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  • bde/nk20
  • mcngnt/nk20
2 results
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with 1625 additions and 224 deletions
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from .views import InvoiceViewSet, ProductViewSet, RemittanceViewSet, RemittanceTypeViewSet
def register_treasury_urls(router, path):
Configure router for treasury REST API.
router.register(path + '/invoice', InvoiceViewSet)
router.register(path + '/product', ProductViewSet)
router.register(path + '/remittance_type', RemittanceTypeViewSet)
router.register(path + '/remittance', RemittanceViewSet)
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend
from rest_framework.filters import SearchFilter
from api.viewsets import ReadProtectedModelViewSet
from .serializers import InvoiceSerializer, ProductSerializer, RemittanceTypeSerializer, RemittanceSerializer
from ..models import Invoice, Product, RemittanceType, Remittance
class InvoiceViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
REST API View set.
The djangorestframework plugin will get all `Invoice` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,
then render it on /api/treasury/invoice/
queryset = Invoice.objects.all()
serializer_class = InvoiceSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = ['bde', ]
class ProductViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
REST API View set.
The djangorestframework plugin will get all `Product` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,
then render it on /api/treasury/product/
queryset = Product.objects.all()
serializer_class = ProductSerializer
filter_backends = [SearchFilter]
search_fields = ['$designation', ]
class RemittanceTypeViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
REST API View set.
The djangorestframework plugin will get all `RemittanceType` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer
then render it on /api/treasury/remittance_type/
queryset = RemittanceType.objects.all()
serializer_class = RemittanceTypeSerializer
class RemittanceViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet):
REST API View set.
The djangorestframework plugin will get all `Remittance` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,
then render it on /api/treasury/remittance/
queryset = Remittance.objects.all()
serializer_class = RemittanceSerializer
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_migrate
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class TreasuryConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'treasury'
verbose_name = _('Treasury')
def ready(self):
Define app internal signals to interact with other apps
from . import signals
from note.models import SpecialTransaction, NoteSpecial
from treasury.models import SpecialTransactionProxy
post_save.connect(signals.save_special_transaction, sender=SpecialTransaction)
def setup_specialtransactions_proxies(**kwargs):
# If the treasury app was disabled for any reason during a certain amount of time,
# we ensure that each special transaction is linked to a proxy
for transaction in SpecialTransaction.objects.filter(
SpecialTransactionProxy.objects.create(transaction=transaction, remittance=None)
post_migrate.connect(setup_specialtransactions_proxies, sender=SpecialTransactionProxy)
"model": "treasury.remittancetype",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"note": 3
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import datetime
from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper
from crispy_forms.layout import Submit
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .models import Invoice, Product, Remittance, SpecialTransactionProxy
class InvoiceForm(forms.ModelForm):
Create and generate invoices.
# Django forms don't support date fields. We have to add it manually
date = forms.DateField(,
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'type': 'date'})
def clean_date(self): ="date")
class Meta:
model = Invoice
exclude = ('bde', )
# Add a subform per product in the invoice form, and manage correctly the link between the invoice and
# its products. The FormSet will search automatically the ForeignKey in the Product model.
ProductFormSet = forms.inlineformset_factory(
class ProductFormSetHelper(FormHelper):
Specify some template informations for the product form.
def __init__(self, form=None):
self.form_tag = False
self.form_method = 'POST'
self.form_class = 'form-inline'
self.template = 'bootstrap4/table_inline_formset.html'
class RemittanceForm(forms.ModelForm):
Create remittances.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.helper = FormHelper()
# We can't update the type of the remittance once created.
self.fields["remittance_type"].disabled = True
self.fields["remittance_type"].required = False
# We display the submit button iff the remittance is open,
# the close button iff it is open and has a linked transaction
if not self.instance.closed:
self.helper.add_input(Submit('submit', _("Submit"), attr={'class': 'btn btn-block btn-primary'}))
if self.instance.transactions:
self.helper.add_input(Submit("close", _("Close"), css_class='btn btn-success'))
# If the remittance is closed, we can't change anything
self.fields["comment"].disabled = True
self.fields["comment"].required = False
def clean(self):
# We can't update anything if the remittance is already closed.
if self.instance.closed:
self.add_error("comment", _("Remittance is already closed."))
cleaned_data = super().clean()
if and cleaned_data.get("remittance_type") != self.instance.remittance_type:
self.add_error("remittance_type", _("You can't change the type of the remittance."))
# The close button is manually handled
if "close" in
self.instance.closed = True
self.cleaned_data["closed"] = True
return cleaned_data
class Meta:
model = Remittance
fields = ('remittance_type', 'comment',)
class LinkTransactionToRemittanceForm(forms.ModelForm):
Attach a special transaction to a remittance.
# Since we use a proxy model for special transactions, we add manually the fields related to the transaction
last_name = forms.CharField(label=_("Last name"))
first_name = forms.Field(label=_("First name"))
bank = forms.Field(label=_("Bank"))
amount = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Amount"), min_value=0)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.helper = FormHelper()
# Add submit button
self.helper.add_input(Submit('submit', _("Submit"), attr={'class': 'btn btn-block btn-primary'}))
self.fields["remittance"].queryset = Remittance.objects.filter(closed=False)
def clean_last_name(self):
Replace the first name in the information of the transaction.
self.instance.transaction.last_name ="last_name")
def clean_first_name(self):
Replace the last name in the information of the transaction.
self.instance.transaction.first_name ="first_name")
def clean_bank(self):
Replace the bank in the information of the transaction.
""" ="bank")
def clean_amount(self):
Replace the amount of the transaction.
self.instance.transaction.amount ="amount")
class Meta:
model = SpecialTransactionProxy
fields = ('remittance', )
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from note.models import NoteSpecial, SpecialTransaction
class Invoice(models.Model):
An invoice model that can generates a true invoice.
id = models.PositiveIntegerField(
verbose_name=_("Invoice identifier"),
bde = models.CharField(
('Saperlistpopette.png', 'Saper[list]popette'),
('Finalist.png', 'Fina[list]'),
('Listorique.png', '[List]orique'),
('Satellist.png', 'Satel[list]'),
('Monopolist.png', 'Monopo[list]'),
('Kataclist.png', 'Katac[list]'),
object = models.CharField(
description = models.TextField(
name = models.CharField(
address = models.TextField(
date = models.DateField(
acquitted = models.BooleanField(
class Product(models.Model):
Product that appears on an invoice.
invoice = models.ForeignKey(
designation = models.CharField(
quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField(
amount = models.IntegerField(
verbose_name=_("Unit price")
def amount_euros(self):
return self.amount / 100
def total(self):
return self.quantity * self.amount
def total_euros(self):
return / 100
class RemittanceType(models.Model):
Store what kind of remittances can be stored.
note = models.OneToOneField(
def __str__(self):
return str(self.note)
class Remittance(models.Model):
Treasurers want to regroup checks or bank transfers in bank remittances.
date = models.DateTimeField(
remittance_type = models.ForeignKey(
comment = models.CharField(
closed = models.BooleanField(
def transactions(self):
:return: Transactions linked to this remittance.
if not
return SpecialTransaction.objects.none()
return SpecialTransaction.objects.filter(specialtransactionproxy__remittance=self)
def count(self):
Linked transactions count.
return self.transactions.count()
def amount(self):
Total amount of the remittance.
return sum( for transaction in self.transactions.all())
def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None):
# Check if all transactions have the right type.
if self.transactions.filter(~Q(source=self.remittance_type.note)).exists():
raise ValidationError("All transactions in a remittance must have the same type")
return super().save(force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
def __str__(self):
return _("Remittance #{:d}: {}").format(, self.comment, )
class SpecialTransactionProxy(models.Model):
In order to keep modularity, we don't that the Note app depends on the treasury app.
That's why we create a proxy in this app, to link special transactions and remittances.
If it isn't very clean, that makes what we want.
transaction = models.OneToOneField(
remittance = models.ForeignKey(
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from treasury.models import SpecialTransactionProxy, RemittanceType
def save_special_transaction(instance, created, **kwargs):
When a special transaction is created, we create its linked proxy
if created and RemittanceType.objects.filter(note=instance.source).exists():
SpecialTransactionProxy.objects.create(transaction=instance, remittance=None).save()
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import django_tables2 as tables
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django_tables2 import A
from note.models import SpecialTransaction
from note.templatetags.pretty_money import pretty_money
from .models import Invoice, Remittance
class InvoiceTable(tables.Table):
List all invoices.
id = tables.LinkColumn("treasury:invoice_update",
text=lambda record: _("Invoice #{:d}").format(, )
invoice = tables.LinkColumn("treasury:invoice_render",
'a': {'class': 'fa fa-file-pdf-o'},
'td': {'data-turbolinks': 'false'}
class Meta:
attrs = {
'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover'
model = Invoice
template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html'
fields = ('id', 'name', 'object', 'acquitted', 'invoice',)
class RemittanceTable(tables.Table):
List all remittances.
count = tables.Column(verbose_name=_("Transaction count"))
amount = tables.Column(verbose_name=_("Amount"))
view = tables.LinkColumn("treasury:remittance_update",
'a': {'class': 'btn btn-primary'}
}, )
def render_amount(self, value):
return pretty_money(value)
class Meta:
attrs = {
'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover'
model = Remittance
template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html'
fields = ('id', 'date', 'remittance_type', 'comment', 'count', 'amount', 'view',)
class SpecialTransactionTable(tables.Table):
List special credit transactions that are (or not, following the queryset) attached to a remittance.
# Display add and remove buttons. Use the `exclude` field to select what is needed.
remittance_add = tables.LinkColumn("treasury:link_transaction",
'a': {'class': 'btn btn-primary'}
}, )
remittance_remove = tables.LinkColumn("treasury:unlink_transaction",
'a': {'class': 'btn btn-primary btn-danger'}
}, )
def render_id(self, record):
def render_amount(self, value):
return pretty_money(value)
class Meta:
attrs = {
'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover'
model = SpecialTransaction
template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html'
fields = ('id', 'source', 'destination', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'bank', 'amount', 'reason',)
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from django.urls import path
from .views import InvoiceCreateView, InvoiceListView, InvoiceUpdateView, InvoiceRenderView, RemittanceListView,\
RemittanceCreateView, RemittanceUpdateView, LinkTransactionToRemittanceView, UnlinkTransactionToRemittanceView
app_name = 'treasury'
urlpatterns = [
# Invoice app paths
path('invoice/', InvoiceListView.as_view(), name='invoice_list'),
path('invoice/create/', InvoiceCreateView.as_view(), name='invoice_create'),
path('invoice/<int:pk>/', InvoiceUpdateView.as_view(), name='invoice_update'),
path('invoice/render/<int:pk>/', InvoiceRenderView.as_view(), name='invoice_render'),
# Remittance app paths
path('remittance/', RemittanceListView.as_view(), name='remittance_list'),
path('remittance/create/', RemittanceCreateView.as_view(), name='remittance_create'),
path('remittance/<int:pk>/', RemittanceUpdateView.as_view(), name='remittance_update'),
path('remittance/link_transaction/<int:pk>/', LinkTransactionToRemittanceView.as_view(), name='link_transaction'),
path('remittance/unlink_transaction/<int:pk>/', UnlinkTransactionToRemittanceView.as_view(),
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db.models import Q
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.views.generic import CreateView, UpdateView
from django.views.generic.base import View, TemplateView
from django_tables2 import SingleTableView
from note.models import SpecialTransaction, NoteSpecial
from note_kfet.settings.base import BASE_DIR
from .forms import InvoiceForm, ProductFormSet, ProductFormSetHelper, RemittanceForm, LinkTransactionToRemittanceForm
from .models import Invoice, Product, Remittance, SpecialTransactionProxy
from .tables import InvoiceTable, RemittanceTable, SpecialTransactionTable
class InvoiceCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
Create Invoice
model = Invoice
form_class = InvoiceForm
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
form = context['form']
form.helper = FormHelper()
# Remove form tag on the generation of the form in the template (already present on the template)
form.helper.form_tag = False
# The formset handles the set of the products
form_set = ProductFormSet(instance=form.instance)
context['formset'] = form_set
context['helper'] = ProductFormSetHelper()
context['no_cache'] = True
return context
def form_valid(self, form):
ret = super().form_valid(form)
kwargs = {}
# The user type amounts in cents. We convert it in euros.
for key in self.request.POST:
value = self.request.POST[key]
if key.endswith("amount") and value:
kwargs[key] = str(int(100 * float(value)))
elif value:
kwargs[key] = value
# For each product, we save it
formset = ProductFormSet(kwargs, instance=form.instance)
if formset.is_valid():
for f in formset:
# We don't save the product if the designation is not entered, ie. if the line is empty
if f.is_valid() and f.instance.designation:
f.instance = None
return ret
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('treasury:invoice_list')
class InvoiceListView(LoginRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
List existing Invoices
model = Invoice
table_class = InvoiceTable
class InvoiceUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView):
Create Invoice
model = Invoice
form_class = InvoiceForm
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
form = context['form']
form.helper = FormHelper()
# Remove form tag on the generation of the form in the template (already present on the template)
form.helper.form_tag = False
# Fill the intial value for the date field, with the initial date of the model instance
form.fields['date'].initial =
# The formset handles the set of the products
form_set = ProductFormSet(instance=form.instance)
context['formset'] = form_set
context['helper'] = ProductFormSetHelper()
context['no_cache'] = True
return context
def form_valid(self, form):
ret = super().form_valid(form)
kwargs = {}
# The user type amounts in cents. We convert it in euros.
for key in self.request.POST:
value = self.request.POST[key]
if key.endswith("amount") and value:
kwargs[key] = str(int(100 * float(value)))
elif value:
kwargs[key] = value
formset = ProductFormSet(kwargs, instance=form.instance)
saved = []
# For each product, we save it
if formset.is_valid():
for f in formset:
# We don't save the product if the designation is not entered, ie. if the line is empty
if f.is_valid() and f.instance.designation:
f.instance = None
# Remove old products that weren't given in the form
Product.objects.filter(~Q(pk__in=saved), invoice=form.instance).delete()
return ret
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('treasury:invoice_list')
class InvoiceRenderView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
Render Invoice as a generated PDF with the given information and a LaTeX template
def get(self, request, **kwargs):
pk = kwargs["pk"]
invoice = Invoice.objects.get(pk=pk)
products = Product.objects.filter(invoice=invoice).all()
# Informations of the BDE. Should be updated when the school will move. = "Cachan"
invoice.my_name = "BDE ENS Cachan"
invoice.my_address_street = "61 avenue du Président Wilson"
invoice.my_city = "94230 Cachan"
invoice.bank_code = 30003
invoice.desk_code = 3894
invoice.account_number = 37280662
invoice.rib_key = 14
invoice.bic = "SOGEFRPP"
# Replace line breaks with the LaTeX equivalent
invoice.description = invoice.description.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "\\\\ ")
invoice.address = invoice.address.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "\\\\ ")
# Fill the template with the information
tex = render_to_string("treasury/invoice_sample.tex", dict(obj=invoice, products=products))
os.mkdir(BASE_DIR + "/tmp")
except FileExistsError:
# We render the file in a temporary directory
tmp_dir = mkdtemp(prefix=BASE_DIR + "/tmp/")
with open("{}/invoice-{:d}.tex".format(tmp_dir, pk), "wb") as f:
del tex
# The file has to be rendered twice
for _ in range(2):
error = subprocess.Popen(
["pdflatex", "invoice-{}.tex".format(pk)],
stdin=open(os.devnull, "r"),
stderr=open(os.devnull, "wb"),
stdout=open(os.devnull, "wb"),
if error:
raise IOError("An error attempted while generating a invoice (code=" + str(error) + ")")
# Display the generated pdf as a HTTP Response
pdf = open("{}/invoice-{}.pdf".format(tmp_dir, pk), 'rb').read()
response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type="application/pdf")
response['Content-Disposition'] = "inline;filename=invoice-{:d}.pdf".format(pk)
except IOError as e:
raise e
# Delete all temporary files
return response
class RemittanceCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
Create Remittance
model = Remittance
form_class = RemittanceForm
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('treasury:remittance_list')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
ctx["table"] = RemittanceTable(data=Remittance.objects.all())
ctx["special_transactions"] = SpecialTransactionTable(data=SpecialTransaction.objects.none())
return ctx
class RemittanceListView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
List existing Remittances
template_name = "treasury/remittance_list.html"
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
ctx["opened_remittances"] = RemittanceTable(data=Remittance.objects.filter(closed=False).all())
ctx["closed_remittances"] = RemittanceTable(data=Remittance.objects.filter(closed=True).reverse().all())
ctx["special_transactions_no_remittance"] = SpecialTransactionTable(
exclude=('remittance_remove', ))
ctx["special_transactions_with_remittance"] = SpecialTransactionTable(
exclude=('remittance_add', ))
return ctx
class RemittanceUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView):
Update Remittance
model = Remittance
form_class = RemittanceForm
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('treasury:remittance_list')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
ctx["table"] = RemittanceTable(data=Remittance.objects.all())
data = SpecialTransaction.objects.filter(specialtransactionproxy__remittance=self.object).all()
ctx["special_transactions"] = SpecialTransactionTable(
exclude=('remittance_add', 'remittance_remove', ) if self.object.closed else ('remittance_add', ))
return ctx
class LinkTransactionToRemittanceView(LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView):
Attach a special transaction to a remittance
model = SpecialTransactionProxy
form_class = LinkTransactionToRemittanceForm
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('treasury:remittance_list')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
form = ctx["form"]
form.fields["last_name"].initial = self.object.transaction.last_name
form.fields["first_name"].initial = self.object.transaction.first_name
form.fields["bank"].initial =
form.fields["amount"].initial = self.object.transaction.amount
form.fields["remittance"].queryset = form.fields["remittance"] \
return ctx
class UnlinkTransactionToRemittanceView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
Unlink a special transaction and its remittance
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
pk = kwargs["pk"]
transaction = SpecialTransactionProxy.objects.get(pk=pk)
# The remittance must be open (or inexistant)
if transaction.remittance and transaction.remittance.closed:
raise ValidationError("Remittance is already closed.")
transaction.remittance = None
return redirect('treasury:remittance_list')
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-16 11:53+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-26 14:40+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
......@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ msgid "activity"
msgstr ""
#: apps/activity/ apps/activity/
#: apps/member/ apps/member/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/member/ apps/member/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: templates/member/profile_detail.html:15
msgid "name"
msgstr ""
......@@ -46,12 +46,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "activity types"
msgstr ""
#: apps/activity/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/activity/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/permission/
msgid "description"
msgstr ""
#: apps/activity/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "type"
msgstr ""
......@@ -119,11 +120,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "create"
msgstr ""
#: apps/logs/
#: apps/logs/ apps/note/
msgid "edit"
msgstr ""
#: apps/logs/
#: apps/logs/ apps/note/
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
......@@ -143,123 +144,123 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "member"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "phone number"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/ templates/member/profile_detail.html:28
#: apps/member/ templates/member/profile_detail.html:28
msgid "section"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "e.g. \"1A0\", \"9A♥\", \"SAPHIRE\""
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/ templates/member/profile_detail.html:31
#: apps/member/ templates/member/profile_detail.html:31
msgid "address"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "paid"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/ apps/member/
#: apps/member/ apps/member/
msgid "user profile"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "email"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "membership fee"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "membership duration"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "The longest time a membership can last (NULL = infinite)."
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "membership start"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "How long after January 1st the members can renew their membership."
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "membership end"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid ""
"How long the membership can last after January 1st of the next year after "
"members can renew their membership."
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/member/ apps/note/models/
msgid "club"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "clubs"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/ apps/permission/
msgid "role"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "roles"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "membership starts on"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "membership ends on"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "fee"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "membership"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "memberships"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/ templates/member/profile_detail.html:46
#: apps/member/ templates/member/profile_detail.html:46
msgid "Update Profile"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "An alias with a similar name already exists."
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
#, python-format
msgid "Account #%(id)s: %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: apps/member/
#: apps/member/
msgid "Alias successfully deleted"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/ apps/note/models/
msgid "source"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/ apps/note/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
msgid "destination"
msgstr ""
......@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "display image"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
msgid "created at"
msgstr ""
......@@ -383,116 +384,274 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You can't delete your main alias."
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transaction category"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transaction categories"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "A template with this name already exist"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
msgid "amount"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "in centimes"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transaction template"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transaction templates"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/ apps/note/
msgid "used alias"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "quantity"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:15
msgid "Gift"
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "reason"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "valid"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ templates/base.html:90
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/
msgid "invalidity reason"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transaction"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transactions"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ templates/base.html:83
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:19
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:126
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:145
msgid "Transfer"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "Template"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:23
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "first_name"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "bank"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:24
msgid "Credit"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:27
#: apps/note/models/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:28
msgid "Debit"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
#: apps/note/models/ apps/note/models/
msgid "membership transaction"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "reason"
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "membership transactions"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "valid"
#: apps/note/
msgid "Transfer money"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transaction"
#: apps/note/ templates/base.html:79
msgid "Consumptions"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "transactions"
#: apps/permission/ apps/permission/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can {type} {model}.{field} in {query}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "first_name"
#: apps/permission/ apps/permission/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can {type} {model} in {query}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "bank"
#: apps/permission/
msgid "rank"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/models/
msgid "membership transactions"
#: apps/permission/
msgid "Specifying field applies only to view and change permission types."
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/
msgid "Transfer money"
#: apps/treasury/ templates/base.html:102
msgid "Treasury"
msgstr ""
#: apps/note/ templates/base.html:78
msgid "Consumptions"
#: apps/treasury/ apps/treasury/
#: templates/django_filters/rest_framework/form.html:5
#: templates/member/club_form.html:10 templates/treasury/invoice_form.html:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Remittance is already closed."
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "You can't change the type of the remittance."
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Last name"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:92
msgid "First name"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:98
msgid "Bank"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/ apps/treasury/
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:128
#: templates/treasury/remittance_form.html:18
msgid "Amount"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Invoice identifier"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "BDE"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Object"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/ templates/note/transaction_form.html:86
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Address"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Place"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Acquitted"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Designation"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Unit price"
msgstr ""
#: note_kfet/settings/
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Closed"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Remittance #{:d}: {}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/ apps/treasury/
#: apps/treasury/ templates/treasury/invoice_list.html:13
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:13
msgid "Remittance"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Invoice #{:d}"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/ templates/treasury/invoice_list.html:10
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:10
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Transaction count"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/ apps/treasury/
msgid "View"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Add"
msgstr ""
#: apps/treasury/
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""
#: note_kfet/settings/
msgid ""
"The Central Authentication Service grants you access to most of our websites "
"by authenticating only once, so you don't need to type your credentials "
"again unless your session expires or you logout."
msgstr ""
#: note_kfet/settings/
#: note_kfet/settings/
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
#: note_kfet/settings/
#: note_kfet/settings/
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
#: note_kfet/settings/
#: note_kfet/settings/
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
......@@ -500,18 +659,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The ENS Paris-Saclay BDE note."
msgstr ""
#: templates/base.html:81
#: templates/base.html:87
msgid "Clubs"
msgstr ""
#: templates/base.html:84
#: templates/base.html:92
msgid "Activities"
msgstr ""
#: templates/base.html:87
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr ""
#: templates/cas_server/base.html:7
msgid "Central Authentication Service"
msgstr ""
......@@ -567,11 +722,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Field filters"
msgstr ""
#: templates/django_filters/rest_framework/form.html:5
#: templates/member/club_form.html:10
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
#: templates/member/club_detail.html:10
msgid "Membership starts on"
msgstr ""
......@@ -653,7 +803,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/conso_form.html:28 templates/note/transaction_form.html:38
#: templates/note/conso_form.html:28 templates/note/transaction_form.html:50
msgid "Select emitters"
msgstr ""
......@@ -681,49 +831,53 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Double consumptions"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/conso_form.html:141
#: templates/note/conso_form.html:141 templates/note/transaction_form.html:152
msgid "Recent transactions history"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:55
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:15
msgid "Gift"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:68
msgid "External payment"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:63
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:76
msgid "Transfer type"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:73
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:86
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:79
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:92
msgid "First name"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:85
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:98
msgid "Bank"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:97
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:179
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:186
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:111
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:169
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:176
msgid "Select receivers"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:114
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:128
msgid "Amount"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:119
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:138
msgid "Reason"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:193
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:183
msgid "Credit note"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:200
#: templates/note/transaction_form.html:190
msgid "Debit note"
msgstr ""
......@@ -731,6 +885,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buttons list"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html:9
msgid "search button"
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html:20
msgid "buttons listing "
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html:71
msgid "button successfully deleted "
msgstr ""
#: templates/note/transactiontemplate_list.html:75
msgid "Unable to delete button "
msgstr ""
#: templates/registration/logged_out.html:8
msgid "Thanks for spending some quality time with the Web site today."
msgstr ""
......@@ -740,7 +910,7 @@ msgid "Log in again"
msgstr ""
#: templates/registration/login.html:7 templates/registration/login.html:8
#: templates/registration/login.html:26
#: templates/registration/login.html:28
#: templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html:10
msgid "Log in"
msgstr ""
......@@ -752,7 +922,15 @@ msgid ""
"page. Would you like to login to a different account?"
msgstr ""
#: templates/registration/login.html:27
#: templates/registration/login.html:22
msgid "You can also register via the central authentification server "
msgstr ""
#: templates/registration/login.html:23
msgid "using this link "
msgstr ""
#: templates/registration/login.html:29
msgid "Forgotten your password or username?"
msgstr ""
......@@ -808,3 +986,72 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:11
msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/invoice_form.html:6
msgid "Invoices list"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/invoice_form.html:42
msgid "Add product"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/invoice_form.html:43
msgid "Remove product"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/invoice_list.html:21
msgid "New invoice"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_form.html:7
msgid "Remittance #"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_form.html:9
#: templates/treasury/specialtransactionproxy_form.html:7
msgid "Remittances list"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_form.html:12
msgid "Count"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_form.html:29
msgid "Linked transactions"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_form.html:34
msgid "There is no transaction linked with this remittance."
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:19
msgid "Opened remittances"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:24
msgid "There is no opened remittance."
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:28
msgid "New remittance"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:32
msgid "Transfers without remittances"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:37
msgid "There is no transaction without any linked remittance."
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:43
msgid "Transfers with opened remittances"
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:48
msgid "There is no transaction with an opened linked remittance."
msgstr ""
#: templates/treasury/remittance_list.html:54
msgid "Closed remittances"
msgstr ""
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = [
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ urlpatterns = [
# Include project routers
path('note/', include('note.urls')),
path('treasury/', include('treasury.urls')),
# Include Django Contrib and Core routers
path('i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n')),

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