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Commit b994d943 authored by dsac's avatar dsac
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End of the allocation proofs

parent b48d5ede
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From stdpp Require Import gmap.
From stdpp Require Import gmap finite.
From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants bi.
From iris.algebra Require Import agree auth excl gmap.
......@@ -207,13 +207,127 @@ Section ResourcesInstantiationVecs.
Context `{!EqDecision LogOp, !Countable LogOp, !Internal_StLibG LogOp Σ, !CRDT_Params}.
Notation princ_ev := (@principal (gset (Event LogOp)) cc_subseteq).
Lemma destruct_fin n:
(i: fin (S n)), i = 0%fin ( i': fin n, i = Fin.FS i').
Proof. apply fin_S_inv; eauto. Qed.
Lemma exists_s (n: nat):
(S: gset (fin n)), i, i S.
induction n as [|n IH].
- exists . intros?. inversion i.
- destruct IH as [S' S'_def].
exists ((gset_map.gset_map Fin.FS S') {[ Fin.F1 ]}).
intros i.
destruct (destruct_fin n i) as [|[i' Hi']];
first set_solver.
rewrite Hi'.
by apply elem_of_union_l, gset_map.gset_map_correct1.
Lemma conv_list_vec {A} n (l: list A) (R: A iProp Σ) :
([ list] k l, R k) -
(S: gset (fin n)), ⌜∀ i, i S
[ set] i S,
let j := fin_to_nat i in
match decide (j < (length l))%nat with
| left Hlt =>
R ((Vector.of_list l) !!! (nat_to_fin Hlt))
| right _ => True
iInduction l as [|h t] "IHl" using rev_ind forall (n).
- iIntros "_".
destruct(exists_s n) as [S' HS'].
iExists S'.
iSplit; first done.
clear HS'.
iInduction S' as [] "H" using set_ind_L; first done.
iApply big_sepS_union; first set_solver.
iFrame "H".
by iApply big_sepS_singleton.
- iIntros "[Ht [Hh _]]".
iDestruct ("IHl" $! n with "Ht") as "(%S' & %HS' & H)".
iExists S'. iSplit; first done.
iAssert([ set] i S', match decide (fin_to_nat i = length t)%nat with
| left Heq => R h
| right _ => True
end)%I with "[Hh]" as "H1".
{ destruct (decide (length t < n)%nat) as [Hlt | Hnlt].
- iApply ((big_sepS_delete_2 (nat_to_fin Hlt)) with "[Hh]").
by destruct (decide); iFrame.
iApply big_sepS_intro. iIntros "!> %x %Hx_in".
rewrite decide_False; first done.
replace (length t) with (fin_to_nat (nat_to_fin Hlt));
first set_solver.
apply fin_to_nat_to_fin.
- iApply big_sepS_intro. iIntros "!> %x %Hx_in".
rewrite decide_False; first done.
intros Hx_eq. rewrite -Hx_eq in Hnlt.
by pose (fin_to_nat_lt x). }
iDestruct (big_sepS_sep_2 with "H H1") as "H".
iApply (big_sepS_mono with "H").
iIntros (x Hx_in) "[H H']".
destruct decide.
+ destruct (decide (x < _)%nat); last trivial.
assert(list_to_vec t !!! nat_to_fin l
= list_to_vec (t ++ [h]) !!! nat_to_fin l0) as ->; last by iFrame.
symmetry. rewrite vlookup_lookup.
rewrite !vec_to_list_to_vec.
rewrite lookup_app_l; last by rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin.
destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 t (fin_to_nat (nat_to_fin l0))) as [a Ha];
first by rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin.
rewrite Ha.
by rewrite vlookup_lookup -Ha !fin_to_nat_to_fin vec_to_list_to_vec.
+ destruct (decide (_ < _)%nat); last done.
pose proof l as l'.
rewrite app_length in l'.
simpl in *.
assert(x = length t:>nat) as ?; first lia.
rewrite decide_True; last assumption.
assert(list_to_vec (t ++ [h]) !!! nat_to_fin l = h) as ->; last done.
rewrite vlookup_lookup.
rewrite !vec_to_list_to_vec.
rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin H0.
rewrite lookup_app_r; last done.
by rewrite Nat.sub_diag.
Lemma conv_list_vec' {A} (l: list A) (R: A iProp Σ) :
([ list] k l, R k) -
(S: gset (fin (length l))), ⌜∀ i, i S
[ set] i S, R ((Vector.of_list l) !!! i).
iIntros "Hl".
iDestruct (conv_list_vec with "Hl") as "(%S & %Hs & H)".
iExists S.
iSplit; first done.
iApply (big_sepS_mono with "H").
iIntros (x Hx_in) "H".
destruct decide as [Hlt | Hnlt]; last first.
{ destruct Hnlt. apply fin_to_nat_lt. }
assert(list_to_vec l !!! x = list_to_vec l !!! nat_to_fin Hlt) as ->;
[ by rewrite nat_to_fin_to_nat | iFrame ].
Lemma alloc_loc_cc:
True == (γ_loc_cc_vec: vec gname (length CRDT_Addresses)),
(S: gset (fin (length CRDT_Addresses))),
f, f S
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_cc_vec !!! f) ( princ_ev ))
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_cc_vec !!! f) ( princ_ev )).
Proof. Admitted.
iIntros (_).
iMod (alloc_loc_cc_list with "[//]") as "(%l & %Hlen & Hl)".
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl") as "(%S & %HS_def & HS)".
repeat rewrite -Hlen.
iExists (list_to_vec l), S.
iSplit; first done.
iApply big_sepS_sep. iFrame.
(** This lemma is a copy of the precedent one. It is there nonetheless in case
* the definitions attached to the vector γ_loc_cc' change. *)
......@@ -232,7 +346,18 @@ Section ResourcesInstantiationVecs.
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_own_vec !!! f) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree ))
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_own_vec !!! f) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree ))
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_own_vec !!! f) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree )).
Proof. Admitted.
iIntros (_).
iMod (alloc_loc_own_list with "[//]") as "(%l & %Hlen & Hl0 & Hl1 & Hl2)".
iModIntro. repeat rewrite -Hlen.
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl0") as "(%S & %HS_def & HS0)".
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl1") as "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS1)".
assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl2") as "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS2)".
assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
iExists (list_to_vec l), S.
iSplit; first done. iFrame.
Lemma alloc_loc_sub:
True == (γ_loc_sub_vec: vec gname (length CRDT_Addresses)),
......@@ -240,7 +365,16 @@ Section ResourcesInstantiationVecs.
f, f S
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_sub_vec !!! f) ((2/3)%Qp, to_agree ))
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_sub_vec !!! f) ((1/3)%Qp, to_agree )).
Proof. Admitted.
iIntros (_).
iMod (alloc_loc_sub_list with "[//]") as "(%l & %Hlen & Hl0 & Hl1)".
iModIntro. repeat rewrite -Hlen.
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl0") as "(%S & %HS_def & HS0)".
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl1") as "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS1)".
assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
iExists (list_to_vec l), S.
iSplit; first done. iFrame.
Lemma alloc_loc_for:
True == (γ_loc_for_vec: vec gname (length CRDT_Addresses)),
......@@ -248,7 +382,16 @@ Section ResourcesInstantiationVecs.
f, f S
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_for_vec !!! f) ((1/2)%Qp, to_agree ))
([ set] f S, own (γ_loc_for_vec !!! f) ((1/2)%Qp, to_agree )).
Proof. Admitted.
iIntros (_).
iMod (alloc_loc_for_list with "[//]") as "(%l & %Hlen & Hl0 & Hl1)".
iModIntro. repeat rewrite -Hlen.
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl0") as "(%S & %HS_def & HS0)".
iDestruct (conv_list_vec' with "Hl1") as "(%S' & %HS'_def & HS1)".
assert(S' = S) as ->; [ by apply set_eq | clear HS'_def ].
iExists (list_to_vec l), S.
iSplit; first done. iFrame.
End ResourcesInstantiationVecs.
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