From eb5677e4517de24d9559a5b911988cb4bf8dae64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Le Bricodeur <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:49:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] new parameter '$use_smtp' to disable email notification if
 needed bug correction on email notification (using '$dsondage->titre' in

 adminstuds.php         | 30 +++++++++++--------
 app/inc/ |  6 ++--
 choix_autre.php        |  2 +-
 creation_sondage.php   | 33 +++++++++++----------
 infos_sondage.php      | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 studs.php              | 16 +++++-----
 6 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/adminstuds.php b/adminstuds.php
index 827d51e2..819494c1 100644
--- a/adminstuds.php
+++ b/adminstuds.php
@@ -76,21 +76,25 @@ if (!$sondage || $sondage->RecordCount() != 1){
-// Send email (only once during the session) to alert admin of the change he made
+// Send email (only once during the session) to alert admin of the change he made. ==> two modifications (comment, title, description, ...) on differents polls in the same session will generate only one mail. 
 $email_admin = $dsondage->mail_admin;
+$poll_title = $dsondage->titre;
 function send_mail_admin() {
     global $email_admin;
+	global $poll_title;
     global $numsondageadmin;
+		if(config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+			if(!isset($_SESSION["mail_admin_sent"])) { 
+				Utils::sendEmail( $email_admin,
+					_("[ADMINISTRATOR] New settings for your poll") . ' ' . stripslashes( $poll_title ),
+					_("You have changed the settings of your poll. \nYou can modify this poll with this link") .
+					  " :\n\n" . Utils::getUrlSondage($numsondageadmin, true) . "\n\n" .
+					_("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n" . NOMAPPLICATION
+					);
+				$_SESSION["mail_admin_sent"]=true;
+			}
+		}
-    if(!isset($_SESSION["mail_admin_sent"])) {
-        Utils::sendEmail( $email_admin,
-            _("[ADMINISTRATOR] New settings for your poll") . ' ' . stripslashes( $dsondage->titre ),
-            _("You have changed the settings of your poll. \nYou can modify this poll with this link") .
-              " :\n\n" . Utils::getUrlSondage($numsondageadmin, true) . "\n\n" .
-            _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n" . NOMAPPLICATION
-            );
-        $_SESSION["mail_admin_sent"]=true;
-    }
 //si la valeur du nouveau titre est valide et que le bouton est activé
@@ -105,8 +109,10 @@ if (isset($_POST["boutonnouveautitre"])) {
         //Email sent to the admin
         if ($connect->Execute($sql, array($nouveautitre, $numsondage))) {
-            send_mail_admin();
-        }
+            //if(config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+				send_mail_admin();
+			//}
+		}
diff --git a/app/inc/ b/app/inc/
index e38bfb47..f702747c 100644
--- a/app/inc/
+++ b/app/inc/
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
  * general configuration
-	 //is a smtp server is configured to send e-mail ?
-	 //$use_smtp = true;
+	 //use email for polls creation/modification/responses notification
+	 $use_smtp = true;
 	 //if only one language is allowed in constants.php, $ALLOWED_LANGUAGES, the language selection bar is useless
 	 $show_language_bar_selection = true;
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
  * choix_autre.php
 	   //default values for the new poll duration (number of days). 
-	  $default_poll_duration = 10;
+	  $default_poll_duration = 30;
   	   //user can add link or URL when creating his poll. 
 	  $user_can_add_link_or_url = false;
diff --git a/choix_autre.php b/choix_autre.php
index 09cc5d4e..b44b546d 100644
--- a/choix_autre.php
+++ b/choix_autre.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if (file_exists('bandeaux_local.php')) {
 // Step 1/3 : error if $_SESSION from info_sondage are not valid
-if (Utils::issetAndNoEmpty('titre', $_SESSION) === false || Utils::issetAndNoEmpty('nom', $_SESSION) === false || Utils::issetAndNoEmpty('adresse', $_SESSION) === false) {
+if (Utils::issetAndNoEmpty('titre', $_SESSION) === false || Utils::issetAndNoEmpty('nom', $_SESSION) === false || ((config_get('use_smtp')) ? Utils::issetAndNoEmpty('adresse', $_SESSION) === false : false)) {
     Utils::print_header ( _("Error!") );
diff --git a/creation_sondage.php b/creation_sondage.php
index 449999ea..6d9921c3 100644
--- a/creation_sondage.php
+++ b/creation_sondage.php
@@ -68,22 +68,23 @@ function ajouter_sondage()
     $sql = $connect->Prepare($sql);
     $connect->Execute($sql, array($sondage, $_SESSION['toutchoix']));
-    $message = _("This is the message you have to send to the people you want to poll. \nNow, you have to send this message to everyone you want to poll.");
-    $message .= "\n\n";
-    $message .= stripslashes(html_entity_decode($_SESSION["nom"],ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8"))." " . _("hast just created a poll called") . " : \"".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_SESSION["titre"],ENT_QUOTES))."\".\n";
-    $message .= _("Thanks for filling the poll at the link above") . " :\n\n%s\n\n" . _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n".NOMAPPLICATION;
-    $message_admin = _("This message should NOT be sent to the polled people. It is private for the poll's creator.\n\nYou can now modify it at the link above");
-    $message_admin .= " :\n\n"."%s \n\n" . _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n".NOMAPPLICATION;
-    $message = sprintf($message, Utils::getUrlSondage($sondage));
-    $message_admin = sprintf($message_admin, Utils::getUrlSondage($sondage_admin, true));
-    if (Utils::isValidEmail($_SESSION['adresse'])) {
-        Utils::sendEmail( "$_SESSION[adresse]", "[".NOMAPPLICATION."][" . _("Author's message")  . "] " . _("Poll") . " : ".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_SESSION["titre"],ENT_QUOTES)), $message_admin, $_SESSION['adresse'] );
-        Utils::sendEmail( "$_SESSION[adresse]", "[".NOMAPPLICATION."][" . _("For sending to the polled users") . "] " . _("Poll") . " : ".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_SESSION["titre"],ENT_QUOTES)), $message, $_SESSION['adresse'] );
-    }
+	if(config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+		$message = _("This is the message you have to send to the people you want to poll. \nNow, you have to send this message to everyone you want to poll.");
+		$message .= "\n\n";
+		$message .= stripslashes(html_entity_decode($_SESSION["nom"],ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8"))." " . _("hast just created a poll called") . " : \"".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_SESSION["titre"],ENT_QUOTES))."\".\n";
+		$message .= _("Thanks for filling the poll at the link above") . " :\n\n%s\n\n" . _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n".NOMAPPLICATION;
+		$message_admin = _("This message should NOT be sent to the polled people. It is private for the poll's creator.\n\nYou can now modify it at the link above");
+		$message_admin .= " :\n\n"."%s \n\n" . _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n".NOMAPPLICATION;
+		$message = sprintf($message, Utils::getUrlSondage($sondage));
+		$message_admin = sprintf($message_admin, Utils::getUrlSondage($sondage_admin, true));
+		if (Utils::isValidEmail($_SESSION['adresse'])) {
+			Utils::sendEmail( "$_SESSION[adresse]", "[".NOMAPPLICATION."][" . _("Author's message")  . "] " . _("Poll") . " : ".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_SESSION["titre"],ENT_QUOTES)), $message_admin, $_SESSION['adresse'] );
+			Utils::sendEmail( "$_SESSION[adresse]", "[".NOMAPPLICATION."][" . _("For sending to the polled users") . "] " . _("Poll") . " : ".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_SESSION["titre"],ENT_QUOTES)), $message, $_SESSION['adresse'] );
+		}
+	}
     error_log(date('H:i:s d/m/Y:') . ' CREATION: '.$sondage."\t".$_SESSION[formatsondage]."\t".$_SESSION[nom]."\t".$_SESSION[adresse]."\t \t".$_SESSION[toutchoix]."\n", 3, 'admin/logs_studs.txt');
     Utils::cleaning_polls($connect, 'admin/logs_studs.txt');
diff --git a/infos_sondage.php b/infos_sondage.php
index dc65d4da..2bb36fe4 100644
--- a/infos_sondage.php
+++ b/infos_sondage.php
@@ -77,9 +77,11 @@ if (Utils::issetAndNoEmpty("poursuivre")){
     $_SESSION["mailsonde"] = ($mailsonde !== null) ? true : false;
-    if (Utils::isValidEmail($adresse) === false) {
-        $erreur_adresse = true;
-    }
+	if (config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+		if (Utils::isValidEmail($adresse) === false) {
+			$erreur_adresse = true;
+		}
+	}
     if (preg_match(';<|>|";',$titre)) {
         $erreur_injection_titre = true;
@@ -94,7 +96,14 @@ if (Utils::issetAndNoEmpty("poursuivre")){
     // Si pas d'erreur dans l'adresse alors on change de page vers date ou autre
-    if ($titre && $nom && $adresse && !$erreur_adresse && ! $erreur_injection_titre && ! $erreur_injection_commentaires && ! $erreur_injection_nom) {
+	if(config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+		$email_OK = $adresse && !$erreur_adresse;
+	}
+	else{
+		$email_OK = true;
+	}
+    if ($titre && $nom && $email_OK && ! $erreur_injection_titre && ! $erreur_injection_commentaires && ! $erreur_injection_nom) {
         if ( $poursuivre == "creation_sondage_date" ) {
@@ -242,16 +251,19 @@ echo '
-            '.$errors['name']['msg'].'
-        <div class="form-group'.$errors['email']['class'].'">
-            <label for="email" class="col-sm-4 control-label">'. _("Your email address") .' *</label>
-            <div class="col-sm-8">
-                '.$input_email.'
-            </div>
-        </div>
-            '.$errors['email']['msg'].'
-        <div class="form-group">
+            '.$errors['name']['msg'];
+		if(config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+			echo '
+				<div class="form-group'.$errors['email']['class'].'">
+					<label for="email" class="col-sm-4 control-label">'. _("Your email address") .' *</label>
+					<div class="col-sm-8">
+						'.$input_email.'
+					</div>
+				</div>
+				'.$errors['email']['msg'];
+		}
+        echo '<div class="form-group">
             <div class="col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-11">
               <div class="checkbox">
@@ -259,18 +271,20 @@ echo '
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group">
-            <div class="col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-11">
-              <div class="checkbox">
-                <label>
-                    <input type=checkbox name=mailsonde '.$cochemail.' id="mailsonde">'. _("To receive an email for each new vote.") .'
-                </label>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <p class="text-right">
+        </div>';
+		if(config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+			echo '<div class="form-group">
+				<div class="col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-11">
+				  <div class="checkbox">
+					<label>
+						<input type=checkbox name=mailsonde '.$cochemail.' id="mailsonde">'. _("To receive an email for each new vote.") .'
+					</label>
+				  </div>
+				</div>
+			</div>';
+		}
+        echo '<p class="text-right">
             <input type="hidden" name="choix_sondage" value="'. $choix_sondage .'"/>
             <button name="poursuivre" value="'. $choix_sondage .'" type="submit" class="btn btn-success" title="'. _('Go to step 2') . '">'. _('Next') . '</button>
diff --git a/studs.php b/studs.php
index dcd5081e..cd999aec 100644
--- a/studs.php
+++ b/studs.php
@@ -173,13 +173,15 @@ if (!Utils::is_error(NO_POLL) && (isset($_POST["boutonp"]))) {
            $connect->Execute($sql, array($nom, $numsondage, $nouveauchoix));
             if ($dsondage->mailsonde || /* compatibility for non boolean DB */ $dsondage->mailsonde=="yes" || $dsondage->mailsonde=="true") {
-                Utils::sendEmail( "$dsondage->mail_admin",
-                   "[".NOMAPPLICATION."] "._("Poll's participation")." : ".html_entity_decode($dsondage->titre, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."",
-                   html_entity_decode("\"$nom\" ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').
-                   _("has filled a line.\nYou can find your poll at the link") . " :\n\n".
-                   Utils::getUrlSondage($numsondage) . " \n\n" .
-                   _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n". NOMAPPLICATION );
-            }
+				if(config_get('use_smtp')==true){
+					Utils::sendEmail( "$dsondage->mail_admin",
+					   "[".NOMAPPLICATION."] "._("Poll's participation")." : ".html_entity_decode($dsondage->titre, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."",
+					   html_entity_decode("\"$nom\" ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').
+					   _("has filled a line.\nYou can find your poll at the link") . " :\n\n".
+					   Utils::getUrlSondage($numsondage) . " \n\n" .
+					   _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n". NOMAPPLICATION );
+				}
+			}
     } else {
         $err |= NAME_EMPTY;