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  • v-lafeychine/prog-2
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Commits on Source (32)
with 295 additions and 151 deletions
Subproject commit 3bbb2f3adf420cb242b0d25e92871cf4c190dcb4
Subproject commit b3092f4e032092563f9f55129eddf7ca95b12a59
......@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ scalaVersion := "3.1.1"
nativeCompileOptions ++= Seq("-stdlib=libc++")
nativeMode := "debug"
nativeLTO := "none"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest-funsuite" % "3.2.11" % "test",
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-swing" % "3.0.0"
addSbtPlugin("com.timushev.sbt" % "sbt-updates" % "0.6.1")
addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "2.4.6")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.4.3")
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.4.4")
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ let
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lafeychine";
repo = "CSFML";
rev = "3bbb2f3adf420cb242b0d25e92871cf4c190dcb4";
sha256 = "sha256-3l6jjVpHXJ+dTs6qAHFc/dclaAIzZ1ze3beFqhNpuRI=";
rev = "b3092f4e032092563f9f55129eddf7ca95b12a59";
sha256 = "sha256-bEba6uU/qiL9AcomiablcdvECpp3SgYGcsIL8lyLU2I=";
llvmPackages = llvmPackages_13;
package Main
import SFML.Graphics.{Color, RenderWindow}
import SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow
import SFML.Window.{VideoMode, Window}
val FRAMERATE = 30
@main def main() =
val videoMode = VideoMode(1024, 768, 32)
val window = RenderWindow(videoMode, "Projet", Window.WindowStyle.DefaultStyle)
val game = Game(window, Scene.Battle.BattleScene)
while window.isOpen() do
window.clear(Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
Engine.GameEngine(PokemonGame(), window)
package Main
import Pokemon.*
import Scene.*
import SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow
import SFML.Window.{Event, Mouse}
class Game(window: RenderWindow, private var _currentScene: Scene):
var isTrainerTurn = true
val trainer = Trainer("", List(PokemonFactory("Bulbasaur"), PokemonFactory("Squirtle")), 0)
private var trainerPokemonIndex = 1
val trainerEnemy = Trainer("", List(PokemonFactory("Charmander")), 0)
private var trainerPokemonEnemyIndex = 1
var mouse = (0, 0)
var mouseButtonClicked = false
var queryScene: Option[Scene] = Some(_currentScene)
def currentScene: Scene = _currentScene
def fetchEvents() =
if !isTrainerTurn then
val pokemonTrainerEnemy = trainerEnemy.primaryPokemon.get
val capacity =
pokemonTrainerEnemy.capacity(scala.util.Random.between(0, pokemonTrainerEnemy.capacity.length))
pokemonTrainerEnemy.useCapacity(capacity, trainer.primaryPokemon.get)
this.isTrainerTurn = true
if !trainer.primaryPokemon.get.isAlive then
if trainerPokemonIndex == trainer.numberPokemon then
println("Tous tes Pokémons sont hors combat. Fin de partie.")
trainerPokemonIndex = trainerPokemonIndex + 1
if !trainerEnemy.primaryPokemon.get.isAlive then
if trainerPokemonEnemyIndex == trainerEnemy.numberPokemon then
println("Tous les Pokémons adverses sont hors combat. Fin de partie.")
trainerPokemonEnemyIndex = trainerPokemonEnemyIndex + 1
if queryScene.isDefined then
_currentScene.components = List()
_currentScene = queryScene.get
queryScene = None
mouseButtonClicked = false
for event <- window.pollEvent() do
event match
case Event.Closed() => window.close()
case Event.MouseMoved(x, y) => mouse = (x, y)
case Event.MouseButtonPressed(Mouse.Button.Left, _, _) => mouseButtonClicked = true
case _ => ()
package Main
import Engine.Game
import Scene.Battle.{Battle, BattleScene}
import Pokemon.{PokemonFactory, Trainer}
val trainer = Trainer("", List(PokemonFactory("Bulbasaur"), PokemonFactory("Squirtle")), 0)
val trainerEnemy = Trainer("", List(PokemonFactory("Charmander")), 0)
/** The instance of the Pokemon game.
class PokemonGame() extends Game(Battle(trainer, trainerEnemy).scene)
package Component
import SFML.Graphics.IntRect
import Component.*
trait Button(size_x: Int, size_y: Int) extends DrawableTexture:
var isHovering = false
def onMouseOver(game: Main.Game): Unit
def onMouseClick(game: Main.Game): Unit
def onMouseExit(game: Main.Game): Unit
def init(): Unit = ()
def update(game: Main.Game): Unit =
val oldHovering = isHovering
val rect = IntRect(pos._1.toInt, pos._2.toInt, size_x * scale, size_y * scale)
isHovering = rect.contains(game.mouse._1, game.mouse._2)
if !oldHovering && isHovering then onMouseOver(game)
if oldHovering && !isHovering then onMouseExit(game)
if isHovering && game.mouseButtonClicked then onMouseClick(game)
package Component
import SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow
trait Drawable():
var color = 255.toByte
var pos = (0.0f, 0.0f)
var scale = 1
def draw(window: RenderWindow): Unit
def init(): Unit
def update(game: Main.Game): Unit
package Component
import SFML.Graphics.{Color, Font, RenderWindow, Text}
import SFML.System.Vector2f
trait DrawableText(font: Font) extends Drawable:
var msg = ""
def draw(window: RenderWindow) =
val text = Text()
text.setColor(Color(color, color, color, 255.toByte))
text.setPosition(Vector2f(pos._1, pos._2))
// text.destroy()
package Component
import SFML.Graphics.{Color, IntRect, RenderWindow, Sprite, Texture}
import SFML.System.Vector2f
trait DrawableTexture(texture: Texture) extends Drawable:
var rect: Option[(Int, Int)] = None
def draw(window: RenderWindow) =
val sprite = Sprite(texture)
rect match
case None => ()
case Some(rect) => sprite.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, rect._1, rect._2))
sprite.setPosition(Vector2f(pos._1, pos._2))
sprite.setScale(Vector2f(scale, scale))
sprite.setColor(Color(color, color, color, 255.toByte))
package Engine
import Objects.Scene
/** Defines what an instance of a game must have.
trait Game(val primaryScene: Scene)
package Engine
import Components.{MonoBehaviour, MouseCollider, Renderer}
import Objects.Scene
import SFML.Graphics.{Color, RenderWindow}
import SFML.Window.{Event, Mouse}
/** Game Engine based on SFML library, based on [[ Unity]].
* @constructor
* Instantiate the engine with a `game` and initialized `window`.
* @param game
* Instance of a game.
* @param window
* Initialized `window`.
* @return
* Instantiating the engine will never return until the game window closes.
class GameEngine(game: Game, private val window: RenderWindow):
private var currentScene: Scene = game.primaryScene
while window.isOpen() do
window.clear(Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
/** Change the current scene to `scene`, from next frame.
* @param scene
* Scene to load.
def changeScene(scene: Scene): Unit =
currentScene = scene
private def pollEvent(): Unit =
for event <- window.pollEvent() do
event match
case Event.Closed() => window.close()
case event @ Event.MouseMoved(_, _) =>
currentScene.recursiveComponents[MouseCollider].foreach(_.handleMouseEvent(this, event))
case event @ Event.MouseButtonPressed(_, _, _) =>
currentScene.recursiveComponents[MouseCollider].foreach(_.handleMouseEvent(this, event))
case _ => ()
// var isTrainerTurn = true
// val trainer = Trainer("", List(PokemonFactory("Bulbasaur"), PokemonFactory("Squirtle")), 0)
// private var trainerPokemonIndex = 1
// val trainerEnemy = Trainer("", List(PokemonFactory("Charmander")), 0)
// private var trainerPokemonEnemyIndex = 1
// if !isTrainerTurn then
// val pokemonTrainerEnemy = trainerEnemy.primaryPokemon.get
// val capacity =
// pokemonTrainerEnemy.capacity(scala.util.Random.between(0, pokemonTrainerEnemy.capacity.length))
// pokemonTrainerEnemy.useCapacity(capacity, trainer.primaryPokemon.get)
// this.isTrainerTurn = true
// if !trainer.primaryPokemon.get.isAlive then
// if trainerPokemonIndex == trainer.numberPokemon then
// window.close()
// println("Tous tes Pokémons sont hors combat. Fin de partie.")
// scala.sys.exit()
// trainer.changePrimaryPokemon(trainerPokemonIndex)
// trainerPokemonIndex = trainerPokemonIndex + 1
// if !trainerEnemy.primaryPokemon.get.isAlive then
// if trainerPokemonEnemyIndex == trainerEnemy.numberPokemon then
// window.close()
// println("Tous les Pokémons adverses sont hors combat. Fin de partie.")
// scala.sys.exit()
// trainerEnemy.changePrimaryPokemon(trainerPokemonEnemyIndex)
// trainerPokemonEnemyIndex = trainerPokemonEnemyIndex + 1
package Engine
package Components
import Objects.GameObject
trait Component:
var gameObject: GameObject = null
var isActive: Boolean = true
def destroy(): Unit =
package Engine
package Components
trait MonoBehaviour extends Component:
private[Engine] var isInitialized: Boolean = false
private[Engine] def load(engine: GameEngine): Unit =
if !isInitialized then { init(engine); isInitialized = true }
def init(engine: GameEngine): Unit
def update(engine: GameEngine): Unit
package Engine
package Components
import SFML.Graphics.FloatRect
import SFML.Window.Mouse
import SFML.Window.Event.{MouseButtonPressed, MouseMoved}
trait MouseCollider(bounds: FloatRect) extends Component:
private var isHovering = false
def handleMouseEvent(engine: GameEngine, event: MouseMoved): Unit =
val MouseMoved(x, y) = event
if bounds.contains(x, y) then
if !isHovering then
isHovering = true
else if isHovering then
isHovering = false
def handleMouseEvent(engine: GameEngine, event: MouseButtonPressed): Unit =
event match
case MouseButtonPressed(Mouse.Button.Left, x, y) =>
if bounds.contains(x, y) then onMouseClick(engine)
case _ => ()
def onMouseEnter(engine: GameEngine): Unit
def onMouseClick(engine: GameEngine): Unit
def onMouseExit(engine: GameEngine): Unit
package Engine
package Components
import SFML.Graphics.{Color, FloatRect, IntRect, RenderWindow}
trait Renderer extends Ordered[Renderer], Component:
val bounds = FloatRect()
val color: Color
var layer: RendererLayer
def compare(rhs: Renderer) = layer.depth - rhs.layer.depth
def draw(window: RenderWindow): Unit
package Engine
package Components
class RendererLayer(val depth: Int)
package Engine
package Objects
import Components.{MouseCollider, RendererLayer}
import SFML.Graphics.{FloatRect, Texture}
class Button(texture: Texture, layer: RendererLayer) extends GameObject:
val sprite = addComponent[Sprite](texture, layer)
def bounds: FloatRect = sprite.bounds
private class ButtonUI(bounds: FloatRect) extends MouseCollider(bounds):
def onMouseEnter(engine: GameEngine) =
sprite.color.r = 200.toByte
sprite.color.g = 200.toByte
sprite.color.b = 200.toByte
def onMouseClick(engine: GameEngine) = ()
def onMouseExit(engine: GameEngine) =
sprite.color.r = 255.toByte
sprite.color.g = 255.toByte
sprite.color.b = 255.toByte
package Engine
package Objects
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.reflect.*
import Components.Component
import SFML.System.Vector2f
class GameObject private ():
private var _childs: ListBuffer[GameObject] = ListBuffer()
private var _components: ListBuffer[Component] = ListBuffer()
private var _parent: Option[GameObject] = None
private var _pos: Vector2f = Vector2f(0, 0)
private var _scale: Float = 1.0f
def this(pos: Vector2f = Vector2f(0, 0), scale: Float = 1.0f) =
_pos = pos
_scale = scale
def addChild[T <: GameObject](child: T): T =
child._parent = Some(this)
_childs += child
return child
private[Engine] def recursiveChilds: ListBuffer[GameObject] =
val recursiveChilds: ListBuffer[GameObject] = ListBuffer()
for child <- _childs do recursiveChilds ++= (child +: child.recursiveChilds)
return recursiveChilds
def moveTo(pos: Vector2f): this.type = { _pos = pos; this }
inline def translate(translation: Vector2f, frame: Int, callback: () => Unit = () => ()): Unit =
addComponent[Translation](translation, frame, callback)
def parent: GameObject = _parent.get
def pos: Vector2f = _parent match
case Some(parent) => _pos * scale + parent.pos
case None => _pos
def scale: Float = _parent match
case Some(parent) => _scale * parent.scale
case None => _scale
inline def addComponent[T <: Component](inline varargs: Any*): T =
${ GameObject.constructComponent[T]('this, 'varargs) }
def getComponents[T <: Component]()(using TypeTest[Component, T]): ListBuffer[T] =
return _components
.filter(_ match
case x: T => true
case _ => false
def removeComponent(component: Component): Unit =
_components -= component
object GameObject:
def constructComponent[T <: Component: Type](gameObject: Expr[GameObject], varargs: Expr[Seq[Any]])(using
): Expr[T] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val Varargs(args) = varargs
val argsTerm =
val componentASTConstructor =
Apply(Select(New(TypeTree.of[T]), TypeRepr.of[T].typeSymbol.primaryConstructor), argsTerm).asExprOf[T]
val component = $componentASTConstructor;
component.gameObject = $gameObject;
$gameObject._components += component;