiendo "
+"este enlace"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Gracias por su comprensión."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "La aplicación"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "se encuentra en mantenimiento."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Acceder"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta"
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "Debe ingresar una contraseña para poder participar de la encuesta."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Debe ingresar una contraseña para acceder a la encuesta."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "%s opción"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr ""
+"Cualquiera podrá ver tu dirección de correo electrónico después de votar."
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Elección más popular"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Elecciones más populares"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Gráfico"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Mostrar el gráfico de resultados"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Modificar la fila: %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Enlace para editar esta linea en particular"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Borrar la fila:"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Guardar los cambios"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Desplazar hacia la izquierda"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Desplazar hacia la derecha"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "La elección más popular actualmente es:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "Las elecciones más populares actualmente son:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr ""
+"¡El enlace para editar esta linea en particular ha sido copiado al "
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Suma"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Votar « no » para"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Votar « si » para"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Votos bajo reserva para"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "Votante / Usuario encuestado"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "Votantes / Usuarios encuestados"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Enlace de administración de la encuesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Cancelar el cambio de descripción"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Cancelar el cambio de correo electrónico"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Cancelar el cambio de fecha de expiración"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Cancelar el cambio de autor"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Cancelar los cambios en las reglas"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Cancelar el cambio de título"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Autor/a de la encuesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Modificar nombre"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Modificar la descripción"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Modificar el correo electrónico"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Modificar la fecha de expiración"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Modificar los permisos de la encuesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Modificar el título"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Exportar en CSV"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Sin contraseña"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Sólo los votos están protegidos"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Protegido por contraseña"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Permisos de la encuesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Imprimir"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Enlace público de la encuesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Eliminar todos los comentarios"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Eliminar todos los votos"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Eliminar contraseña"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Eliminar la encuesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Los resutaldos están ocultos"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Los resultados son visibles"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Editor avanzado"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Guardar la descripción"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Guardar el correo electrónico"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Guardar la fecha de expiración"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Guardar el nuevo nombre"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Guardar las nuevas reglas"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Guardar el nuevo título"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Editor simple"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Título de la encuesta"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr "Se recopilan las direcciones de correo electrónico de los votantes"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr ""
+"Las direcciones de correo electrónico de los votantes se recopilan y se "
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+"Las direcciones de correo electrónico de los votantes se recopilan, se "
+"requieren y se verifican"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Las direcciones de correo electrónico de los votantes no se recopilan"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Los votos y comentarios están bloqueados"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Votos protegidos por contraseña"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Todos los votantes pueden modificar cualquier voto"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"La definición de un identificador para la encuesta puede hacerla accesible a "
+"gente no deseada. Es recomendable protegerla con una contraseña."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr "Recopilar las direcciones de correo electrónico de los votantes"
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmación"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Personalizar la URL"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr ""
+"Las direcciones de correo electrónico se recopilan pero no se requieren"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Las direcciones de correo electrónico no se recopilan"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "Las direcciones de correo electrónico se requieren"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "Las direcciones de correo electrónico se requieren y se verifican"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Ir al paso número 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Limitar el número de votantes por opción"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Más información aqui:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Solo el creador de la encuesta puede ver los resultados"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Parámetros opcionales"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permisos"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Creación de la encuesta (1 de 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Enlace a la encuesta"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Título de la encuesta"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Recibir un correo electrónico para cada nuevo comentario"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Recibir un correo electrónico para cada nuevo voto"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Los campos requeridos tienen que ser llenados"
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "El identificador puede incluir letras, números y guiones \"-\""
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "Los resultados son visibles publicamente."
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Para hacer la descripción más atractiva es posible usar el formato Markdown."
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Utilice una contraseña para restringir el acceso"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Valor max"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Los votos pueden ser modificados por su autor"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Los votos no pueden ser modificados"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Advertencia: Cualquiera puede ver las direcciones de correo electrónico de "
+"los usuarios encuestados, ya que todos los votantes pueden modificar "
+"cualquier voto. Debería restringir las reglas de permisos"
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Estás en la sección de creación de encuestas."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Puede activar o desactivar el editor cuando lo desee."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "votos por opción"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Ir al paso número 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Volver al paso número 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Añadir una opción"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Añadir un enlace o una imagen"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Texto alternativo"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Se peude proponer enlaces o imágenes utilizando"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "la síntaxis Markdown"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Elegir los temas (2 de 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Eliminar una opción"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Estos campos son opcionales. Puede añadir un enlace, una imagen, o ambos."
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr ""
+"Para crear una encueta clásica, dene proponer por lo menos dos opciones."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL de la imagen"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "Puede añadir o borrar las opciones con los botones"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Añadir un día"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Añadir un horario"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Elija las fechas de su encuesta"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Copiar los horarios del primer día en los otros días"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para cada día seleccionado, puede elegir o no, horarios de reunión (por "
+"ejemplo: \"8:00\", \"8:30\", \"8:00-10:00\", \"noche\", etc.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Elegir las fechas (2 de 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Eliminar un día"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Eliminar una franja horaria"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Borrar todos los días"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Eliminar todos los horarios"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Eliminar este dia"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Para programar un evento, tiene que proponer por lo menos dos opciones (dos "
+"horarios para un día, o dos días)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr "Puede agregar o borrar días y horarios con los botones"
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Volver al paso número 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Comfirmar la creación de la encuesta"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Crear la encuesta"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Fecha de caducidad:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Lista de opciones"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Una vez confirmada la creación de la encuesta, estará automáticamente "
+"redirigido/a hacia la página de administración de su encuesta."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Fecha de caducidad y confirmación (3 de 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Luego, recibirá dos correos electrónicos: el primero con el enlace de la "
+"encuesta, para enviar a los votantes, y el segundo con el enlace de la "
+"página de administración de la encuesta"
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Puede establecer una fecha de caducidad específica para la encuesta"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Su encuesta estará archivada de manera automática"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Su encuesta estará archivada de manera automática en %d días."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "después de la última fecha de su encuesta"
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Añadir una columna"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Añadiendo una columna"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Todos los comentarios han sido borrados"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Todos los votos han sido borrados"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"Como administrador, Usted puede cambiar todas las filas de la encuesta con "
+"este botón"
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Volver a la encuesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Elección añadida"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr ""
+"Recopilar los correos electrónicos de los usuarios encuestados para la "
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Columna borrada"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Comentario borrado"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Confirmar la eliminación de todos los comentarios de la encuesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Confirma la eliminación de todos los votos de la encuesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Confirmar la eliminación de la columna."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirmar la eliminación de la encuesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Borrar encuesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Finalmente, puede cambiar las informaciones de esta encuesta, como el "
+"título, los comentarios o la dirección de correo electrónico."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Conservar comentarios"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Conservar los comentarios"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Conservar la encuesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Conservar los votos"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Conservar esta encuesta"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Conservar los votos"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Encuesta borrada enteramente"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Encuesta guardada"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Borrar la columna"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Borrar los comentarios"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Borrar los votos"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "La encuesta ha sido creada."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr "Voto añadido"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Voto borrado"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr "Voto actualizado"
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Puede añadir una nueva fecha de encuentro a su encuesta."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Su encuesta ha sido borrada!"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr "y se puede añadir una columna con"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "borrar una columna o una fila con"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+"Los usuarios que votaron \"Si es necesario\" por esta opción han dejado esas "
+"direcciones de correo electrónico:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Los usuarios que votaron \"No\" por esta opción han dejado esas direcciones "
+"de correo electrónico:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Los usuarios que votaron \"Sí\" por esta opción han dejado esas direcciones "
+"de correo electrónico:"
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Fecha de supresión:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Si quieres votar en esta encuesta, tienes que dar tu nombre, hacer tu "
+"elección y enviarla seleccionando el botón guardar al final de la línea."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"La persona a cargo de la administración bloqueó esta encuesta. Los votos y "
+"comentarios están bloqueados, ya no se permite participar."
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "La encuesta expiró, pronto desaparecerá."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Su voto fue guardado, pero tome en cuenta que esta encuesta solo permite "
+"modificar su voto a través del enlace siguiente ; ¡conservelo con cuidado!"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3372ba69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1971 @@
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Quentin Dupont <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2018. #zanata
+# tom ngr <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:48+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Créez un sondage"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Déterminez les dates ou les sujets à choisir"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Discutez et prenez votre décision"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate est un service en ligne permettant de planifier un rendez-vous ou "
+"prendre des décisions rapidement et simplement. Aucune inscription préalable "
+"n’est nécessaire."
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Voici comment ça fonctionne :"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Envoyez le lien du sondage à vos ami·e·s ou collègues"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Prise en main"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "voir un exemple ?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "licence CeCILL-B"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Il est régi par la"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr "Framadate est initialement basé sur"
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "Le logiciel"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+"Ce logiciel requiert l’activation du JavaScript et des cookies. Il est "
+"compatible avec les navigateurs web suivants :"
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"un logiciel développé par l'Université de Strasbourg. Aujourd'hui, son "
+"développement est assuré par l’association Framasoft."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Cultivez votre jardin"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous souhaitez installer ce logiciel pour votre propre usage et ainsi "
+"gagner en autonomie, nous vous aidons sur :"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+"Pour participer au développement du logiciel, proposer des améliorations ou "
+"simplement le télécharger, rendez-vous sur "
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "le site de développement"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Actions"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administration"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Auteur·rice"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Retour à l'administration"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Modifier le sondage"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Courriel"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Exécutées"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Date d’expiration"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Échec"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Échec :"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Format"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installation"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Historique"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migration"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Rien"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Pages :"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "ID sondage"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Sondage complètement supprimé"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Sondages"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Purge"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Purger les sondages"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Purgés :"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Voir le sondage"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Passé :"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Statut"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Succès :"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Réussite"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Résumé"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Titre"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Votes"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "En attente"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "sondages dans la base actuellement"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Vérifier à nouveau"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez considérer l'activation de l'extension PHP OpenSSL pour améliorer "
+"la sécurité."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Veuillez considérer la définition de date.timezone dans le php.ini."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"Pensez à définir « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » dans votre fichier php.ini "
+"ou bien ajouter « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » à votre fichier ."
+"htaccess de telle sorte que les cookies ne puissent pas être accessibles "
+"depuis Javascript."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Continuer l'installation"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "Les cookies sont accessibles uniquement via HTTP."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Vérifications de l'installation"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "L'extension PHP OpenSSL est chargée."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "L'extension PHP Intl est activée."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "Version de PHP %s suffisante (nécessite au moins PHP %s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"Le dossier du fichier de configuration (%s) n'est pas accessible en écriture "
+"et le fichier de configuration (%s) n'existe pas."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr ""
+"Le dossier du fichier de configuration (%s) est accessible en écriture."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "Le fichier de configuration existe."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"Le dossier de compilation des templates (%s) n'existe pas dans \"%s\". "
+"Essayez de relancer l'installation."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr ""
+"Le dossier de compilation des templates (%s) n'est pas accessible en "
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr ""
+"Le dossier de compilation des templates (%s) est accessible en écriture."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "Vous devez activer l'extension PHP Intl."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Votre version de PHP (%s) est trop vieille. Cette application a besoin de "
+"PHP %s au moins."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone est défini."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Ajouter un commentaire au sondage"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Votre commentaire"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Commentaire ajouté"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Commentaires de sondé·e·s"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr "Entrez votre nom et commentaire avant de soumettre le formulaire"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Supprimer le commentaire"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Envoyer le commentaire"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Ajout d'un intervalle de dates"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Date de fin"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Date de début"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "d/m/Y"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Vous pouvez sélectionner au maximum 4 mois"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "dd/mm/yyyy"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "jour / mois / année"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Lien d'édition du sondage \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Voici le lien pour éditer votre vote :"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Afin de ne pas perdre ce lien d'édition de vote, nous pouvons vous l'envoyer "
+"par courriel."
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez patienter encore %d secondes avant que nous puissions vous envoyer "
+"un email, puis réessayez."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+msgstr "RAPPEL"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Envoyer"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "Courriel incorrect."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Votre rappel a été envoyé avec succès !"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Échec de l'ajout d'un vote"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "Impossible de créer une colonne vide."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier config.php dans '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Échec du commentaire"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Les cookies sont désactivés sur votre navigateur. Leur activation est "
+"requise pour la création d'un sondage."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Vous n'avez pas saisi de nom !"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Merci de remplir les deux champs !"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Il faut saisir un titre !"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Il faut saisir une adresse électronique !"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr "Erreur : le nombre de votants doit être une nombre supérieur à 0"
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Erreur !"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "Impossible de supprimer tous les commentaires"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "Impossible de supprimer tous les votes"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Échec de la suppression de colonne"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le commentaire"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le sondage"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Échec de la suppression du vote !"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Échec à l'insertion du commentaire !"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "Échec de la sauvegarde du sondage"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Interdit !"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "L'identifiant est déjà utilisé"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Si vous quittez maintenant, vos modifications seront perdues."
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"JavaScript est désactivé sur votre navigateur. Son activation est requise "
+"pour la création d'un sondage."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Il manque des valeurs"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "Aucun sondage n'a été trouvé"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "Le mot de passe est vide."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "Le sondage a été mis à jour avant votre vote"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Quelque chose ne va pas..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Quelque chose ne va pas avec le format"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Format incorrect : seuls les caractères alphabétiques, nombres et tirets "
+"sont acceptés dans les URLs personnalisées."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Quelque chose ne va pas avec le format : le nom ne devrait pas contenir "
+"d'espaces avant ou après"
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"L'adresse saisie n'est pas correcte ! Il faut une adresse électronique "
+"valide (par exemple pour recevoir le lien vers le "
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "La colonne existe déjà"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "Le nom n'est pas valide."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "Le nom que vous avez choisi existe déjà !"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "Il y a un problème avec vos choix"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr "Cet id n'est pas autorisé"
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Ce sondage n'existe pas !"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "Impossible de se connecter à la base de données"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "Échec de de la mise à jour du vote"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Vous avez déjà voté"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"Vous ne pouvez pas créer de sondage avec résulats cachés avec les options "
+"d'édition suivantes : "
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas choisir plus de %d dates"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous n'avez pas renseigné la première page du sondage, ou bien votre session "
+"a expiré."
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"Votre vote n'a pas été pris en compte, car quelqu'un a voté entre temps et "
+"cela entre en conflit avec vos choix et les conditions du sondage. Merci de "
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Adresse"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Sondages créés"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Bonne journée !"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Voici la liste des sondages que vous administrez sur %s :"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Si jamais vous n'étiez pas à l'origine de cette action et que vous pensez "
+"qu'il s'agit d'un abus, vous pouvez nous le signaler à l'administrateur·rice "
+"sur %s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr "Son adresse"
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Date de dernier accès"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Liste de vos sondages"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS : ce mail a été envoyé parce que vous – ou quelqu'un d'autre – avez "
+"demandé la récupération des sondages créés à l'aide de votre adresse email."
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Sondages stockés dans ce navigateur"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Sondages envoyés"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Supprimer tous mes sondages de l'index de ce navigateur"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Supprimer le sondage de l'index"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Envoyer mes sondages"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Envoyer mes sondages par courriel"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "La date à laquelle vous avez créé ou accédé en dernier le sondage"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "Le titre du sondage"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "Il n'y a pas encore de sondages sauvegardés dans votre navigateur"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour supprimer ces données, cliquez sur l'icône en forme de poubelle en face "
+"de chaque ligne ou cliquez sur le bouton « Supprimer l'index de mes sondages "
+"». Cela ne supprimera pas vos sondages."
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Pour vous aider à trouver vos sondages précédents, nous enregistrons des "
+"informations sur chaque sondage que vous effectuez ou auquel vous accédez "
+"dans votre navigateur. Ces données sont sauvegardées uniquement dans votre "
+"navigateur. Les données suivantes seront enregistrées:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Sondages accédés"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(au format"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Ajouter"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Précédent"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Retourner à la page d'accueil de"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Annuler"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Choix"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Classique"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fermer"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Créez vos propres sondages"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Date de création :"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Jour"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Description"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Modifier"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate est un service en ligne permettant de planifier un rendez-vous ou "
+"prendre des décisions rapidement et simplement."
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Accueil"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Légende"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Légende :"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Lien"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Continuer"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Non"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Page générée en"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Sondage"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Effacer"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Enregistrer"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Chercher"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Horaire"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Si nécessaire"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Valider"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Oui"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Votre courriel"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Votre nom"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "jours"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "à"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "mois"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "secondes"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "vote"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "votes"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "avec"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Créer un sondage classique"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Créer un sondage spécial dates"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "Où sont mes sondages ?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Adresse mail de l'application"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Nom de l'application"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "URL propres"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Pilote de la base de données"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Nom d'hôte"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Nom de la base de données"
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Port de la base de données"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Langue par défaut"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Général"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Installer"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Table de migration"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe"
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Préfixe"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Mail de réponse"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Utilisateur·rice"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Changer la langue"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Choisir la langue"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"« La route est longue, mais la voie est libre… »<br/>Framasoft ne vit que "
+"par vos dons (déductibles des impôts).<br/>Merci d'avance pour votre soutien "
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Réservé à l'auteur·rice"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Notification d'un sondage : %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Pour diffusion aux sondé·e·s"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Participation au sondage : %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Quelqu'un·e vient de modifier votre sondage accessible au lien suivant <a "
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Quelqu'un·e vient de supprimer votre sondage \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Merci de bien vouloir participer au sondage à l'adresse suivante "
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Merci de votre confiance."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr ""
+"Ceci est le message qui doit être envoyé aux sondé·e·s.<br/>Vous pouvez "
+"maintenant transmettre ce message à toutes les personnes susceptibles de "
+"participer au vote."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Ce message ne doit PAS être diffusé aux sondé·e·s. Il est réservé à "
+"l'auteur·rice du sondage.<br/><br/>Vous pouvez modifier ce sondage à "
+"l'adresse suivante "
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"vient de voter.<br/>Vous pouvez retrouver votre sondage avec le lien suivant"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr " vient de créer un sondage intitulé "
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"vient de mettre à jour un vote.<br/>Vous pouvez retrouver votre sondage avec "
+"le lien suivant"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"vient de rédiger un commentaire.<br/>Vous pouvez retrouver votre sondage "
+"avec le lien suivant"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Merci de votre compréhension."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "L'application"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "est en cours de maintenance."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Accéder"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous devez donner le mot de passe pour pouvoir participer à ce sondage."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Vous devez donner le mot de passe pour avoir accès à ce sondage."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "%s option"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr ""
+"Tout le monde pourra accéder à votre courriel après que vous ayez voté"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Meilleur choix"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Meilleurs choix"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Graphique"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Afficher le graphique des résultats"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Modifier la ligne : %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Lien pour éditer cette ligne"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Supprimer la ligne :"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Enregistrer les choix"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Faire défiler à gauche"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Faire défiler à droite"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr ""
+"Pour l'instant, le choix ayant reçu le plus grand nombre de votes est :"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr ""
+"Pour l'instant, les choix ayant reçu le plus grand nombre de votes sont :"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr ""
+"Le lien pour l'édition de cette ligne a été copié dans le presse-papier !"
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Somme"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Voter « non » pour"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Voter « oui » pour"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Si nécessaire"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "votant·e"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "votant·e·s"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Lien d'administration du sondage"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Annuler le changement de description"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Annuler le changement de courriel"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Annuler le changement de date d'expiration"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Annuler le changement d'auteur·rice"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Annuler le changement de permissions"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Annuler le changement de titre"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Auteur·rice du sondage"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Modification de l'auteur·rice"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Modifier la description"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Modifier le courriel"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Modifier la date d'expiration"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Modifier les permissions du sondage"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Modifier le titre"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Export Tableur (CSV)"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Pas de mot de passe"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Seul les votes sont protégés"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Protégé par mot de passe"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Permissions du sondage"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Imprimer"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Lien public du sondage"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Supprimer tous les commentaires"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Supprimer tous les votes"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Supprimer le mot de passe"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Supprimer le sondage"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Les résultats sont cachés"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Les résultats sont visibles"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Editeur avancé"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Enregistrer la description"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Enregistrer le courriel"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Enregistrer la date d'expiration"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Enregistrer l'auteur·rice"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Enregistrer les nouvelles permissions"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Enregistrer le nouveau titre"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Editeur simple"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Titre du sondage"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr "Les courriels des votants sont collectés"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr "Les courriels des votants sont collectés et requis"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr "Les courriels des votants sont collectés, requis et vérifiés"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Les courriels des votants ne sont pas collectés"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Il n'est plus possible de voter"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Votes protégés par mot de passe"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Tou·te·s les sondé·e·s peuvent modifier tous les votes"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"La modification du lien du sondage peut faciliter l'accès à ce sondage pour "
+"des personnes non désirées. Il est recommandé de le protéger par mot de "
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr "Collecter les courriels des votants"
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmation"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Personnaliser le lien"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr "Les courriels sont collectés mais pas requis"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Les courriels ne sont pas collectés"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "Les courriels sont requis"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "Les courriels sont requis et vérifiés"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Aller à l'étape 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Limiter le nombre de votant·e·s par option"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Plus d'informations ici :"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Seul·e le ou la créateur·rice du sondage peut voir les résultats"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Paramètres facultatifs"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissions"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Création de sondage (1 sur 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Lien du sondage"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Titre du sondage"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Recevoir un courriel à chaque commentaire"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Recevoir un courriel à chaque participation"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Merci de remplir les champs obligatoires, marqués d'une *."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "(peut contenir des lettres, des chiffres et des tirets \"-\")"
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "Les résultats sont visibles sans mot de passe"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Afin de rendre le descriptif de ce sondage plus attractif, vous pouvez "
+"utiliser le formatage Markdown."
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Restreindre l'accès au sondage par mot de passe"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Valeur Maximale"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Chaque sondé·e peut modifier son propre vote"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Aucun vote ne peut être modifié"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Attention : tout le monde pourra accéder aux courriels des votants car tout "
+"le monde peut éditer chaque vote. Vous devriez restreindre les règles de "
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Vous avez choisi de créer un nouveau sondage."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez activer ou désactiver l'éditeur à votre guise."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "votes par choix"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Aller à l’étape 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Revenir à l’étape 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Ajouter un choix"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Ajouter un lien ou une image"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Texte alternatif"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Il est possible d’insérer des liens ou des images en utilisant "
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "la syntaxe Markdown"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Choix des sujets (2 sur 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Supprimer le dernier choix"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces champs sont facultatifs. Vous pouvez ajouter un lien, une image ou les "
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour créer un sondage classique, vous devez proposer au moins deux choix "
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL de l'image"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez ajouter ou supprimer des choix supplémentaires avec les boutons"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Ajouter un jour"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Ajouter un horaire"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Choisissez les dates de votre sondage"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Reporter les horaires du premier jour sur les autres jours"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Pour chacun des jours sélectionnés, vous avez la possibilité de choisir ou "
+"non, des heures de réunion (par exemple : \"8h\", \"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", "
+"\"soir\", etc.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Choix des dates (2 sur 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Supprimer le dernier jour"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Supprimer le dernier horaire"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Effacer tous les jours"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Effacer tous les horaires"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Supprimer ce jour"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour créer un sondage spécial dates vous devez proposer au moins deux choix "
+"(deux horaires pour une même journée ou deux jours)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez ajouter ou supprimer des jours et horaires supplémentaires avec "
+"les boutons"
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Revenir à l’étape 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirmez la création de votre sondage"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Créer le sondage"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Date d'archivage :"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Liste de vos choix"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Une fois que vous aurez confirmé la création du sondage, vous serez "
+"redirigé·e automatiquement vers la page d'administration de votre sondage."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Date d'expiration et confirmation (3 sur 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"En même temps, vous recevrez deux courriels : l'un contenant le lien vers "
+"votre sondage pour le faire suivre aux futur·e·s sondé·e·s, l'autre "
+"contenant le lien vers la page d'administration du sondage."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez décider d'une date d'archivage plus proche."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Votre sondage sera automatiquement archivé"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Votre sondage sera automatiquement archivé dans %d jours."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "après le dernier jour de votre sondage."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr "Version %s"
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Ajouter une colonne"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Ajout de colonne"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Tous les commentaires ont été supprimés"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Tous les votes ont été supprimés"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"En tant qu'administrateur·rice, vous pouvez modifier toutes les lignes de ce "
+"sondage avec ce bouton"
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Retour au sondage"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Choix ajouté"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr "Collecter les courriels des utilisateurs pour ce choix"
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Colonne supprimée"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Commentaire supprimé"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Confirmer la suppression de tous les commentaires de ce sondage"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Confirmer la suppression de tous les votes de ce sondage"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Confirmer la supression de cette colonne."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirmer la suppression du sondage"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Supprimer le sondage"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez enfin également modifier les informations relatives à ce sondage "
+"comme le titre, les commentaires ou encore votre courriel."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Garder les commentaires"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Garder les commentaires"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Je garde le sondage"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Garder les votes"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Garder ce sondage"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Garder les votes"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Sondage complètement supprimé"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Sondage sauvegardé"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Effacer la colonne"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Supprimer les commentaires"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Supprimer les votes"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "Le sondage a été créé"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr "Vote ajouté"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Vote supprimé"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr "Vote mis à jour"
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez ajouter une date à votre sondage."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Votre sondage a été supprimé !"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr ""
+"et si vous avez oublié de saisir un choix, vous pouvez rajouter une colonne "
+"en cliquant sur"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "effacer une colonne ou une ligne avec"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+"Les utilisateurs qui ont voté « Si nécessaire » pour cette option ont laissé "
+"les courriels suivants:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Les utilisateurs qui ont voté « Non » pour cette option ont laissé les "
+"courriels suivants:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Les utilisateurs qui ont voté « Oui » pour cette option ont laissé les "
+"courriels suivants:"
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Date de suppression :"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour participer à ce sondage, veuillez entrer votre nom, choisir toutes les "
+"valeurs qui vous conviennent et valider votre choix avec le bouton en bout "
+"de ligne."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"L'administrateur·rice a verrouillé ce sondage. Les votes et commentaires "
+"sont gelés, il n'est plus possible de participer"
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "Le sondage a expiré, il sera bientôt supprimé."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Votre vote a bien été pris en compte, mais faites attention : ce sondage "
+"n'autorise l'édition de votre vote qu'avec le lien personnalisé suivant ; "
+"conservez-le précieusement ! "
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8fd25f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1921 @@
+# Meskó Balázs <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:48+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
+"Language: hu\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás létrehozása"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Választható időpontok vagy témák megadása"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Megbeszélés és döntéshozás"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Szeretnél"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"A Framadate egy online szolgáltatás találkozók egyeztetésére vagy döntések "
+"gyors és egyszerű meghozására. Regisztráció nem szükséges."
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Így működik:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Szavazás elküldése ismerősöknek vagy kollégáknak"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Mi a Framadate?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "látni egy példát?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "CeCILL-B licenc"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "A Framadate licence: "
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr ""
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "A szoftver"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr "szoftveren alapult, de most már a Framasoft fejleszti."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Neveld a sajátod"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Ha szeretnéd magadnak telepíteni a szoftvert saját használatra, ezzel is "
+"növelve a függetlenségedet, akkor a következő oldalon kaphatsz ehhez "
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "fejlesztési oldalra"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr " Műveletek"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Adminisztráció"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Szerző"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Vissza az adminisztrációhoz"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás módosítása"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Végrehajtva"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Lejárati idő"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Sikertelen"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Sikertelen:"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Formátum"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Telepítés"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Naplók"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Áttelepítés"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Semmi"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Oldalak:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "Szavazásazonosító"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Szavazás törölve"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Szavazások"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Törlés"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Szavazások törlése"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Törölve:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás megtekintése"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Kihagyva:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Állapot"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Sikeres:"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Sikeres"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Összegzés"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "Várakozás"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "szavazás van most az adatbázisban"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Ellenőrizd újra"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Fontold meg az OpenSSL PHP kiterjesztés engedélyezését a növelt biztonság "
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Fontold meg a data.timezone megadását a php.ini fájlban."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"Fontold meg a „session.cookie_httponly = 1” beállítását a php.ini fájlban, "
+"vagy add hozzá a „php_value session.cookie_httponly 1” szöveget a .htaccess "
+"fájlhoz, hogy a sütiket ne lehessen Javascripten keresztül elérni."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Telepítés folytatása"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "A sütik csak HTTP felől kerülnek kiszolgálásra"
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Telepítés ellenőrzése"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "OpenSSL kiterjesztés betöltve."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "PHP Intl kiterjesztés engedélyezve."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "A PHP %s elégséges (legalább PHP %s szükséges)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"A konfigurációs fájl könyvtára (%s) nem írható, és a konfigurációs fájl (%s) "
+"nem létezik."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "A konfigurációs fájl könyvtára (%s) írható."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "A konfigurációs fájl létezik."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"A sablonok fordítási könyvtára (%s) nem létezik itt: „%s”. Kezdd újra a "
+"telepítési folyamatot."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr "A sablonok fordítási könyvtára (%s) nem írható."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "A sablonok fordítási könyvtára (%s) írható."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "Engedélyezned kell a PHP Intl kiterjesztést."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr "A PHP %s túl régi. Az alkalmazáshoz legalább PHP %s szükséges."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone beállítva."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás hozzáadása a szavazáshoz."
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás mentve"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Hozzászólások"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr "Az űrlap elküldése előtt add meg neved és a hozzászólásod"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás eltávolítása"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás beküldése"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y. %B %e., %A"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%Y. %B %e., %A"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y %B"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%Y.%m.%d."
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%e., %a"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%Y.%m.%d. %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Időintervallum hozzáadása"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Záró dátum"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Kezdő dátum"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "Y.m.d."
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Legfeljebb 4 hónapot válaszhatsz"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "év.hónap.nap."
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "A(z) „%s” szavazás hivatkozásának szerkesztése"
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "A szavazatod szerkesztéséhez szükséges hivatkozás:"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Ha szeretnéd, elküldhetjük e-mailben a személyre szabott hivatkozásodat. "
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Várj %d másodpercet mielőtt elküldjük neked az e-mailt, aztán próbáld újra."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Elküldés"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "Az e-mail cím helytelen."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Az emlékeztető sikeresen elküldve!"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Szavazat hozzáadása sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "Üres oszlop nem hozható létre."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nem hozató létre a config.php fájl itt: „%s”."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"A sütik le vannak tiltva a böngésződben. Engedélyezni kell őket a szavazás "
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Adj meg egy nevet"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Adj meg egy nevet és a hozzászólásod."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Adj meg egy címet"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Adj meg egy e-mail címet"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+"Hiba a szavazatszám korlátozásában: az érték 0-nál nagyobb egész szám kell "
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Hiba!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "Az összes hozzászólás törlése sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "Az összes szavazat törlése sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Oszlop törlése sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás törlése sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás törlése sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Szavazat törlése sikertelen."
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás beszúrása sikertelen."
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "A szavazás mentése sikertelen"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Tiltott."
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "Az azonosító már használatban van"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"A JavaScript le van tiltva a böngésződben. Engedélyezni kell a szavazás "
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Hiányzó értékek"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "A szavazás nem található"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "A jelszó üres."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "A jelszavak nem egyeznek."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "A szavazás frissítve lett mielőtt szavaztál"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Valami hiba történt…"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Valami baj van a formátummal"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Valami baj van a formátummal: a személyre szabott URL csak alfanumerikus "
+"karaktereket és kötőjeleket tartalmazhat"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Valami baj van a formátummal: a név elején és végén nem lehetnek szóközök"
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"A cím nem megfelelő. Érvényes e-mail címet kell megadj (pl. r."
+", hogy el tudjuk küldeni a szavazáshoz tartozó "
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "Az oszlop már létezik"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "A név érvénytelen."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "A választott név már szerepel ebben a szavazásban."
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "Probléma van a választásaiddal"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr "Az azonosító nem engedélyezett"
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Ez a szavazás nem létezik."
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "Nem sikerült csatlakozni az adatbázishoz"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "Szavazat frissítése sikertelen"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Már szavaztál"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"Nem hozhatsz létre rejtett eredményű szavazást a következő beállítással:"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "Nem választhatsz ki többet %d dátumnál"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"Nem töltötted ki a szavazás létrehozás első szakaszát, vagy lejárt a "
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"A szavazatod nem lett beleszámítva, mert valaki időközben szavazott, és ez "
+"ütközik a választásaiddal és a szavazás feltételeivel. Próbáld újra."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Cím"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Létrehozott szavazások"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Legyen szép napod!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Ez a szavazások listája, amit a %s alkalmazásban kezelsz:"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha nem te voltál, és úgy gondolod hogy ez visszaélés, akkor értesítsd az "
+"adminisztrátort a(z) %s e-email címen."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Legutóbbi elérés ideje"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Szavazásaid listája"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"UI: ez az e-mail azért lett elküldve, mert Te – vagy valaki más – kérte az "
+"erről az e-email  címről létrehozott szavazások listáját. "
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Az ebben a böngészőben mentett szavazások"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Szavazások listája elküldve"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Az összes szavazás eltávolítása a böngésző indexéből"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Szavazás eltávolítása az indexből"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Szavazások elküldése"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Szavazások elküldése e-mailben"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "Az időpont, amikor létrehoztad vagy legutóbb elérted a szavazást"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "A szavazás címe"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "Még nincsenek szavazások mentve a böngésződben"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Az adatok törléséhez kattintson a kuka ikonra a megfelelő sorban, vagy "
+"kattints a „szavazások indexének törlése” lehetőségre. Ez nem törli a "
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Hogy segítsünk megtalálni az előző szavazásaidat, minden szavazást elmentünk "
+"a böngésződben. Ez az adat csak a böngészőben kerül mentése. A következő "
+"adatokról van szó:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Meglátogatott szavazások"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "( formátumban)"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Hozzáadás"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Vissza"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Vissza a következő weboldalra:"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Mégse"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Klasszikus"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Bezárás"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Hozd létre a saját szavazásaid"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Létrehozási idő:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Dátum"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Nap"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Leírás"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Szerkesztés"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Kezdőlap"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Információ"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Jelmagyarázat:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Hivatkozás"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Következő"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nem"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Az oldal előállítva:"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Eltávolítás"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Mentés"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Keresés"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Idő"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Feltételes"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Érvényesítés"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Igen"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Az e-mail címed"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Neved"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "nap"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "ennél:"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "hónap"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "másodperc"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "szavazat alapján"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "szavazat alapján"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "–"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Szokásos szavazás létrehozása"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Esemény ütemezése"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "Hol vannak a szavazásaim?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Adminisztrátor e-mail címe"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Alkalmazás neve"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "Tiszta URL"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Adatbázis-meghajtó"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Adatbázis gépneve"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Adatbázis portja"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Alapértelmezett nyelv"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Általános"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Telepítés"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Áttelepítési tábla"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Előtag"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Válasz e-mail cím"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Felhasználó"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Nyelv módosítása"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Válassz nyelvet"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"„Az út hosszú, de út tiszta…”<br/>A Framasoft csak az adományaitokból él.<br/"
+">Előre is köszönjük a támogatásodat itt:"
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Üzenet a szerzőnek"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Szavazás értesítése: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Résztvevői hivatkozás"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Részvétel a szavazásban: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Valaki épp módosította a  szavazásodat a  <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> "
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Valaki letörölte a(z) „%s” szavazásod."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Köszönjük, hogy részt vettél az alábbi hivatkozás mentén elérhető "
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Köszönjük a bizalmat."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr "Ez a résztvevőknek küldendő üzenet."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Ezt az e-mailt NE továbbítsd a szavazás résztvevőinek, hanem tartsd titokban."
+" <br/><br/>A következő hivatkozást követve módosíthatod a szavazást"
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "szavazott.<br/>A következő hivatkozással keresheted fel a szavazást"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr "létrehozott egy szavazást"
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"frissített egy szavazatot.<br/>A következő hivatkozással keresheted fel a "
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"írt egy hozzászólást.<br/>A következő hivatkozással keresheted fel a "
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Köszönjük a megértést."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "jelenleg karbantartás alatt van."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Hozzáférés beküldése"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Hibás jelszó"
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "A szavazásban való részvételhez meg kell adj egy jelszót."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "A szavazáshoz való hozzáféréshez meg kell adj egy jelszót."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "%s lehetőség"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr "Ha szavazol, akkor az e-mail címed bárki megtekintheti"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Legjobb választás"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Legjobb választások"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Grafikon"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Eredmény grafikus ábrázolása"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Sor szerkesztése: %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Hivatkozás ennek a sornak a szerkesztéséhez"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Sor eltávolítása:"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Szavazatok mentése"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Görgetés balra"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Görgetés jobbra"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "Jelenlegi legjobb lehetőség:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "Jelenlegi legjobb lehetőségek:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr ""
+"Az adott sor szerkesztéséhez szükséges hivatkozás a vágólapra lett másolva."
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Összesen"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "„Nem” szavazat a következőre: "
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "„Igen” szavazat a következőre:"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Feltételes szavazatok ennél:"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "szavazó"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "szavazó"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Adminisztrációs hivatkozás a szavazáshoz"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Leírás szerkesztésének elvetése"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "E-mail cím szerkesztésének elvetése"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Lejárati idő szerkesztésének visszavonása"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Név szerkesztésének elvetése"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Szabály szerkesztésének elvetése"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Cím szerkesztésének elvetése"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás létrehozója"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Név szerkesztése"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Leírás szerkesztése"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "E-mail cím szerkesztése"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Lejárati idő szerkesztése"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Szabály szerkesztése"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Cím szerkesztése"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Exportálás CSV fájlba"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Nincs jelszó"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Csak a szavazatok védettek"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Jelszóval védett"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Szavazási szabályok"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Nyomtatás"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Nyilvános hivatkozás a szavazáshoz"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Összes hozzászólás törlése"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Összes szavazat törlése"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Jelszó törlése"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás törlése"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "A szavazatok rejtettek"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "A szavazatok nyilvánosak"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Részletes szerkesztő"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Leírás mentése"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "E-mail cím mentése"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Új lejárati idő mentése"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Új név mentése"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Új szabályok mentése"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Új cím mentése"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Egyszerű szerkesztő"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "A szavazás címe"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Szavazás és hozzászólások lezárása"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "A szavazatok jelszóval védettek"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Minden szavazó bármelyik szavazatot módosíthatja"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"Az azonosító megadásával a nemkívánatos személyek is könnyebben "
+"hozzáférhetnek a szavazáshoz. Javasolt jelszóval védeni."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Megerősítés"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "URL személyre szabása"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr "Az e-mail cím nem kötelező jelleggel lesz gyűjtve"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Az e-mail cím nem lesz gyűjtve"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "Az e-mail cím megadása kötelező"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "Az e-mail cím megadása kötelező, és megerősítés is szükséges"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Tovább a 2. lépéshez"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Szavazatok lehetőségenkénti számának korlátozása"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "További információk itt:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Csak a szavazás készítője láthatja az eredményt"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Nem kötelező paraméterek"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Engedélyek"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Szavazás létrehozása (1/3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Hivatkozás a szavazáshoz"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Szavazás címe"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "E-mail értesítés küldése minden egyes hozzászóláskor"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "E-mail értesítés küldése minden egyes szavazatkor"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "A kötelező mezők nem maradhatnak üresen."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "Az azonosító betűket, számokat és kötőjeleket („-”) tartalmazhat."
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "Az eredmények nyilvánosan láthatóak"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr "Markdown formátumot is használhatsz a leírás vonzóbbá tételéhez. "
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Hozzáférés korlátozása jelszóval"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Érték maximuma"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "A szavazók módosíthatják a saját szavazataikat"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "A szavazatokat nem lehet módosítani"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Figyelmeztetés: Bárki láthatja a szavazók e-mail címeit, mert bármely "
+"szavazó bármelyik szavazatot módosíthatja. Célszerű korlátozni a "
+"jogosultsági szabályokat."
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "A szavazás létrehozási szakaszban vagy."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Kedvedre ki- vagy bekapcsolhatod a szerkesztőt."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "lehetőségenkénti szavazatok száma"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Tovább a 3. lépéshez"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Vissza az 1. lépéshez"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Lehetőség hozzáadása"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Hivatkozás vagy kép hozzáadása"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Alternatív szöveg"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Hivatkozásokat és képeket a következő módon lehet beágyazni:"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "Markdown szintaxis"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Szavazási beállítások (2/3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Lehetőség eltávolítása"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Ezek nem kötelező mezők. Itt megadhatsz egy hivatkozást, egy képet vagy "
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr "Egy szavazás létrehozásához legalább két lehetőséget kell megadni."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "A kép URL-e"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "A gombokkal adhatsz hozzá és vehetsz el lehetőségeket"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Nap hozzáadása"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Idősáv hozzáadása"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Válassz dátumokat a szavazáshoz"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Idősávok átmásolása az első napból"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Minden egyes napnál szabadon adhatsz meg találkozási időket (például „8h”, "
+"„8:30”, „8h-10h”, „este” stb.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Szavazási dátumok (2/3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Nap eltávolítása"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Idősáv eltávolítása"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Összes nap eltávolítása"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Összes idősáv eltávolítása"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Nap eltávolítása"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Egy esemény ütemezéséhez legalább két lehetőséget kell megadni (azaz két "
+"idősávot egy nap, vagy két napot)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr "A gombokkal további napokat és idősávokat adhatsz hozzá."
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Vissza a 2. lépéshez"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "A szavazás létrehozásának megerősítése"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás létrehozása"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Lejárati idő:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Lehetőségek listája"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha megerősíted a szavazás létrehozását, automatikusan át leszel irányítva a "
+"szavazás adminisztrációs oldalára."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Eltávolítási idő és megerősítés (3/3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Aztán két e-mailt fogsz kapni: egyet ami a résztvevőknek elküldendő "
+"hivatkozást tartalmazza, és egy másikat, amely a szavazás adminisztrációs "
+"oldalának hivatkozását tartalmazza."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Lejárati időt adhatsz meg a szavazáshoz."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "A szavazásod automatikusan archiválva lesz"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "A szavazásod %d nap után automatikusan archiválva lesz."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "a szavazás utolsó dátuma után."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Oszlop hozzáadása"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Oszlop hozzáadása"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Összes hozzászólás törölve"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Összes szavazat törölve"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"A szavazás adminisztrátoraként ezzel a gombbal módosíthatod a szavazás "
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Vissza a szavazáshoz"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Lehetőség hozzáadva"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr "Az erre szavazó felhasználók e-mail címének begyűjtése"
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Oszlop törölve"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Hozzászólás törölve"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Az összes hozzászólás eltávolításának megerősítése"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Az összes szavazat eltávolításának megerősítése"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Az oszlop eltávolításának megerősítése."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "A szavazás eltávolításának megerősítése"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás törlése"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Végül, módosíthatod a szavazás tulajdonságait, mint a címet, hozzászólásokat "
+"vagy az e-mail címedet."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Hozzászólások megtartása"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "A hozzászólások megtartása"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Szavazás megtartása"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Szavazatok megtartása"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "A szavazás megtartása"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Szavazatok megtartása"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Szavazás teljesen törölve"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Szavazás mentve"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Oszlop eltávolítása"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Hozzászólások eltávolítása"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Szavazatok eltávolítása"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "A szavazás létrehozva."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Szavazat törölve"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Új ütemezési dátumot adhatsz hozzá a szavazáshoz."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "A szavazásod eltávolítva."
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr "és új oszlop hozzáadása ezzel:"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "oszlop vagy sor törlése ezzel:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Törlési idő:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha szeretnél részt venni ebben a szavazásban, meg kell adnod a nevet, a "
+"válaszaidat, és a sor végén lévő mentés gombra kattintva be kell küldened. "
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"Az adminisztrátor lezárta ezt a szavazást. A szavazatok és hozzászólások be "
+"lettek fagyasztva."
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "A szavazás lejárt. Hamarosan törölve lesz."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"A szavazatod el lett mentve, de ne felejtsd el megőrizni a személyre szabott "
+"hivatkozásodat, hogy a szavazatodat később módosítani tudd."
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+# Adriano Peluso <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Paolo Mauri <>, 2018. #zanata
+# quartz <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
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+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: it\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Create un sondaggio"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Definite le date o il titolo"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Discutete e prendete la vostra decisione"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Volete "
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate è un servizio online per pianificare un appuntamento o prendere "
+"una decisione velocemente e facilmente. Non è richiesta nessuna "
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Ecco come funziona:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Inviate il link ai vostri amici o colleghi"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Cos'è?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "vedere un esempio?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "licenza CeCILL-B"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "È  disciplinato dalla"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr "Framadate si basa su "
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "Il software"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"un software sviluppato dall'Università di Strasburgo. Oggi il suo sviluppo è "
+"portato avanti dall'associazione Framasoft."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Coltivate il vostro giardino"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Se voleste installare questo software per un vostro utilizzo e quindi "
+"aumentare la vostra autonomia, vi potremmo aiutare su:"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+"Per partecipare allo sviluppo del software, proporre dei miglioramenti o "
+"semplicemente scaricarlo, si può accedere al"
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "sito di sviluppo"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Azioni"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Amministrazione"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autore"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Ritorna all'amministrazione"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Modificare il sondaggio"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Eseguito"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Scadenza"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Fallimento"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Fallito:"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Formato"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installazione"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Log"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migrazione"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Niente"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Pagine:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "ID del sondaggio"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Sondaggio cancellato"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Sondaggi"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Depurare"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Depurare i sondaggi"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Depurati:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Vedere il sondaggio"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Saltato:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Successo:"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Successo"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Sommario"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Titolo"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Voti"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "Attendi"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "sondaggi presenti nel database attualmente"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Verifica nuovamente"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Prendi in considerazione di attivare l'estensione PHP OpenSSL per migliorare "
+"la sicurezza."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr ""
+"Prendi in considerazione di configurare la date.timezone dentro al file php."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"IT_Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or "
+"add « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that "
+"cookies can't be accessed through Javascript."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Continuare l'installazione"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "I cookies sono forniti esclusivamente con HTTP."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Verifica dell'installazione"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "L'estensione PHP OpenSSL è caricata."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "L'estensione PHP Intl è attiva."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "La versione di PHP %s è sufficiente (è richiesto almeno PHP %s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"La directory (%s) dei file di configurazione non ha i permessi di scrittura "
+"e il file di configurazione (%s) non esiste."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr ""
+"La directory (%s) dei file di configurazione è accessibile in scrittura."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "Il file di configurazione esiste."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"La directory (%s) per il template compilato non esiste in \"%s\". Riprova il "
+"processo di installazione."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr ""
+"La directory (%s) per il template compilato non ha i permessi di scrittura."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr ""
+"La directory (%s) per il template compilato è accessibile in scrittura."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "È necessario attivare l'estensione PHP Intl."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"La tua versione di PHP (%s) è troppo vecchia. Questa applicazione richiede "
+"almeno PHP %s."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone è definita."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Aggiungere un commento al sondaggio"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Il vostro commento"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Commento aggiunto"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Commenti dei partecipanti"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr "Inserisci il tuo nome e un commento prima di inviare il form"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Eliminare il commento"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Inviare il commento"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Aggiungere un intervallo tra 2 date"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Data finale"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Data iniziale"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "d/m/Y"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Potete selezionare al massimo 4 mesi"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "dd/mm/yyyy"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "giorno / mese / anno"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Modifica il link del sondaggio \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Ecco il link per modificare il vostro voto :"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Se non vuoi perdere i tuoi link personalizzati, possiamo inviarlo con un'e-"
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Prego attendi %d secondi prima che possiamo inviarvi l'e-mail, poi riprovate."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+msgstr "Promemoria"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Invio"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "Indirizzo e-mail non corretto."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Il vostro promemoria è stato inviato con successo !"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Aggiunta del voto fallito"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "Impossibile creare una colonna vuota."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Impossibile creare il file config.php in '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Commento fallito"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"I cookies non sono permessi sul vostro browser. È necessario permetterli per "
+"creare un sondaggio."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Non avete inserito il nome !"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Inserire un nome e un commento!"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "È necessario inserire un titolo !"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "È necessario inserire un indirizzo e-mail!"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+"Errore sulla limitazione di quantità di voti: il valore deve essere un "
+"numero intero maggiore di 0"
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Errore!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "Impossibile eliminare tutti i commenti"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "Impossibile eliminare tutti i voti"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Impossibile eliminare la colonna"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "Impossibile cancellare il commento"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "Impossibile cancellare il sondaggio"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Impossibile cancellare il voto!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Errore nell'inserimento del commento !"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "Errore nel salvataggio del sondaggio"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Proibito!"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "L'identificativo del sondaggio è già in uso"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Javascript è disattivato sul vostro browser. E' necessario attivarlo per "
+"creare un sondaggio."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Valori mancanti"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "Nessun sondaggio trovato"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "La password è vuota."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Le password non corrispondono."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "Il sondaggio è stato aggiornato prima del tuo voto"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Qualcosa non è corretto..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Qualche errore nel formato"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"C'è un errore nel formato: l'URL personalizzato deve contenere solo "
+"caratteri alfanumerici e trattini."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr "C'è un errore nel formato: il nome non può avere spazi prima o dopo"
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"L'indirizzo inserito non è corretto ! È necessario un indirizzo e-mail "
+"valido (per esempio per ricevere il link del "
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "La colonna esiste già"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "Nome non valido."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "Il nome che avete scelto esiste già !"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "C'è un problema con la vostra scelta"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr "Questo identificatore non è permesso"
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Questo sondaggio non esiste più !"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al database"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "Aggiornamento del voto fallito"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Hai già votato"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"Non potete creare un sondaggio con i risultati nascosti con queste opzioni: "
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "Non puoi scegliere più di %d date"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"Non hai completato la prima sezione del sondaggio o la tua sessione è "
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"IT_Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Indirizzo"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Sondaggio creato"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Buona giornata!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Ecco la lista dei sondaggi che gestisci su %s :"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Se non hai richiesto tu questa azione o se pensi si tratti di un abuso, puoi "
+"segnalarlo all'amministratore a %s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr "Il suo indirizzo"
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Ultimo accesso"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Lista dei tuoi sondaggi"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS : questa e-mail è stata inviata perché tu – o qualcun altro – ha "
+"richiesto il recupero dei sondaggi creati tramite il tuo indirizzo e-mail."
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Sondaggio salvato nel browser"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Sondaggi inviati"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Rimuovi tutti i sondaggi dalla memoria del browser"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Rimuovi il sondaggio dalla memoria"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Invia i miei sondaggi"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Invia i mi ei sondaggi per e-mail"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "La data di creazione o di ultimo accesso al sondaggio"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "Il titolo del sondaggio"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "Non ci sono ancora sondaggi salvati nel tuo browser"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Per cancellare i dati clicca sul cestino sulla linea o clicca l'opzione "
+"«cancella l'indice del mio sondaggio». Questo non cancellerà il tuo "
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Per aiutarti a trovare i tuoi precedenti sondaggi abbiamo salvato ogni "
+"sondaggio che hai creato o a cui hai avuto accesso nel tuo browser. Queste "
+"informazioni sono salvate solo nel browser. Le seguenti informazioni "
+"verranno salvate:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Sondaggi visitati"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(nel formato"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Aggiungere"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Precedente"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Ritornare all'home page"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Annulla"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Scelta"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Classico"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Chiudere"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Crea il tuo sondaggio"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Data di creazione:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "giorni"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descrizione"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Modificare"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate è un servizio online per pianificare un appuntamento o prendere "
+"una decisione velocemente e facilmente."
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Home Page"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Informazioni"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Legenda:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Link"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Continua"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "No"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Pagina generata in"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Sondaggio"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Cancella"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Salva"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cerca"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Orario"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Se necessario"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Conferma"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Sì"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Il tuo indirizzo e-mail"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Il tuo nome"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "giorni"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "per"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "mesi"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "secondi"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "voto"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "voti"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "con"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Creare un sondaggio"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Creare un evento"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "Dove sono i miei sondaggi?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Indirizzo e-mail dell'applicazione"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Nome dell'applicazione"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "Cancella URL"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Database driver"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Hostname del database"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Nome del database"
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Database port"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Lingua predefinita"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generale"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Installare"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Tabella di migrazione"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Password"
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Prefisso"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "E-mail di risposta"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Utente"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Cambiare la lingua"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Scegliere la lingua"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"« La strada è lunga, ma la via è libera… »<br/> Framasoft vive solo grazie "
+"alle vostre donazioni.<br/> Grazie in anticipo per il vostro sostegno https:/"
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Messaggio per l'autore"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Notifica di sondaggio: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Per diffondere ai partecipanti al sondaggio"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Partecipazione al sondaggio: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Qualcuno ha appena cambiato il vostro sondaggio disponibile al seguente link "
+"<a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a>."
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Qualcuno ha appena cancellato il vostro sondaggio \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Grazie per la tua partecipazione al sondaggio al seguente link"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Grazie per la vostra fiducia."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr ""
+"Questo è il messaggio che deve essere inviato ai partecipanti. \n"
+"Potete ora inviare questo messaggio a tutte le persone a cui volete chiedere "
+"il voto."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Questo messaggio NON deve essere inviato ai partecipanti. Si dovrebbe tenere "
+"privato.<br/><br/>Puoi modificare il tuo sondaggio al seguente link"
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"Voto aggiunto.<br/>\n"
+"Puoi visualizzare il sondaggio con il link seguente"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr "È stato creato un sondaggio intitolato "
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"hai appena aggiornato un voto.<br/>\n"
+"Puoi trovare il tuo sondaggio con il link seguente"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"hai appena inserito un commento.<br/>\n"
+"Puoi trovare il tuo sondaggio con al link seguente"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Grazie per la vostra comprensione."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "L'applicazione"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "è in manutenzione.."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Accesso"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Password sbagliata."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "Devi inserire la password per poter partecipare a questo sondaggio."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Devi inserire la password per accedere a questo sondaggio."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "%s option"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr "Chiunque può vedere il tuo indirizzo mail dopo il tuo voto"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Scelta migliore"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Scelte migliori"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Grafico"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Mostra il grafico dei risultati"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Modificare la riga : %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Link per modificare questa linea"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Eliminare la riga :"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Salvare le scelte"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Spostare a sinistra"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Spostare a destra"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "La migliore scelta per ora è:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "Le migliori scelte per ora sono:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr "Il link per modificare questa linea è stato copiato negli appunti!"
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Totale"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Scegliere \"no\" per"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Scegliere \"sì\" per"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Voti sotto riserva per"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "Votante"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "Votanti"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Link per amministrare il sondaggio"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Annullare la modifica della descrizione"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Annullare la modifica dell'email"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Annulla il cambio di data di scadenza"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Annulla il cambio di nome"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Annullare le modifica dei permessi"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Annullare la modifica del titolo"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Autore del sondaggio"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Modifica il nome"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Modificare la descrizione"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Modificare l'email"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Cambiare la data di scadenza"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Modificare i permessi del sondaggio"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Modificare il titolo"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Esportare in CSV"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Nessuna password"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Solo i voti sono protetti"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Protetto da una password"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Permessi del sondaggio"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Stampare"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Link pubblico del sondaggio"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Eliminare tutti i commenti"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Eliminare tutti i voti"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Eliminare la password"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Eliminare il sondaggio"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "I risultati sono nascosti"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "I risultati sono visibili"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Editor avanzato"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Salvare la descrizione"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Salvare l'email"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Salvare la data di scadenza"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Salvare il nuovo nome"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Salvare i nuovi permessi"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Salvare il nuovo titolo"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Editor semplice"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Titolo del sondaggio"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr "Gli indirizzi email degli utenti sono memorizzati"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr "Gli indirizzi mail degli utenti sono memorizzati e richiesti"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+"Gli indirizzi mail degli utenti sono memorizzati, richiesti e verificati"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Gli indirizzi mail degli utenti non sono memorizzati"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "I voti e i commenti sono bloccati"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Voti protetti da una password"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Tutti i votanti possono cambiare tutti i voti"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"Definendo un ID si può facilitare l'accesso al sondaggio persone non "
+"desiderate. Si raccomanda di proteggerlo con una password."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr "Memorizza gli indirizzi email"
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Conferma della password"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Personalizzare il link"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr "Gli indirizzi email sono memorizzati ma non sono richiesti"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Gli indirizzi email non sono memorizzati"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "Indirizzo email richiesto"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "Indirizzo email richiesto e verificato"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Andare al punto 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Limitate la quantità di votanti per opzione"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Maggiori informazioni qui:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Solo il creatore sondaggio può vedere i risultati"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Parametri opzionali"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permessi"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Creazione del sondaggio (1 di 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "ID del sondaggio"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Titolo del sondaggio"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Per ricevere una e-mail per ogni nuovo commento"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Per ricevere un'email per ogni nuovo voto"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Riempire i campi obbligatori, segnati con *."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "L'ID può contenere lettere,cifre e trattini \"-\"."
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "I risultati sono visibili senza password"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Per rendere la descrizione più gradevole, puoi usare la sintassi Markdown."
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Utilizza una password per limitare l'accesso al sondaggio"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Valore massimos"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "I partecipanti possono modificare il loro voto in autonomia"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Nessun voto può essere modificato"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Attenzione: chiunque può vedere gli indirizzi mail degli utenti fino a "
+"quando i votanti possono modificare la propria scelta. Si devono impostare "
+"delle regole di accesso."
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Hai scelto di creare un nuovo sondaggio."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Puoi abilitare o disabilitare l'editor"
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "Limitare la quantità di votanti per opzione"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Andare al punto 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Torna al punto 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Aggiungere un scelta"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Aggiungi un collegamento o di un'immagine"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Testo alternativo"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "E 'possibile inserire link o immagini utilizzando"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "Sintassi Markdown"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Scelta delle opzioni (2 di 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Eliminare l'ultima scelta"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Questi campi sono facoltativi. Puoi aggiungere un link, un'immagine o "
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr ""
+"Per creare un sondaggio convenzionale, è necessario fornire almeno due "
+"scelte diverse."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL dell'immagine"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "Puoi aggiungere o eliminare delle scelte ulteriori con i pulsanti"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Aggiungere un giorno"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Aggiungere un orario"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Scegli le date del tuo sondaggio"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Copia gli orari del primo giorno"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Per ogni giorno selezionato, hai la possibilità di scegliere o meno, le ore "
+"dell'incontro (per esempio : \"8h\", \"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"sera\", etc.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Scelta delle date (2 di 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Eliminare l'ultimo giorno"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Eliminare l'ultimo orario"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Cancellare tutti i giorni"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Cancellare tutti gli orari"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Eliminare questo giorno"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Per creare un evento,  è meglio proporre almeno 2 scelte (2 orari per lo "
+"stesso giorno o 2 giorni)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Puoi aggiungere o eliminare dei giorni et orari ulteriori con i pulsanti"
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Torna al punto 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Conferma la creazione del tuo sondaggio"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Crea il sondaggio"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Archivio Data:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Liste delle tue scelte"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Un volta che hai confermato la creazione del sondaggio, sarai reindirizzati "
+"automaticamente sulla pagina di amministrazione del tuo sondaggio."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Data di scadenza e conferma (3 di 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Nello stesso momento, riceverai 2 email : una con il Link verso il tuo "
+"sondaggio da inoltrare ai partecipanti, l'altra con il Link verso la pagina "
+"di amministrazione del sondaggio."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Si può decidere su una data più vicina di archiviazione."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Il tuo sondaggio sarà archiviato automaticamente"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Il tuo sondaggio verrà archiviata automaticamente in %d giorni."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "dopo l'ultimo giorno del tuo sondaggio"
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Aggiungere una colonna"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Aggiunta di una colonna"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Tutti i commenti sono stati cancellati"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Tutti i voti sono stati rimossi"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"Essendo l'amministratore, puoi modificare tutte le righe di questo sondaggio "
+"con questo pulsante"
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Torna al sondaggio"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Scelta aggiunta"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr "Raccogli le mail degli utenti che hanno scelto questa opzione"
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Colonna rimossa"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Commento rimosso"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Confermare l'eliminazione di tutti i commenti di questo sondaggio"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Confermare l'eliminazione di tutti i voti del sondaggio"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Confermare l'eliminazione della colonna."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Confermare l'eliminazione del sondaggio "
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Cancella il sondaggio"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Potete infine modificare le informazioni relative a questo sondaggio come il "
+"titolo, i commenti o la vostra email."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Tenere commenti"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Tenere commenti"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Tenere il sondaggio"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Tenere voti"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Mantengo questo sondaggio"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Tenere voti"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Sondaggio completamente rimosso"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Sondaggio salvato"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Cancellare la colonna"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Eliminare i commenti"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Rimuovere i voti"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "Il sondaggio è stato creato."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr "Voto aggiunto"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Voto cancellato"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr "Voto aggiornato"
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Puoi aggiungere una data al tuo sondaggio."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Il tuo sondaggio è stato eliminato!"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr ""
+"e se vi foste dimenticati di inserire una scelta, potreste aggiungere una "
+"colonna cliccando su"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr " cancellare una colonna o una riga con "
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+"Gli utenti che esprimono la preferenza \"Se necessario\" per questa opzione "
+"hanno lasciato il proprio indirizzo email:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Gli utenti che esprimono la preferenza \"No\" per questa opzione hanno "
+"lasciato il proprio indirizzo email:"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+"Gli utenti che esprimono la preferenza \"Si\" per questa opzione hanno "
+"lasciato il proprio indirizzo email:"
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Data di cancellazione:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Per partecipare a questo sondaggio, è necessario inserire vostro nome, "
+"scegliere tutti i parametri che preferite e confermare la vostra scelta con "
+"il pulsante alla fine della riga."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"L'amministratore ha bloccato questa indagine. Voti e commenti sono "
+"congelati, non è più possibile partecipare"
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "Il sondaggio è scaduto, sarà presto rimosso."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Il tuo voto è stato preso in considerazione, ma attenzione: questa indagine "
+"consente la modifica del voto solo con il seguente link personalizzato; "
+"tenerlo al sicuro!"
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..dcc0fa16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1921 @@
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas De Backer <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:49+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Maak een poll"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Voer datums of onderwerpen waaruit gekozen kan worden in"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Discussieer en neem een beslissing"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Wil je"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate is een online service om snel en makkelijk een afspraak te plannen "
+"of een beslissing te nemen. Je hoeft je niet te registreren."
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Het werkt als volgt:"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Stuur de link naar de poll naar je vrienden of collega's"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Wat is Framadate?"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "een voorbeeld bekijken?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "CeCILL-B licentie"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Framadate is gelicenseerd onder de"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr ""
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "Framadate"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"software ontwikkeld door de Universiteit van Straatsburg. Het wordt "
+"tegenwoordig ontwikkeld door de Framasoft vereniging."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Kweek je eigen"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Als je de software wil installeren voor eigen gebruik en zo je "
+"onafhankelijkheid wil vergroten, kunnen we je helpen op:"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "de ontwikkeling-website"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Acties"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Beheer"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Auteur"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Terug naar beheerpagina"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Bewerk poll"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Uitgevoerd"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Vervaldatum"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Gefaald"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Gefaald:"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Formaat"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installatie"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Logs"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migratie"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Niets"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Pagina's:"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "Poll ID"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Polls"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Leegmaken"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Maak de polls leeg"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Leeggemaakt:"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Ga naar poll"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Overgeslagen:"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Gelukt:"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Gelukt"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Samenvatting"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "Aan het wachten"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "polls in de database op dit moment"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Controleer opnieuw"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Overweeg de activering van de PHP OpenSSL extensie om de veiligheid te "
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Overweeg de instelling van date.timezone in het php.ini bestand."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"NL_Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or "
+"add « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that "
+"cookies can't be accessed through Javascript."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Installatie voortzetten"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "NL_Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Controle van de installatie"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "PHP OpenSSL extensie opgeladen."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "PHP Intl extensie is geactiveerd."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "PHP Versie %s voldoende (vereist PHP %s of hoger)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"De map van het configuratiebestand (%s) is niet schrijfbaar en het "
+"configuratiebestand (%s) bestaat niet."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "De map van het configuratiebestand (%s) is schrijfbaar."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "Het configuratiebestand bestaat."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"De map voor compilatie van sjablonen (%s) bestaat niet in \"%s\". Probeer de "
+"installatie opnieuw."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr "De map voor compilatie van sjablonen (%s) is niet schrijfbaar."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr "De map voor compilatie van sjablonen (%s) is schrijfbaar."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "U moet de PHP Intl extensie activeren."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Uw versie van PHP (%s) is te oud. Deze applicatie vereist PHP %s of hoger."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone is ingesteld."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Opmerking toevoegen aan de poll"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Jouw opmerking"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Opmerking opgeslagen"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Opmerkingen"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr "Vul je naam en een opmerking in voor het formulier in te dienen"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Verwijder opmerking"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Opmerking opslaan"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a %e %b %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Voeg een datumbereik toe"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Einddatum"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Begindatum"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "d/m/Y"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Je kan maximaal 4 maanden selecteren"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "dd/mm/yyyy"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "dag / maand / jaar"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Bewerkingslink voor de poll \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Dit is de link om jouw stem te wijzigen:"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Als je jouw persoonlijke link niet wilt verliezen, kunnen we deze per email "
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Gelieve %d seconden te wachten voor we je een email kunnen sturen. Probeer "
+"dan opnieuw."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Verzenden"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "Foutief emailadres."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Jouw herinnering is verzonden!"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Toevoegen stem gefaald"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "Kan geen lege kolom maken."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Kan het bestand config.php niet maken in '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Opmerking mislukt"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Cookies zijn uitgeschakeld in je browser. Cookies zijn nodig om een poll aan "
+"te maken."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Vul een naam in"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Vul een naam en een opmerking in!"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Voer een titel in"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Voer een emailadres in"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr ""
+"Fout over de hoeveelheid stemmen: waarde moet een getal groter dan 0 zijn."
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Fout!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "Het is niet gelukt om alle opmerkingen te verwijderen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "Het is niet gelukt om alle stemmen te verwijderen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Kolom verwijderen mislukt"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "Het is niet gelukt om de opmerking te verwijderen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "Het is niet gelukt om de poll te verwijderen"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Het is niet gelukt de stem te verwijderen!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Het is niet gelukt om de opmerking in te voegen!"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "Opslaan van de poll gefaald"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Verboden!"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "Deze ID is reeds gebruikt"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"JavaScript is uitgeschakeld in je browser. JavaScript is nodig om een poll "
+"aan te maken."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Ontbrekende waarden"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "Geen polls gevonden"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "Het wachtwoord is leeg"
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "De wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk"
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "De poll is gewijzigd voordat je stemde"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "Er is iets foutgegaan..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "Er is iets foutgegaan met het formaat"
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Er is iets fout gegaan met het formaat: persoonlijke URLs mogen enkel "
+"alfanumerieke tekens en streepjes bevatten."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Er is iets fout gegaan met het formaat: de naam mag vooraan of achteraan "
+"geen spaties bevatten"
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Het adres is niet juist! Je moet een geldig emailadres invoeren (zoals r."
+" zodat je de link naar je poll kan ontvangen."
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "De kolom bestaat reeds"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "De naam is niet geldig."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "De naam die je hebt gekozen, bestaat al in deze poll!"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "Er is een probleem met je keuzes"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Deze poll bestaat niet!"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "Kan geen verbinding maken met de database"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "Wijzigen stem gefaald"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Je hebt al gestemd"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"Je kan geen poll met verborgen resultaten maken met de volgende optie: "
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "Je kan niet meer dan %d dagen kiezen"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"Je hebt het eerste deel van de poll niet ingevuld, of je sessie is verlopen."
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Adres"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Aangemaakte polls"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Tot ziens!"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Dit is de lijst van polls die je beheert op %s:"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien je dat niet gevraagd hebt en je vermoedt misbruik van de dienst, dan "
+"kan je dat melden aan de beheerder op %s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr ""
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Laatst bezocht"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Lijst van jouw polls"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS: deze email werd verstuurd omdat jij – of iemand anders – gevraagd hebt "
+"om een lijst van polls te ontvangen die gemaakt werden om jouw emailadres."
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Polls bewaard in deze browser"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Polls verstuurd"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Verwijder al mijn polls uit het geheugen van deze browser"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Verwijder de poll uit het geheugen"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Stuur me mijn polls"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Verzend mijn polls via email"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "De datum waarop de poll aangemaakt of laatst bezocht is"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "De titel van de poll"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "Er zijn nog geen polls bewaard in je browser"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Om deze informatie te verwijderen klik je op het vuilbakje op de "
+"overeenkomstige lijn of klik je op de « verwijder mijn polls uit het "
+"geheugen » optie. Je polls zelf worden hierdoor niet verwijderd."
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Om je vorige polls makkelijk terug te vinden, bewaren we elke poll die je "
+"aanmaakt of bezoekt in je browser. Deze informatie wordt enkel in deze "
+"browser opgeslagen. De volgende informatie zal worden bewaard:"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Bezochte polls"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(in het formaat"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Toevoegen"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Vorige"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Terug naar de homepage van"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Annuleren"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Klassiek"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Sluiten"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Maak je eigen polls aan"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Aanmaakdatum:"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Datum"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "dagen"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Beschrijving"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Bewerk"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Home"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Informatie"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Legenda:"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Link"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Volgende"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nee"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Pagina gegenereerd in"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Poll"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Verwijderen"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Opslaan"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Zoek"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Tijd"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Indien nodig"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Valideer"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Je emailadres"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Je naam"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "dagen"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "voor"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "maanden"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "seconden"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "stem"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "stemmen"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "met"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Maak een standaard poll"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Plan een evenement"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "Waar zijn mijn polls?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Mailadres van de applicatie"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Naam van de applicatie"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "Schone URL"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Database driver"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Database hostname"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Database port"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Standaardtaal"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Algemeen"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Installeren"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Migratietabel"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Prefix"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Antwoordmail"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Gebruiker"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Wijzig taal"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Selecteer taal"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"\"Het is een lange weg, maar de doel is duidelijk...\"<br/>Framasoft "
+"overleeft enkel door jouw donaties.<br/>Alvast bedankt voor je ondersteuning "
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Bericht voor de autheur"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Bericht van poll: %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Link voor deelnemers"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Poll deelname: %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Iemand heeft je poll aangepast op de volgende link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a>."
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Iemand heeft zojuist je poll verwijderd \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Bedankt om deel te nemen aan de poll op de volgende link"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Bedankt voor je vertrouwen."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr ""
+"Dit is het bericht dat je kunt doorsturen aan de deelnemers van je poll."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Verzend dit bericht NIET naar de poll deelnemers. Je houdt het best privé."
+"<br/><br/>Je kan je poll aanpassen op de volgende link"
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "heeft een stem toegevoegd.<br/>Je kan je poll bezoeken op"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr "heeft zojuist een poll aangemaakt met de titel"
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "heeft een stem gewijzigd.<br/>Je kan je poll bezoeken op"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr "heeft een opmerking geplaatst.<br/>Je kan je poll bezoeken op"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Bedankt voor je begrip."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "De applicatie"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "is momenteel in onderhoud."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Inloggen"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Ongeldig wachtwoord"
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "Je moet een wachtwoord opgeven om deel te nemen aan deze poll."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Je moet een wachtwoord opgeven om toegang te krijgen tot deze poll."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr "Iedereen zal je e-mailadres kunnen zien nadat je gestemd hebt"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Beste keuze"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Beste keuzes"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Grafiek"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Toon de grafiek met resultaten"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Bewerk regel: %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Link om deze lijn aan te passen"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Verwijder regel:"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Keuzes opslaan"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Scroll naar links"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Scroll naar rechts"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "De beste keuze is op dit moment:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "De beste keuzes zijn op dit moment:"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr "De link om deze lijn aan te passen is gekopieerd naar het klembord!"
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Totaal"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Stem ‘nee’ voor"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Stem ‘ja’ voor"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Stem als nodig voor"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "ondervraagde gebruiker"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "ondervraagde gebruikers"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Admin-link naar de poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Beschrijving bewerken annuleren"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Emailadres bewerken annuleren"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Vervaldatum bewerken annuleren"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Naam bewerken annuleren"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Regels bewerken annuleren"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Titel bewerken annuleren"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Initiatiefnemer van deze poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Bewerk naam"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Bewerk de beschrijving"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Bewerk emailadres"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Bewerk de vervaldatum"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Bewerk de regels voor de poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Bewerk titel"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Exporteer naar CSV"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Geen wachtwoord"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Only votes are protected"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Beveiligd met een wachtwoord"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Regels voor de poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Print"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Publieke link naar de poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Verwijder alle opmerkingen"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Verwijder alle stemmen"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Wachtwoord verwijderen"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Verwijder de poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Resultaten zijn verborgen."
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Resultaten zijn zichtbaar."
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Geavanceerde editor"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Beschrijving opslaan"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Emailadres opslaan"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Nieuwe vervaldatum opslaan"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Nieuwe naam opslaan"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Nieuwe regels opslaan"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Nieuwe titel opslaan"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Simpele editor"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Titel van de poll"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Stemmen en opmerkingen zijn uitgeschakeld"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Stemmen beveiligd met een wachtwoord"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Alle stemmers kunnen elke stem aanpassen"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"Het gebruik van een poll ID kan de toegang tot de poll gemakkelijker maken "
+"voor ongewenste personen. Het is aangeraden om een wachtwoord in te stellen."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Bevestiging"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Link verpersoonlijken"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr ""
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Ga naar stap 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Limiteer het aantal stemmen per optie"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Meer informatie is hier te vinden:"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Alleen degene die de poll aangemaakt heeft kan de resultaten zien"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Optionele parameters"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Rechten"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Poll aanmaken (1 van 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Poll ID"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Poll titel"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Ontvang een email bij elke nieuwe opmerking"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Ontvang een email bij elke nieuwe stem"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Verplichte velden kunnen niet leeg blijven."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "(mag letters, cijfers en streepjes bevatten)"
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "De resultaten zijn zichtbaar zonder wachtwoord"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Om je beschrijving aantrekkelijker te maken, kun je het Markdown formaat "
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Toegang tot poll beperken met een paswoord"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Maximum waarde"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Stemmers kunnen hun eigen stem aanpassen"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Stemmen kunnen niet worden aangepast"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Waarschuwing: Iedereen  kan de e-mailadressen van alle stemmers zien, "
+"aangezien iedereen alle stemmen kan aanpassen. Je kan best de toegangsregels "
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Je bent in het onderdeel poll aanmaken."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Je kan de editor aan of afzetten wanneer je dat wilt."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "stemmen per optie"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Ga naar stap 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Terug naar stap 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Voeg een keuze toe"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Voeg een link of plaatje toe"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Alternatieve tekst"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Links of plaatjes kan je opnemen door gebruik te maken van"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "de Markdown syntax"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Poll keuzes (2 van 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Verwijder een keuze"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Deze velden zijn optioneel. Je kan een link of een plaatje toevoegen of "
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr "Om een poll te maken, moet je tenminste twee keuzes geven."
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL van het plaatje"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "Je kan keuzes verwijderen of toevoegen met deze knoppen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Voeg een dag toe"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Voeg een tijd toe"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Kies de datums voor je datumprikker"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Kopieer de tijden van de eerste dag"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Voor elke geselecteerde dag kan je tijden voorstellen. (Bijvoorbeeld ‘8h’, "
+"‘8:30’, ‘8h-10h’, ‘avond’, enz.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Te prikken datums (2 van 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Verwijder een dag"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Verwijder een tijd"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Verwijder alle dagen"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Verwijder alle tijden"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Verwijder deze dag"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Om een datum te prikken, moet je tenminste twee keuzes geven. (Bijvoorbeeld "
+"twee tijden op één dag of twee verschillende dagen)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Je kan extra dagen of tijden toevoegen en verwijderen met deze knoppen"
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Terug naar stap 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Bevestig het aanmaken van je poll"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Maak de poll aan"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Vervaldatum:"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Lijst van keuzes"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Als je het aanmaken van de poll hebt bevestigd, wordt je doorgestuurd naar "
+"de beheerpagina."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Verwijderdatum en bevestiging (3 van 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Daarna ontvang je twee mails: één met de link naar je poll, die je naar de "
+"deelnemers kan sturen, de andere met een link naar de beheerpagina."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Je kunt een specifieke vervaldatum voor de poll opgeven."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Je poll wordt automatisch gearchiveerd"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Je poll wordt over %d dagen automatisch gearchiveerd."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "na de laatste datum van je poll."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Kolom toevoegen"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Een kolom toevoegen"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Alle opmerkingen verwijderd"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Alle stemmen verwijderd"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"Als pollbeheerder kan je alle regels van de poll wijzigen met deze knop"
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Terug naar de poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Keuze toegevoegd"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr ""
+"Verzamel de e-mailadressen van de ondervraagde gebruikers voor de optie"
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Kolom verwijderd"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Opmerking verwijderd"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Bevestig het verwijderen van alle opmerkingen"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Bevestig het verwijderen van alle stemmen"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Bevestig de verwijdering van deze kolom."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Bevestig het verwijderen van de poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenslotte kan je de eigenschappen van deze poll wijzigen, zoals titel, "
+"opmerkingen of je emailadres."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Behoud de opmerkingen"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Behoud de opmerkingen"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Behoud de poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Behoud de stemmen"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Behoud deze poll"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Behoud de stemmen"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Poll volledig verwijderd"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Poll opgeslagen"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Kolom verwijderen"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Verwijder de opmerkingen"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Verwijder de stemmen"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "De poll is aangemaakt."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Stem verwijderd"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Je kan een nieuwe datum toevoegen aan je poll."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Je poll is verwijderd!"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr "en voeg een nieuwe kokom toe met"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "verwijder een kolom of regel met"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr ""
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Verwijderdatum:"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Als je wilt stemmen in deze poll, moet je je naam ingeven, een keuze maken "
+"en indienen door op de bewaar-knop op het einde van de lijn te klikken."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"De beheerder heeft deze poll gesloten. Stemmen en opmerkingen zijn bevroren, "
+"je kunt niet meer deelnemen."
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "De poll is verlopen, hij wordt binnenkort verwijderd."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Je stem is opgeslagen. Je hebt deze persoonlijke link nodig om je stem te "
+"kunnen wijzigen."
diff --git a/po/oc.po b/po/oc.po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f12c60a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/oc.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1950 @@
+# Luc Didry <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Quentí <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Vincent Laporte <>, 2018. #zanata
+# Quentí <>, 2019. #zanata
+# Thomas Citharel <>, 2019. #zanata
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 13:45+0200\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-19 11:49+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2\n"
+"Language: oc\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
+#: .1st+section.Create+a+poll
+msgid "Create a poll"
+msgstr "Creatz un sondatge"
+#: .1st+section.Define+dates+or+subjects+to+choose+from
+msgid "Define dates or subjects to choose from"
+msgstr "Determinatz las datas o los tèmas a causir"
+#: .1st+section.Discuss+and+make+a+decision
+msgid "Discuss and make a decision"
+msgstr "Charratz e prenètz vòstra decision"
+#: .1st+section.Do+you+want+to
+msgid "Do you want to"
+msgstr "Volètz"
+#: .1st+section.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.+No+registration+is+required.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily. No registration is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate es un servici en linha que permet d’organizar un rendètz-vos o de "
+"prene de decisions rapidament e simplament. Cap d’inscripcion es pas "
+#: .1st+section.Here+is+how+it+works:
+msgid "Here is how it works:"
+msgstr "Vaquí cossí fonciona :"
+#: .1st+section.Send+the+poll+link+to+your+friends+or+colleagues
+msgid "Send the poll link to your friends or colleagues"
+msgstr "Mandatz lo ligam del sondatge a vòstres amics o companhs"
+#: .1st+section.What+is+Framadate%3F
+msgid "What is Framadate?"
+msgstr "Primièrs passes"
+#: .1st+section.view+an+example%3F
+msgid "view an example?"
+msgstr "veire un example ?"
+#: .2nd+section.CeCILL-B+license
+msgid "CeCILL-B license"
+msgstr "licéncia CeCILL-B"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+is+licensed+under+the
+msgid "Framadate is licensed under the"
+msgstr "Es regit per la"
+#: .2nd+section.Framadate+was+initially+based+on
+msgid "Framadate was initially based on"
+msgstr "Framadate es inicialament basat sus"
+#: .2nd+section.The+software
+msgid "The software"
+msgstr "Lo logicial"
+#: .2nd+section.This+software+needs+javascript+and+cookies+enabled.+It+is+compatible+with+the+following+web+browsers:
+msgid ""
+"This software needs javascript and cookies enabled. It is compatible with "
+"the following web browsers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: +it+is+developed+by+the+Framasoft+association.
+msgid ""
+"software developed by the University of Strasbourg. These days, it is "
+"developed by the Framasoft association."
+msgstr ""
+"un logicial desvolopat per l’Universitat d’Estrasborg. Uèi son desvolopament "
+"es fach per l’associacion Framasoft."
+#: .3rd+section.Grow+your+own
+msgid "Grow your own"
+msgstr "Cultivatz vòstre òrt"
+#: .3rd+section.If+you+want+to+install+the+software+for+your+own+use+and+thus+increase+your+independence
+#: +we+can+help+you+at:
+msgid ""
+"If you want to install the software for your own use and thus increase your "
+"independence, we can help you at:"
+msgstr ""
+"Se volètz installar aqueste logicial per vòstra pròpia utilizacion e aital "
+"aver mai d’autonomia, nos podètz ajudar sus :"
+#: .3rd+section.To+participate+in+the+software+development
+#: +suggest+improvements+or+simply+download+it
+#: +please+visit
+msgid ""
+"To participate in the software development, suggest improvements or simply "
+"download it, please visit"
+msgstr ""
+"Per participar al desvolopament del logicial, prepausar de milhoraments o "
+"simplament lo telecargar, anatz sus"
+#: .3rd+section.the+development+site
+msgid "the development site"
+msgstr "lo site de desvolopament"
+#: .Admin.Actions
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Accions"
+#: .Admin.Administration
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administracion"
+#: .Admin.Author
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+#: .Admin.Back+to+administration
+msgid "Back to administration"
+msgstr "Tornar a l’administracion"
+#: .Admin.Change+the+poll
+msgid "Change the poll"
+msgstr "Modificar lo sondatge"
+#: .Admin.Email
+#: .PollInfo.Email
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Corrièl"
+#: .Admin.Executed
+msgid "Executed"
+msgstr "Executadas"
+#: .Admin.Expiry+date
+#: .Generic.Expiry+date
+msgid "Expiry date"
+msgstr "Data d’expiracion"
+#: .Admin.Fail
+msgid "Fail"
+msgstr "Fracàs"
+#: .Admin.Failed:
+msgid "Failed:"
+msgstr "Fracassat :"
+#: .Admin.Format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Format"
+#: .Admin.Installation
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installation"
+#: .Admin.Logs
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Istoric"
+#: .Admin.Migration
+msgid "Migration"
+msgstr "Migracion"
+#: .Admin.Nothing
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Res"
+#: .Admin.Pages:
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Paginas :"
+#: .Admin.Poll+ID
+msgid "Poll ID"
+msgstr "ID sondatge"
+#: .Admin.Poll+deleted
+msgid "Poll deleted"
+msgstr "Sondatge suprimit"
+#: .Admin.Polls
+msgid "Polls"
+msgstr "Sondatges"
+#: .Admin.Purge
+msgid "Purge"
+msgstr "Purga"
+#: .Admin.Purge+the+polls
+msgid "Purge the polls"
+msgstr "Purgar los sondatges"
+#: .Admin.Purged:
+msgid "Purged:"
+msgstr "Purgats :"
+#: .Admin.See+the+poll
+msgid "See the poll"
+msgstr "Veire lo sondatge"
+#: .Admin.Skipped:
+msgid "Skipped:"
+msgstr "Passat :"
+#: .Admin.Status
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Estatuts"
+#: .Admin.Succeeded:
+msgid "Succeeded:"
+msgstr "Capitat :"
+#: .Admin.Success
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Capitada"
+#: .Admin.Summary
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Resumit"
+#: .Admin.Title
+#: .FindPolls.Title
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Títol"
+#: .Admin.Votes
+#: .Poll+results.Votes
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Vòtes"
+#: .Admin.Waiting
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "En espèra"
+#: .Admin.polls+in+the+database+at+this+time
+msgid "polls in the database at this time"
+msgstr "sondatges dins la banca de donadas actualament"
+#: .Check.Check+again
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Tornar verificar"
+#: .Check.Consider+enabling+the+PHP+extension+OpenSSL+for+increased+security.
+msgid "Consider enabling the PHP extension OpenSSL for increased security."
+msgstr ""
+"Mercés de pensar a activar l’extension PHP OpenSSL per milhorar la seguritat."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+the+date.timezone+in+php.ini.
+msgid "Consider setting the date.timezone in php.ini."
+msgstr "Mercés de far cas a la definicion de date.timezone dins lo php.ini."
+#: .Check.Consider+setting+%C2%AB+session.cookie_httponly+%3D+1+%C2%BB+inside+your+php.ini+or+add+%C2%AB+php_value+session.cookie_httponly+1+%C2%BB+to+your+.htaccess+so+that+cookies+can%27t+be+accessed+through+Javascript.
+msgid ""
+"Consider setting « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » inside your php.ini or add "
+"« php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » to your .htaccess so that cookies "
+"can't be accessed through Javascript."
+msgstr ""
+"Agachatz de configurar « session.cookie_httponly = 1 » dins de vòstre php."
+"ini o ajustatz « php_value session.cookie_httponly 1 » a vòstre .htaccess "
+"per empachar d’accedir als cookies amb lo Javascript."
+#: .Check.Continue+the+installation
+msgid "Continue the installation"
+msgstr "Contunhar l’installacion"
+#: .Check.Cookies+are+served+from+HTTP+only.
+msgid "Cookies are served from HTTP only."
+msgstr "Los cookies son pas que fornits en HTTP."
+#: .Check.Installation+checking
+msgid "Installation checking"
+msgstr "Verificacions de l’installacion"
+#: .Check.OpenSSL+extension+loaded.
+msgid "OpenSSL extension loaded."
+msgstr "L’extension PHP OpenSSL es cargada."
+#: .Check.PHP+Intl+extension+is+enabled.
+msgid "PHP Intl extension is enabled."
+msgstr "L’extension PHP Intl es activada."
+#: .Check.PHP+version+%25s+is+enough+(needed+at+least+PHP+%25s).
+msgid "PHP version %s is enough (needed at least PHP %s)."
+msgstr "Version de PHP %s sufisenta (Cal almens PHP %s)."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable+and+the+config+file+(%25s)+does+not+exists.
+msgid ""
+"The config file directory (%s) is not writable and the config file (%s) does "
+"not exists."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo dorsièr del fichièr de configuracion (%s) es pas accessible en escritura "
+"e lo fichièr de configuracion (%s) existís pas."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The config file directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo dorsièr del fichièr de configuracion (%s) es accessible en escritura."
+#: .Check.The+config+file+exists.
+msgid "The config file exists."
+msgstr "Lo fichièr de configuracion existís."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+doesn%27t+exist+in+%22%25s%22.+Retry+the+installation+process.
+msgid ""
+"The template compile directory (%s) doesn't exist in \"%s\". Retry the "
+"installation process."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo dorsièr de compilacion dels modèls (%s) existís pas dins \"%s\". Ensajatz "
+"lo processús d’installacion tornamai."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+not+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is not writable."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo dorsièr de compilacion dels modèls (%s) es pas accessible en escritura."
+#: .Check.The+template+compile+directory+(%25s)+is+writable.
+msgid "The template compile directory (%s) is writable."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo dorsièr de compilacion dels modèls (%s) es accessible en escritura."
+#: .Check.You+need+to+enable+the+PHP+Intl+extension.
+msgid "You need to enable the PHP Intl extension."
+msgstr "Vos cal activar l’extension PHP Intl."
+#: .Check.Your+PHP+version+(%25s)+is+too+old.+This+application+needs+at+least+PHP+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"Your PHP version (%s) is too old. This application needs at least PHP %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Vòstra version de PHP (%s) es tròp vièlha. Aquesta aplicacion a besonh de "
+"PHP %s almens."
+msgid "date.timezone is set."
+msgstr "date.timezone es definit."
+#: .Comments.Add+a+comment+to+the+poll
+msgid "Add a comment to the poll"
+msgstr "Apondre un comentari al sondatge"
+#: .Comments.Comment
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Vòstre comentari"
+#: .Comments.Comment+saved
+msgid "Comment saved"
+msgstr "Comentari apondut"
+#: .Comments.Comments
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Comentaris dels sondats"
+#: .Comments.Enter+your+name+and+comment+prior+to+submitting+the+form
+msgid "Enter your name and comment prior to submitting the form"
+msgstr "Picatz vòstre nom e comentari d’en primièr per mandar lo formulari"
+#: .Comments.Remove+comment
+msgid "Remove comment"
+msgstr "Suprimir lo comentari"
+#: .Comments.Submit+comment
+msgid "Submit comment"
+msgstr "Mandar lo comentari"
+#: .Date.%25A+%25e+%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%A %e %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25A
+#: +%25B+%25e
+#: +%25Y
+msgid "%A, %B %e, %Y"
+msgstr "%A %e %B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25B+%25Y
+msgid "%B %Y"
+msgstr "%B %Y"
+#: .Date.%25Y-%25m-%25d
+msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y"
+#: .Date.%25a+%25e
+msgid "%a %e"
+msgstr "%a %e"
+#: .Date.%25m/%25d/%25Y+%25H:%25M
+msgid "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
+msgstr "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
+#: .Date.Add+range+dates
+msgid "Add range dates"
+msgstr "Apondre un interval de datas"
+#: .Date.End+date
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Data de fin"
+#: .Date.Start+date
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Data de debuta"
+#: .Date.Y-m-d
+msgid "Y-m-d"
+msgstr "d/m/Y"
+#: .Date.You+can+select+at+most+4+months
+msgid "You can select at most 4 months"
+msgstr "Podètz pas causir mai de 4 meses"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd
+msgid "yyyy-mm-dd"
+msgstr "dd/mm/yyyy"
+#: .Date.yyyy-mm-dd-for-humans
+msgid "year-month-day"
+msgstr "jorn / mes / annada"
+#: .EditLink.Edit+link+for+poll+%22%25s%22
+msgid "Edit link for poll \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ligam de modificacion del sondatge \"%s\""
+#: .EditLink.Here+is+the+link+for+editing+your+vote:
+msgid "Here is the link for editing your vote:"
+msgstr "Vaquí lo ligam per modificar vòstre vòte :"
+#: .EditLink.If+you+don%27t+want+to+lose+your+personalized+link
+#: +we+can+send+it+to+you+by+email.
+msgid ""
+"If you don't want to lose your personalized link, we can send it to you by "
+msgstr ""
+"Se volètz pas perdre vòstre ligam personalizat, podètz vos lo enviar per "
+#: .EditLink.Please+wait+%25d+seconds+before+we+can+send+an+email+to+you+then+try+again.
+msgid ""
+"Please wait %d seconds before we can send an email to you then try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Mercés d’esperar encara %d segondas abans que poscam vos mandar lo corrièl, "
+"puèi tornatz ensajar."
+#: .EditLink.REMINDER
+msgid "REMINDER"
+msgstr "RECÃ’RD"
+#: .EditLink.Send
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Mandar"
+#: .EditLink.The+email+address+is+not+correct.
+msgid "The email address is not correct."
+msgstr "Corrièl incorrècte."
+#: .EditLink.Your+reminder+has+been+successfully+sent%21
+msgid "Your reminder has been successfully sent!"
+msgstr "Vòstre recòrd es ben estat mandat !"
+#: .Error.Adding+vote+failed
+msgid "Adding vote failed"
+msgstr "Fracàs de l’apondon d’un vòte"
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+an+empty+column.
+msgid "Can't create an empty column."
+msgstr "Impossible de crear una colomna voida."
+#: .Error.Can%27t+create+the+config.php+file+in+%27%25s%27.
+msgid "Can't create the config.php file in '%s'."
+msgstr "Impossible de crear lo fichièr config.php dins '%s'."
+#: .Error.Comment+failed
+msgid "Comment failed"
+msgstr "Fracàs del comentari"
+#: .Error.Cookies+are+disabled+on+your+browser.+They+are+required+to+be+able+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are disabled on your browser. They are required to be able to create "
+"a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Los cookies son desactivats sus vòstre navegador. Lor activacion es "
+"requesida per la creacion d’un sondatge."
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name
+msgid "Enter a name"
+msgstr "Avètz pas picat cap de nom !"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+name+and+a+comment%21
+msgid "Enter a name and a comment!"
+msgstr "Mercé de garnir los dos camps !"
+#: .Error.Enter+a+title
+msgid "Enter a title"
+msgstr "Cal picar un títol !"
+#: .Error.Enter+an+email+address
+msgid "Enter an email address"
+msgstr "Cal picar una adreça de messatjariá !"
+#: .Error.Error+on+amount+of+votes+limitation:+Value+must+be+an+integer+greater+than+0
+msgid ""
+"Error on amount of votes limitation: Value must be an integer greater than 0"
+msgstr "Error pel limit de vòtes : la valor deu èsser un entièr màger que 0"
+#: .Error.Error%21
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Error !"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+comments
+msgid "Failed to delete all comments"
+msgstr "Fracàs de la supression de totes los comentaris"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+all+votes
+msgid "Failed to delete all votes"
+msgstr "Fracàs de la supression de totes los vòtes"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+column
+msgid "Failed to delete column"
+msgstr "Fracàs de la supression de colomna"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+comment
+msgid "Failed to delete the comment"
+msgstr "Fracàs de la supression del comentari"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+poll
+msgid "Failed to delete the poll"
+msgstr "Fracàs de la supression del sondatge"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+delete+the+vote%21
+msgid "Failed to delete the vote!"
+msgstr "Fracàs de la supression del vòte !"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+insert+the+comment%21
+msgid "Failed to insert the comment!"
+msgstr "Fracàs de l’apondon del comentari !"
+#: .Error.Failed+to+save+poll
+msgid "Failed to save poll"
+msgstr "Fracàs d’enregistrament del sondatge"
+#: .Error.Forbidden%21
+msgid "Forbidden!"
+msgstr "Defendut !"
+#: .Error.Identifier+is+already+used
+msgid "Identifier is already used"
+msgstr "L’identificant es ja utilizat"
+#: .Error.If+you+quit+now
+#: +your+changes+will+be+lost.
+msgid "If you quit now, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: .Error.JavaScript+is+disabled+on+your+browser.+It+is+required+to+create+a+poll.
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is disabled on your browser. It is required to create a poll."
+msgstr ""
+"Javascript es desactivat sus vòstre navegador. Son activacion es requesida "
+"per la creacion d’un sondatge."
+#: .Error.Missing+values
+msgid "Missing values"
+msgstr "Mancan de valors"
+#: .Error.No+polls+found
+msgid "No polls found"
+msgstr "Cap de sondatge pas trobat"
+#: .Error.Password+is+empty.
+msgid "Password is empty."
+msgstr "Lo senhal es void."
+#: .Error.Passwords+do+not+match.
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Los senhals son pas los meteisses."
+#: .Error.Poll+has+been+updated+before+you+vote
+msgid "Poll has been updated before you vote"
+msgstr "Lo sondatge es estat mes a jorn abans vòstre vòte"
+#: .Error.Something+has+gone+wrong...
+msgid "Something has gone wrong..."
+msgstr "I a quicòm que truca..."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format
+msgid "Something is wrong with the format"
+msgstr "I a quicòm que truca amb lo format."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+Customized+URLs+should+only+consist+of+alphanumeric+characters+and+hyphens.
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: Customized URLs should only consist of "
+"alphanumeric characters and hyphens."
+msgstr ""
+"Quicòm a trucat amb lo format : las URL personalizadas devon èsser "
+"compausadas de caractèrs alfanumerics e de jonhents longs."
+#: .Error.Something+is+wrong+with+the+format:+name+shouldn%27t+have+any+spaces+before+or+after
+msgid ""
+"Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or "
+msgstr ""
+"Quicòm a trucat amb lo format : lo nom deu pas conténer d’espacis avant "
+"nimai aprèp"
+#: .Error.The+address+is+not+correct%21+You+should+enter+a+valid+email+address+(
+msgid ""
+"The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like r."
+" in order to receive the link to your poll."
+msgstr ""
+"L’adreça picada es pas corrècta ! Cal una adreça valida (per exemple r."
+" per recebre lo ligam cap al sondatge."
+#: .Error.The+column+already+exists
+msgid "The column already exists"
+msgstr "La colomna existís ja"
+#: .Error.The+name+is+invalid.
+msgid "The name is invalid."
+msgstr "Lo nom es pas valid."
+#: .Error.The+name+you%27ve+chosen+already+exists+in+this+poll%21
+msgid "The name you've chosen already exists in this poll!"
+msgstr "Lo nom qu’avètz causit existís ja !"
+#: .Error.There+is+a+problem+with+your+choices
+msgid "There is a problem with your choices"
+msgstr "I a un problèma amb vòstras causidas"
+#: .Error.This+identifier+is+not+allowed
+msgid "This identifier is not allowed"
+msgstr "L’identificant es pas autorizat"
+#: .Error.This+poll+doesn%27t+exist%21
+msgid "This poll doesn't exist!"
+msgstr "Aqueste sondatge existís pas !"
+#: .Error.Unable+to+connect+to+database
+msgid "Unable to connect to database"
+msgstr "Impossible de se connectar a la banca de donadas"
+#: .Error.Update+vote+failed
+msgid "Update vote failed"
+msgstr "La mesa a jorn del vòte a fracassat"
+#: .Error.You+already+voted
+msgid "You already voted"
+msgstr "Avètz ja votat"
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+create+a+poll+with+hidden+results+with+the+following+option:+
+msgid ""
+"You can't create a poll with hidden results with the following option: "
+msgstr ""
+"Podètz pas crear de sondatges amb de resultats amagats amb las opcions "
+"d’edicion seguentas : "
+#: .Error.You+can%27t+select+more+than+%25d+dates
+msgid "You can't select more than %d dates"
+msgstr "Podètz pas causir mai de %d datas"
+#: .Error.You+haven%27t+filled+the+first+section+of+the+poll+creation
+#: +or+your+session+has+expired.
+msgid ""
+"You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session "
+"has expired."
+msgstr ""
+"Avètz pas garnit la primièra seccion de la creacion del sondatge, o vòstra "
+"session a expirat."
+#: .Error.Your+vote+wasn%27t+counted
+#: +because+someone+voted+in+the+meantime+and+it+conflicted+with+your+choices+and+the+poll+conditions.+Please+retry.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+msgstr ""
+"Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it "
+"conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."
+#: .FindPolls.Address
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Adreça"
+#: .FindPolls.Created+polls
+msgid "Created polls"
+msgstr "Sondatges creats"
+#: .FindPolls.Have+a+good+day%21
+msgid "Have a good day!"
+msgstr "Bona jornada !"
+#: .FindPolls.Here+is+the+list+of+the+polls+that+you+manage+on+%25s:
+msgid "Here is the list of the polls that you manage on %s:"
+msgstr "Vaquí la lista dels sondatges que gerissètz sus %s :"
+#: .FindPolls.If+you+weren%27t+the+source+of+this+action+and+if+you+think+this+is+an+abuse+of+the+service
+#: +please+notify+the+administrator+at+%25s.
+msgid ""
+"If you weren't the source of this action and if you think this is an abuse "
+"of the service, please notify the administrator at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Se sètz pas a l’origina d’aquesta accion e se pensatz qu’es un abús, mercés "
+"de contactar l’administrator a %s."
+#: .FindPolls.Its+address
+msgid "Its address"
+msgstr "La seuna adreça"
+#: .FindPolls.Last+access+date
+msgid "Last access date"
+msgstr "Data de darrièr accès"
+#: .FindPolls.List+of+your+polls
+msgid "List of your polls"
+msgstr "Lista de vòstres sondatges"
+#: .FindPolls.PS:+this+email+has+been+sent+because+you+%E2%80%93+or+someone+else+%E2%80%93+asked+to+get+back+the+polls+created+with+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"PS: this email has been sent because you – or someone else – asked to get "
+"back the polls created with your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"PS : aqueste corrièl es estat mandat perque avètz – o qualqu’un mai – a "
+"demandat la recuperacion dels sondatges creats amb aquesta adreça de corrièl."
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+saved+inside+this+browser
+msgid "Polls saved inside this browser"
+msgstr "Sondatges enregistrats dins aqueste navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.Polls+sent
+msgid "Polls sent"
+msgstr "Sondatges mandats"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+all+my+polls+from+this+browser%27s+index
+msgid "Remove all my polls from this browser's index"
+msgstr "Levar totes mos sondatges de l’ensenhador del navegador"
+#: .FindPolls.Remove+poll+from+index
+msgid "Remove poll from index"
+msgstr "Levar lo sondatge de l’ensenhador"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+me+my+polls
+msgid "Send me my polls"
+msgstr "Mandar mos sondatges"
+#: .FindPolls.Send+my+polls+by+email
+msgid "Send my polls by email"
+msgstr "Enviar mos sondatges per corrièl"
+#: .FindPolls.The+date+you+created+or+last+accessed+the+poll
+msgid "The date you created or last accessed the poll"
+msgstr "La data qu’avètz creat o accedit al sondatge"
+#: .FindPolls.The+title+of+the+poll
+msgid "The title of the poll"
+msgstr "Lo títol del sondatge"
+#: .FindPolls.There+are+no+polls+saved+inside+your+browser+yet
+msgid "There are no polls saved inside your browser yet"
+msgstr "Vòstre navegador a pas cap de sondatges enregistrats"
+#: .FindPolls.To+delete+this+data+click+the+trashcan+on+the+according+line+or+click+the+%C2%AB+delete+my+polls+index+%C2%BB+option.+This+won%27t+delete+your+polls.
+msgid ""
+"To delete this data click the trashcan on the according line or click the « "
+"delete my polls index » option. This won't delete your polls."
+msgstr ""
+"Per suprimir aquesta donada clicatz l’escobilhièr de la linha correspondenta "
+"o clicatz l’opcion « suprimir mon ensenhador de sondatge ». Aquò suprimirà "
+"pas vòstres sondatges."
+#: .FindPolls.To+help+you+find+your+previous+polls
+#: +we+save+each+poll+you+create+or+access+inside+your+browser.+This+data+is+saved+inside+this+browser+only.+The+following+data+will+be+saved:
+msgid ""
+"To help you find your previous polls, we save each poll you create or access "
+"inside your browser. This data is saved inside this browser only. The "
+"following data will be saved:"
+msgstr ""
+"Per vos ajudar a retrapar vòstres sondatges precedents, salvagardam cada "
+"sondatge que creatz o qu’accedissètz dins vòstre navegador. Aquestas donadas "
+"son enregistradas pas que dins aqueste navigador. Las donadas seguentas "
+"seràn salvagardadas :"
+#: .FindPolls.Visited+polls
+msgid "Visited polls"
+msgstr "Sondatges consultats"
+#: .Generic.(
+msgid "(in the format"
+msgstr "(al format"
+#: .Generic.Add
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Apondre"
+#: .Generic.Back
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Tornar"
+#: .Generic.Back+to+the+homepage+of
+msgid "Back to the homepage of"
+msgstr "Tornar a la pagina d’acuèlh de"
+#: .Generic.Cancel
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Anullar"
+#: .Generic.Choice
+#: .Step+1.Choice
+msgid "Choice"
+msgstr "Causida"
+#: .Generic.Classic
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Classic"
+#: .Generic.Close
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Tampar"
+#: .Generic.Create+your+own+polls
+msgid "Create your own polls"
+msgstr "Creatz vòstres sondatges"
+#: .Generic.Creation+date:
+msgid "Creation date:"
+msgstr "Data de creacion :"
+#: .Generic.Date
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
+#: .Generic.Day
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Jorn"
+#: .Generic.Description
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripcion"
+#: .Generic.Edit
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Modificar"
+#: .Generic.Framadate+is+an+online+service+for+planning+an+appointment+or+making+a+decision+quickly+and+easily.
+msgid ""
+"Framadate is an online service for planning an appointment or making a "
+"decision quickly and easily."
+msgstr ""
+"Framadate es un servici en linha que permet d’organizar un rendètz-vos o de "
+"prene de decisions rapidament e simplament."
+#: .Generic.Home
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Acuèlh"
+#: .Generic.Information
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Informacions"
+#: .Generic.Legend:
+msgid "Legend:"
+msgstr "Legenda :"
+#: .Generic.Link
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Ligam"
+#: .Generic.Markdown
+msgid "Markdown"
+msgstr "Markdown"
+#: .Generic.Next
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Contunhar"
+#: .Generic.No
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Non"
+#: .Generic.Page+generated+in
+msgid "Page generated in"
+msgstr "Pagina generada en"
+#: .Generic.Poll
+msgid "Poll"
+msgstr "Sondatge"
+#: .Generic.Remove
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Suprimir"
+#: .Generic.Save
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Enregistrar"
+#: .Generic.Search
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cercar"
+#: .Generic.Time
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Ora"
+#: .Generic.Under+reserve
+msgid "Under reserve"
+msgstr "Amb resèrva"
+#: .Generic.Validate
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr "Validar"
+#: .Generic.Yes
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ã’c"
+#: .Generic.Your+email+address
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Vòstra adreça"
+#: .Generic.Your+name
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Vòstre nom"
+#: .Generic.days
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "jorns"
+#: .Generic.for
+msgid "for"
+msgstr "per"
+#: .Generic.months
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "meses"
+#: .Generic.seconds
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segondas"
+msgid "vote"
+msgstr "vòte"
+#: .Generic.votes
+msgid "votes"
+msgstr "vòtes"
+#: .Generic.with
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "amb"
+#: .Homepage.Make+a+standard+poll
+msgid "Make a standard poll"
+msgstr "Crear un sondatge classic"
+#: .Homepage.Schedule+an+event
+msgid "Schedule an event"
+msgstr "Crear un sondatge especial datas"
+#: .Homepage.Where+are+my+polls%3F
+msgid "Where are my polls?"
+msgstr "Ont son mos sondatges ?"
+#: .Installation.Administrator+mail+address
+msgid "Administrator mail address"
+msgstr "Adreça de corrièl de l’aplicacion"
+#: .Installation.Application+name
+msgid "Application name"
+msgstr "Nom de l’aplicacion"
+#: .Installation.Clean+URL
+msgid "Clean URL"
+msgstr "URL clars"
+#: .Installation.Database+driver
+msgid "Database driver"
+msgstr "Pilòt de la basa de donadas"
+#: .Installation.Database+hostname
+msgid "Database hostname"
+msgstr "Nom d’òst de la basa de donadas"
+#: .Installation.Database+name
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Nom de la  basa de donadas"
+#: .Installation.Database+port
+msgid "Database port"
+msgstr "Pòrt de la basa de donadas"
+#: .Installation.Default+language
+msgid "Default language"
+msgstr "Lenga per defaut"
+#: .Installation.General
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: .Installation.Install
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Installar"
+#: .Installation.Migration+table
+msgid "Migration table"
+msgstr "Taula de migracion"
+#: .Installation.Password
+#: .Password.Password
+#: .Step+1.Password
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Senhal"
+#: .Installation.Prefix
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Prefixe"
+#: .Installation.Respond-to+mail+address
+msgid "Respond-to mail address"
+msgstr "Adreça de responsa"
+#: .Installation.User
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Utilizaire"
+#: .Language+selector.Change+language
+msgid "Change language"
+msgstr "Cambiar la lenga"
+#: .Language+selector.Select+language
+msgid "Select language"
+msgstr "Seleccionar la lenga"
+#: .Mail.%22The+road+is+long
+#: +but+the+way+is+clear%E2%80%A6%22%3Cbr/%3EFramasoft+lives+only+by+your+donations.%3Cbr/%3EThank+you+in+advance+for+your+support+
+msgid ""
+"\"The road is long, but the way is clear…\"<br/>Framasoft lives only by your "
+"donations.<br/>Thank you in advance for your support https://soutenir."
+msgstr ""
+"« La rota es longa, mai lo camin es liure… »<br/>Framasoft viu solament amb "
+"vòstres dons (qu’òm pòt tirar de vòstres impòstes).<br/> Mercé d’avança pel "
+"vòstre sosten"
+#: .Mail.Message+for+the+author
+msgid "Message for the author"
+msgstr "Messatge per l’autor"
+#: .Mail.Notification+of+poll:+%25s
+msgid "Notification of poll: %s"
+msgstr "Notificacion d’un sondatge : %s"
+#: .Mail.Participant+link
+msgid "Participant link"
+msgstr "Per difusion als sondats"
+#: .Mail.Poll+participation:+%25s
+msgid "Poll participation: %s"
+msgstr "Participacion al sondatge : %s"
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+changed+your+poll+at+the+following+link+%3Ca+href%3D%22%251%24s%22%3E%251%24s%3C/a%3E.
+msgid ""
+"Someone just changed your poll at the following link <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</"
+msgstr ""
+"Qualqu’un ven de modificar vòstre sondatge accessible amb lo ligam seguent "
+"<a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a>."
+#: .Mail.Someone+just+deleted+your+poll+%22%25s%22.
+msgid "Someone just deleted your poll \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Qualqu’un ven de suprimir vòstre sondatge \"%s\"."
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+participating+in+the+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid "Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link"
+msgstr "Mercés de vòstra participacion al sondatge al ligam seguent"
+#: .Mail.Thank+you+for+your+trust.
+msgid "Thank you for your trust."
+msgstr "Mercé per vòstra fisança."
+#: .Mail.This+is+the+message+to+forward+to+the+poll+participants.
+msgid "This is the message to forward to the poll participants."
+msgstr ""
+"Aquò es lo messatge que serà mandat als sondats.<br/>Podètz ara transmetre "
+"aqueste messatge a totas las personas susceptiblas de participar al vòte."
+#: .Mail.This+message+should+NOT+be+sent+to+the+poll+participants.+You+should+keep+it+private.+%3Cbr/%3E%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+modify+your+poll+at+the+following+link
+msgid ""
+"This message should NOT be sent to the poll participants. You should keep it "
+"private. <br/><br/>You can modify your poll at the following link"
+msgstr ""
+"Aqueste messatge deu PAS èsser mandat als participants. Vos cal lo gardar "
+"privat.<br/><br/>Podètz modificar lo sondatge amb lo ligam seguent"
+#: .Mail.added+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "added a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"ven de votar.<br/>Podètz tornar a vòstre sondatge amb lo ligam seguent"
+#: .Mail.has+just+created+a+poll+called
+msgid "has just created a poll called"
+msgstr " ven de crear un sondatge titolat "
+#: .Mail.updated+a+vote.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "updated a vote.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"ven de metre a jorn un vòte.<br/>Podètz tornar a vòstre sondatge amb lo "
+"ligam seguent"
+#: .Mail.wrote+a+comment.%3Cbr/%3EYou+can+visit+your+poll+at+the+link
+msgid "wrote a comment.<br/>You can visit your poll at the link"
+msgstr ""
+"ven de redigir un comentari.<br/>Podètz tornar a vòstre sondatge amb lo "
+"ligam seguent"
+#: .Maintenance.Thank+you+for+your+understanding.
+msgid "Thank you for your understanding."
+msgstr "Mercés de tornar dins un momenton."
+#: .Maintenance.The+application
+msgid "The application"
+msgstr "L’aplicacion"
+msgid "is currently under maintenance."
+msgstr "es en mantenença."
+#: .Password.Submit+access
+msgid "Submit access"
+msgstr "Accedir"
+#: .Password.Wrong+password
+msgid "Wrong password"
+msgstr "Senhal incorrècte."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+so+you+can+participate+to+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll."
+msgstr "Vos cal donar lo senhal per participar al sondatge."
+#: .Password.You+have+to+provide+a+password+to+access+the+poll.
+msgid "You have to provide a password to access the poll."
+msgstr "Vos cal donar lo senhal per aver accès a aqueste sondatge."
+#: .Poll+results.%25s+option
+msgid "%s option"
+msgstr "opcion %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Anyone+will+be+able+to+see+your+email+address+after+you+voted
+msgid "Anyone will be able to see your email address after you voted"
+msgstr "Tot lo monde poirà veire vòstra adreça de corrièl aprèp vòstre vòte"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choice
+msgid "Best choice"
+msgstr "Milhora causida"
+#: .Poll+results.Best+choices
+msgid "Best choices"
+msgstr "Milhoras causidas"
+#: .Poll+results.Chart
+msgid "Chart"
+msgstr "Grafic"
+#: .Poll+results.Display+the+chart+of+the+results
+msgid "Display the chart of the results"
+msgstr "Afichar lo grafic dels resultats"
+#: .Poll+results.Edit+line:+%25s
+msgid "Edit line: %s"
+msgstr "Modificar la linha : %s"
+#: .Poll+results.Link+to+edit+this+particular+line
+msgid "Link to edit this particular line"
+msgstr "Ligam per modificar aquesta linha en particular"
+#: .Poll+results.Remove+line:
+msgid "Remove line:"
+msgstr "Suprimir la linha :"
+#: .Poll+results.Save+choices
+msgid "Save choices"
+msgstr "Enregistrar las causidas"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+left
+msgid "Scroll to the left"
+msgstr "Far desfilar a man esquèrra"
+#: .Poll+results.Scroll+to+the+right
+msgid "Scroll to the right"
+msgstr "Far desfilar a man drecha"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choice+is:
+msgid "The current best choice is:"
+msgstr "Pel moment, la causida amb lo mai de vòtes es :"
+#: .Poll+results.The+current+best+choices+are:
+msgid "The current best choices are:"
+msgstr "Pel moment, las causidas amb lo mai de vòtes son :"
+#: .Poll+results.The+link+to+edit+this+particular+line+has+been+copied+to+the+clipboard%21
+msgid ""
+"The link to edit this particular line has been copied to the clipboard!"
+msgstr ""
+"Lo ligam per modificar aquesta linha en particular es estada copiada al "
+"quichapapièrs !"
+#: .Poll+results.Total
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Soma"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22no%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"no\" for"
+msgstr "Votar « non » per"
+#: .Poll+results.Vote+%22yes%22+for
+msgid "Vote \"yes\" for"
+msgstr "Votar « òc » per"
+#: .Poll+results.Votes+under+reserve+for
+msgid "Votes under reserve for"
+msgstr "Vòtes amb resèrva per"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+user
+msgid "polled user"
+msgstr "votant"
+#: .Poll+results.polled+users
+msgid "polled users"
+msgstr "votants"
+#: .PollInfo.Admin+link+for+the+poll
+msgid "Admin link for the poll"
+msgstr "Ligam d’administracion del sondatge"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+description+edit
+msgid "Cancel the description edit"
+msgstr "Anullar lo cambiament de descripcion"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+email+address+edit
+msgid "Cancel the email address edit"
+msgstr "Anullar lo cambiament d’adreça"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+expiration+date+edit
+msgid "Cancel the expiration date edit"
+msgstr "Anullar lo cambiament de data d’expiracion"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+name+edit
+msgid "Cancel the name edit"
+msgstr "Anullar lo cambiament d’autor"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+rules+edit
+msgid "Cancel the rules edit"
+msgstr "Anullar lo cambiament de permissions"
+#: .PollInfo.Cancel+the+title+edit
+msgid "Cancel the title edit"
+msgstr "Anullar lo cambiament de títol"
+#: .PollInfo.Creator+of+the+poll
+msgid "Creator of the poll"
+msgstr "Autor del sondatge"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+name
+msgid "Edit name"
+msgstr "Modificacion de l’autor"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+description
+msgid "Edit the description"
+msgstr "Modificar la descripcion"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+email+address
+msgid "Edit the email address"
+msgstr "Modificar l’adreça"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+expiry+date
+msgid "Edit the expiry date"
+msgstr "Modificar la data d’expiracion"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+the+poll+rules
+msgid "Edit the poll rules"
+msgstr "Modificar las permissions del sondatge"
+#: .PollInfo.Edit+title
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Modificar lo títol"
+#: .PollInfo.Export+to+CSV
+msgid "Export to CSV"
+msgstr "Exportar en CSV"
+#: .PollInfo.No+password
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Pas cap de senhal"
+#: .PollInfo.Only+votes+are+protected
+msgid "Only votes are protected"
+msgstr "Only votes are protected"
+#: .PollInfo.Password+protected
+msgid "Password protected"
+msgstr "Protegit per senhal"
+#: .PollInfo.Poll+rules
+msgid "Poll rules"
+msgstr "Permissions del sondatge"
+#: .PollInfo.Print
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Imprimir"
+#: .PollInfo.Public+link+to+the+poll
+msgid "Public link to the poll"
+msgstr "Ligam public del sondatge"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+comments
+msgid "Remove all comments"
+msgstr "Suprimir totes los comentaris"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+all+votes
+msgid "Remove all votes"
+msgstr "Suprimir totes los vòtes"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+password
+msgid "Remove password"
+msgstr "Levar lo senhal"
+#: .PollInfo.Remove+the+poll
+msgid "Remove the poll"
+msgstr "Suprimir lo sondatge"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+hidden
+msgid "Results are hidden"
+msgstr "Los resultats son amagats"
+#: .PollInfo.Results+are+visible
+msgid "Results are visible"
+msgstr "Los resultats son visibles"
+#: .PollInfo.Rich+editor
+msgid "Rich editor"
+msgstr "Editor avençat"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+description
+msgid "Save the description"
+msgstr "Enregistrar la descripcion"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+email+address
+msgid "Save the email address"
+msgstr "Enregistrar l’adreça"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+expiration+date
+msgid "Save the new expiration date"
+msgstr "Enregistrar la data d’expiracion"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+name
+msgid "Save the new name"
+msgstr "Enregistrar l’autor"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+rules
+msgid "Save the new rules"
+msgstr "Enregistrar las permissions novèlas"
+#: .PollInfo.Save+the+new+title
+msgid "Save the new title"
+msgstr "Enregistrar lo novèl títol"
+#: .PollInfo.Simple+editor
+msgid "Simple editor"
+msgstr "Editor simple"
+#: .PollInfo.Title+of+the+poll
+msgid "Title of the poll"
+msgstr "Títol del sondatge"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected"
+msgstr "Las adreças dels votants son reculhidas"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected+and+required
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected and required"
+msgstr "Las adreças dels votants son reculhidas e necessàrias"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+collected
+#: +required+and+verified
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are collected, required and verified"
+msgstr "Las adreças dels votants son reculhidas, necessàrias e verificadas"
+#: .PollInfo.Voters%27+email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Voters' email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Las adreças dels votants son pas reculhidas"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+and+comments+are+locked
+msgid "Votes and comments are locked"
+msgstr "Los vòtes e comentaris son clavats"
+#: .PollInfo.Votes+protected+by+password
+msgid "Votes protected by password"
+msgstr "Vòtes protegits per senhal"
+#: .Step+1.All+voters+can+modify+any+vote
+msgid "All voters can modify any vote"
+msgstr "Totes los votants pòdon modificar lors vòtes"
+#: .Step+1.By+defining+an+identifier+that+can+facilitate+access+to+the+poll+for+unwanted+people.+It+is+recommended+to+protect+it+with+a+password.
+msgid ""
+"By defining an identifier that can facilitate access to the poll for "
+"unwanted people. It is recommended to protect it with a password."
+msgstr ""
+"En utilizant un identificant aquò pòt facilitar l’accès a aqueste sondatge "
+"per de personas pas desiradas. Es recomandat d’o protegir amb un senhal."
+#: .Step+1.Collect+voters%27+email+addresses
+msgid "Collect voters' email addresses"
+msgstr "Reculhir las adreças dels votants"
+#: .Step+1.Confirmation
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmacion"
+#: .Step+1.Customize+the+URL
+msgid "Customize the URL"
+msgstr "Personalizar lo ligam"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+collected+but+not+required
+msgid "Email addresses are collected but not required"
+msgstr "Las adreças dels votants son reculhidas mas pas necessàrias"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+not+collected
+msgid "Email addresses are not collected"
+msgstr "Las adreças dels votants son pas reculhidas"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required
+msgid "Email addresses are required"
+msgstr "Las adreças de corrièl son necessàrias"
+#: .Step+1.Email+addresses+are+required+and+verified
+msgid "Email addresses are required and verified"
+msgstr "Las adreças de corrièl son necessàrias e verificadas"
+#: .Step+1.Go+to+step+2
+msgid "Go to step 2"
+msgstr "Anar a l’etapa 2"
+#: .Step+1.Limit+the+amount+of+voters+per+option
+msgid "Limit the amount of voters per option"
+msgstr "Limitar lo nombre de votants per opcion"
+#: .Step+1.More+informations+here:
+msgid "More informations here:"
+msgstr "Mai d’informacion aquí :"
+#: .Step+1.Only+the+poll+maker+can+see+the+poll+results
+msgid "Only the poll maker can see the poll results"
+msgstr "Solament lo creator del sondatge pòt veire los resultats"
+#: .Step+1.Optional+parameters
+msgid "Optional parameters"
+msgstr "Paramètres opcionals"
+#: .Step+1.Permissions
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissions"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+creation+(1+of+3)
+msgid "Poll creation (1 of 3)"
+msgstr "Creacion de sondatge (1 sus 3)"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+id
+#: .Step+1.Poll+link
+msgid "Poll link"
+msgstr "Identificant"
+#: .Step+1.Poll+title
+msgid "Poll title"
+msgstr "Títol del sondatge"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+comment
+msgid "Receive an email for each new comment"
+msgstr "Recebre un messatge per cada comentari"
+#: .Step+1.Receive+an+email+for+each+new+vote
+msgid "Receive an email for each new vote"
+msgstr "Recebre un messatge per cada participacion"
+#: .Step+1.Required+fields+cannot+be+left+blank.
+msgid "Required fields cannot be left blank."
+msgstr "Mercés de garnir totes los formularis obligatòris, marcats amb una *."
+#: .Step+1.The+identifier+can+contain+letters
+#: +numbers+and+dashes+%22-%22.
+msgid "The identifier can contain letters, numbers and dashes \"-\"."
+msgstr "L’identificant pòt contenir de letras, de chifras e de jonhents \"-\"."
+#: .Step+1.The+results+are+publicly+visible
+msgid "The results are publicly visible"
+msgstr "Los resultats son visibles sens senhal"
+#: .Step+1.To+make+the+description+more+attractive
+#: +you+can+use+the+Markdown+format.
+msgid ""
+"To make the description more attractive, you can use the Markdown format."
+msgstr ""
+"Per dire de far venir la descripcion mai bèla, podètz utilizar la sintaxi "
+#: .Step+1.Use+a+password+to+restrict+access
+msgid "Use a password to restrict access"
+msgstr "Emplegar un senhal per restrénher l’accès al sondatge"
+#: .Step+1.Value+Max
+msgid "Value Max"
+msgstr "Valor maximala"
+#: .Step+1.Voters+can+modify+their+vote+themselves
+msgid "Voters can modify their vote themselves"
+msgstr "Cadun pòt modificar son pròpri vòte"
+#: .Step+1.Votes+cannot+be+modified
+msgid "Votes cannot be modified"
+msgstr "Cap de vòte pòt pas èsser modificat"
+#: .Step+1.Warning:+Anyone+can+see+the+polled+users%27+email+addresses+since+all+voters+can+modify+any+vote.+You+should+restrict+permission+rules.
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Anyone can see the polled users' email addresses since all voters "
+"can modify any vote. You should restrict permission rules."
+msgstr ""
+"Avertiment : qual que siá pòt veire las adreças dels votants del moment que "
+"totes los votants pòdon modificar quin que siá vòte. Vos caldriá restrénher "
+"las permissions."
+#: .Step+1.You+are+in+the+poll+creation+section.
+msgid "You are in the poll creation section."
+msgstr "Avètz causit de crear un sondatge novèl."
+#: .Step+1.You+can+enable+or+disable+the+editor+at+will.
+msgid "You can enable or disable the editor at will."
+msgstr "Podètz activar o desactivar l’editor coma volgatz."
+#: .Step+1.votes+per+option
+msgid "votes per option"
+msgstr "votacion per opcion"
+#: .Step+2.Go+to+step+3
+msgid "Go to step 3"
+msgstr "Anar a l’etapa 3"
+#: .Step+2.Return+to+step+1
+msgid "Return to step 1"
+msgstr "Tornar a l’etapa 1"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+choice
+msgid "Add a choice"
+msgstr "Apondre una causida"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Add+a+link+or+an+image
+msgid "Add a link or an image"
+msgstr "Apondre un ligam o un imatge"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Alternative+text
+msgid "Alternative text"
+msgstr "Tèxte alternatiu"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Links+or+images+can+be+included+using
+msgid "Links or images can be included using"
+msgstr "Es possible d’inserir de ligams o d’imatges en emplegant "
+#: .Step+2+classic.Markdown+syntax
+msgid "Markdown syntax"
+msgstr "la sintaxi Markdown"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Poll+options+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll options (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Causida dels tèmas (2 sus 3)"
+#: .Step+2+classic.Remove+a+choice
+msgid "Remove a choice"
+msgstr "Suprimir la darrièra causida"
+#: .Step+2+classic.These+fields+are+optional.+You+can+add+a+link
+#: +an+image+or+both.
+msgid "These fields are optional. You can add a link, an image or both."
+msgstr ""
+"Aquestes camps son facultatius. Podètz apondre un ligam, un imatge o los dos."
+#: .Step+2+classic.To+create+a+poll+you+should+provide+at+least+two+different+choices.
+msgid "To create a poll you should provide at least two different choices."
+msgstr ""
+"Per crear un sondatge classic, vos cal prepausar almens doas causidas "
+#: .Step+2+classic.URL+of+the+image
+msgid "URL of the image"
+msgstr "URL de l’imatge"
+#: .Step+2+classic.You+can+add+or+remove+choices+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove choices with the buttons"
+msgstr "Podètz apondre o suprimir de causidas mai amb los botons"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+day
+msgid "Add a day"
+msgstr "Ajustar un jorn"
+#: .Step+2+date.Add+a+time+slot
+msgid "Add a time slot"
+msgstr "Ajustar un orari"
+#: .Step+2+date.Choose+dates+for+your+poll
+msgid "Choose dates for your poll"
+msgstr "Causissètz las datas de vòstre sondatge"
+#: .Step+2+date.Copy+times+from+the+first+day
+msgid "Copy times from the first day"
+msgstr "Reportar los oraris del primièr jorn suls autres jorns"
+#: .Step+2+date.For+each+selected+day
+#: +you+are+free+to+suggest+meeting+times+(e.g.
+#: +%228h%22
+#: +%228:30%22
+#: +%228h-10h%22
+#: +%22evening%22
+#: +etc.)
+msgid ""
+"For each selected day, you are free to suggest meeting times (e.g., \"8h\", "
+"\"8:30\", \"8h-10h\", \"evening\", etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Per cada jorn seleccionat avètz la possibilitat de causir o non d’oras de "
+"reünion (per exemple : \"8o\", \"8o30\", \"8o-10o\", \"ser\", etc.)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Poll+dates+(2+of+3)
+msgid "Poll dates (2 of 3)"
+msgstr "Causida de las datas (2 sus 3)"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+day
+msgid "Remove a day"
+msgstr "Suprimir lo darrièr jorn"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+a+time+slot
+msgid "Remove a time slot"
+msgstr "Suprimir lo darrièr orari"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+days
+msgid "Remove all days"
+msgstr "Suprimir totes los jorns"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+all+times
+msgid "Remove all times"
+msgstr "Suprimir totes los oraris"
+#: .Step+2+date.Remove+this+day
+msgid "Remove this day"
+msgstr "Suprimir aqueste jorn"
+#: .Step+2+date.To+schedule+an+event+you+need+to+provide+at+least+two+choices+(e.g.
+#: +two+time+slots+on+one+day+or+two+days).
+msgid ""
+"To schedule an event you need to provide at least two choices (e.g., two "
+"time slots on one day or two days)."
+msgstr ""
+"Per crear un sondatge especial datas vos cal prepausar almens doas causidas "
+"(dos oraris per la meteissa jornada o dos jorns)."
+#: .Step+2+date.You+can+add+or+remove+additional+days+and+times+with+the+buttons
+msgid "You can add or remove additional days and times with the buttons"
+msgstr ""
+"Podètz apondre o suprimir de jorns e oraris suplementaris amb los botons"
+#: .Step+3.Back+to+step+2
+msgid "Back to step 2"
+msgstr "Tornar a l’etapa 2"
+#: .Step+3.Confirm+the+creation+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm the creation of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirmatz la creacion de vòstre sondatge"
+#: .Step+3.Create+the+poll
+msgid "Create the poll"
+msgstr "Crear lo sondatge"
+#: .Step+3.Expiry+date:
+msgid "Expiry date:"
+msgstr "Data de mesa en archiu :"
+#: .Step+3.List+of+options
+msgid "List of options"
+msgstr "Lista de vòstras causidas"
+#: .Step+3.Once+you+have+confirmed+the+creation+of+your+poll
+#: +you+will+automatically+be+redirected+to+the+poll%27s+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will automatically be "
+"redirected to the poll's administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"Un còp la creacion del sondatge confirmada, seretz redirigit automaticament "
+"cap a vòstre sondatge."
+#: .Step+3.Removal+date+and+confirmation+(3+of+3)
+msgid "Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)"
+msgstr "Data d’expiracion e confirmacion (3 sus 3)"
+#: .Step+3.Then+you+will+receive+two+emails:+one+containing+the+link+of+your+poll+for+sending+to+the+participants
+#: +the+other+containing+the+link+to+the+poll+administration+page.
+msgid ""
+"Then you will receive two emails: one containing the link of your poll for "
+"sending to the participants, the other containing the link to the poll "
+"administration page."
+msgstr ""
+"D’aquel temps, recebretz dos corrièls : un amb lo ligam cap a vòstre "
+"sondatge per o mandar als sondats, l’autre amb lo ligam per la pagina "
+"d’administracion del sondatge."
+#: .Step+3.You+can+set+a+specific+expiry+date+for+the+poll.
+msgid "You can set a specific expiry date for the poll."
+msgstr "Podètz decidir d’una data de mesa en archiu mai pròcha."
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+automatically+be+archived
+msgid "Your poll will automatically be archived"
+msgstr "Vòstre sondatge serà archivat automaticament"
+#: .Step+3.Your+poll+will+be+automatically+archived+in+%25d+days.
+msgid "Your poll will be automatically archived in %d days."
+msgstr "Vòstre sondatge serà archivat automaticament dins %d jorns."
+#: .Step+3.after+the+last+date+of+your+poll.
+msgid "after the last date of your poll."
+msgstr "aprèp lo darrièr jorn del sondatge."
+#: .Version.Version+%25s
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: .adminstuds.Add+a+column
+msgid "Add a column"
+msgstr "Apondre una colomna"
+#: .adminstuds.Adding+a+column
+msgid "Adding a column"
+msgstr "Apondon de colomna"
+#: .adminstuds.All+comments+deleted
+msgid "All comments deleted"
+msgstr "Totes los comentaris son estats suprimits"
+#: .adminstuds.All+votes+deleted
+msgid "All votes deleted"
+msgstr "Totes los vòtes son estats suprimits"
+#: .adminstuds.As+poll+administrator
+#: +you+can+change+all+the+lines+of+this+poll+with+this+button
+msgid ""
+"As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this "
+msgstr ""
+"En qualitat d’administrator podètz modificar totas las linhas d’aqueste "
+"sondatge amb aqueste boton"
+#: .adminstuds.Back+to+the+poll
+msgid "Back to the poll"
+msgstr "Tornar al sondatge"
+#: .adminstuds.Choice+added
+msgid "Choice added"
+msgstr "Causida aponduda"
+#: .adminstuds.Collect+the+emails+of+the+polled+users+for+the+choice
+msgid "Collect the emails of the polled users for the choice"
+msgstr "Collècta de las adreças dels votants per la causida"
+#: .adminstuds.Column+deleted
+msgid "Column deleted"
+msgstr "Colomna suprimida"
+#: .adminstuds.Comment+deleted
+msgid "Comment deleted"
+msgstr "Comentari suprimit"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+comments
+msgid "Confirm removal of all comments"
+msgstr "Confirmar la supression de totes los comentaris d’aqueste sondatge"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+all+votes
+msgid "Confirm removal of all votes"
+msgstr "Confirmar la supression de totes los vòtes d’aqueste sondatge"
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+the+column.
+msgid "Confirm removal of the column."
+msgstr "Confirmar la supression d’aquesta colomna."
+#: .adminstuds.Confirm+removal+of+your+poll
+msgid "Confirm removal of your poll"
+msgstr "Confirmar la supression del sondatge"
+#: .adminstuds.Delete+poll
+msgid "Delete poll"
+msgstr "Suprimir lo sondatge"
+#: .adminstuds.Finally
+#: +you+can+change+the+properties+of+this+poll+such+as+the+title
+#: +the+comments+or+your+email+address.
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you can change the properties of this poll such as the title, the "
+"comments or your email address."
+msgstr ""
+"Per acabar podètz tanben modificar las informacions a prepaus d’aqueste "
+"sondatge coma lo títol, los comentaris o vòstre corrièl."
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+comments
+msgid "Keep comments"
+msgstr "Gardar los comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+comments
+msgid "Keep the comments"
+msgstr "Gardar los comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+poll
+msgid "Keep the poll"
+msgstr "Gardar lo sondatge"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+the+votes
+msgid "Keep the votes"
+msgstr "Gardar los vòtes"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+this+poll
+msgid "Keep this poll"
+msgstr "Gardar aqueste sondatge"
+#: .adminstuds.Keep+votes
+msgid "Keep votes"
+msgstr "Gardar los vòtes"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+fully+deleted
+msgid "Poll fully deleted"
+msgstr "Sondatge totalament suprimit"
+#: .adminstuds.Poll+saved
+msgid "Poll saved"
+msgstr "Sondatge enregistrat"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+column
+msgid "Remove column"
+msgstr "Suprimir la colomna"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+comments
+msgid "Remove the comments"
+msgstr "Suprimir los comentaris"
+#: .adminstuds.Remove+the+votes
+msgid "Remove the votes"
+msgstr "Suprimir los vòtes"
+#: .adminstuds.The+poll+was+created.
+msgid "The poll was created."
+msgstr "Lo sondatge es estada creat."
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+added
+#: .studs.Vote+added
+msgid "Vote added"
+msgstr "Vòte apondut"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+deleted
+msgid "Vote deleted"
+msgstr "Vòte suprimit"
+#: .adminstuds.Vote+updated
+#: .studs.Vote+updated
+msgid "Vote updated"
+msgstr "Vòte mes a jorn"
+#: .adminstuds.You+can+add+a+new+scheduling+date+to+your+poll.
+msgid "You can add a new scheduling date to your poll."
+msgstr "Podètz apondre una data a vòstre sondatge."
+#: .adminstuds.Your+poll+has+been+removed%21
+msgid "Your poll has been removed!"
+msgstr "Vòstre sondatge es estat suprimit !"
+#: .adminstuds.and+add+a+new+column+with
+msgid "and add a new column with"
+msgstr ""
+"E se avètz oblidat de picar una causida, podètz tornar apondre una colomna "
+"en clicant sus"
+#: .adminstuds.remove+a+column+or+a+line+with
+msgid "remove a column or a line with"
+msgstr "escafar una colomna o una linha amb"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22If+need+be%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid ""
+"Users who voted \"If need be\" for this option have left those email "
+msgstr "Las adreças del monde que votèron «Se cal» per aquesta opcion :"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22No%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"No\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr "Las adreças del monde que votèron «Non» per aquesta opcion :"
+#: .display_mails.Users+who+voted+%22Yes%22+for+this+option+have+left+those+email+addresses:
+msgid "Users who voted \"Yes\" for this option have left those email addresses:"
+msgstr "Las adreças del monde que votèron «Òc» per aquesta opcion :"
+#: .studs.Deletion+date:
+msgid "Deletion date:"
+msgstr "Data de supression :"
+#: .studs.If+you+want+to+vote+in+this+poll
+#: +you+have+to+give+your+name
+#: +make+your+choice
+#: +and+submit+it+by+selecting+the+save+button+at+the+end+of+the+line.
+msgid ""
+"If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, make your "
+"choice, and submit it by selecting the save button at the end of the line."
+msgstr ""
+"Se volètz votar per aqueste sondatge, avètz de donar vòstre nom, far una "
+"causida, e l’enviar en seleccionar lo boton de salvagarda al cap de la linha."
+#: .studs.The+administrator+locked+this+poll.+Votes+and+comments+are+frozen
+#: +it+is+no+longer+possible+to+participate
+msgid ""
+"The administrator locked this poll. Votes and comments are frozen, it is no "
+"longer possible to participate"
+msgstr ""
+"L’administrator a clavat aqueste sondatge. Los vòtes e comentaris son "
+"gelats, es pas mai possible de participar"
+#: .studs.The+poll+has+expired
+#: +it+will+soon+be+deleted.
+msgid "The poll has expired, it will soon be deleted."
+msgstr "Lo sondatge a expirat, serà lèu suprimit."
+#: .studs.Your+vote+has+been+saved
+#: +but+please+note:+you+need+to+keep+this+personalised+link+to+be+able+to+edit+your+vote.
+msgid ""
+"Your vote has been saved, but please note: you need to keep this "
+"personalised link to be able to edit your vote."
+msgstr ""
+"Vòstre vòte es estat enregistrat corrèctament, mas mèfi : aqueste sondatge "
+"permet l’edicion de vòstre vòte solament amb lo ligam personalizat "
+"seguent ; gardatz-lo preciosament ! "