From 7c9a061582a6123338546f247340841c15d2fc8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Leblanc <>
Date: Sun, 22 May 2011 04:03:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Delete php warning and secure SQL

 adminstuds.php       |  4 +-
 choix_autre.php      | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 creation_sondage.php | 28 ++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/adminstuds.php b/adminstuds.php
index ac921b0d..12e0c316 100644
--- a/adminstuds.php
+++ b/adminstuds.php
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ if ($dsondage->commentaires){
   echo '<br>'. _("Comments") .' :<br>'."\n";
-  echo $commentaires;
+  echo nl2br($commentaires);
   echo '<br>'."\n";
 echo '<br>'."\n";
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ if (isset($_POST["ajoutercolonne_x"]) && issetAndNoEmpty('nouvellecolonne') && (
   //on rajoute la valeur a la fin de tous les sujets deja entrés
   $nouveauxsujets.=str_replace(","," ",$_POST["nouvellecolonne"]);
-  $nouveauxsujets=str_replace("'","°",$nouveauxsujets);
+  $nouveauxsujets = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($nouveauxsujets, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
   //mise a jour avec les nouveaux sujets dans la base
   $sql = 'UPDATE sujet_studs SET sujet = '.$connect->Param('nouveauxsujets').' WHERE id_sondage = '.$connect->Param('numsondage');
diff --git a/choix_autre.php b/choix_autre.php
index eb212694..75a8a9d3 100644
--- a/choix_autre.php
+++ b/choix_autre.php
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if (file_exists('bandeaux_local.php')) {
 //si les variables de session ne sont pas valides, il y a une erreur
-if (!$_SESSION["nom"]&&!$_SESSION["adresse"]&&!$_SESSION["commentaires"]&&!$_SESSION["mail"]) {
+if (issetAndNoEmpty('titre', $_SESSION) === false || issetAndNoEmpty('nom', $_SESSION) === false || issetAndNoEmpty('adresse', $_SESSION) === false) {
   echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">'."\n";
   echo '<html>'."\n";
   echo '<head>'."\n";
@@ -72,60 +72,70 @@ if (!$_SESSION["nom"]&&!$_SESSION["adresse"]&&!$_SESSION["commentaires"]&&!$_SES
   //partie creation du sondage dans la base SQL
   //On prépare les données pour les inserer dans la base
-  if ($_POST["confirmecreation_x"]) {
+  $erreur = false;
+  $testdate = true;
+  $date_selected = '';
+  if (isset($_POST["confirmecreation"]) || isset($_POST["confirmecreation_x"])) {
     //recuperation des données de champs textes
-    for ($i=0;$i<$_SESSION["nbrecases"]+1;$i++) {
-      if ($_POST["choix"][$i]) {
+    $toutchoix = '';
+    for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["nbrecases"] + 1; $i++) {
+      if (isset($_POST["choix"]) && issetAndNoEmpty($i, $_POST["choix"])) {
-        $toutchoix.=str_replace(","," ",$_POST["choix"][$i]);
+        $toutchoix.=str_replace(",", " ", htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_POST["choix"][$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
-    $toutchoix=str_replace("'","°",$toutchoix);
-    if ($_POST["champdatefin"]) {
+    if (issetAndNoEmpty('champdatefin')) {
-      if (mktime(0,0,0,$registredate[1],$registredate[0],$registredate[2])>time()+250000) {
-        $_SESSION["champdatefin"]=mktime(0,0,0,$registredate[1],$registredate[0],$registredate[2]);
+      if (is_array($registredate) === false || count($registredate) !== 3) {
+        $testdate = false;
+        $date_selected = $_POST["champdatefin"];
+      } else {
+        $time = mktime(0,0,0,$registredate[1],$registredate[0],$registredate[2]);
+        if ($time === false || date('d/m/Y', $time) !== $_POST["champdatefin"]) {
+          $testdate = false;
+          $date_selected = $_POST["champdatefin"];
+        } else {
+          if (mktime(0,0,0,$registredate[1],$registredate[0],$registredate[2]) > time() + 250000) {
+            $_SESSION["champdatefin"]=mktime(0,0,0,$registredate[1],$registredate[0],$registredate[2]);
+          }
+        }
     } else {
-    //format du sondage AUTRE
-    $_SESSION["formatsondage"]="A".$_SESSION["studsplus"];
-    ajouter_sondage();
-  }
-  // recuperation des sujets pour sondage AUTRE
-  for ($i=0;$i<$_SESSION["nbrecases"];$i++) {
-    if (!preg_match(';<|>|";',$_POST["choix"][$i])) {
-      $_SESSION["choix$i"]=$_POST["choix"][$i];
+    if ($testdate === true) {
+      //format du sondage AUTRE
+      $_SESSION["formatsondage"]="A".$_SESSION["studsplus"];
+      ajouter_sondage();
     } else {
-      $erreur_injection="yes";
+      $_POST["fin_sondage_autre"] = 'ok';
-  //nombre de cases par défaut
-  if (!$_SESSION["nbrecases"]) {
+  // recuperation des sujets pour sondage AUTRE
+  $erreur_injection = false;
+  if (isset($_SESSION["nbrecases"])) {
+    for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["nbrecases"]; $i++) {
+      if (isset($_POST["choix"]) && isset($_POST["choix"][$i])) {
+        $_SESSION["choix$i"]=htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_POST["choix"][$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+      }
+    }
+  } else { //nombre de cases par défaut
-  if ($_POST["ajoutcases"]||$_POST["ajoutcases_x"]) {
+  if (isset($_POST["ajoutcases"]) || isset($_POST["ajoutcases_x"])) {
-  echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">'."\n";
-  echo '<html>'."\n";
-  echo '<head>'."\n";
-  echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'."\n";
-  echo '<title>'.NOMAPPLICATION.'</title>'."\n";
-  echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">'."\n";
-  echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="block_enter.js"></script>';
-  echo '</head>'."\n";
+  print_header();
   echo '<body>'."\n";
   echo '<form name="formulaire" action="#bas" method="POST" onkeypress="javascript:process_keypress(event)">'."\n";
@@ -139,8 +149,11 @@ if (!$_SESSION["nom"]&&!$_SESSION["adresse"]&&!$_SESSION["commentaires"]&&!$_SES
   echo '<table>'."\n";
   //affichage des cases texte de formulaire
-  for ($i=0;$i<$_SESSION["nbrecases"];$i++) {
-    $j=$i+1;
+  for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["nbrecases"]; $i++) {
+    $j = $i + 1;
+    if (isset($_SESSION["choix$i"]) === false) {
+      $_SESSION["choix$i"] = '';
+    }
     echo '<tr><td>'. _("Choice") .' '.$j.' : </td><td><input type="text" name="choix[]" size="40" maxlength="40" value="'.str_replace("\\","",$_SESSION["choix$i"]).'" id="choix'.$i.'"></td></tr>'."\n";
@@ -162,28 +175,34 @@ if (!$_SESSION["nom"]&&!$_SESSION["adresse"]&&!$_SESSION["commentaires"]&&!$_SES
   echo '</tr></table>'."\n";
   //test de remplissage des cases
+  $testremplissage = '';
   for ($i=0;$i<$_SESSION["nbrecases"];$i++) {
-    if ($_POST["choix"][$i]!="") {
+    if (isset($_POST["choix"]) && issetAndNoEmpty($i, $_POST["choix"])) {
   //message d'erreur si aucun champ renseigné
-  if ($testremplissage!="ok"&&($_POST["fin_sondage_autre"]||$_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"])) {
+  if ($testremplissage != "ok" && (isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre"]) || isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"]))) {
     print "<br><font color=\"#FF0000\">" . _("Enter at least one choice") . "</font><br><br>"."\n";
-    $erreur="yes";
+    $erreur = true;
+  }
+  //message d'erreur si mauvaise date
+  if ($testdate === false) {
+    print "<br><font color=\"#FF0000\">" . _("Date must be have the format DD/MM/YYYY") . "</font><br><br>"."\n";
   if ($erreur_injection) {
     print "<font color=#FF0000>" . _("Characters \" < and > are not permitted") . "</font><br><br>\n";
-  if (($_POST["fin_sondage_autre"]||$_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"])&&!$erreur&&!$erreur_injection) {
+  if ((isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre"]) || isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"])) && !$erreur && !$erreur_injection) {
     //demande de la date de fin du sondage
     echo '<br>'."\n";
     echo '<div class=presentationdatefin>'."\n";
     echo '<br>'. _("Your poll will be automatically removed after 6 months.<br> You can fix another removal date for it.") .'<br><br>'."\n";
-    echo _("Removal date (optional)") .' : <input type="text" name="champdatefin" size="10" maxlength="10"> '. _("(DD/MM/YYYY)") ."\n";
+    echo _("Removal date (optional)") .' : <input type="text" name="champdatefin" value="'.$date_selected.'" size="10" maxlength="10"> '. _("(DD/MM/YYYY)") ."\n";
     echo '</div>'."\n";
     echo '<div class=presentationdatefin>'."\n";
     echo '<font color=#FF0000>'. _("Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will be automatically redirected on the page of your poll. <br><br>Then, you will receive quickly an email contening the link to your poll for sending it to the voters.") .'</font>'."\n";
diff --git a/creation_sondage.php b/creation_sondage.php
index ffdc5fd4..44368179 100644
--- a/creation_sondage.php
+++ b/creation_sondage.php
@@ -78,15 +78,33 @@ function ajouter_sondage()
+  if (is_numeric($date_fin) === false) {
+    $date_fin = time()+15552000;
+  }
   $headers="From: ".NOMAPPLICATION." <".ADRESSEMAILADMIN.">\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit";
   global $connect;
-  $connect->Execute('insert into sondage ' .
-                    '(id_sondage, commentaires, mail_admin, nom_admin, titre, id_sondage_admin, date_fin, format, mailsonde) ' .
-                    'VALUES '.
-                    "('$sondage','$_SESSION[commentaires]', '$_SESSION[adresse]', '$_SESSION[nom]', '$_SESSION[titre]','$sondage_admin', FROM_UNIXTIME('$date_fin'), '$_SESSION[formatsondage]','$_SESSION[mailsonde]'  )");
-  $connect->Execute("insert into sujet_studs values ('$sondage', '$_SESSION[toutchoix]' )");
+  $sql = 'INSERT INTO sondage
+          (id_sondage, commentaires, mail_admin, nom_admin, titre, id_sondage_admin, date_fin, format, mailsonde)
+          VALUES (
+          '.$connect->Param('id_sondage').',
+          '.$connect->Param('commentaires').',
+          '.$connect->Param('mail_admin').',
+          '.$connect->Param('nom_admin').',
+          '.$connect->Param('titre').',
+          '.$connect->Param('id_sondage_admin').',
+          FROM_UNIXTIME('.$date_fin.'),
+          '.$connect->Param('format').',
+          '.$connect->Param('mailsonde').'
+          )';
+  $sql = $connect->Prepare($sql);
+  $res = $connect->Execute($sql, array($sondage, $_SESSION['commentaires'], $_SESSION['adresse'], $_SESSION['nom'], $_SESSION['titre'], $sondage_admin, $_SESSION['formatsondage'], $_SESSION['mailsonde']));
+  $sql = 'INSERT INTO sujet_studs values ('.$connect->Param('sondage').', '.$connect->Param('choix').')';
+  $sql = $connect->Prepare($sql);
+  $connect->Execute($sql, array($sondage, $_SESSION['toutchoix']));
   $message = _("This is the message you have to send to the people you want to poll. \nNow, you have to send this message to everyone you want to poll.");
   $message .= "\n\n";