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C++ CLI program for doing variationnal EM inference of parameters of Stochastic Block Model
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R Package to estimate parameters of Stochastic and Latent Block Models for various pdfs with a Variational EM.
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rv routing engine. New implementation. With lmdb storage backend. Routing on the graph on edges.
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Projet Spécial pour les Uap Pros ainsi que les Pico-old
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M1 @ ENS Cachan — Réseau — Project: exploring the BitTorrent’s DHT (course webpage: http://www.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~jch/enseignement/cachan/)
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L3 @ ENS Cachan — Programmation 1 — Project: a C-- to x86 compiler (project webpage: http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~goubault/CoursProgrammation/MiniC1/minicindex.html)
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This is the repository for the Network lessons project from Juliusz Chroboczek for the MPRI M1. The protocol is a flooding protocol in order to synchronize some small amount of data.
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Ressources, développements et leçons d'agrégation mathématique option informatique Cachan 2017-2018
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rv routing engine. New implementation. With lmdb storage backend. Routing on the graph on edges.