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from datetime import timedelta

from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
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from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap
from django.core.mail import mail_admins, send_mass_mail
from django.db.models import Count
from django.forms import formset_factory
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from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
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from django.urls import reverse
from django.views.generic import RedirectView, UpdateView, TemplateView, View
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from accounts.models import EmailUser
from home import models
from home.forms import ActivityForm, BaseActivityFormSet, InscriptionForm
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from site_settings.models import SiteSettings
from shared.views import CSVWriteView, SuperuserRequiredMixin
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# ==============================
# Site static pages
# ==============================

class HomeView(TemplateView):
	"""Vue pour la page d'acceuil"""
	template_name = "home.html"

def get_planning_context():
	"""Returns the context dict needed to display the planning"""
	settings = SiteSettings.load()
	context = dict()
	context['planning'] = models.InterludesSlot.objects.filter(on_planning=True).order_by("title")
	if settings.date_start is not None:
		context['friday'] =
		context['saturday'] = (settings.date_start + timedelta(days=1)).day
		context['sunday'] = (settings.date_start + timedelta(days=2)).day
		context['friday'] = 1
		context['saturday'] = 2
		context['sunday'] = 3
	return context

class ActivityView(TemplateView):
	"""Vue pour la liste des activités"""
	template_name = "activites.html"

	def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
		"""ajoute la liste des activités au contexte"""
		context = super(ActivityView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
		context['activities'] = models.InterludesActivity.objects.filter(display=True).order_by("title")
		return context

class FAQView(TemplateView):
	"""Vue pour la FAQ"""
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	template_name = "faq-distanciel.html"
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# ==============================
# Registration
# ==============================

class RegisterClosed(TemplateView):
	"""Vue pour quand les inscriptions ne sont pas ouvertes"""
	template_name = "inscription/closed.html"

class RegisterSignIn(TemplateView):
	"""Vue affichée quand les inscriptions sont ouverte mais
	l'utilisateur n'est pas connecté"""
	template_name = "inscription/signin.html"

class RegisterUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
	"""Vue pour s'inscrire et modifier son inscription"""
	template_name = "inscription/form-distanciel.html"
	form_class = InscriptionForm
	formset_class = formset_factory(form=ActivityForm, extra=3, formset=BaseActivityFormSet)

	def get_slots(participant):
		activities = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.filter(participant=participant).order_by("priority")
		return [{"slot": act.slot} for act in activities]

	def set_activities(participant, formset):
		# delete old activites

		priority = 0
		for form in formset:
			data = form.cleaned_data
			if data:
				slot = data["slot"]
					priority=priority, participant=participant, slot=slot
				priority += 1

	def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
		participant = request.user.profile
		slots = self.get_slots(participant)
		form = self.form_class(instance=participant)
		formset = self.formset_class(initial=slots)
		context = {"form": form, "formset": formset}
		return render(request, self.template_name, context)
	def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
		form = self.form_class(request.POST, instance=request.user.profile)
		formset = self.formset_class(request.POST)
		if not (form.is_valid() and formset.is_valid()):
			context = {"form": form, "formset": formset}
			return render(request, self.template_name, context)
		self.set_activities(request.user.profile, formset)
		messages.success(request, "Votre inscription a bien été enregistrée")
		return redirect("accounts:profile", permanent=False)
class RegisterView(View):
	"""Vue pour l'inscription
	repartie sur les vue RegisterClosed, RegisterSignIn et RegisterUpdateView"""
	def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
		settings = SiteSettings.load()
		if not settings.inscriptions_open:
			return RegisterClosed.as_view()(request)
		if not request.user.is_authenticated:
			return RegisterSignIn.as_view()(request)
		return RegisterUpdateView.as_view()(request)
class UnregisterView(LoginRequiredMixin, RedirectView):
	pattern_name = "accounts:profile"

	def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
		participant = self.request.user.profile
		participant.is_registered = False
		messages.success(self.request, "Vous avez été désinscrit")
		return reverse(self.pattern_name)

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# ==============================
# Admin views
# ==============================

class AdminView(SuperuserRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
	template_name = "admin.html"
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	def get_metrics(self):
		registered = models.InterludesParticipant.objects.filter(is_registered = True)
		acts = models.InterludesActivity.objects.all()
		slots_in = models.InterludesSlot.objects.all()
		wishes = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.filter(participant__is_registered=True)
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		class metrics:
			participants = registered.count()
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			ulm = registered.filter(school=models.InterludesParticipant.ENS.ENS_ULM).count()
			lyon = registered.filter(school=models.InterludesParticipant.ENS.ENS_LYON).count()
			rennes = registered.filter(school=models.InterludesParticipant.ENS.ENS_RENNES).count()
			saclay = registered.filter(school=models.InterludesParticipant.ENS.ENS_CACHAN).count()
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			non_registered = EmailUser.objects.filter(is_active=True).count() - participants
			# mugs = registered.filter(mug=True).count()
			sleeps = registered.filter(sleeps=True).count()
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			meal1 = registered.filter(meal_friday_evening=True).count()
			meal2 = registered.filter(meal_saturday_morning=True).count()
			meal3 = registered.filter(meal_saturday_midday=True).count()
			meal4 = registered.filter(meal_saturday_evening=True).count()
			meal5 = registered.filter(meal_sunday_morning=True).count()
			meal6 = registered.filter(meal_sunday_midday=True).count()
			meals = meal1 + meal2 + meal3 + meal4 + meal5 + meal6

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			activites = acts.count()
			displayed = acts.filter(display=True).count()
			act_ins = acts.filter(display=True, must_subscribe=True).count()
			communicate = acts.filter(communicate_participants=True).count()
			st_present = acts.filter(display=True, status=models.InterludesActivity.Status.PRESENT).count()
			st_distant = acts.filter(display=True, status=models.InterludesActivity.Status.DISTANT).count()
			st_both = acts.filter(display=True, status=models.InterludesActivity.Status.BOTH).count()
			slots = slots_in.count()
			true_ins = slots_in.filter(subscribing_open=True).count()
			wish = wishes.count()
			granted = wishes.filter(accepted=True).count()
			malformed = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.filter(slot__subscribing_open=False).count()
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		return metrics

	def validate_activity_participant_nb(self):
		""" Vérifie que le nombre de participant inscrit
		à chaque activité est compris entre le min et le max"""
		slots = models.InterludesSlot.objects.filter(subscribing_open=True)
		min_fails = ""
		max_fails = ""
		for slot in slots:
			total = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.filter(
				slot=slot, accepted=True, participant__is_registered=True
			max = slot.activity.max_participants
			min = slot.activity.min_participants
			if max != 0 and max < total:
				max_fails += "<br> &bullet;&ensp;{}: {} inscrits (maximum {})".format(
					slot, total, max
			if min > total:
				min_fails += "<br> &bullet;&ensp;{}: {} inscrits (minimum {})".format(
					slot, total, min
		message = ""
		if min_fails:
			message += '<li class="error">Activités en sous-effectif : {}</li>'.format(min_fails)
			message += '<li class="success">Aucune activité en sous-effectif</li>'
		if max_fails:
			message += '<li class="error">Activités en sur-effectif : {}</li>'.format(max_fails)
			message += '<li class="success">Aucune activité en sur-effectif</li>'
		return message

	def validate_activity_conflicts(self):
		"""Vérifie que personne n'est inscrit à des activités simultanées"""
		slots = models.InterludesSlot.objects.filter(subscribing_open=True)
		conflicts = []
		for i, slot_1 in enumerate(slots):
			for slot_2 in slots[i+1:]:
				if slot_1.conflicts(slot_2):
					conflicts.append((slot_1, slot_2))
		base_qs = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.filter(
			accepted=True, participant__is_registered=True
		for slot_1, slot_2 in conflicts:
			participants_1 = {x.participant for x in base_qs.filter(slot=slot_1)}
			participants_2 = {x.participant for x in base_qs.filter(slot=slot_2)}
			intersection = participants_1.intersection(participants_2)
			if intersection:
				errors += '<br> &bullet;&ensp; {} participe à la fois à "{}" et à "{}"'.format(
					", ".join(str(x) for x in intersection), slot_1, slot_2

		if errors:
			return '<li class="error">Des participants ont plusieurs activités au même moment :{}</li>'.format(
		return '<li class="success">Aucun inscrit à plusieurs activités simultanées</li>'

	def validate_slot_less(self):
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		"""verifie que toutes les activité demandant une liste de participant ont un créneaux"""
		activities = models.InterludesActivity.objects.filter(communicate_participants=True)
		errors = ""
		for activity in activities:
			count = models.InterludesSlot.objects.filter(activity=activity).count()
			if count == 0:
				errors += "<br> &bullet;&ensp; {}".format(activity.title)
		if errors:
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			return '<li class="error">Certaines activités demandant une liste de participants n\'ont pas de créneaux :{}<br>Leurs orgas vont recevoir un mail inutile.</li>'.format(
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		return '<li class="success">Toutes les activités demandant une liste de participants ont au moins un créneau</li>'
	def validate_multiple_similar_inscription(self):
		"""verifie que personne n'est inscrit à la même activité plusieurs fois"""
		slots = models.InterludesSlot.objects.filter(subscribing_open=True)
		conflicts = []
		for i, slot_1 in enumerate(slots):
			for slot_2 in slots[i+1:]:
				if slot_1.activity == slot_2.activity:
					conflicts.append((slot_1, slot_2))
		base_qs = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.filter(
			accepted=True, participant__is_registered=True
		errors = ""
		for slot_1, slot_2 in conflicts:
			participants_1 = {x.participant for x in base_qs.filter(slot=slot_1)}
			participants_2 = {x.participant for x in base_qs.filter(slot=slot_2)}
			intersection = participants_1.intersection(participants_2)
			if intersection:
				errors += '<br> &bullet;&ensp; {} inscrit aux créneaux "{}" et  "{}" de l\'activité "{}"'.format(
					", ".join(str(x) for x in intersection), slot_1, slot_2, slot_1.activity

		if errors:
			return '<li class="error">Des participants sont inscrits plusieurs fois à la même activité :{}</li>'.format(
		return '<li class="success">Aucun inscrit plusieurs fois à une même activité</li>'

	def validate_activity_allocation(self):
		settings = SiteSettings.load()
		validations = '<ul class="messagelist">'

		# validate global settings
		if not settings.inscriptions_open:
			validations += '<li class="success">Les inscriptions sont fermées</li>'
			validations += '<li class="error">Les inscriptions sont encores ouvertes</li>'
		if settings.activities_allocated:
			validations += '<li class="success">La répartition est marquée comme effectuée</li>'
			validations += '<li class="error">La répartition n\'est pas marquée comme effectuée</li>'

		# longer validations
		validations += self.validate_activity_participant_nb()
		validations += self.validate_activity_conflicts()
		validations += self.validate_multiple_similar_inscription()
		validations += self.validate_slot_less()
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		if settings.discord_link:
			validations += '<li class="success">Le lien du discord est renseigné</li>'
			validations += '<li class="error">Le lien du discord n\'est pas renseigné</li>'

		validations += '</ul>'
		user_email_nb = models.InterludesParticipant.objects.filter(is_registered=True).count()
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		orga_email_nb = models.InterludesActivity.objects.filter(

		return {
			"validations": validations,
			"user_email_nb": user_email_nb,
			"orga_email_nb": orga_email_nb,
			"validation_errors": '<li class="error">' in validations
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	def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
		context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
		context["metrics"] = self.get_metrics()
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		return context

class ExportActivities(SuperuserRequiredMixin, CSVWriteView):
	filename = "activites_interludes"
	model = models.InterludesActivity

class ExportSlots(SuperuserRequiredMixin, CSVWriteView):
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	filename = "créneaux_interludes"
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	headers = [
		"Titre", "Début", "Salle",
		"Ouverte aux inscriptions", "Affichée sur le planning",
		"Couleur", "Durée", "Durée activité",

	def get_rows(self):
		slots = models.InterludesSlot.objects.all()
		rows = []
		for slot in slots:
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				str(slot), slot.start,,
				slot.subscribing_open, slot.on_planning,
				models.InterludesSlot.Colors(slot.color).name, slot.duration, slot.activity.duration	,

class ExportParticipants(SuperuserRequiredMixin, CSVWriteView):
	filename = "participants_interludes"
	headers = [
		"id", "mail", "prénom", "nom", "ENS", "Dors sur place", #"Tasse",
		"Repas vendredi", "Repas S matin", "Repas S midi", "Repas S soir",
		"Repas D matin", "Repas D soir"
	def get_rows(self):
		profiles = models.InterludesParticipant.objects.filter(is_registered=True).all()
		rows = []
		for profile in profiles:
				# profile.mug,
		return rows

class ExportActivityChoices(SuperuserRequiredMixin, CSVWriteView):
	filename = "choix_activite_interludes"
	model = models.InterludesActivityChoices
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	headers = ["id_participant", "nom_participant", "mail_participant", "priorité", "obtenu", "nom_créneau", "id_créneau"]

	def get_rows(self):
		activities = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.all()
		rows = []
		for act in activities:
			if act.participant.is_registered:
Dorian Lesbre's avatar
Dorian Lesbre committed, str(act.participant),, act.priority,
					act.accepted, str(act.slot),
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class SendEmailBase(SuperuserRequiredMixin, RedirectView):
	"""Classe abstraite pour l'envoie d'un groupe d'emails"""
	pattern_name = "site_admin"
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	from_address = None

	def send_emails(self):
		raise NotImplementedError("{}.send_emails isn't implemented".format(self.__class__.__name__))

	def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
		settings = SiteSettings.load()
		if settings.allow_mass_mail:
			messages.error(self.request, "L'envoi de mail de masse est désactivé dans les réglages")
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		return reverse(self.pattern_name)

class SendUserEmail(SendEmailBase):
	"""Envoie aux utilisateurs leur repartition d'activité"""

	def get_emails(self):
		"""genere les mails a envoyer"""
		participants = models.InterludesParticipant.objects.filter(is_registered=True)
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		settings = SiteSettings.load()
		for participant in participants:
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			my_choices = models.InterludesActivityChoices.objects.filter(participant=participant)
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			message = render_to_string("email/user.html", {
				"user": participant.user,
				"settings": settings,
Dorian Lesbre's avatar
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				"requested_activities_nb": my_choices.count(),
				"my_choices": my_choices.filter(accepted=True),
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				"Information interludes", # subject
				self.from_address, # From:
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				[], # To:
		return emails

	def send_emails(self):
		settings = SiteSettings.load()
		if settings.user_notified:
			messages.error(self.request, "Les participants ont déjà reçu un mail annonçant la répartition. Modifiez les réglages pour en envoyer un autre")
		settings.user_notified = True
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		emails = self.get_emails()

		nb_sent = send_mass_mail(emails, fail_silently=False)
			"Emails de répartition envoyés aux participants",
			"Les participants ont reçu un mail leur communiquant la répartition des activités\n"
			"Nombre total de mail envoyés: {}\n\n"
			"-- Site Interludes (mail généré automatiquement".format(nb_sent)
		messages.success(self.request, "{} mails envoyés aux utilisateurs".format(nb_sent))

class SendOrgaEmail(SendEmailBase):
	Envoie aux organisateur leur communiquant les nom/mail des inscrits
	à leurs activités

	def get_emails(self):
		"""genere les mails a envoyer"""
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		activities = models.InterludesActivity.objects.filter(communicate_participants=True)
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		emails = []
		settings = SiteSettings.load()
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		for activity in activities:
			slots = models.InterludesSlot.objects.filter(activity=activity)
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			message = render_to_string("email/orga.html", {
Dorian Lesbre's avatar
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				"activity": activity,
Dorian Lesbre's avatar
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				"settings": settings,
Dorian Lesbre's avatar
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				"slots": slots,
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				"[interludes] Liste d'inscrit à votre activité {}".format(activity.title), # subject
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				self.from_address, # From:
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				[activity.host_email] # To:
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		return emails

	def send_emails(self):
		settings = SiteSettings.load()
		if settings.orga_notified:
			messages.error(self.request, "Les orgas ont déjà reçu un mail avec leur listes d'inscrits. Modifiez les réglages pour en envoyer un autre")
		settings.orga_notified = True
		emails = self.get_emails()

		nb_sent = send_mass_mail(emails, fail_silently=False)
			"Listes d'inscrits envoyés aux orgas",
			"Les mails communiquant aux organisateurs leur listes d'inscrit ont été envoyés\n"
			"Nombre total de mail envoyés: {}\n\n"
			"-- Site Interludes (mail généré automatiquement".format(nb_sent)
		messages.success(self.request, "{} mails envoyés aux orgas".format(nb_sent))
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# ==============================
# Sitemap
# ==============================

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class StaticViewSitemap(Sitemap):
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	"""Vue générant la sitemap.xml du site"""
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	changefreq = 'monthly'

	def items(self):
Dorian Lesbre's avatar
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		"""list of pages to appear in sitemap"""
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		return ["home", "inscription", "activites", "FAQ"]

	def location(self, item):
Dorian Lesbre's avatar
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		"""real url of an item"""
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		return reverse(item)

	def priority(self, obj):
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		"""priority to appear in sitemap"""
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		# Priorize home page over the rest in search results
		if obj == "home" or obj == "":
				return 0.8
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			return None # defaults to 0.5 when unset