$this->mailService->send($creator_mail,'['.NOMAPPLICATION.']['.__('Mail','Message for the author').'] '.__('Generic','Poll').': '.$poll_name,$message_admin);
{__('Mail',"This is the message to forward to the poll participants.")}
{$poll_creator_name} {__('Mail', 'has just created a poll called')} {$poll_name}
{__('Mail', 'Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link')}:
{__('Mail',"This is the message to forward to the poll participants.")}<br/><br/>{$poll_creator_name} {__('Mail', 'has just created a poll called')} {$poll_name}<br/>{__('Mail', 'Thank you for participating in the poll at the following link')}:<br/><br/><ahref="{$poll_url}">{$poll_url}</a>