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  • loutr/proost
  • jeanas/proost
2 results
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......@@ -467,11 +467,13 @@ name = "proost"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
......@@ -559,6 +561,17 @@ dependencies = [
name = "rustyline-derive"
version = "0.7.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "107c3d5d7f370ac09efa62a78375f94d94b8a33c61d8c278b96683fb4dbf2d8d"
dependencies = [
name = "scopeguard"
version = "1.1.0"
......@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ anyhow = "1.0"
clap = { version = "4.0.10", features = ["derive"] }
derive_more = "0.99.17"
num-bigint = "0.4"
atty = "0.2"
colored = "2"
rustyline = "10.0.0"
rustyline-derive = "0.7.0"
authors = [
......@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
A simple proof assistant written in Rust.
The specification of the project may be found
The documentation, generated with `rust-doc` may be found
The specification of the project may be found [here](docs/specs.pdf).
The documentation, generated with `rust-doc` may be found [here](doc/proost/).
### Development environment
With `nix` installed, simply type `nix develop`. This provides an environment
with all the necessary tools, including `clippy` and `rustfmt`. There, it is
possible to run the usual `cargo build` and so on.
### Usage
Please see the specification for insights on how to use `proost` and `tilleul`.
Please consider the syntax `nix develop --profile <a-file-of-your-choosing>`, which
will prevent the garbage collection of the development dependencies.
### Build and install
With `nix` installed, simply type `nix run git+ssh://` to launch `proost`. Alternatively, clone this git repository and type `nix build` to perform a build and have it in the nix store. One can also type `nix profile install` in the repo to install `proost` to one's profile and use it everywhere!
### Development environment
With `nix` installed, simply type `nix develop`. This provides an environment with all the necessary tools, including `clippy` and `rustfmt`. There, it is possible to run the usual `cargo build` and so on.
### Build and install
With `nix` installed, type `nix build` to perform a build and have it in the nix
store. One can also type `nix profile install` in the repo to install *proost*
to one's profile and use it everywhere!
Please consider the syntax `nix develop --profile <a-file-of-your-choosing>`, which will prevent the garbage collection of the development dependencies.
### Crates dependencies
graph TD;
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ parser.path = "../parser"
anyhow.workspace = true
clap.workspace = true
colored = "2"
rustyline = "10.0.0"
atty.workspace = true
colored.workspace = true
rustyline.workspace = true
rustyline-derive.workspace = true
mod process;
mod rustyline_helper;
use std::fs;
use atty::Stream;
use clap::Parser;
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
use rustyline::{Cmd, Editor, EventHandler, KeyCode, KeyEvent, Modifiers, Result};
use rustyline_helper::*;
use kernel::Environment;
use process::*;
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
use rustyline::Editor;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
// clap configuration
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
/// some .mdln files
files: Vec<String>,
/// remove syntax highlighting
no_color: bool,
// constants fetching
const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const NAME: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME");
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args = Args::parse();
// check if files are inputed
if !args.files.is_empty() {
for path in args.files.iter() {
match fs::read_to_string(path) {
......@@ -36,8 +44,22 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
return Ok(());
let mut rl_err: Option<ReadlineError> = None;
let mut rl = Editor::<()>::new()?;
// check if we are in a terminal
if atty::isnt(Stream::Stdout) || atty::isnt(Stream::Stdin) {
return Ok(());
let helper = RustyLineHelper::new(!args.no_color);
let mut rl = Editor::<RustyLineHelper>::new()?;
KeyEvent(KeyCode::Enter, Modifiers::ALT),
println!("Welcome to {} {}", NAME, VERSION);
let mut env = Environment::new();
......@@ -52,14 +74,8 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => {}
Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => break,
Err(err) => {
rl_err = Some(err);
Err(err) => return Err(err),
match rl_err {
None => Ok(()),
Some(err) => Err(box err),
use colored::*;
use rustyline::completion::{Completer, FilenameCompleter, Pair};
use rustyline::highlight::Highlighter;
use rustyline::hint::HistoryHinter;
use rustyline::validate::{ValidationContext, ValidationResult, Validator};
use rustyline::{Cmd, ConditionalEventHandler, Context, Event, EventContext, RepeatCount, Result};
use rustyline_derive::{Helper, Hinter};
use std::borrow::Cow::{self, Borrowed, Owned};
/// Language keywords that should be highligted
const KEYWORDS: [&str; 4] = ["check", "def", "eval", "import"];
/// An Helper for a RustyLine Editor that implements:
/// - a standard hinter
/// - customs validator, completer and highlighter
#[derive(Helper, Hinter)]
pub struct RustyLineHelper {
color: bool,
completer: FilenameCompleter,
hinter: HistoryHinter,
impl RustyLineHelper {
pub fn new(color: bool) -> Self {
Self {
completer: FilenameCompleter::new(),
hinter: HistoryHinter {},
/// An Handler for the tab event
pub struct TabEventHandler;
impl ConditionalEventHandler for TabEventHandler {
fn handle(&self, _: &Event, n: RepeatCount, _: bool, ctx: &EventContext) -> Option<Cmd> {
if ctx.line().starts_with("import") {
return None;
Some(Cmd::Insert(n, " ".to_string()))
/// A variation of FilenameCompleter:
/// file completion is available only after having typed import
impl Completer for RustyLineHelper {
type Candidate = Pair;
fn complete(&self, line: &str, pos: usize, _ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<(usize, Vec<Pair>)> {
if line.starts_with("import") {
self.completer.complete_path(line, pos)
} else {
/// A variation of MatchingBracketValidator:
/// no validation occurs when entering the import command
impl Validator for RustyLineHelper {
fn validate(&self, ctx: &mut ValidationContext) -> Result<ValidationResult> {
if ctx.input().starts_with("import") {
return Ok(ValidationResult::Valid(None));
.or_else(|| validate_brackets(ctx.input()))
fn validate_arrows(input: &str) -> Option<ValidationResult> {
let mut iter = input.as_bytes().iter().rev();
if let Some(b) = iter.find(|b| **b != b' ') {
if *b == b'>' && let Some(b) = && (*b == b'-' || *b == b'=') {
return Some(ValidationResult::Incomplete)
fn validate_brackets(input: &str) -> Option<ValidationResult> {
let mut stack = vec![];
for c in input.chars() {
match c {
'(' => stack.push(c),
')' => match stack.pop() {
Some('(') => {}
Some(_) => {
return Some(ValidationResult::Invalid(Some(
"\nMismatched brackets: ) is not properly closed".to_string(),
None => {
return Some(ValidationResult::Invalid(Some(
"\nMismatched brackets: ( is unpaired".to_string(),
_ => {}
if stack.is_empty() {
} else {
/// A variation of MatchingBrackerHighlighter:
/// no check occurs before cursor
/// see:
impl Highlighter for RustyLineHelper {
fn highlight_hint<'h>(&self, hint: &'h str) -> Cow<'h, str> {
if !self.color {
return Owned(hint.to_owned());
Owned(format!("{}", hint.bold()))
fn highlight_char(&self, _line: &str, _pos: usize) -> bool {
fn highlight<'l>(&self, line: &'l str, pos: usize) -> Cow<'l, str> {
if line.len() <= 1 || !self.color {
return Borrowed(line);
let mut copy = line.to_owned();
if let Some((bracket, pos)) = get_bracket(line, pos)
&& let Some((matching, pos)) = find_matching_bracket(line, pos, bracket) {
let s = String::from(matching as char);
copy.replace_range(pos..=pos, &;
.for_each(|keyword| replace_inplace(&mut copy, keyword, &;
/// Variation of the std replace function that only replace full words
pub fn replace_inplace(input: &mut String, from: &str, to: &str) {
let mut offset = 0;
while let Some(pos) = input[offset..].find(from) {
if (pos == 0 || input.as_bytes()[offset + pos - 1] == b' ')
&& (offset + pos + from.len() == input.len()
|| input.as_bytes()[offset + pos + from.len()] == b' ')
input.replace_range(offset + pos..offset + pos + from.len(), to);
offset += pos + to.len();
} else {
offset += pos + from.len()
fn find_matching_bracket(line: &str, pos: usize, bracket: u8) -> Option<(u8, usize)> {
let matching_bracket = matching_bracket(bracket);
let mut to_match = 1;
let match_bracket = |b: u8| {
if b == matching_bracket {
to_match -= 1;
} else if b == bracket {
to_match += 1;
to_match == 0
if is_open_bracket(bracket) {
// forward search
line[pos + 1..]
.map(|pos2| (matching_bracket, pos2 + pos + 1))
} else {
// backward search
.map(|pos2| (matching_bracket, pos - pos2 - 1))
/// Check if the cursor is on a bracket
const fn get_bracket(line: &str, pos: usize) -> Option<(u8, usize)> {
if !line.is_empty() && pos < line.len() {
let b = line.as_bytes()[pos];
if is_bracket(b) {
return Some((b, pos));
const fn matching_bracket(bracket: u8) -> u8 {
match bracket {
b'(' => b')',
b')' => b'(',
_ => unreachable!(),
const fn is_bracket(bracket: u8) -> bool {
matches!(bracket, b'(' | b')')
const fn is_open_bracket(bracket: u8) -> bool {
matches!(bracket, b'(')