<?php /** * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license. If a copy of this license * is not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.txt * * Authors of STUdS (initial project): Guilhem BORGHESI (borghesi@unistra.fr) and Raphaël DROZ * Authors of Framadate/OpenSondate: Framasoft (https://github.com/framasoft) * * ============================= * * Ce logiciel est régi par la licence CeCILL-B. Si une copie de cette licence * ne se trouve pas avec ce fichier vous pouvez l'obtenir sur * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-fr.txt * * Auteurs de STUdS (projet initial) : Guilhem BORGHESI (borghesi@unistra.fr) et Raphaël DROZ * Auteurs de Framadate/OpenSondage : Framasoft (https://github.com/framasoft) */ use Framadate\Services\PollService; use Framadate\Services\AdminPollService; use Framadate\Services\InputService; use Framadate\Message; use Framadate\Utils; include_once __DIR__ . '/app/inc/init.php'; /* Variables */ /* --------- */ $admin_poll_id = null; $poll_id = null; $poll = null; $message = null; $editingVoteId = 0; /* Services */ /*----------*/ $pollService = new PollService($connect); $adminPollService = new AdminPollService($connect, $pollService); $inputService = new InputService(); /* PAGE */ /* ---- */ if (!empty($_GET['poll']) && strlen($_GET['poll']) === 24) { $admin_poll_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'poll', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/^[a-z0-9]+$/']]); $poll_id = substr($admin_poll_id, 0, 16); $poll = $pollService->findById($poll_id); } if (!$poll) { $smarty->assign('error', 'This poll doesn\'t exist'); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); exit; } // ------------------------------- // Update poll info // ------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['update_poll_info'])) { $updated = false; $field = $inputService->filterAllowedValues($_POST['update_poll_info'], ['title', 'admin_mail', 'comment', 'rules']); // Update the right poll field if ($field == 'title') { $title = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'title', FILTER_DEFAULT); if ($title) { $poll->title = $title; $updated = true; } } elseif ($field == 'admin_mail') { $admin_mail = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'admin_mail', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if ($admin_mail) { $poll->admin_mail = $admin_mail; $updated = true; } } elseif ($field == 'comment') { $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment', FILTER_DEFAULT); if ($comment) { $poll->comment = $comment; $updated = true; } } elseif ($field == 'rules') { $rules = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'rules', FILTER_DEFAULT); switch ($rules) { case 0: $poll->active = false; $poll->editable = false; $updated = true; break; case 1: $poll->active = true; $poll->editable = false; $updated = true; break; case 2: $poll->active = true; $poll->editable = true; $updated = true; break; } } // Update poll in database if ($updated && $adminPollService->updatePoll($poll)) { $message = new Message('success', _('Poll saved.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Failed to save poll.')); } } // ------------------------------- // A vote is going to be edited // ------------------------------- if (!empty($_POST['edit_vote'])) { $editingVoteId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'edit_vote', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); } // ------------------------------- // Something to save (edit or add) // ------------------------------- if (!empty($_POST['save'])) { // Save edition of an old vote $editedVote = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'save', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $choices = $inputService->filterArray($_POST['choices'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options'=>['regexp'=>'/^[012]$/']]); if (empty($editedVote)) { $message = new Message('danger', _('Something is going wrong...')); } if (count($choices) != count($_POST['choices'])) { $message = new Message('danger', _('There is a problem with your choices.')); } if ($message == null) { // Update vote $result = $pollService->updateVote($poll_id, $editedVote, $choices); if ($result) { $message = new Message('success', _('Update vote successfully.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Update vote failed.')); } } } elseif (isset($_POST['save'])) { // Add a new vote $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options'=>['regexp'=>'/^[a-z0-9_ -]+$/i']]); $choices = $inputService->filterArray($_POST['choices'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options'=>['regexp'=>'/^[012]$/']]); if (empty($name)) { $message = new Message('danger', _('Name is incorrect.')); } if (count($choices) != count($_POST['choices'])) { $message = new Message('danger', _('There is a problem with your choices.')); } if ($message == null) { // Add vote $result = $pollService->addVote($poll_id, $name, $choices); if ($result) { $message = new Message('success', _('Update vote successfully.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Update vote failed.')); } } } // ------------------------------- // Delete a votes // ------------------------------- if (!empty($_POST['delete_vote'])) { $vote_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'delete_vote', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if ($adminPollService->deleteVote($poll_id, $vote_id)) { $message = new Message('success', _('Vote delete.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Failed to delete the vote.')); } } // ------------------------------- // Remove all votes // ------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['remove_all_votes'])) { $smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id); $smarty->assign('admin_poll_id', $admin_poll_id); $smarty->assign('title', _('Poll') . ' - ' . $poll->title); $smarty->display('confirm/delete_votes.tpl'); exit; } if (isset($_POST['confirm_remove_all_votes'])) { $adminPollService->cleanVotes($poll_id); } // ------------------------------- // Add a comment // ------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['add_comment'])) { $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options'=>['regexp'=>'/^[a-z0-9_ -]+$/i']]); $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment', FILTER_DEFAULT); if (empty($name)) { $message = new Message('danger', _('Name is incorrect.')); } if ($message == null) { // Add comment $result = $pollService->addComment($poll_id, $name, $comment); if ($result) { $message = new Message('success', _('Comment added.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Comment failed.')); } } } // ------------------------------- // Delete a comment // ------------------------------- if (!empty($_POST['delete_comment'])) { $comment_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'delete_comment', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if ($adminPollService->deleteComment($poll_id, $comment_id)) { $message = new Message('success', _('Comment deleted.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Failed to delete the comment.')); } } // ------------------------------- // Remove all comments // ------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['remove_all_comments'])) { $smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id); $smarty->assign('admin_poll_id', $admin_poll_id); $smarty->assign('title', _('Poll') . ' - ' . $poll->title); $smarty->display('confirm/delete_comments.tpl'); exit; } if (isset($_POST['confirm_remove_all_comments'])) { if ($adminPollService->cleanComments($poll_id)) { $message = new Message('success', _('All comments deleted.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Failed to delete all comments.')); } } // ------------------------------- // Delete the entire poll // ------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['delete_poll'])) { $smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id); $smarty->assign('admin_poll_id', $admin_poll_id); $smarty->assign('title', _('Poll') . ' - ' . $poll->title); $smarty->display('confirm/delete_poll.tpl'); exit; } if (isset($_POST['confirm_delete_poll'])) { // TODO } // ------------------------------- // Delete a slot // ------------------------------- if (!empty($_POST['delete_column'])) { $column = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'delete_column', FILTER_DEFAULT); if ($adminPollService->deleteSlot($poll_id, $column)) { $message = new Message('success', _('Column deleted.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Failed to delete the column.')); } } // ------------------------------- // Delete a slot // ------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['add_slot'])) { $smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id); $smarty->assign('admin_poll_id', $admin_poll_id); $smarty->assign('title', _('Poll') . ' - ' . $poll->title); $smarty->display('add_slot.tpl'); exit; } if (isset($_POST['confirm_add_slot'])) { $newdate = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'newdate', FILTER_DEFAULT); $newmoment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'newmoment', FILTER_DEFAULT); if ($adminPollService->addSlot($poll_id, $newdate, $newmoment)) { $message = new Message('success', _('Column added.')); } else { $message = new Message('danger', _('Failed to add the column.')); } } // Retrieve data $slots = $pollService->allSlotsByPollId($poll_id); $votes = $pollService->allUserVotesByPollId($poll_id); $comments = $pollService->allCommentsByPollId($poll_id); // Assign data to template $smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id); $smarty->assign('admin_poll_id', $admin_poll_id); $smarty->assign('poll', $poll); $smarty->assign('title', _('Poll') . ' - ' . $poll->title); $smarty->assign('slots', $pollService->splitSlots($slots)); $smarty->assign('votes', $pollService->splitVotes($votes)); $smarty->assign('best_moments', $pollService->computeBestMoments($votes)); $smarty->assign('comments', $comments); $smarty->assign('editingVoteId', $editingVoteId); $smarty->assign('message', $message); $smarty->assign('admin', true); $smarty->display('studs.tpl');