<p>{_("If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, choose the values that fit best for you and validate with the plus button at the end of the line.")}</p>
<p>{_('As poll administrator, you can change all the lines of this poll with this button')} <spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span><spanclass="sr-only">{_('Edit')}</span>,
{_(' remove a column or a line with')} <spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger"></span><spanclass="sr-only">{_('Remove')}</span>
{_('and add a new column with')} <spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-plus text-success"></span><spanclass="sr-only">{_('Add a column')}</span>.</p>
<p>{_('Finally, you can change the informations of this poll like the title, the comments or your email address.')}</p>
<p>{_("If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, choose the values that fit best for you and validate with the plus button at the end of the line.")}</p>