# Explicitely redefined some defaults to make play execution work
Maxime Bombar
action_plugins = ./action_plugins
# Do not create .retry files
retry_files_enabled = False
# Generate inventory
#inventory = ./scripts/
# ansible_managed = Ansible managed, see
# Do not use cows (with cowsay)
nocows = 1
# Do more parallelism
forks = 15
# Some SSH connection will take time
timeout = 60
# Enable fact_caching
gathering = smart
fact_caching = jsonfile
fact_caching_connection = ~/.cache/ansible/json/
fact_caching_timeout = 86400
# Use sudo to get priviledge access
become = True
# Ask for password
become_ask_pass = True
api_hostname =
# Whether or not using vault_cranspasswords
use_cpasswords = True
# Specify cache plugin for re2o API. By default, cache nothing
cache = jsonfile
Maxime Bombar
# Only used for memcached plugin
# List of connection information for the memcached DBs
# Default is ['']
# memcached_connection = ['']
# Time in second before the cache expired. 0 means never expire cache.
# Default is 24 hours.
timeout = 86400
# Default is 12 hours.
timeout_token = 43200